
Generic Interfaces


class, transform=None)[source]

A generic dataset with a length property and an optional callable data transform when fetching a data sample. For example, typical input data can be a list of dictionaries:

[{                            {                            {
     'img': 'image1.nii.gz',      'img': 'image2.nii.gz',      'img': 'image3.nii.gz',
     'seg': 'label1.nii.gz',      'seg': 'label2.nii.gz',      'seg': 'label3.nii.gz',
     'extra': 123                 'extra': 456                 'extra': 789
 },                           },                           }]
  • data (Iterable) – input data to load and transform to generate dataset for model.

  • transform (Optional[Callable]) – a callable data transform on input data.


class, transform=None, cache_dir=None)[source]

Persistent storage of pre-computed values to efficiently manage larger than memory dictionary format data, it can operate transforms for specific fields. Results from the non-random transform components are computed when first used, and stored in the cache_dir for rapid retrieval on subsequent uses.

For example, typical input data can be a list of dictionaries:

[{                            {                            {
     'img': 'image1.nii.gz',      'img': 'image2.nii.gz',      'img': 'image3.nii.gz',
     'seg': 'label1.nii.gz',      'seg': 'label2.nii.gz',      'seg': 'label3.nii.gz',
     'extra': 123                 'extra': 456                 'extra': 789
 },                           },                           }]

For a composite transform like

[ LoadNiftid(keys=['image', 'label']),
  Orientationd(keys=['image', 'label'], axcodes='RAS'),
  ScaleIntensityRanged(keys=['image'], a_min=-57, a_max=164, b_min=0.0, b_max=1.0, clip=True),
  RandCropByPosNegLabeld(keys=['image', 'label'], label_key='label', spatial_size=(96, 96, 96),
                         pos=1, neg=1, num_samples=4, image_key='image', image_threshold=0),
  ToTensord(keys=['image', 'label'])]

Upon first use a filename based dataset will be processed by the transform for the [LoadNiftid, Orientationd, ScaleIntensityRanged] and the resulting tensor written to the cache_dir before applying the remaining random dependant transforms [RandCropByPosNegLabeld, ToTensord] elements for use in the analysis.

Subsequent uses of a dataset directly read pre-processed results from cache_dir followed by applying the random dependant parts of transform processing.

  • data (Iterable) – input data to load and transform to generate dataset for model.

  • transform (Optional[Callable]) – transforms to execute operations on input data.

  • cache_dir (Path or str or None) – If specified, this is the location for persistent storage of pre-computed transformed data tensors. The cache_dir is computed once, and persists on disk until explicitly removed. Different runs, programs, experiments may share a common cache dir provided that the transforms pre-processing is consistent.


class, transform, cache_num=9223372036854775807, cache_rate=1.0, num_workers=0)[source]

Dataset with cache mechanism that can load data and cache deterministic transforms’ result during training.

By caching the results of non-random preprocessing transforms, it accelerates the training data pipeline. If the requested data is not in the cache, all transforms will run normally (see also

Users can set the cache rate or number of items to cache. It is recommended to experiment with different cache_num or cache_rate to identify the best training speed.

To improve the caching efficiency, please always put as many as possible non-random transforms before the randomized ones when composing the chain of transforms.

For example, if the transform is a Compose of:

transforms = Compose([

when transforms is used in a multi-epoch training pipeline, before the first training epoch, this dataset will cache the results up to ScaleIntensityRanged, as all non-random transforms LoadNiftid, AddChanneld, Spacingd, Orientationd, ScaleIntensityRanged can be cached. During training, the dataset will load the cached results and run RandCropByPosNegLabeld and ToTensord, as RandCropByPosNegLabeld is a randomized transform and the outcome not cached.

  • data (Iterable) – input data to load and transform to generate dataset for model.

  • transform (Callable) – transforms to execute operations on input data.

  • cache_num (int) – number of items to be cached. Default is sys.maxsize. will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length).

  • cache_rate (float) – percentage of cached data in total, default is 1.0 (cache all). will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length).

  • num_workers (int) – the number of worker threads to use. If 0 a single thread will be used. Default is 0.


class, transform=None)[source]

Zip several PyTorch datasets and output data(with the same index) together in a tuple. If the output of single dataset is already a tuple, flatten it and extend to the result. For example: if datasetA returns (img, imgmeta), datasetB returns (seg, segmeta), finally return (img, imgmeta, seg, segmeta). And if the datasets don’t have same length, use the minimum length of them as the length of ZipDataset.


