Source code for

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Union

import os
import warnings
import math
from itertools import starmap, product
import torch
from import default_collate
import numpy as np
from monai.utils import ensure_tuple_size, ensure_tuple_rep, optional_import, NumpyPadMode, BlendMode
from monai.networks.layers.simplelayers import GaussianFilter

nib, _ = optional_import("nibabel")

[docs]def get_random_patch(dims, patch_size, rand_state: Optional[np.random.RandomState] = None): """ Returns a tuple of slices to define a random patch in an array of shape `dims` with size `patch_size` or the as close to it as possible within the given dimension. It is expected that `patch_size` is a valid patch for a source of shape `dims` as returned by `get_valid_patch_size`. Args: dims (tuple of int): shape of source array patch_size (tuple of int): shape of patch size to generate rand_state (np.random.RandomState): a random state object to generate random numbers from Returns: (tuple of slice): a tuple of slice objects defining the patch """ # choose the minimal corner of the patch rand_int = np.random.randint if rand_state is None else rand_state.randint min_corner = tuple(rand_int(0, ms - ps) if ms > ps else 0 for ms, ps in zip(dims, patch_size)) # create the slices for each dimension which define the patch in the source array return tuple(slice(mc, mc + ps) for mc, ps in zip(min_corner, patch_size))
[docs]def iter_patch_slices(dims, patch_size, start_pos=()): """ Yield successive tuples of slices defining patches of size `patch_size` from an array of dimensions `dims`. The iteration starts from position `start_pos` in the array, or starting at the origin if this isn't provided. Each patch is chosen in a contiguous grid using a first dimension as least significant ordering. Args: dims (tuple of int): dimensions of array to iterate over patch_size (tuple of int or None): size of patches to generate slices for, 0 or None selects whole dimension start_pos (tuple of it, optional): starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension Yields: Tuples of slice objects defining each patch """ # ensure patchSize and startPos are the right length ndim = len(dims) patch_size = get_valid_patch_size(dims, patch_size) start_pos = ensure_tuple_size(start_pos, ndim) # collect the ranges to step over each dimension ranges = tuple(starmap(range, zip(start_pos, dims, patch_size))) # choose patches by applying product to the ranges for position in product(*ranges[::-1]): # reverse ranges order to iterate in index order yield tuple(slice(s, s + p) for s, p in zip(position[::-1], patch_size))
[docs]def dense_patch_slices(image_size, patch_size, scan_interval): """ Enumerate all slices defining 2D/3D patches of size `patch_size` from an `image_size` input image. Args: image_size (tuple of int): dimensions of image to iterate over patch_size (tuple of int): size of patches to generate slices scan_interval (tuple of int): dense patch sampling interval Returns: a list of slice objects defining each patch Raises: ValueError: image_size should have 2 or 3 elements """ num_spatial_dims = len(image_size) if num_spatial_dims not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("image_size should have 2 or 3 elements") patch_size = get_valid_patch_size(image_size, patch_size) scan_interval = ensure_tuple_size(scan_interval, num_spatial_dims) scan_num = [ int(math.ceil(float(image_size[i]) / scan_interval[i])) if scan_interval[i] != 0 else 1 for i in range(num_spatial_dims) ] slices = [] if num_spatial_dims == 3: for i in range(scan_num[0]): start_i = i * scan_interval[0] start_i -= max(start_i + patch_size[0] - image_size[0], 0) slice_i = slice(start_i, start_i + patch_size[0]) for j in range(scan_num[1]): start_j = j * scan_interval[1] start_j -= max(start_j + patch_size[1] - image_size[1], 0) slice_j = slice(start_j, start_j + patch_size[1]) for k in range(0, scan_num[2]): start_k = k * scan_interval[2] start_k -= max(start_k + patch_size[2] - image_size[2], 0) slice_k = slice(start_k, start_k + patch_size[2]) slices.append((slice_i, slice_j, slice_k)) else: for i in range(scan_num[0]): start_i = i * scan_interval[0] start_i -= max(start_i + patch_size[0] - image_size[0], 0) slice_i = slice(start_i, start_i + patch_size[0]) for j in range(scan_num[1]): start_j = j * scan_interval[1] start_j -= max(start_j + patch_size[1] - image_size[1], 0) slice_j = slice(start_j, start_j + patch_size[1]) slices.append((slice_i, slice_j)) return slices
