Source code for monai.losses.dice

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss

from monai.networks import one_hot
from monai.utils import LossReduction, Weight

[docs]class DiceLoss(_Loss): """ Compute average Dice loss between two tensors. It can support both multi-classes and multi-labels tasks. Input logits `input` (BNHW[D] where N is number of classes) is compared with ground truth `target` (BNHW[D]). Axis N of `input` is expected to have logit predictions for each class rather than being image channels, while the same axis of `target` can be 1 or N (one-hot format). The `smooth` parameter is a value added to the intersection and union components of the inter-over-union calculation to smooth results and prevent divide by 0, this value should be small. The `include_background` class attribute can be set to False for an instance of DiceLoss to exclude the first category (channel index 0) which is by convention assumed to be background. If the non-background segmentations are small compared to the total image size they can get overwhelmed by the signal from the background so excluding it in such cases helps convergence. Milletari, F. et. al. (2016) V-Net: Fully Convolutional Neural Networks forVolumetric Medical Image Segmentation, 3DV, 2016. """ def __init__( self, include_background: bool = True, to_onehot_y: bool = False, sigmoid: bool = False, softmax: bool = False, other_act: Optional[Callable] = None, squared_pred: bool = False, jaccard: bool = False, reduction: Union[LossReduction, str] = LossReduction.MEAN, ) -> None: """ Args: include_background: if False channel index 0 (background category) is excluded from the calculation. to_onehot_y: whether to convert `y` into the one-hot format. Defaults to False. sigmoid: if True, apply a sigmoid function to the prediction. softmax: if True, apply a softmax function to the prediction. other_act: if don't want to use `sigmoid` or `softmax`, use other callable function to execute other activation layers, Defaults to ``None``. for example: `other_act = torch.tanh`. squared_pred: use squared versions of targets and predictions in the denominator or not. jaccard: compute Jaccard Index (soft IoU) instead of dice or not. reduction: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``} Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Defaults to ``"mean"``. - ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied. - ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output. - ``"sum"``: the output will be summed. Raises: TypeError: When ``other_act`` is not an ``Optional[Callable]``. ValueError: When more than 1 of [``sigmoid=True``, ``softmax=True``, ``other_act is not None``]. Incompatible values. """ super().__init__(reduction=LossReduction(reduction).value) if other_act is not None and not callable(other_act): raise TypeError(f"other_act must be None or callable but is {type(other_act).__name__}.") if int(sigmoid) + int(softmax) + int(other_act is not None) > 1: raise ValueError("Incompatible values: more than 1 of [sigmoid=True, softmax=True, other_act is not None].") self.include_background = include_background self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y self.sigmoid = sigmoid self.softmax = softmax self.other_act = other_act self.squared_pred = squared_pred self.jaccard = jaccard
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, smooth: float = 1e-5) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: input: the shape should be BNH[WD]. target: the shape should be BNH[WD]. smooth: a small constant to avoid nan. Raises: ValueError: When ``self.reduction`` is not one of ["mean", "sum", "none"]. """ if self.sigmoid: input = torch.sigmoid(input) n_pred_ch = input.shape[1] if self.softmax: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `softmax=True` ignored.") else: input = torch.softmax(input, 1) if self.other_act is not None: input = self.other_act(input) if self.to_onehot_y: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `to_onehot_y=True` ignored.") else: target = one_hot(target, num_classes=n_pred_ch) if not self.include_background: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `include_background=False` ignored.") else: # if skipping background, removing first channel target = target[:, 1:] input = input[:, 1:] assert ( target.shape == input.shape ), f"ground truth has differing shape ({target.shape}) from input ({input.shape})" # reducing only spatial dimensions (not batch nor channels) reduce_axis = list(range(2, len(input.shape))) intersection = torch.sum(target * input, dim=reduce_axis) if self.squared_pred: target = torch.pow(target, 2) input = torch.pow(input, 2) ground_o = torch.sum(target, dim=reduce_axis) pred_o = torch.sum(input, dim=reduce_axis) denominator = ground_o + pred_o if self.jaccard: denominator = 2.0 * (denominator - intersection) f: torch.Tensor = 1.0 - (2.0 * intersection + smooth) / (denominator + smooth) if self.reduction == LossReduction.MEAN.value: f = torch.mean(f) # the batch and channel average elif self.reduction == LossReduction.SUM.value: f = torch.sum(f) # sum over the batch and channel dims elif self.reduction == LossReduction.NONE.value: pass # returns [N, n_classes] losses else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction: {self.reduction}, available options are ["mean", "sum", "none"].') return f
[docs]class MaskedDiceLoss(DiceLoss): """ Add an additional `masking` process before `DiceLoss`, accept a binary mask ([0, 1]) indicating a region, `input` and `target` will be masked by the region: region with mask `1` will keep the original value, region with `0` mask will be converted to `0`. Then feed `input` and `target` to normal `DiceLoss` computation. This has the effect of ensuring only the masked region contributes to the loss computation and hence gradient calculation. """
[docs] def forward( self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, smooth: float = 1e-5, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: input: the shape should be BNH[WD]. target: the shape should be BNH[WD]. smooth: a small constant to avoid nan. mask: the shape should B1H[WD] or 11H[WD]. """ if mask is not None: # checking if mask is of proper shape assert input.dim() == mask.dim(), f"dim of input ({input.shape}) is different from mask ({mask.shape})" assert ( input.shape[0] == mask.shape[0] or mask.shape[0] == 1 ), f" batch size of mask ({mask.shape}) must be 1 or equal to input ({input.shape})" if target.dim() > 1: assert mask.shape[1] == 1, f"mask ({mask.shape}) must have only 1 channel" assert ( input.shape[2:] == mask.shape[2:] ), f"spatial size of input ({input.shape}) is different from mask ({mask.shape})" input = input * mask target = target * mask else: warnings.warn("no mask value specified for the MaskedDiceLoss.") return super().forward(input=input, target=target, smooth=smooth)
[docs]class GeneralizedDiceLoss(_Loss): """ Compute the generalised Dice loss defined in: Sudre, C. et. al. (2017) Generalised Dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations. DLMIA 2017. Adapted from: """ def __init__( self, include_background: bool = True, to_onehot_y: bool = False, sigmoid: bool = False, softmax: bool = False, other_act: Optional[Callable] = None, w_type: Union[Weight, str] = Weight.SQUARE, reduction: Union[LossReduction, str] = LossReduction.MEAN, ) -> None: """ Args: include_background: If False channel index 0 (background category) is excluded from the calculation. to_onehot_y: whether to convert `y` into the one-hot format. Defaults to False. sigmoid: If True, apply a sigmoid function to the prediction. softmax: If True, apply a softmax function to the prediction. other_act: if don't want to use `sigmoid` or `softmax`, use other callable function to execute other activation layers, Defaults to ``None``. for example: `other_act = torch.tanh`. squared_pred: use squared versions of targets and predictions in the denominator or not. w_type: {``"square"``, ``"simple"``, ``"uniform"``} Type of function to transform ground truth volume to a weight factor. Defaults to ``"square"``. reduction: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``} Specifies the reduction to apply to the output. Defaults to ``"mean"``. - ``"none"``: no reduction will be applied. - ``"mean"``: the sum of the output will be divided by the number of elements in the output. - ``"sum"``: the output will be summed. Raises: TypeError: When ``other_act`` is not an ``Optional[Callable]``. ValueError: When more than 1 of [``sigmoid=True``, ``softmax=True``, ``other_act is not None``]. Incompatible values. """ super().__init__(reduction=LossReduction(reduction).value) if other_act is not None and not callable(other_act): raise TypeError(f"other_act must be None or callable but is {type(other_act).__name__}.") if int(sigmoid) + int(softmax) + int(other_act is not None) > 1: raise ValueError("Incompatible values: more than 1 of [sigmoid=True, softmax=True, other_act is not None].") self.include_background = include_background self.to_onehot_y = to_onehot_y self.sigmoid = sigmoid self.softmax = softmax self.other_act = other_act w_type = Weight(w_type) self.w_func: Callable = torch.ones_like if w_type == Weight.SIMPLE: self.w_func = torch.reciprocal elif w_type == Weight.SQUARE: self.w_func = lambda x: torch.reciprocal(x * x)