>>> zip_data = ZipDataset([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]])
>>> print(len(zip_data))
>>> for item in zip_data:
>>>    print(item)
[1, 4]
[2, 5]
  • datasets (list or tuple) – list of datasets to zip together.

  • transform (Optional[Callable]) – a callable data transform operates on the zipped item from datasets.


class, img_transform=None, seg=None, seg_transform=None, labels=None, label_transform=None)[source]

Dataset for segmentation and classification tasks based on array format input data and transforms. It ensures the same random seeds in the randomized transforms defined for image, segmentation and label. The transform can be monai.transforms.Compose or any other callable object. For example: If train based on Nifti format images without metadata, all transforms can be composed:

img_transform = Compose(
ArrayDataset(img_file_list, img_transform=img_transform)

If training based on images and the metadata, the array transforms can not be composed because several transforms receives multiple parameters or return multiple values. Then Users need to define their own callable method to parse metadata from LoadNifti or set affine matrix to Spacing transform:

class TestCompose(Compose):
    def __call__(self, input_):
        img, metadata = self.transforms[0](input_)
        img = self.transforms[1](img)
        img, _, _ = self.transforms[2](img, metadata["affine"])
        return self.transforms[3](img), metadata
img_transform = TestCompose(
        Spacing(pixdim=(1.5, 1.5, 3.0)),
ArrayDataset(img_file_list, img_transform=img_transform)


>>> ds = ArrayDataset([1, 2, 3, 4], lambda x: x + 0.1)
>>> print(ds[0])

>>> ds = ArrayDataset(img=[1, 2, 3, 4], seg=[5, 6, 7, 8])
>>> print(ds[0])
[1, 5]

Initializes the dataset with the filename lists. The transform img_transform is applied to the images and seg_transform to the segmentations.

  • img (Sequence) – sequence of images.

  • img_transform (Optional[Callable]) – transform to apply to each element in img.

  • seg (Sequence, optional) – sequence of segmentations.

  • seg_transform (Optional[Callable]) – transform to apply to each element in seg.

  • labels (Sequence, optional) – sequence of labels.

  • label_transform (Optional[Callable]) – transform to apply to each element in labels.


Within this method, self.R should be used, instead of np.random, to introduce random factors.

all self.R calls happen here so that we have a better chance to identify errors of sync the random state.

This method can optionally take additional arguments so that the random factors are generated based on properties of the input data.


NotImplementedError – Subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement the compute method

Patch-based dataset


class, patch_size, start_pos=(), mode=<NumpyPadMode.WRAP: 'wrap'>, **pad_opts)[source]

Yields patches from arrays read from an input dataset. The patches are chosen in a contiguous grid sampling scheme.

Initializes this dataset in terms of the input dataset and patch size. The patch_size is the size of the patch to sample from the input arrays. It is assumed the arrays first dimension is the channel dimension which will be yielded in its entirety so this should not be specified in patch_size. For example, for an input 3D array with 1 channel of size (1, 20, 20, 20) a regular grid sampling of eight patches (1, 10, 10, 10) would be specified by a patch_size of (10, 10, 10).

  • dataset (Dataset) – the dataset to read array data from

  • patch_size (tuple of int or None) – size of patches to generate slices for, 0/None selects whole dimension

  • start_pos (tuple of it, optional) – starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension

  • mode (Union[NumpyPadMode, str]) – {"constant", "edge", "linear_ramp", "maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap", "empty"} One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to "wrap". See also:

  • pad_opts (dict, optional) – padding options, see numpy.pad

Nifti format handling


class, seg_files=None, labels=None, as_closest_canonical=False, transform=None, seg_transform=None, image_only=True, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>)[source]

Loads image/segmentation pairs of Nifti files from the given filename lists. Transformations can be specified for the image and segmentation arrays separately.

Initializes the dataset with the image and segmentation filename lists. The transform transform is applied to the images and seg_transform to the segmentations.

  • image_files (list of str) – list of image filenames

  • seg_files (list of str) – if in segmentation task, list of segmentation filenames

  • labels (list or array) – if in classification task, list of classification labels

  • as_closest_canonical (bool) – if True, load the image as closest to canonical orientation

  • transform (Optional[Callable]) – transform to apply to image arrays

  • seg_transform (Optional[Callable]) – transform to apply to segmentation arrays

  • image_only (bool) – if True return only the image volume, other return image volume and header dict

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – if not None convert the loaded image to this data type


ValueError – Must have same number of image and segmentation files


Within this method, self.R should be used, instead of np.random, to introduce random factors.

all self.R calls happen here so that we have a better chance to identify errors of sync the random state.

