
MONAI Stream SDK is a wrapper for DeepStream SDK, and as such it requires DeepStream to be able to run. Users may choose to install all the libraries required by DeepStream on their machine as well as DeepStream SDK by following this guide, however, MONAI Stream SDK provides a dockerfile script that will automatically perform the setup and allow the user to developer inside a container on the machine of their choice (x86 or Clara AGX) running a Linux operating system.

Steps for x86 Development Container Setup

Creating a Local Development Container

To build a developer container for your workstation simply clone the repo and run the setup script as follows.

# clone the latest release from the repo
git clone -b <release_tag>

# start development setup script
cd MONAIStream

With the successful completion of the setup script, a container will be running containing all the necessary libraries for the developer to start designing MONAI Stream SDK inference pipelines. The development however is limited to within the container and the mounted volumes. The developer may modify Dockerfile.devel and to suit their needs.

Connecting VSCode to the Development Container

To start developing within the newly created MONAI Stream SDK development container users may choose to use their favorite editor or IDE. Here, we show how one could setup VSCode on their local machine to start developing MONAI Stream inference pipelines.

  1. Install VSCode on your Linux development workstation.

  2. Install the Remote Development Extension pack and restart VSCode.

  3. In VSCode select the icon VSCode Remote Development Extension Icon of the newly installed Remote Development extension on the left.

  4. Select “Containers” under “Remote Explorer” at the top of the dialog. VSCode Remote Development Extension Icon

  5. Attach to the MONAI Stream SDK container by clicking the “Attach to Container” icon VSCode Remote Development Extension Icon on the container name.

The above steps should allow the user to develop inside the MONAI Stream container using VSCode.

Run the Ultrasound Inference Sample App

MONAI Stream SDK comes with example inference pipelines. Here, we run a sample app to perform bone scoliosis segmentation in an ultrasound video.

Inside the development container perform the following steps.

  1. Download the ultrasound data and models in the container.

mkdir -p /app/data
cd /app/data
unzip -d .
  1. Copy the ultrasound video to /app/videos/Q000_04_tu_segmented_ultrasound_256.avi as the example app expects.

mkdir -p /app/videos
cp /app/data/US/Q000_04_tu_segmented_ultrasound_256.avi /app/videos/.
  1. Convert PyTorch or ONNX model to TRT engine.

    1. To Convert the provided ONNX model to a TRT engine use:

    cd /app/data/US/
    /usr/src/tensorrt/bin/trtexec --onnx=us_unet_256x256.onnx --saveEngine=model.engine --explicitBatch --verbose --workspace=1000
    1. To convert the PyTorch model to a TRT engine use:

    cd /app/data/US/
    monaistream convert -i -o monai_unet.engine -I INPUT__0 -O OUTPUT__0 -S 1 3 256 256
  2. Copy the ultrasound segmentation model under /app/models/monai_unet_trt/1 as our sample app expects.

mkdir -p /app/models/monai_unet_trt/1
cp /app/data/US/monai_unet.engine /app/models/monai_unet_trt/1/.
cp /app/data/US/config_us_trt.pbtxt /app/models/monai_unet_trt/config.pbtxt
  1. Now we are ready to run the example streaming ultrasound bone scoliosis segmentation pipeline.

cd /sample/monaistream-pytorch-pp-app

Steps for Clara AGX Developer Kit Development Setup

Setting Up Clara AGX Developer Kit

To setup the Clara AGX developer kit, use Clara Holoscan SDK v0.1 to install the required components. MONAI Stream is only supported on Clara AGX Developer Kit in dGPU configuration.

The SDK Manager will flash the system for iGPU configuration, to get dGPU configuration and related installations, please follow chapter Switching Between iGPU and dGPU in latest Clara Holoscan SDK docs.

Once dGPU mode is enabled, set up the m2 SSD as described in Storage Setup to ensure that the AGX disk is correctly partitioned and mounted.

Now, prepare DeepStream to use Triton:

  1. Install required packages.

    sudo apt update && sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libssl1.0.0 libgstreamer1.0-0 gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-alsa libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev libx11-dev libjson-glib-dev
  2. Run

    cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/samples
    sudo ./

    Note can take few minutes to complete.

  3. Currently, TensorFlow is not supported on Clara AGX Developer Kit in dGPU configuration. So, move the folders to avoid errors related to TensorFlow.

    cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/lib/triton_backends
    sudo mv tensorflow1/ tensorflow1_bkup/
    sudo mv tensorflow2/ tensorflow2_bkup/

Next, setup the environement to use MONAI Stream:

  1. Install required apt packages.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-gi python3-dev python3-gst-1.0 python3-opencv python3-venv python3-numpy libgstrtspserver-1.0-0 libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-rtsp gstreamer1.0-tools gstreamer1.0-libav libgirepository1.0-dev gobject-introspection gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-python3-plugin-loader
  2. Install Python packages using pip.

    pip3 install --upgrade pip
    pip3 install --upgrade opencv-python
    pip3 install Cython
    pip3 install numpy==1.19.4
    pip3 install cupy
    pip3 install torchvision jinja2 pydantic monai


    Installing cupy can take few minutes.

  3. Clone MONAI Stream repo

    git clone /app
    cd /app
  4. Set up DeepStream Python bindings.

    sudo cp /app/lib/ /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/lib/
    sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/
    cd /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.0/lib
    sudo python3 install
    cd -


The steps to run the Ultrasound inference sample app is same as on x86 machine. Please follow Run the Ultrasound Inference Sample App in Steps for `x86 Development Container Setup` section.

Setting Up AJA Capture Card

Setting up AJA capture cards is an optional step for MONAI Stream. To setup AJA capture card on Clara AGX Developer Kit, follow chapter AJA Video System in latest Clara Holoscan SDK docs.

Running the AJA Capture Sample App

To run a sample app to do RDMA capture using AJA capture card, use the following steps.

  1. Verify ajavideosrc gst-plugin is setup properly.

    gst-inspect-1.0 ajavideosrc
  2. If step 1 outputs the details about ajavideosrc gst-plugin, then run the sample app. This step will output live video on display.

    PYTHONPATH=src/ python3 sample/monaistream-rdma-capture-app/