Please also see Holoscan SDK Python API for additional operators that are exposed in this module.
This object holds the name of relevant config items used in a MONAI Bundle. |
This operator uses Clara Viz to provide interactive view of a 3D volume including segmentation mask. |
This operator loads DICOM studies into memory from a folder of DICOM instance files. |
Class to write DICOM Encapsulated PDF Instance with provided PDF bytes in memory. |
This operator writes out a DICOM Segmentation Part 10 file to disk |
This operator selects a list of DICOM Series in a DICOM Study for a given set of selection rules. |
This operator converts an instance of DICOMSeries into an Image object. |
Class to write DICOM Text SR Instance with provided text input. |
Class encapsulating attributes required for DICOM Equipment Module. |
The base operator for operators that perform AI inference. |
This object holds an I/O definition for an operator. |
Class encapsulating AI model information, according to IHE AI Results (AIR) Rev 1.1. |
This inference operator automates the inference operation for a given MONAI Bundle. |
This segmentation operator uses MONAI transforms and Sliding Window Inference. |
This operator writes out a 3D Volumetric Image to to a file folder in a slice by slice manner. |
This Operator publishes the input and segment mask images for the 3rd party Render Server. |
Converts volumetric image to surface mesh in STL format. |
Converts volumetric image to surface mesh in STL |
This operator reads a nifti image, extracts the numpy array and forwards it to the next operator |