This method can optionally take additional arguments so that the random factors are generated based on properties of the input data.


NotImplementedError – Subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement the compute method

Return type


Writing Nifti

class'./', output_postfix='seg', output_ext='.nii.gz', resample=True, mode=<GridSampleMode.BILINEAR: 'bilinear'>, padding_mode=<GridSamplePadMode.BORDER: 'border'>, dtype=None)[source]

Save the data as NIfTI file, it can support single data content or a batch of data. Typically, the data can be segmentation predictions, call save for single data or call save_batch to save a batch of data together. If no meta data provided, use index from 0 as the filename prefix.

  • output_dir (str) – output image directory.

  • output_postfix (str) – a string appended to all output file names.

  • output_ext (str) – output file extension name.

  • resample (bool) – whether to resample before saving the data array.

  • mode (Union[GridSampleMode, str]) – {"bilinear", "nearest"} This option is used when resample = True. Interpolation mode to calculate output values. Defaults to "bilinear". See also:

  • padding_mode (Union[GridSamplePadMode, str]) – {"zeros", "border", "reflection"} This option is used when resample = True. Padding mode for outside grid values. Defaults to "border". See also:

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – convert the image data to save to this data type. If None, keep the original type of data.

save(data, meta_data=None)[source]

Save data into a Nifti file. The meta_data could optionally have the following keys:

  • 'filename_or_obj' – for output file name creation, corresponding to filename or object.

  • 'original_affine' – for data orientation handling, defaulting to an identity matrix.

  • 'affine' – for data output affine, defaulting to an identity matrix.

  • 'spatial_shape' – for data output shape.

When meta_data is specified, the saver will try to resample batch data from the space defined by “affine” to the space defined by “original_affine”.

If meta_data is None, use the default index (starting from 0) as the filename.

  • data (Tensor or ndarray) – target data content that to be saved as a NIfTI format file. Assuming the data shape starts with a channel dimension and followed by spatial dimensions.

  • meta_data (dict) – the meta data information corresponding to the data.

See Also

save_batch(batch_data, meta_data=None)[source]

Save a batch of data into Nifti format files.

Spatially it supports up to three dimensions, that is, H, HW, HWD for 1D, 2D, 3D respectively (with resampling supports for 2D and 3D only).

When saving multiple time steps or multiple channels batch_data, time and/or modality axes should be appended after the batch dimensions. For example, the shape of a batch of 2D eight-class segmentation probabilities to be saved could be (batch, 8, 64, 64); in this case each item in the batch will be saved as (64, 64, 1, 8) NIfTI file (the third dimension is reserved as a spatial dimension).

  • batch_data (Tensor or ndarray) – target batch data content that save into NIfTI format.

  • meta_data (dict) – every key-value in the meta_data is corresponding to a batch of data., file_name, affine=None, target_affine=None, resample=True, output_spatial_shape=None, mode=<GridSampleMode.BILINEAR: 'bilinear'>, padding_mode=<GridSamplePadMode.BORDER: 'border'>, dtype=None)[source]

Write numpy data into NIfTI files to disk. This function converts data into the coordinate system defined by target_affine when target_affine is specified.

If the coordinate transform between affine and target_affine could be achieved by simply transposing and flipping data, no resampling will happen. otherwise this function will resample data using the coordinate transform computed from affine and target_affine. Note that the shape of the resampled data may subject to some rounding errors. For example, resampling a 20x20 pixel image from pixel size (1.5, 1.5)-mm to (3.0, 3.0)-mm space will return a 10x10-pixel image. However, resampling a 20x20-pixel image from pixel size (2.0, 2.0)-mm to (3.0, 3.0)-mma space will output a 14x14-pixel image, where the image shape is rounded from 13.333x13.333 pixels. In this case output_spatial_shape could be specified so that this function writes image data to a designated shape.

When affine and target_affine are None, the data will be saved with an identity matrix as the image affine.

