Source code for monailabel.deepedit.transforms

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import logging
from typing import Dict, Hashable, Mapping, Optional

import numpy as np
from monai.config import KeysCollection
from monai.transforms.transform import MapTransform, Randomizable, Transform

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from monai.utils import optional_import

distance_transform_cdt, _ = optional_import("scipy.ndimage.morphology", name="distance_transform_cdt")

[docs]class DiscardAddGuidanced(MapTransform):
[docs] def __init__( self, keys: KeysCollection, number_intensity_ch: int = 1, probability: float = 1.0, allow_missing_keys: bool = False, ): """ Discard positive and negative points according to discard probability :param keys: The ``keys`` parameter will be used to get and set the actual data item to transform :param number_intensity_ch: number of intensity channels :param probability: probability of discarding clicks """ super().__init__(keys, allow_missing_keys) self.number_intensity_ch = number_intensity_ch self.discard_probability = probability
def _apply(self, image): if self.discard_probability >= 1.0 or np.random.choice( [True, False], p=[self.discard_probability, 1 - self.discard_probability] ): signal = np.zeros((1, image.shape[-3], image.shape[-2], image.shape[-1]), dtype=np.float32) if image.shape[0] == self.number_intensity_ch + 2: image[self.number_intensity_ch] = signal image[self.number_intensity_ch + 1] = signal else: image = np.concatenate((image, signal, signal), axis=0) return image def __call__(self, data: Mapping[Hashable, np.ndarray]) -> Dict[Hashable, np.ndarray]: d: Dict = dict(data) for key in self.key_iterator(d): if key == "image": d[key] = self._apply(d[key]) else: print("This transform only applies to the image") return d
[docs]class ResizeGuidanceCustomd(Transform): """ Resize the guidance based on cropped vs resized image. """ def __init__( self, guidance: str, ref_image: str, ) -> None: self.guidance = guidance self.ref_image = ref_image def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) current_shape = d[self.ref_image].shape[1:] factor = np.divide(current_shape, d["image_meta_dict"]["dim"][1:4]) pos_clicks, neg_clicks = d["foreground"], d["background"] pos = np.multiply(pos_clicks, factor).astype(int).tolist() if len(pos_clicks) else [] neg = np.multiply(neg_clicks, factor).astype(int).tolist() if len(neg_clicks) else [] d[self.guidance] = [pos, neg] return d
[docs]class AddRandomGuidanced(Randomizable, Transform): """ Add random guidance based on discrepancies that were found between label and prediction. Args: guidance: key to guidance source, shape (2, N, # of dim) discrepancy: key to discrepancy map between label and prediction shape (2, C, H, W, D) or (2, C, H, W) probability: key to click/interaction probability, shape (1) weight_map: optional key to predetermined weight map used to increase click likelihood in higher weight areas shape (C, H, W, D) or (C, H, W) """ def __init__( self, guidance: str = "guidance", discrepancy: str = "discrepancy", weight_map: Optional[str] = None, probability: str = "probability", ): self.guidance = guidance self.discrepancy = discrepancy self.weight_map = weight_map self.probability = probability self._will_interact = None self.is_pos = False self.is_neg = False
[docs] def randomize(self, data=None): probability = data[self.probability] self._will_interact = self.R.choice([True, False], p=[probability, 1.0 - probability])
[docs] def find_guidance(self, discrepancy, weight_map): distance = distance_transform_cdt(discrepancy) weighted_distance = (distance * weight_map).flatten() if weight_map is not None else distance.flatten() probability = np.exp(weighted_distance) - 1.0 idx = np.where(discrepancy.flatten() > 0)[0] if np.sum(discrepancy > 0) > 0: seed = self.R.choice(idx, size=1, p=probability[idx] / np.sum(probability[idx])) dst = weighted_distance[seed] g = np.asarray(np.unravel_index(seed, discrepancy.shape)).transpose().tolist()[0] g[0] = dst[0] return g return None
[docs] def add_guidance(self, discrepancy, weight_map, will_interact): if not will_interact: return None, None pos_discr = discrepancy[0] neg_discr = discrepancy[1] can_be_positive = np.sum(pos_discr) > 0 can_be_negative = np.sum(neg_discr) > 0 correct_pos = np.sum(pos_discr) >= np.sum(neg_discr) if correct_pos and can_be_positive: return self.find_guidance(pos_discr, weight_map), None if not correct_pos and can_be_negative: return None, self.find_guidance(neg_discr, weight_map) return None, None
