Source code for monai.apps.datasets

# Copyright 2020 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import sys
import tarfile
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Callable
from import CacheDataset, load_decathalon_datalist
from monai.transforms import Randomizable, LoadNiftid, LoadPNGd, AddChanneld, Compose
from monai.apps.utils import download_and_extract

[docs]class MedNISTDataset(Randomizable, CacheDataset): """ The Dataset to automatically download MedNIST data and generate items for training, validation or test. It's based on `CacheDataset` to accelerate the training process. Args: root_dir: target directory to download and load MedNIST dataset. section: expected data section, can be: `training`, `validation` or `test`. transform: transforms to execute operations on input data. the default transform is `LoadPNGd`, which can load data into numpy array with [H, W] shape. for further usage, use `AddChanneld` to convert the shape to [C, H, W, D]. download: whether to download and extract the MedNIST from resource link, default is False. if expected file already exists, skip downloading even set it to True. user can manually copy `MedNIST.tar.gz` file or `MedNIST` folder to root directory. seed: random seed to randomly split training, validation and test datasets, defaut is 0. val_frac: percentage of of validation fraction in the whole dataset, default is 0.1. test_frac: percentage of of test fraction in the whole dataset, default is 0.1. cache_num: number of items to be cached. Default is `sys.maxsize`. will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). cache_rate: percentage of cached data in total, default is 1.0 (cache all). will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). num_workers: the number of worker threads to use. if 0 a single thread will be used. Default is 0. Raises: ValueError: root_dir must be a directory. RuntimeError: can not find dataset directory, please use download=True to download it. """ resource = "" md5 = "0bc7306e7427e00ad1c5526a6677552d" compressed_file_name = "MedNIST.tar.gz" dataset_folder_name = "MedNIST" def __init__( self, root_dir: str, section: str, transform: Callable[..., Any] = LoadPNGd("image"), download: bool = False, seed: int = 0, val_frac: float = 0.1, test_frac: float = 0.1, cache_num: int = sys.maxsize, cache_rate: float = 1.0, num_workers: int = 0, ): if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): raise ValueError("root_dir must be a directory.") self.section = section self.val_frac = val_frac self.test_frac = test_frac self.set_random_state(seed=seed) tarfile_name = os.path.join(root_dir, self.compressed_file_name) dataset_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, self.dataset_folder_name) if download: download_and_extract(self.resource, tarfile_name, root_dir, self.md5) if not os.path.exists(dataset_dir): raise RuntimeError( f"can not find dataset directory: {dataset_dir}, please use download=True to download it." ) data = self._generate_data_list(dataset_dir) super().__init__(data, transform, cache_num=cache_num, cache_rate=cache_rate, num_workers=num_workers)
[docs] def randomize(self): self.rann = self.R.random()
def _generate_data_list(self, dataset_dir): class_names = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(dataset_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dataset_dir, x))]) num_class = len(class_names) image_files = [ [ os.path.join(dataset_dir, class_names[i], x) for x in os.listdir(os.path.join(dataset_dir, class_names[i])) ] for i in range(num_class) ] num_each = [len(image_files[i]) for i in range(num_class)] image_files_list = [] image_class = [] for i in range(num_class): image_files_list.extend(image_files[i]) image_class.extend([i] * num_each[i]) num_total = len(image_class) data = list() for i in range(num_total): self.randomize() if self.section == "training": if self.rann < self.val_frac + self.test_frac: continue elif self.section == "validation": if self.rann >= self.val_frac: continue elif self.section == "test": if self.rann < self.val_frac or self.rann >= self.val_frac + self.test_frac: continue else: raise ValueError("section name can only be: training, validation or test.") data.append({"image": image_files_list[i], "label": image_class[i]}) return data
