Source code for monailabel.scribbles.infer

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from monai.transforms import Compose, EnsureChannelFirstd, LoadImaged, ScaleIntensityRanged, Spacingd

from monailabel.interfaces.tasks.infer_v2 import InferType
from monailabel.scribbles.transforms import (
from monailabel.tasks.infer.basic_infer import BasicInferTask
from import BoundingBoxd, Restored

[docs]class ScribblesLikelihoodInferTask(BasicInferTask): """ Defines a generic Scribbles Likelihood based segmentor infertask """ def __init__( self, dimension=3, description="A post processing step with likelihood + GraphCut for Generic segmentation", intensity_range=(-300, 200, 0.0, 1.0, True), pix_dim=(2.5, 2.5, 5.0), lamda=1.0, sigma=0.1, labels=None, config=None, ): if config: config.update({"lamda": lamda, "sigma": sigma}) else: config = {"lamda": lamda, "sigma": sigma} super().__init__( path=None, network=None, labels=labels, type=InferType.SCRIBBLES, dimension=dimension, description=description, config=config, ) self.intensity_range = intensity_range self.pix_dim = pix_dim self.lamda = lamda self.sigma = sigma # set default scribbles labels self.scribbles_bg_label = 2 if not self.labels else len(self.labels) + 1 self.scribbles_fg_label = 3 if not self.labels else len(self.labels) + 2
[docs] def pre_transforms(self, data): return [ LoadImaged(keys=["image", "label"]), EnsureChannelFirstd(keys=["image", "label"]), AddBackgroundScribblesFromROId( scribbles="label", scribbles_bg_label=self.scribbles_bg_label, scribbles_fg_label=self.scribbles_fg_label, ), Spacingd(keys=["image", "label"], pixdim=self.pix_dim, mode=["bilinear", "nearest"]), ScaleIntensityRanged( keys="image", a_min=self.intensity_range[0], a_max=self.intensity_range[1], b_min=self.intensity_range[2], b_max=self.intensity_range[3], clip=self.intensity_range[4], ), ]
[docs] def inferer(self, data): raise NotImplementedError("Inferer not implemented in ScribblesLikelihoodInferTask")
[docs] def post_transforms(self, data): return [ # unary term maker MakeISegUnaryd( image="image", logits="prob", scribbles="label", unary="unary", scribbles_bg_label=self.scribbles_bg_label, scribbles_fg_label=self.scribbles_fg_label, ), # optimiser ApplyGraphCutOptimisationd( unary="unary", pairwise="image", post_proc_label="pred", lamda=self.lamda, sigma=self.sigma, ), Restored(keys="pred", ref_image="image"), BoundingBoxd(keys="pred", result="result", bbox="bbox"), ]
[docs]class HistogramBasedGraphCut(ScribblesLikelihoodInferTask): """ Defines histogram-based GraphCut task for Generic segmentation from the following paper: Wang, Guotai, et al. "Interactive medical image segmentation using deep learning with image-specific fine tuning." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37.7 (2018): 1562-1573. (preprint: This task takes as input 1) original image volume and 2) scribbles from user indicating foreground and background regions. A likelihood volume is generated using histogram method. User-scribbles are incorporated using Equation 7 on page 4 of the paper. numpymaxflow's GraphCut layer is used to optimise Equation 5 from the paper, where unaries come from Equation 7 and pairwise is the original input volume. """ def __init__( self, dimension=3, description="A post processing step with histogram-based GraphCut for Generic segmentation", intensity_range=(-300, 200, 0.0, 1.0, True), pix_dim=(2.5, 2.5, 5.0), lamda=1.0, sigma=0.1, num_bins=64, labels=None, config=None, ): if config: config.update({"num_bins": num_bins}) else: config = {"num_bins": num_bins} super().__init__( dimension=dimension, description=description, intensity_range=intensity_range, pix_dim=pix_dim, lamda=lamda, sigma=sigma, labels=labels, config=config, ) self.num_bins = num_bins
[docs] def inferer(self, data): return Compose( [ MakeLikelihoodFromScribblesHistogramd( image="image", scribbles="label", post_proc_label="prob", scribbles_bg_label=self.scribbles_bg_label, scribbles_fg_label=self.scribbles_fg_label, num_bins=self.num_bins, normalise=True, ), ] )
[docs]class GMMBasedGraphCut(ScribblesLikelihoodInferTask): """ Defines Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based task for Generic segmentation from the following papers: Rother, Carsten, Vladimir Kolmogorov, and Andrew Blake. "" GrabCut" interactive foreground extraction using iterated graph cuts." ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 23.3 (2004): 309-314. Wang, Guotai, et al. "Interactive medical image segmentation using deep learning with image-specific fine tuning." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37.7 (2018): 1562-1573. (preprint: This task takes as input 1) original image volume and 2) scribbles from user indicating foreground and background regions. A likelihood volume is generated using GMM method. User-scribbles are incorporated using Equation 7 on page 4 from Guotai et al. numpymaxflow's GraphCut layer is used to optimise Equation 5 from Guotai et al., where unaries come from Equation 7 and pairwise is the original input volume. """ def __init__( self, dimension=3, description="A post processing step with GMM-based GraphCut for Generic segmentation", intensity_range=(-300, 200, 0.0, 1.0, True), pix_dim=(2.5, 2.5, 5.0), lamda=1.0, sigma=0.1, num_mixtures=20, labels=None, config=None, ): if config: config.update({"num_mixtures": num_mixtures}) else: config = {"num_mixtures": num_mixtures} super().__init__( dimension=dimension, description=description, intensity_range=intensity_range, pix_dim=pix_dim, lamda=lamda, sigma=sigma, labels=labels, config=config, ) self.num_mixtures = num_mixtures
[docs] def inferer(self, data): return Compose( [ MakeLikelihoodFromScribblesGMMd( image="image", scribbles="label", post_proc_label="prob", scribbles_bg_label=self.scribbles_bg_label, scribbles_fg_label=self.scribbles_fg_label, num_mixtures=self.num_mixtures, normalise=False, ), ] )