Source code for monailabel.interfaces.utils.wsi

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import ctypes.util
import logging
import platform
from ctypes import cdll
from math import ceil

import numpy as np
from monai.utils import optional_import

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_infer_wsi_tasks(request, image): if request.get("wsi_tiles"): return create_infer_wsi_tasks_from_tiles(request, image) tile_size = request.get("tile_size", (2048, 2048)) tile_size = [int(p) for p in tile_size] location = request.get("location", [0, 0]) size = request.get("size", [0, 0]) bbox = [[location[0], location[1]], [location[0] + size[0], location[1] + size[1]]] bbox = bbox if bbox and sum(bbox[0]) + sum(bbox[1]) > 0 else None if platform.system() == "Windows": cdll.LoadLibrary(str(ctypes.util.find_library("libopenslide-0.dll"))) openslide, has_openslide = optional_import("openslide") if not has_openslide: raise ImportError("Unable to find openslide, please ensure openslide library packages are correctly installed") with openslide.OpenSlide(image) as slide: w, h = slide.dimensions logger.debug(f"Input WSI Image Dimensions: ({w} x {h}); Tile Size: {tile_size}") x, y = 0, 0 if bbox: x, y = int(bbox[0][0]), int(bbox[0][1]) w, h = int(bbox[1][0] - x), int(bbox[1][1] - y) logger.debug(f"WSI Region => Location: ({x}, {y}); Dimensions: ({w} x {h})") cols = ceil(w / tile_size[0]) # COL rows = ceil(h / tile_size[1]) # ROW if rows * cols > 1:"Total Tiles to infer {rows} x {cols}: {rows * cols}; Dimensions: {w} x {h}") infer_tasks = [] count = 0 pw, ph = tile_size[0], tile_size[1] ignore_small_patches = request.get("ignore_small_patches", False) ignore_non_click_patches = request.get("ignore_non_click_patches", False) for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): tx = col * pw + x ty = row * ph + y tw = min(pw, x + w - tx) th = min(ph, y + h - ty) if ignore_small_patches and (tw < pw or th < ph): continue if ignore_non_click_patches and (request.get("foreground") or request.get("background")): def filter_points(ptype): pos = request.get(ptype) pos = (np.array(pos) - (tx, ty)).astype(int).tolist() if pos else [] pos = [p for p in pos if 0 < p[0] < tw and 0 < p[1] < th] return pos fg = filter_points("foreground") bg = filter_points("background") if not fg and not bg: continue task = copy.deepcopy(request) task.update( { "id": count, "image": image, "tile_size": tile_size, "location": (tx, ty), "size": (tw, th), } ) infer_tasks.append(task) count += 1 return infer_tasks
[docs]def create_infer_wsi_tasks_from_tiles(request, image): request = copy.deepcopy(request) tiles = request.pop("wsi_tiles") infer_tasks = [] for count, tile in enumerate(tiles): tx, ty = tile["location"] tw, th = tile["size"] task = copy.deepcopy(request) task.update( { "id": count, "image": image, "tile_size": (tw, th), "location": (tx, ty), "size": (tw, th), } ) infer_tasks.append(task) return infer_tasks