Source code for monai.visualize.img2tensorboard

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.transforms import rescale_array
from monai.utils import optional_import

PIL, _ = optional_import("PIL")
GifImage, _ = optional_import("PIL.GifImagePlugin", name="Image")

    from tensorboard.compat.proto.summary_pb2 import Summary
    from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
    Summary, _ = optional_import("tensorboard.compat.proto.summary_pb2", name="Summary")
    SummaryWriter, _ = optional_import("torch.utils.tensorboard", name="SummaryWriter")

def _image3_animated_gif(tag: str, image: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], scale_factor: float = 1.0) -> Summary:
    """Function to actually create the animated gif.

        tag: Data identifier
        image: 3D image tensors expected to be in `HWD` format
        scale_factor: amount to multiply values by. if the image data is between 0 and 1, using 255 for this value will
            scale it to displayable range
    assert len(image.shape) == 3, "3D image tensors expected to be in `HWD` format, len(image.shape) != 3"

    ims = [(np.asarray((image[:, :, i])) * scale_factor).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(image.shape[2])]
    ims = [GifImage.fromarray(im) for im in ims]
    img_str = b""
    for b_data in PIL.GifImagePlugin.getheader(ims[0])[0]:
        img_str += b_data
    img_str += b"\x21\xFF\x0B\x4E\x45\x54\x53\x43\x41\x50" b"\x45\x32\x2E\x30\x03\x01\x00\x00\x00"
    for i in ims:
        for b_data in PIL.GifImagePlugin.getdata(i):
            img_str += b_data
    img_str += b"\x3B"
    summary_image_str = Summary.Image(height=10, width=10, colorspace=1, encoded_image_string=img_str)
    image_summary = Summary.Value(tag=tag, image=summary_image_str)
    return Summary(value=[image_summary])

[docs]def make_animated_gif_summary( tag: str, image: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], max_out: int = 3, animation_axes: Sequence[int] = (3,), image_axes: Sequence[int] = (1, 2), other_indices: Optional[Dict] = None, scale_factor: float = 1.0, ) -> Summary: """Creates an animated gif out of an image tensor in 'CHWD' format and returns Summary. Args: tag: Data identifier image: The image, expected to be in CHWD format max_out: maximum number of slices to animate through animation_axes: axis to animate on (not currently used) image_axes: axes of image (not currently used) other_indices: (not currently used) scale_factor: amount to multiply values by. if the image data is between 0 and 1, using 255 for this value will scale it to displayable range """ if max_out == 1: suffix = "/image" else: suffix = "/image/{}" if other_indices is None: other_indices = {} axis_order = [0] + list(animation_axes) + list(image_axes) slicing = [] for i in range(len(image.shape)): if i in axis_order: slicing.append(slice(None)) else: other_ind = other_indices.get(i, 0) slicing.append(slice(other_ind, other_ind + 1)) image = image[tuple(slicing)] for it_i in range(min(max_out, list(image.shape)[0])): one_channel_img: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] = ( image[it_i, :, :, :].squeeze(dim=0) if torch.is_tensor(image) else image[it_i, :, :, :] ) summary_op = _image3_animated_gif(tag + suffix.format(it_i), one_channel_img, scale_factor) return summary_op
[docs]def add_animated_gif( writer: SummaryWriter, tag: str, image_tensor: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], max_out: int, scale_factor: float, global_step: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Creates an animated gif out of an image tensor in 'CHWD' format and writes it with SummaryWriter. Args: writer: Tensorboard SummaryWriter to write to tag: Data identifier image_tensor: tensor for the image to add, expected to be in CHWD format max_out: maximum number of slices to animate through scale_factor: amount to multiply values by. If the image data is between 0 and 1, using 255 for this value will scale it to displayable range global_step: Global step value to record """ writer._get_file_writer().add_summary( make_animated_gif_summary( tag, image_tensor, max_out=max_out, animation_axes=[1], image_axes=[2, 3], scale_factor=scale_factor ), global_step, )
[docs]def add_animated_gif_no_channels( writer: SummaryWriter, tag: str, image_tensor: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], max_out: int, scale_factor: float, global_step: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Creates an animated gif out of an image tensor in 'HWD' format that does not have a channel dimension and writes it with SummaryWriter. This is similar to the "add_animated_gif" after inserting a channel dimension of 1. Args: writer: Tensorboard SummaryWriter to write to tag: Data identifier image_tensor: tensor for the image to add, expected to be in CHWD format max_out: maximum number of slices to animate through scale_factor: amount to multiply values by. If the image data is between 0 and 1, using 255 for this value will scale it to displayable range global_step: Global step value to record """ writer._get_file_writer().add_summary( make_animated_gif_summary( tag, image_tensor, max_out=max_out, animation_axes=[1], image_axes=[1, 2], scale_factor=scale_factor ), global_step, )
[docs]def plot_2d_or_3d_image( data: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], step: int, writer: SummaryWriter, index: int = 0, max_channels: int = 1, max_frames: int = 64, tag: str = "output", ) -> None: """Plot 2D or 3D image on the TensorBoard, 3D image will be converted to GIF image. Note: Plot 3D or 2D image(with more than 3 channels) as separate images. Args: data: target data to be plotted as image on the TensorBoard. The data is expected to have 'NCHW[D]' dimensions, and only plot the first in the batch. step: current step to plot in a chart. writer: specify TensorBoard SummaryWriter to plot the image. index: plot which element in the input data batch, default is the first element. max_channels: number of channels to plot. max_frames: number of frames for 2D-t plot. tag: tag of the plotted image on TensorBoard. """ d = data[index].detach().cpu().numpy() if torch.is_tensor(data) else data[index] if d.ndim == 2: d = rescale_array(d, 0, 1) dataformats = "HW" writer.add_image(f"{tag}_{dataformats}", d, step, dataformats=dataformats) return if d.ndim == 3: if d.shape[0] == 3 and max_channels == 3: # RGB dataformats = "CHW" writer.add_image(f"{tag}_{dataformats}", d, step, dataformats=dataformats) return for j, d2 in enumerate(d[:max_channels]): d2 = rescale_array(d2, 0, 1) dataformats = "HW" writer.add_image(f"{tag}_{dataformats}_{j}", d2, step, dataformats=dataformats) return if d.ndim >= 4: spatial = d.shape[-3:] for j, d3 in enumerate(d.reshape([-1] + list(spatial))[:max_channels]): d3 = rescale_array(d3, 0, 255) add_animated_gif(writer, f"{tag}_HWD_{j}", d3[None], max_frames, 1.0, step) return