def _apply(self, guidance, discrepancy, weight_map): guidance = guidance.tolist() if isinstance(guidance, np.ndarray) else guidance guidance = json.loads(guidance) if isinstance(guidance, str) else guidance pos, neg = self.add_guidance(discrepancy, weight_map, self._will_interact) if pos: guidance[0].append(pos) guidance[1].append([-1] * len(pos)) self.is_pos = True if neg: guidance[0].append([-1] * len(neg)) guidance[1].append(neg) self.is_neg = True return json.dumps(np.asarray(guidance).astype(int).tolist()) def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) guidance = d[self.guidance] discrepancy = d[self.discrepancy] weight_map = d[self.weight_map] if self.weight_map is not None else None self.randomize(data) d[self.guidance] = self._apply(guidance, discrepancy, weight_map) d["is_pos"] = self.is_pos d["is_neg"] = self.is_neg self.is_pos = False self.is_neg = False return d
[docs]class PosNegClickProbAddRandomGuidanced(Randomizable, Transform): """ Add random guidance based on discrepancies that were found between label and prediction. Args: guidance: key to guidance source, shape (2, N, # of dim) discrepancy: key to discrepancy map between label and prediction shape (2, C, H, W, D) or (2, C, H, W) probability: key to click/interaction probability, shape (1) pos_click_probability: if click, probability of a positive click (probability of negative click will be 1 - pos_click_probability) weight_map: optional key to predetermined weight map used to increase click likelihood in higher weight areas shape (C, H, W, D) or (C, H, W) """ def __init__( self, guidance: str = "guidance", discrepancy: str = "discrepancy", probability: str = "probability", pos_click_probability: float = 0.5, weight_map: Optional[str] = None, ): self.guidance = guidance self.discrepancy = discrepancy self.probability = probability self.pos_click_probability = pos_click_probability self.weight_map = weight_map self._will_interact = None self.is_pos = False self.is_neg = False
[docs] def randomize(self, data=None): probability = data[self.probability] self._will_interact = self.R.choice([True, False], p=[probability, 1.0 - probability])
[docs] def find_guidance(self, discrepancy, weight_map): distance = distance_transform_cdt(discrepancy) weighted_distance = (distance * weight_map).flatten() if weight_map is not None else distance.flatten() probability = np.exp(weighted_distance) - 1.0 idx = np.where(discrepancy.flatten() > 0)[0] if np.sum(discrepancy > 0) > 0: seed = self.R.choice(idx, size=1, p=probability[idx] / np.sum(probability[idx])) dst = weighted_distance[seed] g = np.asarray(np.unravel_index(seed, discrepancy.shape)).transpose().tolist()[0] g[0] = dst[0] return g return None
[docs] def add_guidance(self, discrepancy, weight_map, will_interact): if not will_interact: return None, None pos_discr = discrepancy[0] neg_discr = discrepancy[1] can_be_positive = np.sum(pos_discr) > 0 can_be_negative = np.sum(neg_discr) > 0 pos_prob = self.pos_click_probability neg_prob = 1 - pos_prob correct_pos = self.R.choice([True, False], p=[pos_prob, neg_prob]) if can_be_positive and not can_be_negative: return self.find_guidance(pos_discr, weight_map), None if not can_be_positive and can_be_negative: return None, self.find_guidance(neg_discr, weight_map) if correct_pos and can_be_positive: return self.find_guidance(pos_discr, weight_map), None if not correct_pos and can_be_negative: return None, self.find_guidance(neg_discr, weight_map) return None, None
def _apply(self, guidance, discrepancy, weight_map): guidance = guidance.tolist() if isinstance(guidance, np.ndarray) else guidance guidance = json.loads(guidance) if isinstance(guidance, str) else guidance pos, neg = self.add_guidance(discrepancy, weight_map, self._will_interact) if pos: guidance[0].append(pos) guidance[1].append([-1] * len(pos)) self.is_pos = True if neg: guidance[0].append([-1] * len(neg)) guidance[1].append(neg) self.is_neg = True return json.dumps(np.asarray(guidance).astype(int).tolist()) def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) guidance = d[self.guidance] discrepancy = d[self.discrepancy] weight_map = d[self.weight_map] if self.weight_map is not None else None self.randomize(data) d[self.guidance] = self._apply(guidance, discrepancy, weight_map) d["is_pos"] = self.is_pos d["is_neg"] = self.is_neg self.is_pos = False self.is_neg = False return d
# A transform to get single modality and single label
[docs]class SingleLabelSingleModalityd(MapTransform): """ Gets single modality and single label """ def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) for key in self.keys: if key == "label": meta_data = d["label_meta_dict"] if d[key].max() > 1: f"Label {meta_data['filename_or_obj'].split('/')[-1]} has more than one mask - " f"taking SINGLE mask ..." ) result = [] # label bigger than 0 is foreground result.append(d[key] > 0) # label 0 is background result.append(d[key] == 0) d[key] = np.stack(result, axis=0).astype(np.float32) d[key] = d[key][0, ...] meta_data["pixdim"][4] = 0.0 meta_data["dim"][0] = 3 meta_data["dim"][4] = 1 if key == "image": meta_data = d["image_meta_dict"] if meta_data["pixdim"][4] > 0: f"Image {meta_data['filename_or_obj'].split('/')[-1]} has more than one modality " f"- taking FIRST modality ..." ) d[key] = d[key][..., 0] meta_data["pixdim"][4] = 0.0 meta_data["dim"][0] = 3 meta_data["dim"][4] = 1 return d