[docs]def iter_patch( arr: np.ndarray, patch_size, start_pos=(), copy_back: bool = True, mode: Union[NumpyPadMode, str] = NumpyPadMode.WRAP, **pad_opts, ): """ Yield successive patches from `arr` of size `patch_size`. The iteration can start from position `start_pos` in `arr` but drawing from a padded array extended by the `patch_size` in each dimension (so these coordinates can be negative to start in the padded region). If `copy_back` is True the values from each patch are written back to `arr`. Args: arr (np.ndarray): array to iterate over patch_size (tuple of int or None): size of patches to generate slices for, 0 or None selects whole dimension start_pos (tuple of it, optional): starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension copy_back: if True data from the yielded patches is copied back to `arr` once the generator completes mode: {``"constant"``, ``"edge"``, ``"linear_ramp"``, ``"maximum"``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``, ``"minimum"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"symmetric"``, ``"wrap"``, ``"empty"``} One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"wrap"``. See also: pad_opts (dict, optional): padding options, see `numpy.pad` Yields: Patches of array data from `arr` which are views into a padded array which can be modified, if `copy_back` is True these changes will be reflected in `arr` once the iteration completes. """ # ensure patchSize and startPos are the right length patch_size = get_valid_patch_size(arr.shape, patch_size) start_pos = ensure_tuple_size(start_pos, arr.ndim) # pad image by maximum values needed to ensure patches are taken from inside an image arrpad = np.pad(arr, tuple((p, p) for p in patch_size), NumpyPadMode(mode).value, **pad_opts) # choose a start position in the padded image start_pos_padded = tuple(s + p for s, p in zip(start_pos, patch_size)) # choose a size to iterate over which is smaller than the actual padded image to prevent producing # patches which are only in the padded regions iter_size = tuple(s + p for s, p in zip(arr.shape, patch_size)) for slices in iter_patch_slices(iter_size, patch_size, start_pos_padded): yield arrpad[slices] # copy back data from the padded image if required if copy_back: slices = tuple(slice(p, p + s) for p, s in zip(patch_size, arr.shape)) arr[...] = arrpad[slices]
[docs]def get_valid_patch_size(image_size, patch_size): """ Given an image of dimensions `image_size`, return a patch size tuple taking the dimension from `patch_size` if this is not 0/None. Otherwise, or if `patch_size` is shorter than `image_size`, the dimension from `image_size` is taken. This ensures the returned patch size is within the bounds of `image_size`. If `patch_size` is a single number this is interpreted as a patch of the same dimensionality of `image_size` with that size in each dimension. """ ndim = len(image_size) try: # if a single value was given as patch size, treat this as the size of the patch over all dimensions single_patch_size = int(patch_size) patch_size = ensure_tuple_rep(single_patch_size, ndim) except TypeError: # raised if the patch size is multiple values # ensure patch size is at least as long as number of dimensions patch_size = ensure_tuple_size(patch_size, ndim) # ensure patch size dimensions are not larger than image dimension, if a dimension is None or 0 use whole dimension return tuple(min(ms, ps or ms) for ms, ps in zip(image_size, patch_size))
[docs]def list_data_collate(batch): """ Enhancement for PyTorch DataLoader default collate. If dataset already returns a list of batch data that generated in transforms, need to merge all data to 1 list. Then it's same as the default collate behavior. Note: Need to use this collate if apply some transforms that can generate batch data. """ elem = batch[0] data = [i for k in batch for i in k] if isinstance(elem, list) else batch return default_collate(data)
[docs]def worker_init_fn(worker_id): """ Callback function for PyTorch DataLoader `worker_init_fn`. It can set different random seed for the transforms in different workers. """ worker_info = # type: ignore if hasattr(worker_info.dataset, "transform") and hasattr(worker_info.dataset.transform, "set_random_state"): worker_info.dataset.transform.set_random_state(worker_info.seed % (2 ** 32))