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, smooth: float = 1e-5) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: input: the shape should be BNH[WD]. target: the shape should be BNH[WD]. smooth: a small constant to avoid nan. Raises: ValueError: When ``self.reduction`` is not one of ["mean", "sum", "none"]. """ if self.sigmoid: input = torch.sigmoid(input) n_pred_ch = input.shape[1] if self.softmax: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `softmax=True` ignored.") else: input = torch.softmax(input, 1) if self.other_act is not None: input = self.other_act(input) if self.to_onehot_y: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `to_onehot_y=True` ignored.") else: target = one_hot(target, num_classes=n_pred_ch) if not self.include_background: if n_pred_ch == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `include_background=False` ignored.") else: # if skipping background, removing first channel target = target[:, 1:] input = input[:, 1:] assert ( target.shape == input.shape ), f"ground truth has differing shape ({target.shape}) from input ({input.shape})" # reducing only spatial dimensions (not batch nor channels) reduce_axis = list(range(2, len(input.shape))) intersection = torch.sum(target * input, reduce_axis) ground_o = torch.sum(target, reduce_axis) pred_o = torch.sum(input, reduce_axis) denominator = ground_o + pred_o w = self.w_func(ground_o.float()) for b in w: infs = torch.isinf(b) b[infs] = 0.0 b[infs] = torch.max(b) f: torch.Tensor = 1.0 - (2.0 * (intersection * w).sum(1) + smooth) / ((denominator * w).sum(1) + smooth) if self.reduction == LossReduction.MEAN.value: f = torch.mean(f) # the batch and channel average elif self.reduction == LossReduction.SUM.value: f = torch.sum(f) # sum over the batch and channel dims elif self.reduction == LossReduction.NONE.value: pass # returns [N, n_classes] losses else: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported reduction: {self.reduction}, available options are ["mean", "sum", "none"].') return f
class GeneralizedWassersteinDiceLoss(_Loss): """ Generalized Wasserstein Dice Loss [1] in PyTorch. Compared to [1] we used a weighting method similar to the one used in the generalized Dice Loss [2]. References: =========== [1] "Generalised Wasserstein Dice Score for Imbalanced Multi-class Segmentation using Holistic Convolutional Networks", Fidon L. et al. MICCAI BrainLes 2017. [2] "Generalised dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations", Sudre C., et al. MICCAI DLMIA 2017. wasserstein_distance_map: Compute the voxel-wise Wasserstein distance (eq. 6 in [1]) between the flattened prediction and the flattened labels (ground_truth) with respect to the distance matrix on the label space M. References: [1] "Generalised Wasserstein Dice Score for Imbalanced Multi-class Segmentation using Holistic Convolutional Networks", Fidon L. et al. MICCAI BrainLes 2017 compute_weights_generalized_true_positives: Compute the weights \alpha_l of eq. 9 in [1] but using the weighting method proposed in the generalized Dice Loss [2]. References: [1] "Generalised Wasserstein Dice Score for Imbalanced Multi-class Segmentation using Holistic Convolutional Networks", Fidon L. et al. MICCAI BrainLes 2017 [2] "Generalised dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations." Sudre C., et al. MICCAI DLMIA 2017. """ def __init__( self, dist_matrix: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], reduction: Union[LossReduction, str] = LossReduction.MEAN ) -> None: """ Args: dist_matrix: 2d tensor or 2d numpy array; matrix of distances between the classes. It must have dimension C x C where C is the number of classes. reduction: str; reduction mode. Raises: ValueError: When ``dist_matrix`` is not a square matrix. """ super(GeneralizedWassersteinDiceLoss, self).