# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import cgi
import http.client
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import ssl
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import quote_plus, unquote, urlencode, urlparse
import requests
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def bytes_to_str(b):
return b.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(b, bytes) else b
[docs]class MONAILabelClient:
Basic MONAILabel Client to invoke infer/train APIs over http/https
[docs] def __init__(self, server_url, tmpdir=None, client_id=None):
:param server_url: Server URL for MONAILabel (e.g.
:param tmpdir: Temp directory to save temporary files. If None then it uses tempfile.tempdir
:param client_id: Client ID that will be added for all basic requests
self._server_url = server_url.rstrip("/").strip()
self._tmpdir = tmpdir if tmpdir else tempfile.tempdir if tempfile.tempdir else "/tmp"
self._client_id = client_id
self._headers = {}
def _update_client_id(self, params):
if params:
params["client_id"] = self._client_id
params = {"client_id": self._client_id}
return params
[docs] def update_auth(self, token):
if token:
self._headers["Authorization"] = f"{token['token_type']} {token['access_token']}"
[docs] def get_server_url(self):
Return server url
:return: the url for monailabel server
return self._server_url
[docs] def set_server_url(self, server_url):
Set url for monailabel server
:param server_url: server url for monailabel
self._server_url = server_url.rstrip("/").strip()
[docs] def auth_enabled(self) -> bool:
Check if Auth is enabled
selector = "/auth/"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector)
if status != 200:
return False
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logger.debug(f"Response: {response}")
enabled = json.loads(response).get("enabled", False)
return True if enabled else False
[docs] def auth_token(self, username, password):
Fetch Auth Token. Currently only basic authentication is supported.
:param username: UserName for basic authentication
:param password: Password for basic authentication
selector = "/auth/token"
data = urlencode({"username": username, "password": password, "grant_type": "password"})
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"POST", self._server_url, selector, data, None, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logger.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def auth_valid_token(self) -> bool:
selector = "/auth/token/valid"
status, _, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers)
return True if status == 200 else False
[docs] def info(self):
Invoke /info/ request over MONAILabel Server
:return: json response
selector = "/info/"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers)
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def next_sample(self, strategy, params):
Get Next sample
:param strategy: Name of strategy to be used for fetching next sample
:param params: Additional JSON params as part of strategy request
:return: json response which contains information about next image selected for annotation
params = self._update_client_id(params)
selector = f"/activelearning/{MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(strategy)}"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"POST", self._server_url, selector, params, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def create_session(self, image_in, params=None):
Create New Session
:param image_in: filepath for image to be sent to server as part of session creation
:param params: additional JSON params as part of session reqeust
:return: json response which contains session id and other details
selector = "/session/"
params = self._update_client_id(params)
status, response, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_upload(
"PUT", self._server_url, selector, params, [image_in], headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def get_session(self, session_id):
Get Session
:param session_id: Session Id
:return: json response which contains more details about the session
selector = f"/session/{MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(session_id)}"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers)
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def remove_session(self, session_id):
Remove any existing Session
:param session_id: Session Id
:return: json response
selector = f"/session/{MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(session_id)}"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"DELETE", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def upload_image(self, image_in, image_id=None, params=None):
Upload New Image to MONAILabel Datastore
:param image_in: Image File Path
:param image_id: Force Image ID; If not provided then Server it auto generate new Image ID
:param params: Additional JSON params
:return: json response which contains image id and other details
selector = f"/datastore/?image={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(image_id)}"
files = {"file": image_in}
params = self._update_client_id(params)
fields = {"params": json.dumps(params) if params else "{}"}
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_multipart(
"PUT", self._server_url, selector, fields, files, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}",
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def save_label(self, image_id, label_in, tag="", params=None):
Save/Submit Label
:param image_id: Image Id for which label needs to saved/submitted