[docs]def correct_nifti_header_if_necessary(img_nii): """ Check nifti object header's format, update the header if needed. In the updated image pixdim matches the affine. Args: img_nii (nifti image object) """ dim = img_nii.header["dim"][0] if dim >= 5: return img_nii # do nothing for high-dimensional array # check that affine matches zooms pixdim = np.asarray(img_nii.header.get_zooms())[:dim] norm_affine = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(img_nii.affine[:dim, :dim]), 0)) if np.allclose(pixdim, norm_affine): return img_nii if hasattr(img_nii, "get_sform"): return rectify_header_sform_qform(img_nii) return img_nii
[docs]def rectify_header_sform_qform(img_nii): """ Look at the sform and qform of the nifti object and correct it if any incompatibilities with pixel dimensions Adapted from """ d = img_nii.header["dim"][0] pixdim = np.asarray(img_nii.header.get_zooms())[:d] sform, qform = img_nii.get_sform(), img_nii.get_qform() norm_sform = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sform[:d, :d]), 0)) norm_qform = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(qform[:d, :d]), 0)) sform_mismatch = not np.allclose(norm_sform, pixdim) qform_mismatch = not np.allclose(norm_qform, pixdim) if img_nii.header["sform_code"] != 0: if not sform_mismatch: return img_nii if not qform_mismatch: img_nii.set_sform(img_nii.get_qform()) return img_nii if img_nii.header["qform_code"] != 0: if not qform_mismatch: return img_nii if not sform_mismatch: img_nii.set_qform(img_nii.get_sform()) return img_nii norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(img_nii.affine[:d, :d]), 0)) warnings.warn(f"Modifying image pixdim from {pixdim} to {norm}") img_nii.header.set_zooms(norm) return img_nii
[docs]def zoom_affine(affine, scale, diagonal: bool = True): """ To make column norm of `affine` the same as `scale`. If diagonal is False, returns an affine that combines orthogonal rotation and the new scale. This is done by first decomposing `affine`, then setting the zoom factors to `scale`, and composing a new affine; the shearing factors are removed. If diagonal is True, returns a diagonal matrix, the scaling factors are set to the diagonal elements. This function always return an affine with zero translations. Args: affine (nxn matrix): a square matrix. scale (sequence of floats): new scaling factor along each dimension. diagonal: whether to return a diagonal scaling matrix. Defaults to True. Returns: the updated `n x n` affine. Raises: ValueError: affine should be a square matrix ValueError: scale must be a sequence of positive numbers. """ affine = np.array(affine, dtype=float, copy=True) if len(affine) != len(affine[0]): raise ValueError("affine should be a square matrix") scale = np.array(scale, dtype=float, copy=True) if np.any(scale <= 0): raise ValueError("scale must be a sequence of positive numbers.") d = len(affine) - 1 if len(scale) < d: # defaults based on affine norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(affine), 0))[:-1] scale = np.append(scale, norm[len(scale) :]) scale = scale[:d] scale[scale == 0] = 1.0 if diagonal: return np.diag(np.append(scale, [1.0])) rzs = affine[:-1, :-1] # rotation zoom scale zs = np.linalg.cholesky(rzs.T @ rzs).T rotation = rzs @ np.linalg.inv(zs) s = np.sign(np.diag(zs)) * np.abs(scale) # construct new affine with rotation and zoom new_affine = np.eye(len(affine)) new_affine[:-1, :-1] = rotation @ np.diag(s) return new_affine
[docs]def compute_shape_offset(spatial_shape, in_affine, out_affine): """ Given input and output affine, compute appropriate shapes in the output space based on the input array's shape. This function also returns the offset to put the shape in a good position with respect to the world coordinate system. """ shape = np.array(spatial_shape, copy=True, dtype=float) sr = len(shape) in_affine = to_affine_nd(sr, in_affine) out_affine = to_affine_nd(sr, out_affine) in_coords = [(0.0, dim - 1.0) for dim in shape] corners = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*in_coords, indexing="ij")).reshape((len(shape), -1)) corners = np.concatenate((corners, np.ones_like(corners[:1]))) corners = in_affine @ corners corners_out = np.linalg.inv(out_affine) @ corners corners_out = corners_out[:-1] / corners_out[-1] out_shape = np.round(corners_out.ptp(axis=1) + 1.0) if np.allclose(nib.io_orientation(in_affine), nib.io_orientation(out_affine)): # same orientation, get translate from the origin offset = in_affine @ ([0] * sr + [1]) offset = offset[:-1] / offset[-1] else: # different orientation, the min is the origin corners = corners[:-1] / corners[-1] offset = np.min(corners, 1) return out_shape.astype(int), offset
