Source code for

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

from monai.transforms.utils import rescale_array

__all__ = ["create_test_image_2d", "create_test_image_3d"]

[docs]def create_test_image_2d( width: int, height: int, num_objs: int = 12, rad_max: int = 30, noise_max: float = 0.0, num_seg_classes: int = 5, channel_dim: Optional[int] = None, random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Return a noisy 2D image with `num_objs` circles and a 2D mask image. The maximum radius of the circles is given as `rad_max`. The mask will have `num_seg_classes` number of classes for segmentations labeled sequentially from 1, plus a background class represented as 0. If `noise_max` is greater than 0 then noise will be added to the image taken from the uniform distribution on range `[0,noise_max)`. If `channel_dim` is None, will create an image without channel dimension, otherwise create an image with channel dimension as first dim or last dim. Args: width: width of the image. height: height of the image. num_objs: number of circles to generate. Defaults to `12`. rad_max: maximum circle radius. Defaults to `30`. noise_max: if greater than 0 then noise will be added to the image taken from the uniform distribution on range `[0,noise_max)`. Defaults to `0`. num_seg_classes: number of classes for segmentations. Defaults to `5`. channel_dim: if None, create an image without channel dimension, otherwise create an image with channel dimension as first dim or last dim. Defaults to `None`. random_state: the random generator to use. Defaults to `np.random`. """ image = np.zeros((width, height)) rs = np.random if random_state is None else random_state for _ in range(num_objs): x = rs.randint(rad_max, width - rad_max) y = rs.randint(rad_max, height - rad_max) rad = rs.randint(5, rad_max) spy, spx = np.ogrid[-x : width - x, -y : height - y] circle = (spx * spx + spy * spy) <= rad * rad if num_seg_classes > 1: image[circle] = np.ceil(rs.random() * num_seg_classes) else: image[circle] = rs.random() * 0.5 + 0.5 labels = np.ceil(image).astype(np.int32) norm = rs.uniform(0, num_seg_classes * noise_max, size=image.shape) noisyimage = rescale_array(np.maximum(image, norm)) if channel_dim is not None: assert isinstance(channel_dim, int) and channel_dim in (-1, 0, 2), "invalid channel dim." if channel_dim == 0: noisyimage = noisyimage[None] labels = labels[None] else: noisyimage = noisyimage[..., None] labels = labels[..., None] return noisyimage, labels
[docs]def create_test_image_3d( height: int, width: int, depth: int, num_objs: int = 12, rad_max: int = 30, noise_max: float = 0.0, num_seg_classes: int = 5, channel_dim: Optional[int] = None, random_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Return a noisy 3D image and segmentation. Args: height: height of the image. width: width of the image. depth: depth of the image. num_objs: number of circles to generate. Defaults to `12`. rad_max: maximum circle radius. Defaults to `30`. noise_max: if greater than 0 then noise will be added to the image taken from the uniform distribution on range `[0,noise_max)`. Defaults to `0`. num_seg_classes: number of classes for segmentations. Defaults to `5`. channel_dim: if None, create an image without channel dimension, otherwise create an image with channel dimension as first dim or last dim. Defaults to `None`. random_state: the random generator to use. Defaults to `np.random`. See also: :py:meth:`~create_test_image_2d` """ image = np.zeros((width, height, depth)) rs = np.random if random_state is None else random_state for _ in range(num_objs): x = rs.randint(rad_max, width - rad_max) y = rs.randint(rad_max, height - rad_max) z = rs.randint(rad_max, depth - rad_max) rad = rs.randint(5, rad_max) spy, spx, spz = np.ogrid[-x : width - x, -y : height - y, -z : depth - z] circle = (spx * spx + spy * spy + spz * spz) <= rad * rad if num_seg_classes > 1: image[circle] = np.ceil(rs.random() * num_seg_classes) else: image[circle] = rs.random() * 0.5 + 0.5 labels = np.ceil(image).astype(np.int32) norm = rs.uniform(0, num_seg_classes * noise_max, size=image.shape) noisyimage = rescale_array(np.maximum(image, norm)) if channel_dim is not None: assert isinstance(channel_dim, int) and channel_dim in (-1, 0, 3), "invalid channel dim." noisyimage, labels = ( (noisyimage[None], labels[None]) if channel_dim == 0 else (noisyimage[..., None], labels[..., None]) ) return noisyimage, labels