:param label_in: Label File path which shall be saved/submitted
:param tag: Save label against tag in datastore
:param params: Additional JSON params for the request
:return: json response
selector = f"/datastore/label?image={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(image_id)}"
if tag:
selector += f"&tag={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(tag)}"
params = self._update_client_id(params)
fields = {
"params": json.dumps(params),
files = {"label": label_in}
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_multipart(
"PUT", self._server_url, selector, fields, files, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}",
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def datastore(self):
selector = "/datastore/?output=all"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers)
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def download_label(self, label_id, tag):
selector = "/datastore/label?label={}&tag={}".format(
MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(label_id), MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(tag)
status, response, _, headers = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
MONAILabelError.SERVER_ERROR, f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}", status, response
content_disposition = headers.get("content-disposition")
if not content_disposition:
logging.warning("Filename not found. Fall back to no loaded labels")
file_name = MONAILabelUtils.get_filename(content_disposition)
file_ext = "".join(Path(file_name).suffixes)
local_filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self._tmpdir, suffix=file_ext).name
with open(local_filename, "wb") as f:
return local_filename
[docs] def infer(self, model, image_id, params, label_in=None, file=None, session_id=None):
Run Infer
:param model: Name of Model
:param image_id: Image Id
:param params: Additional configs/json params as part of Infer request
:param label_in: File path for label mask which is needed to run Inference (e.g. In case of Scribbles)
:param file: File path for Image (use raw image instead of image_id)
:param session_id: Session ID (use existing session id instead of image_id)
:return: response_file (label mask), response_body (json result/output params)
selector = "/infer/{}?image={}".format(
if session_id:
selector += f"&session_id={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(session_id)}"
params = self._update_client_id(params)
fields = {"params": json.dumps(params) if params else "{}"}
files = {"label": label_in} if label_in else {}
files.update({"file": file} if file and not session_id else {})
logger.info(f"Files: {files}")
status, form, files, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_multipart(
"POST", self._server_url, selector, fields, files, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(form)}",
form = json.loads(form) if isinstance(form, str) else form
params = form.get("params") if files else form
params = json.loads(params) if isinstance(params, str) else params
image_out = MONAILabelUtils.save_result(files, self._tmpdir)
return image_out, params
[docs] def wsi_infer(self, model, image_id, body=None, output="dsa", session_id=None):
Run WSI Infer in case of Pathology App
:param model: Name of Model
:param image_id: Image Id
:param body: Additional configs/json params as part of Infer request
:param output: Output File format (dsa|asap|json)
:param session_id: Session ID (use existing session id instead of image_id)
:return: response_file (None), response_body
selector = "/infer/wsi/{}?image={}".format(
if session_id:
selector += f"&session_id={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(session_id)}"
if output:
selector += f"&output={MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(output)}"
body = self._update_client_id(body if body else {})
status, form, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("POST", self._server_url, selector, body)
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(form)}",
return None, form
[docs] def train_start(self, model, params):
Run Train Task
:param model: Name of Model
:param params: Additional configs/json params as part of Train request
:return: json response
params = self._update_client_id(params)
selector = "/train/"
if model:
selector += MONAILabelUtils.urllib_quote_plus(model)
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"POST", self._server_url, selector, params, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}",
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def train_stop(self):
Stop any running Train Task(s)
:return: json response
selector = "/train/"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method(
"DELETE", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}",
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs] def train_status(self, check_if_running=False):
Check Train Task Status
:param check_if_running: Fast mode. Only check if training is Running
:return: boolean if check_if_running is enabled; else json response that contains of full details
selector = "/train/"
if check_if_running:
selector += "?check_if_running=true"
status, response, _, _ = MONAILabelUtils.http_method("GET", self._server_url, selector, headers=self._headers)
if check_if_running:
return status == 200
if status != 200:
raise MONAILabelClientException(
f"Status: {status}; Response: {bytes_to_str(response)}",
response = bytes_to_str(response)
logging.debug(f"Response: {response}")
return json.loads(response)
