Version 0.5.1 (July 12, 2023)

This is a patch release of v0.5, to address compatibility issues with newer versions of dependent packages, as well as adding enhancements to built-in operators.

What’s new

  • Starting with this release, support typeguard v3.0.0 and above

    • typeguard v3.0.0 introduced breaking changes in its API, causing failure in the App SDK v0.5 since it was implemented using earlier versions

    • work-around with pinning the typeguard version to v2 must be removed in the applications’ dependency requirements

  • Python 3.8 and above are now required

  • Enhancement to support running Jupyter Notebooks with Python 3.10

  • New NIfTI data loader operator

  • Enhancements to inference operator, DICOM Seg Writer operator, CLI Packager, and more, see details below

What’s fixed/updated

  • Update SDK to support typeguard v3.0 and above, #438 by MMelQin

  • Fixes Project-MONAI/monai-deploy-app-sdk: running Jupyter notebooks with Python 3.10, #436 by filipmu

  • Updated the MEDNIST tutorial notebooks by adding the dependencies of pydicom and highdicom, #435 by MMelQin

  • Added option for SimpleInferer for the monai_seg_inference_operator, #428 by vikashg

  • [Interim and obsoleted]Fix issue 410 where the latest typeguard version 3.x is incompatible, #411 by MMelQin

  • Enable AMD GPU [via the base image passed to the Packager], #406 by vickytsang

  • Expose option to omit empty frames, enhancement for the DICOM Seg Writer, #401 by CPBridge

  • Add london_aicentre_aide README, #398 by hshuaib90

  • Make the output DICOM SR instance part of the original study, enhancement, #394 by MMelQin

  • Update, #391 by dbericat

  • Fix runtime error for MAP of breast density classification app, #387 by MMelQin

  • ENH: Versions as strings, not numbers, so that 3.1 != 3.10, etc., #385 by Leengit

  • A breast density monai application package, #384 by vikashg

  • Enhance Packager to make the MAP more secure, easier to use, and based on new version of PyTorch image for newer CUDA versions, #381 by MMelQin

  • Fix app requirements to working version, #380 by aihsani

  • Enhanced code to extract and parse specific config files from TorchScript archive, #378 by MMelQin

  • Merge Nuance Updates, #377 by iain-henderson

  • Added a NIfTi data loader for issue #270, #361 by vikashg

Additional information

Please visit GETTING STARTED guide and follow the tutorials.

You can learn more about SDK usage through DEVELOPING WITH SDK.

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