This function assumes the NIfTI dimension notations. Spatially it supports up to three dimensions, that is, H, HW, HWD for 1D, 2D, 3D respectively. When saving multiple time steps or multiple channels data, time and/or modality axes should be appended after the first three dimensions. For example, shape of 2D eight-class segmentation probabilities to be saved could be (64, 64, 1, 8). Also, data in shape (64, 64, 8), (64, 64, 8, 1) will be considered as a single-channel 3D image.

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – input data to write to file.

  • file_name (str) – expected file name that saved on disk.

  • affine (numpy.ndarray) – the current affine of data. Defaults to np.eye(4)

  • target_affine (numpy.ndarray, optional) – before saving the (data, affine) as a Nifti1Image, transform the data into the coordinates defined by target_affine.

  • resample (bool) – whether to run resampling when the target affine could not be achieved by swapping/flipping data axes.

  • output_spatial_shape (None or tuple of ints) – spatial shape of the output image. This option is used when resample = True.

  • mode (Union[GridSampleMode, str]) – {"bilinear", "nearest"} This option is used when resample = True. Interpolation mode to calculate output values. Defaults to "bilinear". See also:

  • padding_mode (Union[GridSamplePadMode, str]) – {"zeros", "border", "reflection"} This option is used when resample = True. Padding mode for outside grid values. Defaults to "border". See also:

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – convert the image to save to this data type.

PNG format handling

Writing PNG

class'./', output_postfix='seg', output_ext='.png', resample=True, mode=<InterpolateMode.NEAREST: 'nearest'>, scale=None)[source]

Save the data as png file, it can support single data content or a batch of data. Typically, the data can be segmentation predictions, call save for single data or call save_batch to save a batch of data together. If no meta data provided, use index from 0 as the filename prefix.

  • output_dir (str) – output image directory.

  • output_postfix (str) – a string appended to all output file names.

  • output_ext (str) – output file extension name.

  • resample (bool) – whether to resample and resize if providing spatial_shape in the metadata.

  • mode (Union[InterpolateMode, str]) – {"nearest", "linear", "bilinear", "bicubic", "trilinear", "area"} The interpolation mode. Defaults to "nearest". See also:

  • scale (255, 65535) – postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is None to disable scaling.

save(data, meta_data=None)[source]

Save data into a png file. The meta_data could optionally have the following keys:

  • 'filename_or_obj' – for output file name creation, corresponding to filename or object.

  • 'spatial_shape' – for data output shape.

If meta_data is None, use the default index (starting from 0) as the filename.

  • data (Tensor or ndarray) – target data content that to be saved as a png format file. Assuming the data shape are spatial dimensions. Shape of the spatial dimensions (C,H,W). C should be 1, 3 or 4

  • meta_data (dict) – the meta data information corresponding to the data.


ValueError – PNG image should only have 1, 3 or 4 channels.

See Also

save_batch(batch_data, meta_data=None)[source]

Save a batch of data into png format files.

  • batch_data (Tensor or ndarray) – target batch data content that save into png format.

  • meta_data (dict) – every key-value in the meta_data is corresponding to a batch of data., file_name, output_spatial_shape=None, mode=<InterpolateMode.BICUBIC: 'bicubic'>, scale=None)[source]

Write numpy data into png files to disk. Spatially it supports HW for 2D.(H,W) or (H,W,3) or (H,W,4). If scale is None, expect the input data in np.uint8 or np.uint16 type. It’s based on the Image module in PIL library:

  • data (numpy.ndarray) – input data to write to file.

  • file_name (str) – expected file name that saved on disk.

  • output_spatial_shape (None or tuple of ints) – spatial shape of the output image.

  • mode (Union[InterpolateMode, str]) – {"nearest", "linear", "bilinear", "bicubic", "trilinear", "area"} The interpolation mode. Defaults to "bicubic". See also:

  • scale (255, 65535) – postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling to [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is None to disable scaling.


ValueError – unsupported scale value: {scale}.

Synthetic, height, num_objs=12, rad_max=30, noise_max=0.0, num_seg_classes=5, channel_dim=None, random_state=None)[source]

Return a noisy 2D image with num_objs circles and a 2D mask image. The maximum radius of the circles is given as rad_max. The mask will have num_seg_classes number of classes for segmentations labeled sequentially from 1, plus a background class represented as 0. If noise_max is greater than 0 then noise will be added to the image taken from the uniform distribution on range [0,noise_max). If channel_dim is None, will create an image without channel dimension, otherwise create an image with channel dimension as first dim or last dim., width, depth, num_objs=12, rad_max=30, noise_max=0.0, num_seg_classes=5, channel_dim=None, random_state=None)[source]

Return a noisy 3D image and segmentation.