[docs]class MONAILabelError:
Type of Inference Model
SERVER_ERROR - Server Error
SESSION_EXPIRED - Session Expired
UNKNOWN - Unknown Error
[docs]class MONAILabelClientException(Exception):
MONAILabel Client Exception
__slots__ = ["error", "msg"]
[docs] def __init__(self, error, msg, status_code=None, response=None):
:param error: Error code represented by MONAILabelError
:param msg: Error message
:param status_code: HTTP Response code
:param response: HTTP Response
self.error = error
self.msg = msg
self.status_code = status_code
self.response = response
[docs]class MONAILabelUtils:
[docs] @staticmethod
def http_method(method, server_url, selector, body=None, headers=None, content_type=None):
logging.debug(f"{method} {server_url}{selector}")
parsed = urlparse(server_url)
path = parsed.path.rstrip("/")
selector = path + "/" + selector.lstrip("/")
logging.debug(f"URI Path: {selector}")
parsed = urlparse(server_url)
if parsed.scheme == "https":
logger.debug("Using HTTPS mode")
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(parsed.hostname, parsed.port, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(parsed.hostname, parsed.port)
headers = headers if headers else {}
if body:
if not content_type:
if isinstance(body, dict):
body = json.dumps(body)
content_type = "application/json"
content_type = "text/plain"
headers.update({"content-type": content_type, "content-length": str(len(body))})
conn.request(method, selector, body=body, headers=headers)
return MONAILabelUtils.send_response(conn)
[docs] @staticmethod
def http_upload(method, server_url, selector, fields, files, headers=None):
logging.debug(f"{method} {server_url}{selector}")
url = server_url.rstrip("/") + "/" + selector.lstrip("/")
logging.debug(f"URL: {url}")
files = [("files", (os.path.basename(f), open(f, "rb"))) for f in files]
headers = headers if headers else {}
response = (
requests.post(url, files=files, headers=headers)
if method == "POST"
else requests.put(url, files=files, data=fields, headers=headers)
return response.status_code, response.text, None
[docs] @staticmethod
def http_multipart(method, server_url, selector, fields, files, headers={}):
logging.debug(f"{method} {server_url}{selector}")
content_type, body = MONAILabelUtils.encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files)
headers = headers if headers else {}
headers.update({"content-type": content_type, "content-length": str(len(body))})
parsed = urlparse(server_url)
path = parsed.path.rstrip("/")
selector = path + "/" + selector.lstrip("/")
logging.debug(f"URI Path: {selector}")
if parsed.scheme == "https":
logger.debug("Using HTTPS mode")
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(parsed.hostname, parsed.port, context=ssl._create_unverified_context())
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(parsed.hostname, parsed.port)
conn.request(method, selector, body, headers)
return MONAILabelUtils.send_response(conn, content_type)
[docs] @staticmethod
def send_response(conn, content_type="application/json"):
response = conn.getresponse()
logging.debug(f"HTTP Response Code: {response.status}")
logging.debug(f"HTTP Response Message: {response.reason}")
logging.debug(f"HTTP Response Headers: {response.getheaders()}")
response_content_type = response.getheader("content-type", content_type)
logging.debug(f"HTTP Response Content-Type: {response_content_type}")
if "multipart" in response_content_type:
if response.status == 200:
form, files = MONAILabelUtils.parse_multipart(response.fp if response.fp else response, response.msg)
logging.debug(f"Response FORM: {form}")
logging.debug(f"Response FILES: {files.keys()}")
return response.status, form, files, response.headers
return response.status, response.read(), None, response.headers
logging.debug("Reading status/content from simple response!")
return response.status, response.read(), None, response.headers
[docs] @staticmethod
def save_result(files, tmpdir):
if not files:
return None
for name in files:
data = files[name]
result_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, name)
logging.debug(f"Saving {name} to {result_file}; Size: {len(data)}")
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(result_file))
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
with open(result_file, "wb") as f:
if isinstance(data, bytes):
# Currently only one file per response supported
return result_file
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_content_type(filename):
return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
[docs] @staticmethod
def parse_multipart(fp, headers):
fs = cgi.FieldStorage(
environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "POST"},
form = {}
files = {}
if hasattr(fs, "list") and isinstance(fs.list, list):
for f in fs.list:
logger.debug(f"FILE-NAME: {f.filename}; NAME: {f.name}; SIZE: {len(f.value)}")
if f.filename:
files[f.filename] = f.value
form[f.name] = f.value
return form, files
[docs] @staticmethod
def urllib_quote_plus(s):
return quote_plus(s)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_filename(content_disposition):
file_name = re.findall(r"filename\*=([^;]+)", content_disposition, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if not file_name:
file_name = re.findall('filename="(.+)"', content_disposition, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
if "utf-8''" in file_name[0].lower():
file_name = re.sub("utf-8''", "", file_name[0], flags=re.IGNORECASE)
file_name = unquote(file_name)
file_name = file_name[0]
return file_name