[docs]class DecathlonDataset(Randomizable, CacheDataset): """ The Dataset to automatically download the data of Medical Segmentation Decathlon challenge ( and generate items for training, validation or test. It's based on :py:class:`` to accelerate the training process. Args: root_dir: user's local directory for caching and loading the MSD datasets. task: which task to download and execute: one of list ("Task01_BrainTumour", "Task02_Heart", "Task03_Liver", "Task04_Hippocampus", "Task05_Prostate", "Task06_Lung", "Task07_Pancreas", "Task08_HepaticVessel", "Task09_Spleen", "Task10_Colon"). section: expected data section, can be: `training`, `validation` or `test`. transform: transforms to execute operations on input data. the default transform is `LoadNiftid`, which can load Nifit format data into numpy array with [H, W, D] or [H, W, D, C] shape. for further usage, use `AddChanneld` or `AsChannelFirstd` to convert the shape to [C, H, W, D]. download: whether to download and extract the Decathlon from resource link, default is False. if expected file already exists, skip downloading even set it to True. user can manually copy tar file or dataset folder to the root directory. seed: random seed to randomly split `training`, `validation` and `test` datasets, defaut is 0. val_frac: percentage of of validation fraction from the `training` section, default is 0.2. Decathlon data only contains `training` section with labels and `test` section without labels, so randomly select fraction from the `training` section as the `validation` section. cache_num: number of items to be cached. Default is `sys.maxsize`. will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). cache_rate: percentage of cached data in total, default is 1.0 (cache all). will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). num_workers: the number of worker threads to use. if 0 a single thread will be used. Default is 0. Example:: transform = Compose( [ LoadNiftid(keys=["image", "label"]), AddChanneld(keys=["image", "label"]), ScaleIntensityd(keys="image"), ToTensord(keys=["image", "label"]), ] ) data = DecathlonDataset( root_dir="./", task="Task09_Spleen", transform=transform, section="validation", download=True ) print(data[0]["image"], data[0]["label"]) Raises: ValueError: root_dir must be a directory. ValueError: unsupported task. RuntimeError: can not find dataset directory, please use download=True to download it. """ resource = { "Task01_BrainTumour": "", "Task02_Heart": "", "Task03_Liver": "", "Task04_Hippocampus": "", "Task05_Prostate": "", "Task06_Lung": "", "Task07_Pancreas": "", "Task08_HepaticVessel": "", "Task09_Spleen": "", "Task10_Colon": "", } md5 = { "Task01_BrainTumour": "240a19d752f0d9e9101544901065d872", "Task02_Heart": "06ee59366e1e5124267b774dbd654057", "Task03_Liver": "a90ec6c4aa7f6a3d087205e23d4e6397", "Task04_Hippocampus": "9d24dba78a72977dbd1d2e110310f31b", "Task05_Prostate": "35138f08b1efaef89d7424d2bcc928db", "Task06_Lung": "8afd997733c7fc0432f71255ba4e52dc", "Task07_Pancreas": "4f7080cfca169fa8066d17ce6eb061e4", "Task08_HepaticVessel": "641d79e80ec66453921d997fbf12a29c", "Task09_Spleen": "410d4a301da4e5b2f6f86ec3ddba524e", "Task10_Colon": "bad7a188931dc2f6acf72b08eb6202d0", } def __init__( self, root_dir: str, task: str, section: str, transform: Callable[..., Any] = LoadNiftid(["image", "label"]), download: bool = False, seed: int = 0, val_frac: float = 0.2, cache_num: int = sys.maxsize, cache_rate: float = 1.0, num_workers: int = 0, ): if not os.path.isdir(root_dir): raise ValueError("root_dir must be a directory.") self.section = section self.val_frac = val_frac self.set_random_state(seed=seed) if task not in self.resource: raise ValueError(f"unsupported task: {task}, available options are: {list(self.resource)}.") dataset_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, task) tarfile_name = f"{dataset_dir}.tar" if download: download_and_extract(self.resource[task], tarfile_name, root_dir, self.md5[task]) if not os.path.exists(dataset_dir): raise RuntimeError( f"can not find dataset directory: {dataset_dir}, please use download=True to download it." ) data = self._generate_data_list(dataset_dir) super().__init__(data, transform, cache_num=cache_num, cache_rate=cache_rate, num_workers=num_workers)
[docs] def randomize(self): self.rann = self.R.random()
def _generate_data_list(self, dataset_dir): section = "training" if self.section in ["training", "validation"] else "test" datalist = load_decathalon_datalist(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "dataset.json"), True, section) if section == "test": return datalist else: data = list() for i in datalist: self.randomize() if self.section == "training": if self.rann < self.val_frac: continue else: if self.rann >= self.val_frac: continue data.append(i) return data