Source code for monai.losses.hausdorff_loss

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# Hausdorff loss implementation based on paper:

# Repo:

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Callable

import torch
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss

from monai.networks import one_hot
from monai.transforms.utils import distance_transform_edt
from monai.utils import LossReduction

[docs] class HausdorffDTLoss(_Loss): """ Compute channel-wise binary Hausdorff loss based on distance transform. It can support both multi-classes and multi-labels tasks. The data `input` (BNHW[D] where N is number of classes) is compared with ground truth `target` (BNHW[D]). Note that axis N of `input` is expected to be logits or probabilities for each class, if passing logits as input, must set `sigmoid=True` or `softmax=True`, or specifying `other_act`. And the same axis of `target` can be 1 or N (one-hot format). The original paper: Karimi, D. et. al. (2019) Reducing the Hausdorff Distance in Medical Image Segmentation with Convolutional Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on medical imaging, 39(2), 499-513 """
[docs] def __init__( self, alpha: float = 2.0, include_background: bool = False, to_onehot_y: bool = False, sigmoid: bool = False, softmax: bool = False, other_act: Callable | None = None, reduction: LossReduction | str = LossReduction.MEAN, batch: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Args: include_background: if False, channel index 0 (background category) is excluded from the calculation. if the non-background segmentations are small compared to the total image size they can get overwhelmed by the signal from the background so excluding it in such cases helps convergence. to_onehot_y: whether to convert the ``target`` into the one-hot format, using the number of classes inferred from `input` (``input.shape[1]``). Defaults to False. sigmoid: if True, apply a sigmoid function to the prediction. softmax: if True, apply a softmax function to the prediction. other_act: callable function to execute other activation layers, Defaults to ``None``. for example: ``other_act = torch.tanh``. reduction: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``} Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Defaults to ``"mean"``. - ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied. - ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output. - ``"sum"``: the output will be summed. batch: whether to sum the intersection and union areas over the batch dimension before the dividing. Defaults to False, a loss value is computed independently from each item in the batch before any `reduction`. Raises: TypeError: When ``other_act`` is not an ``Optional[Callable]``. ValueError: When more than 1 of [``sigmoid=True``, ``softmax=True``, ``other_act is not None``]. Incompatible values. """ super(HausdorffDTLoss, self).__init__(reduction=LossReduction(reduction).value) if other_act is not None and not callable(other_act): raise TypeError(f"other_act must be None or callable but is {type(other_act).__name__}.") if int(sigmoid) + int(softmax) > 1: raise ValueError("Incompatible values: more than 1 of [sigmoid=True, softmax=True, other_act is not None].") self.alpha = alpha self.include_background = include_background self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y self.sigmoid = sigmoid self.softmax = softmax self.other_act = other_act self.batch = batch
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def distance_field(self, img: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Generate distance transform. Args: img (np.ndarray): input mask as NCHWD or NCHW. Returns: np.ndarray: Distance field. """ field = torch.zeros_like(img) for batch_idx in range(len(img)): fg_mask = img[batch_idx] > 0.5 # For cases where the mask is entirely background or entirely foreground # the distance transform is not well defined for all 1s, # which always would happen on either foreground or background, so skip if fg_mask.any() and not fg_mask.all(): fg_dist: torch.Tensor = distance_transform_edt(fg_mask) # type: ignore bg_mask = ~fg_mask bg_dist: torch.Tensor = distance_transform_edt(bg_mask) # type: ignore field[batch_idx] = fg_dist + bg_dist return field
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: input: the shape should be BNHW[D], where N is the number of classes. target: the shape should be BNHW[D] or B1HW[D], where N is the number of classes. Raises: ValueError: If the input is not 2D (NCHW) or 3D (NCHWD). AssertionError: When input and target (after one hot transform if set) have different shapes. ValueError: When ``self.reduction`` is not one of ["mean", "sum", "none"]. Example: >>> import torch >>> from monai.losses.hausdorff_loss import HausdorffDTLoss >>> from monai.networks.utils import one_hot >>> B, C, H, W = 7, 5, 3, 2 >>> input = torch.rand(B, C, H, W) >>> target_idx = torch.randint(low=0, high=C - 1, size=(B, H, W)).long() >>> target = one_hot(target_idx[:, None, ...], num_classes=C) >>> self = HausdorffDTLoss(reduction='none') >>> loss = self(input, target) >>> assert np.broadcast_shapes(loss.shape, input.shape) == input.shape """ if input.dim() != 4 and input.dim() != 5: raise ValueError("Only 2D (NCHW) and 3D (NCHWD) supported") if self.sigmoid: input = torch.sigmoid(input) n_pred_ch = input.shape[1] if self.softmax: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `softmax=True` ignored.") else: input = torch.softmax(input, 1) if self.other_act is not None: input = self.other_act(input) if self.to_onehot_y: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `to_onehot_y=True` ignored.") else: target = one_hot(target, num_classes=n_pred_ch) if not self.include_background: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `include_background=False` ignored.") else: # If skipping background, removing first channel target = target[:, 1:] input = input[:, 1:] if target.shape != input.shape: raise AssertionError(f"ground truth has different shape ({target.shape}) from input ({input.shape})") device = input.device all_f = [] for i in range(input.shape[1]): ch_input = input[:, [i]] ch_target = target[:, [i]] pred_dt = self.distance_field(ch_input.detach()).float() target_dt = self.distance_field(ch_target.detach()).float() pred_error = (ch_input - ch_target) ** 2 distance = pred_dt**self.alpha + target_dt**self.alpha running_f = pred_error * reduce_axis: list[int] = torch.arange(2, len(input.shape)).tolist() if self.batch: # reducing spatial dimensions and batch reduce_axis = [0] + reduce_axis all_f.append(running_f.mean(dim=reduce_axis, keepdim=True)) f =, dim=1) if self.reduction == LossReduction.MEAN.value: f = torch.mean(f) # the batch and channel average elif self.reduction == LossReduction.SUM.value: f = torch.sum(f) # sum over the batch and channel dims elif self.reduction == LossReduction.NONE.value: # If we are not computing voxelwise loss components at least make sure a none reduction maintains a # broadcastable shape broadcast_shape = list(f.shape[0:2]) + [1] * (len(ch_input.shape) - 2) f = f.view(broadcast_shape) else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction: {self.reduction}, available options are ["mean", "sum", "none"].') return f
class LogHausdorffDTLoss(HausdorffDTLoss): """ Compute the logarithm of the Hausdorff Distance Transform Loss. This class computes the logarithm of the Hausdorff Distance Transform Loss, which is based on the distance transform. The logarithm is computed to potentially stabilize and scale the loss values, especially when the original loss values are very small. The formula for the loss is given by: log_loss = log(HausdorffDTLoss + 1) Inherits from the HausdorffDTLoss class to utilize its distance transform computation. """ def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute the logarithm of the Hausdorff Distance Transform Loss. Args: input (torch.Tensor): The shape should be BNHW[D], where N is the number of classes. target (torch.Tensor): The shape should be BNHW[D] or B1HW[D], where N is the number of classes. Returns: torch.Tensor: The computed Log Hausdorff Distance Transform Loss for the given input and target. Raises: Any exceptions raised by the parent class HausdorffDTLoss. """ log_loss: torch.Tensor = torch.log(super().forward(input, target) + 1) return log_loss