Source code for monai.networks.utils

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Utilities and types for defining networks, these depend on PyTorch.

import warnings
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

[docs]def one_hot(labels, num_classes: int, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float): """ For a tensor `labels` of dimensions B1[spatial_dims], return a tensor of dimensions `BN[spatial_dims]` for `num_classes` N number of classes. Example: For every value v = labels[b,1,h,w], the value in the result at [b,v,h,w] will be 1 and all others 0. Note that this will include the background label, thus a binary mask should be treated as having 2 classes. """ assert labels.dim() > 0, "labels should have dim of 1 or more." # if 1D, add singelton dim at the end if labels.dim() == 1: labels = labels.view(-1, 1) sh = list(labels.shape) assert sh[1] == 1, "labels should have a channel with length equals to one." sh[1] = num_classes o = torch.zeros(size=sh, dtype=dtype, device=labels.device) labels = o.scatter_(dim=1, index=labels.long(), value=1) return labels
def slice_channels(tensor: torch.Tensor, *slicevals): slices = [slice(None)] * len(tensor.shape) slices[1] = slice(*slicevals) return tensor[slices]
[docs]def predict_segmentation(logits: torch.Tensor, mutually_exclusive: bool = False, threshold: float = 0.0): """ Given the logits from a network, computing the segmentation by thresholding all values above 0 if multi-labels task, computing the `argmax` along the channel axis if multi-classes task, logits has shape `BCHW[D]`. Args: logits (Tensor): raw data of model output. mutually_exclusive: if True, `logits` will be converted into a binary matrix using a combination of argmax, which is suitable for multi-classes task. Defaults to False. threshold: thresholding the prediction values if multi-labels task. """ if not mutually_exclusive: return (logits >= threshold).int() else: if logits.shape[1] == 1: warnings.warn("single channel prediction, `mutually_exclusive=True` ignored, use threshold instead.") return (logits >= threshold).int() return logits.argmax(1, keepdim=True)
[docs]def normalize_transform(shape, device=None, dtype=None, align_corners: bool = False): """ Compute an affine matrix according to the input shape. The transform normalizes the homogeneous image coordinates to the range of `[-1, 1]`. Args: shape (sequence of int): input spatial shape device (torch device): device on which the returned affine will be allocated. dtype (torch dtype): data type of the returned affine align_corners: if True, consider -1 and 1 to refer to the centers of the corner pixels rather than the image corners. See also: """ norm = torch.tensor(shape, dtype=torch.float64, device=device) # no in-place change if align_corners: norm[norm <= 1.0] = 2.0 norm = 2.0 / (norm - 1.0) norm = torch.diag(, torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.float64, device=device)))) norm[:-1, -1] = -1.0 else: norm[norm <= 0.0] = 2.0 norm = 2.0 / norm norm = torch.diag(, torch.ones((1,), dtype=torch.float64, device=device)))) norm[:-1, -1] = 1.0 / torch.tensor(shape, dtype=torch.float64, device=device) - 1.0 norm = norm.unsqueeze(0).to(dtype=dtype) norm.requires_grad = False return norm
[docs]def to_norm_affine(affine, src_size, dst_size, align_corners: bool = False): """ Given ``affine`` defined for coordinates in the pixel space, compute the corresponding affine for the normalized coordinates. Args: affine (torch Tensor): Nxdxd batched square matrix src_size (sequence of int): source image spatial shape dst_size (sequence of int): target image spatial shape align_corners: if True, consider -1 and 1 to refer to the centers of the corner pixels rather than the image corners. See also: Raises: ValueError: affine must be a tensor ValueError: affine must be Nxdxd, got {tuple(affine.shape)} ValueError: affine suggests a {sr}-D transform, but the sizes are src_size={src_size}, dst_size={dst_size} """ if not torch.is_tensor(affine): raise ValueError("affine must be a tensor") if affine.ndim != 3 or affine.shape[1] != affine.shape[2]: raise ValueError(f"affine must be Nxdxd, got {tuple(affine.shape)}") sr = affine.shape[1] - 1 if sr != len(src_size) or sr != len(dst_size): raise ValueError( f"affine suggests a {sr}-D transform, but the sizes are src_size={src_size}, dst_size={dst_size}" ) src_xform = normalize_transform(src_size, affine.device, affine.dtype, align_corners) dst_xform = normalize_transform(dst_size, affine.device, affine.dtype, align_corners) new_affine = src_xform @ affine @ torch.inverse(dst_xform) return new_affine
[docs]def normal_init(m, std=0.02, normal_func=torch.nn.init.normal_): """ Initialize the weight and bias tensors of `m' and its submodules to values from a normal distribution with a stddev of `std'. Weight tensors of convolution and linear modules are initialized with a mean of 0, batch norm modules with a mean of 1. The callable `normal_func', used to assign values, should have the same arguments as its default normal_(). This can be used with `nn.Module.apply` to visit submodules of a network. """ cname = m.__class__.__name__ if getattr(m, "weight", None) is not None and (cname.find("Conv") != -1 or cname.find("Linear") != -1): normal_func(, 0.0, std) if getattr(m, "bias", None) is not None: nn.init.constant_(, 0.0) elif cname.find("BatchNorm") != -1: normal_func(, 1.0, std) nn.init.constant_(, 0)