Utilities, mode=<BlendMode.CONSTANT: 'constant'>, sigma_scale=0.125, device=None)[source]

Get importance map for different weight modes.

  • patch_size (tuple) – Size of the required importance map. This should be either H, W [,D].

  • mode (Union[BlendMode, str]) –

    {"constant", "gaussian"} How to blend output of overlapping windows. Defaults to "constant".

    • "constant”: gives equal weight to all predictions.

    • "gaussian”: gives less weight to predictions on edges of windows.

  • sigma_scale (float) – Sigma_scale to calculate sigma for each dimension (sigma = sigma_scale * dim_size). Used for gaussian mode only.

  • device (str of pytorch device) – Device to put importance map on.


Tensor of size patch_size.


ValueError – mode must be “constant” or “gaussian”., in_affine, out_affine)[source]

Given input and output affine, compute appropriate shapes in the output space based on the input array’s shape. This function also returns the offset to put the shape in a good position with respect to the world coordinate system.[source]

Check nifti object header’s format, update the header if needed. In the updated image pixdim matches the affine.


img_nii (nifti image object) –, input_file_name, folder_path, data_root_dir='')[source]

Utility function to create the path to the output file based on the input filename (extension is added by lib level writer before writing the file)

  • postfix (str) – output name’s postfix

  • input_file_name (str) – path to the input image file

  • folder_path (str) – path for the output file

  • data_root_dir (str) – if not empty, it specifies the beginning parts of the input file’s absolute path. This is used to compute input_file_rel_path, the relative path to the file from data_root_dir to preserve folder structure when saving in case there are files in different folders with the same file names., patch_size, scan_interval)[source]

Enumerate all slices defining 2D/3D patches of size patch_size from an image_size input image.

  • image_size (tuple of int) – dimensions of image to iterate over

  • patch_size (tuple of int) – size of patches to generate slices

  • scan_interval (tuple of int) – dense patch sampling interval


a list of slice objects defining each patch


ValueError – image_size should have 2 or 3 elements, patch_size, rand_state=None)[source]

Returns a tuple of slices to define a random patch in an array of shape dims with size patch_size or the as close to it as possible within the given dimension. It is expected that patch_size is a valid patch for a source of shape dims as returned by get_valid_patch_size.

  • dims (tuple of int) – shape of source array

  • patch_size (tuple of int) – shape of patch size to generate

  • rand_state (np.random.RandomState) – a random state object to generate random numbers from


a tuple of slice objects defining the patch

Return type

(tuple of slice), patch_size)[source]

Given an image of dimensions image_size, return a patch size tuple taking the dimension from patch_size if this is not 0/None. Otherwise, or if patch_size is shorter than image_size, the dimension from image_size is taken. This ensures the returned patch size is within the bounds of image_size. If patch_size is a single number this is interpreted as a patch of the same dimensionality of image_size with that size in each dimension., patch_size, start_pos=(), copy_back=True, mode=<NumpyPadMode.WRAP: 'wrap'>, **pad_opts)[source]

Yield successive patches from arr of size patch_size. The iteration can start from position start_pos in arr but drawing from a padded array extended by the patch_size in each dimension (so these coordinates can be negative to start in the padded region). If copy_back is True the values from each patch are written back to arr.

  • arr (np.ndarray) – array to iterate over

  • patch_size (tuple of int or None) – size of patches to generate slices for, 0 or None selects whole dimension

  • start_pos (tuple of it, optional) – starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension

  • copy_back (bool) – if True data from the yielded patches is copied back to arr once the generator completes

  • mode (Union[NumpyPadMode, str]) – {"constant", "edge", "linear_ramp", "maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum", "reflect", "symmetric", "wrap", "empty"} One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to "wrap". See also:

  • pad_opts (dict, optional) – padding options, see numpy.pad


Patches of array data from arr which are views into a padded array which can be modified, if copy_back is True these changes will be reflected in arr once the iteration completes., patch_size, start_pos=())[source]

Yield successive tuples of slices defining patches of size patch_size from an array of dimensions dims. The iteration starts from position start_pos in the array, or starting at the origin if this isn’t provided. Each patch is chosen in a contiguous grid using a first dimension as least significant ordering.