__init__(reduction=LossReduction(reduction).value) if dist_matrix.shape[0] != dist_matrix.shape[1]: raise ValueError(f"dist_matrix must be C x C, got {dist_matrix.shape[0]} x {dist_matrix.shape[1]}.") self.m = dist_matrix if isinstance(self.m, np.ndarray): self.m = torch.from_numpy(self.m) if torch.max(self.m) != 1: self.m = self.m / torch.max(self.m) self.num_classes = self.m.size(0) def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, smooth: float = 1e-5) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: input: the shape should be BNH[WD]. target: the shape should be BNH[WD]. smooth: a small constant to avoid nan. """ # Aggregate spatial dimensions flat_input = input.view(input.size(0), input.size(1), -1) flat_target = target.view(target.size(0), -1).long() # Apply the softmax to the input scores map probs = F.softmax(flat_input, dim=1) # Compute the Wasserstein distance map wass_dist_map = self.wasserstein_distance_map(probs, flat_target) # Compute the generalised number of true positives alpha = self.compute_weights_generalized_true_positives(flat_target) true_pos = self.compute_generalized_true_positive(alpha, flat_target, wass_dist_map) denom = self.compute_denominator(alpha, flat_target, wass_dist_map) # Compute and return the final loss wass_dice: torch.Tensor = (2.0 * true_pos + smooth) / (denom + smooth) wass_dice_loss: torch.Tensor = 1.0 - wass_dice return wass_dice_loss.mean() def wasserstein_distance_map(self, flat_proba: torch.Tensor, flat_target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: flat_proba: the probabilities of input(predicted) tensor. flat_target: the target tensor. """ # Turn the distance matrix to a map of identical matrix m = torch.clone(self.m).to(flat_proba.device) m_extended = torch.unsqueeze(m, dim=0) m_extended = torch.unsqueeze(m_extended, dim=3) m_extended = m_extended.expand((flat_proba.size(0), m_extended.size(1), m_extended.size(2), flat_proba.size(2))) # Expand the feature dimensions of the target flat_target_extended = torch.unsqueeze(flat_target, dim=1) flat_target_extended = flat_target_extended.expand( (flat_target.size(0), m_extended.size(1), flat_target.size(1)) ) flat_target_extended = torch.unsqueeze(flat_target_extended, dim=1) # Extract the vector of class distances for the ground-truth label at each voxel m_extended = torch.gather(m_extended, dim=1, index=flat_target_extended) m_extended = torch.squeeze(m_extended, dim=1) # Compute the wasserstein distance map wasserstein_map = m_extended * flat_proba # Sum over the classes wasserstein_map = torch.sum(wasserstein_map, dim=1) return wasserstein_map def compute_generalized_true_positive( self, alpha: torch.Tensor, flat_target: torch.Tensor, wasserstein_distance_map: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: alpha: generalised number of true positives of target class. flat_target: the target tensor. wasserstein_distance_map: the map obtained from the above function. """ # Extend alpha to a map and select value at each voxel according to flat_target alpha_extended = torch.unsqueeze(alpha, dim=2) alpha_extended = alpha_extended.expand((flat_target.size(0), self.num_classes, flat_target.size(1))) flat_target_extended = torch.unsqueeze(flat_target, dim=1) alpha_extended = torch.gather(alpha_extended, index=flat_target_extended, dim=1) # Compute the generalized true positive as in eq. 9 generalized_true_pos = torch.sum( alpha_extended * (1.0 - wasserstein_distance_map), dim=[1, 2], ) return generalized_true_pos def compute_denominator( self, alpha: torch.Tensor, flat_target: torch.Tensor, wasserstein_distance_map: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: alpha: generalised number of true positives of target class. flat_target: the target tensor. wasserstein_distance_map: the map obtained from the above function. """ # Extend alpha to a map and select value at each voxel according to flat_target alpha_extended = torch.unsqueeze(alpha, dim=2) alpha_extended = alpha_extended.expand((flat_target.size(0), self.num_classes, flat_target.size(1))) flat_target_extended = torch.unsqueeze(flat_target, dim=1) alpha_extended = torch.gather(alpha_extended, index=flat_target_extended, dim=1) # Compute the generalized true positive as in eq. 9 generalized_true_pos = torch.sum( alpha_extended * (2.0 - wasserstein_distance_map), dim=[1, 2], ) return generalized_true_pos def compute_weights_generalized_true_positives(self, flat_target: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: flat_target: the target tensor. """ one_hot = F.one_hot(flat_target, num_classes=self.num_classes).permute(0, 2, 1).float() volumes = torch.sum(one_hot, dim=2) alpha: torch.Tensor = 1.0 / (volumes + 1.0) return alpha dice = Dice = DiceLoss generalized_dice = GeneralizedDiceLoss generalized_wasserstein_dice = GeneralizedWassersteinDiceLoss