[docs]def to_affine_nd(r, affine): """ Using elements from affine, to create a new affine matrix by assigning the rotation/zoom/scaling matrix and the translation vector. when ``r`` is an integer, output is an (r+1)x(r+1) matrix, where the top left kxk elements are copied from ``affine``, the last column of the output affine is copied from ``affine``'s last column. `k` is determined by `min(r, len(affine) - 1)`. when ``r`` is an affine matrix, the output has the same as ``r``, the top left kxk elements are copied from ``affine``, the last column of the output affine is copied from ``affine``'s last column. `k` is determined by `min(len(r) - 1, len(affine) - 1)`. Args: r (int or matrix): number of spatial dimensions or an output affine to be filled. affine (matrix): 2D affine matrix Returns: an (r+1) x (r+1) matrix Raises: ValueError: input affine matrix must have two dimensions, got {affine.ndim}. ValueError: r must be positive, got {sr}. """ affine_ = np.array(affine, dtype=np.float64) if affine_.ndim != 2: raise ValueError(f"input affine matrix must have two dimensions, got {affine_.ndim}.") new_affine = np.array(r, dtype=np.float64, copy=True) if new_affine.ndim == 0: sr = new_affine.astype(int) if not np.isfinite(sr) or sr < 0: raise ValueError(f"r must be positive, got {sr}.") new_affine = np.eye(sr + 1, dtype=np.float64) d = max(min(len(new_affine) - 1, len(affine_) - 1), 1) new_affine[:d, :d] = affine_[:d, :d] if d > 1: new_affine[:d, -1] = affine_[:d, -1] return new_affine
[docs]def create_file_basename(postfix: str, input_file_name: str, folder_path: str, data_root_dir: str = ""): """ Utility function to create the path to the output file based on the input filename (extension is added by lib level writer before writing the file) Args: postfix: output name's postfix input_file_name: path to the input image file folder_path: path for the output file data_root_dir: if not empty, it specifies the beginning parts of the input file's absolute path. This is used to compute `input_file_rel_path`, the relative path to the file from `data_root_dir` to preserve folder structure when saving in case there are files in different folders with the same file names. """ # get the filename and directory filedir, filename = os.path.split(input_file_name) # jettison the extension to have just filename filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) while ext != "": filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) # use data_root_dir to find relative path to file filedir_rel_path = "" if data_root_dir: filedir_rel_path = os.path.relpath(filedir, data_root_dir) # sub-folder path will be original name without the extension subfolder_path = os.path.join(folder_path, filedir_rel_path, filename) if not os.path.exists(subfolder_path): os.makedirs(subfolder_path) # add the sub-folder plus the postfix name to become the file basename in the output path return os.path.join(subfolder_path, filename + "_" + postfix)
[docs]def compute_importance_map( patch_size, mode: Union[BlendMode, str] = BlendMode.CONSTANT, sigma_scale: float = 0.125, device=None ): """Get importance map for different weight modes. Args: patch_size (tuple): Size of the required importance map. This should be either H, W [,D]. mode: {``"constant"``, ``"gaussian"``} How to blend output of overlapping windows. Defaults to ``"constant"``. - ``"constant``": gives equal weight to all predictions. - ``"gaussian``": gives less weight to predictions on edges of windows. sigma_scale: Sigma_scale to calculate sigma for each dimension (sigma = sigma_scale * dim_size). Used for gaussian mode only. device (str of pytorch device): Device to put importance map on. Returns: Tensor of size patch_size. Raises: ValueError: mode must be "constant" or "gaussian". """ mode = BlendMode(mode) if mode == BlendMode.CONSTANT: importance_map = torch.ones(patch_size, device=device).float() elif mode == BlendMode.GAUSSIAN: center_coords = [i // 2 for i in patch_size] sigmas = [i * sigma_scale for i in patch_size] importance_map = torch.zeros(patch_size, device=device) importance_map[tuple(center_coords)] = 1 pt_gaussian = GaussianFilter(len(patch_size), sigmas).to(device=device, dtype=torch.float) importance_map = pt_gaussian(importance_map.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)) importance_map = importance_map.squeeze(0).squeeze(0) importance_map = importance_map / torch.max(importance_map) importance_map = importance_map.float() # importance_map cannot be 0, otherwise we may end up with nans! importance_map[importance_map == 0] = torch.min(importance_map[importance_map != 0]) else: raise ValueError('mode must be "constant" or "gaussian".') return importance_map