  • dims (tuple of int) – dimensions of array to iterate over

  • patch_size (tuple of int or None) – size of patches to generate slices for, 0 or None selects whole dimension

  • start_pos (tuple of it, optional) – starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension


Tuples of slice objects defining each patch[source]

Enhancement for PyTorch DataLoader default collate. If dataset already returns a list of batch data that generated in transforms, need to merge all data to 1 list. Then it’s same as the default collate behavior.


Need to use this collate if apply some transforms that can generate batch data.[source]

Look at the sform and qform of the nifti object and correct it if any incompatibilities with pixel dimensions

Adapted from, affine)[source]

Using elements from affine, to create a new affine matrix by assigning the rotation/zoom/scaling matrix and the translation vector.

when r is an integer, output is an (r+1)x(r+1) matrix, where the top left kxk elements are copied from affine, the last column of the output affine is copied from affine’s last column. k is determined by min(r, len(affine) - 1).

when r is an affine matrix, the output has the same as r, the top left kxk elements are copied from affine, the last column of the output affine is copied from affine’s last column. k is determined by min(len(r) - 1, len(affine) - 1).

  • r (int or matrix) – number of spatial dimensions or an output affine to be filled.

  • affine (matrix) – 2D affine matrix


an (r+1) x (r+1) matrix

  • ValueError – input affine matrix must have two dimensions, got {affine.ndim}.

  • ValueError – r must be positive, got {sr}.[source]

Callback function for PyTorch DataLoader worker_init_fn. It can set different random seed for the transforms in different workers., scale, diagonal=True)[source]

To make column norm of affine the same as scale. If diagonal is False, returns an affine that combines orthogonal rotation and the new scale. This is done by first decomposing affine, then setting the zoom factors to scale, and composing a new affine; the shearing factors are removed. If diagonal is True, returns a diagonal matrix, the scaling factors are set to the diagonal elements. This function always return an affine with zero translations.

  • affine (nxn matrix) – a square matrix.

  • scale (sequence of floats) – new scaling factor along each dimension.

  • diagonal (bool) – whether to return a diagonal scaling matrix. Defaults to True.


the updated n x n affine.

  • ValueError – affine should be a square matrix

  • ValueError – scale must be a sequence of positive numbers.

Decathalon Datalist, is_segmentation=True, data_list_key='training', base_dir=None)[source]

Load image/label paths of decathalon challenge from JSON file

Json file is similar to what you get from Those dataset.json files

  • data_list_file_path (str) – the path to the json file of datalist.

  • is_segmentation (bool) – whether the datalist is for segmentation task, default is True.

  • data_list_key (str) – the key to get a list of dictionary to be used, default is “training”.

  • base_dir (Optional[str]) – the base directory of the dataset, if None, use the datalist directory.

  • ValueError – data list file {data_list_file_path} does not exist.

  • ValueError – data list {data_list_key} not specified in ‘{data_list_file_path}’.

Returns a list of data items, each of which is a dict keyed by element names, for example:

    {'image': '/workspace/data/chest_19.nii.gz',  'label': 0},
    {'image': '/workspace/data/chest_31.nii.gz',  'label': 1}

DataLoader, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, sampler=None, batch_sampler=None, num_workers=0, pin_memory=False, drop_last=False, timeout=0, multiprocessing_context=None)[source]

Generates images/labels for train/validation/testing from dataset. It inherits from PyTorch DataLoader and adds callbacks for collate and worker_fn.

  • dataset (Dataset) – dataset from which to load the data.

  • batch_size (Optional[int]) – how many samples per batch to load (default: 1).

  • shuffle (bool) – set to True to have the data reshuffled at every epoch (default: False).

  • sampler (Sampler, optional) – defines the strategy to draw samples from the dataset. If specified, shuffle must be False.

  • batch_sampler (Sampler, optional) – like sampler, but returns a batch of indices at a time. Mutually exclusive with batch_size, shuffle, sampler, and drop_last.

  • num_workers (Optional[int]) – how many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. (default: 0)

  • pin_memory – If True, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. If your data elements are a custom type, or your collate_fn returns a batch that is a custom type, see the example below.

  • drop_last – set to True to drop the last incomplete batch, if the dataset size is not divisible by the batch size. If False and the size of dataset is not divisible by the batch size, then the last batch will be smaller. (default: False)

  • timeout (numeric, optional) – if positive, the timeout value for collecting a batch from workers. Should always be non-negative. (default: 0)

  • multiprocessing_context (Optional[Callable]) – specify a valid start method for multi-processing.