Source code for monai.networks.layers.filtering

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from __future__ import annotations

import torch

from monai.utils.module import optional_import

_C, _ = optional_import("monai._C")

__all__ = ["BilateralFilter", "PHLFilter", "TrainableBilateralFilter", "TrainableJointBilateralFilter"]

[docs] class BilateralFilter(torch.autograd.Function): """ Blurs the input tensor spatially whilst preserving edges. Can run on 1D, 2D, or 3D, tensors (on top of Batch and Channel dimensions). Two implementations are provided, an exact solution and a much faster approximation which uses a permutohedral lattice. See: Args: input: input tensor. spatial_sigma: the standard deviation of the spatial blur. Higher values can hurt performance when not using the approximate method (see fast approx). color_sigma: the standard deviation of the color blur. Lower values preserve edges better whilst higher values tend to a simple gaussian spatial blur. fast approx: This flag chooses between two implementations. The approximate method may produce artifacts in some scenarios whereas the exact solution may be intolerably slow for high spatial standard deviations. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): output tensor. """
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, spatial_sigma=5, color_sigma=0.5, fast_approx=True): """autograd forward""" = spatial_sigma ctx.cs = color_sigma ctx.fa = fast_approx output_data = _C.bilateral_filter(input, spatial_sigma, color_sigma, fast_approx) return output_data
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): """autograd backward""" spatial_sigma, color_sigma, fast_approx =, ctx.cs, ctx.fa grad_input = _C.bilateral_filter(grad_output, spatial_sigma, color_sigma, fast_approx) return grad_input, None, None, None
[docs] class PHLFilter(torch.autograd.Function): """ Filters input based on arbitrary feature vectors. Uses a permutohedral lattice data structure to efficiently approximate n-dimensional gaussian filtering. Complexity is broadly independent of kernel size. Most applicable to higher filter dimensions and larger kernel sizes. See: Args: input: input tensor to be filtered. features: feature tensor used to filter the input. sigmas: the standard deviations of each feature in the filter. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): output tensor. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, features, sigmas=None): scaled_features = features if sigmas is not None: for i in range(features.size(1)): scaled_features[:, i, ...] /= sigmas[i] ctx.save_for_backward(scaled_features) output_data = _C.phl_filter(input, scaled_features) return output_data @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): raise NotImplementedError("PHLFilter does not currently support Backpropagation")
# scaled_features, = ctx.saved_variables # grad_input = _C.phl_filter(grad_output, scaled_features) # return grad_input class TrainableBilateralFilterFunction(torch.autograd.Function): """ torch.autograd.Function for the TrainableBilateralFilter layer. See: F. Wagner, et al., Ultralow-parameter denoising: Trainable bilateral filter layers in computed tomography, Medical Physics (2022), Args: input: input tensor to be filtered. sigma x: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in x direction. sigma y: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in y direction. sigma z: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in z direction. color sigma: trainable standard deviation of the intensity range kernel. This filter parameter determines the degree of edge preservation. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): filtered tensor. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma): output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, do_dsig_r, do_dsig_x, do_dsig_y, do_dsig_z = _C.tbf_forward( input_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma ) ctx.save_for_backward( input_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma, output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, do_dsig_r, do_dsig_x, do_dsig_y, do_dsig_z, ) return output_tensor @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): input_img = ctx.saved_tensors[0] # input image sigma_x = ctx.saved_tensors[1] sigma_y = ctx.saved_tensors[2] sigma_z = ctx.saved_tensors[3] color_sigma = ctx.saved_tensors[4] output_tensor = ctx.saved_tensors[5] # filtered image output_weights_tensor = ctx.saved_tensors[6] # weights do_dx_ki = ctx.saved_tensors[7] # derivative of output with respect to input, while k==i do_dsig_r = ctx.saved_tensors[8] # derivative of output with respect to range sigma do_dsig_x = ctx.saved_tensors[9] # derivative of output with respect to sigma x do_dsig_y = ctx.saved_tensors[10] # derivative of output with respect to sigma y do_dsig_z = ctx.saved_tensors[11] # derivative of output with respect to sigma z # calculate gradient with respect to the sigmas grad_color_sigma = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_r) grad_sig_x = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_x) grad_sig_y = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_y) grad_sig_z = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_z) grad_output_tensor = _C.tbf_backward( grad_output, input_img, output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma, ) return grad_output_tensor, grad_sig_x, grad_sig_y, grad_sig_z, grad_color_sigma
[docs] class TrainableBilateralFilter(torch.nn.Module): """ Implementation of a trainable bilateral filter layer as proposed in the corresponding publication. All filter parameters can be trained data-driven. The spatial filter kernels x, y, and z determine image smoothing whereas the color parameter specifies the amount of edge preservation. Can run on 1D, 2D, or 3D tensors (on top of Batch and Channel dimensions). See: F. Wagner, et al., Ultralow-parameter denoising: Trainable bilateral filter layers in computed tomography, Medical Physics (2022), Args: input: input tensor to be filtered. spatial_sigma: tuple (sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z) initializing the trainable standard deviations of the spatial filter kernels. Tuple length must equal the number of spatial input dimensions. color_sigma: trainable standard deviation of the intensity range kernel. This filter parameter determines the degree of edge preservation. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): filtered tensor. """ def __init__(self, spatial_sigma, color_sigma): super().__init__() if isinstance(spatial_sigma, float): spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma, spatial_sigma, spatial_sigma] self.len_spatial_sigma = 3 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 1: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], 0.01, 0.01] self.len_spatial_sigma = 1 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 2: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], spatial_sigma[1], 0.01] self.len_spatial_sigma = 2 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 3: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], spatial_sigma[1], spatial_sigma[2]] self.len_spatial_sigma = 3 else: raise ValueError( f"len(spatial_sigma) {spatial_sigma} must match number of spatial dims {self.ken_spatial_sigma}." ) # Register sigmas as trainable parameters. self.sigma_x = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[0])) self.sigma_y = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[1])) self.sigma_z = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[2])) self.sigma_color = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(color_sigma))
[docs] def forward(self, input_tensor): if input_tensor.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( f"Currently channel dimensions >1 ({input_tensor.shape[1]}) are not supported. " "Please use multiple parallel filter layers if you want " "to filter multiple channels." ) len_input = len(input_tensor.shape) # C++ extension so far only supports 5-dim inputs. if len_input == 3: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4) elif len_input == 4: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(4) if self.len_spatial_sigma != len_input: raise ValueError(f"Spatial dimension ({len_input}) must match initialized len(spatial_sigma).") prediction = TrainableBilateralFilterFunction.apply( input_tensor, self.sigma_x, self.sigma_y, self.sigma_z, self.sigma_color ) # Make sure to return tensor of the same shape as the input. if len_input == 3: prediction = prediction.squeeze(4).squeeze(3) elif len_input == 4: prediction = prediction.squeeze(4) return prediction
class TrainableJointBilateralFilterFunction(torch.autograd.Function): """ torch.autograd.Function for the TrainableJointBilateralFilter layer. See: F. Wagner, et al., Trainable joint bilateral filters for enhanced prediction stability in low-dose CT, Scientific Reports (2022), Args: input: input tensor to be filtered. guide: guidance image tensor to be used during filtering. sigma x: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in x direction. sigma y: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in y direction. sigma z: trainable standard deviation of the spatial filter kernel in z direction. color sigma: trainable standard deviation of the intensity range kernel. This filter parameter determines the degree of edge preservation. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): filtered tensor. """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input_img, guidance_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma): output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, do_dsig_r, do_dsig_x, do_dsig_y, do_dsig_z = _C.tjbf_forward( input_img, guidance_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma ) ctx.save_for_backward( input_img, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma, output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, do_dsig_r, do_dsig_x, do_dsig_y, do_dsig_z, guidance_img, ) return output_tensor @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): input_img = ctx.saved_tensors[0] # input image sigma_x = ctx.saved_tensors[1] sigma_y = ctx.saved_tensors[2] sigma_z = ctx.saved_tensors[3] color_sigma = ctx.saved_tensors[4] output_tensor = ctx.saved_tensors[5] # filtered image output_weights_tensor = ctx.saved_tensors[6] # weights do_dx_ki = ctx.saved_tensors[7] # derivative of output with respect to input, while k==i do_dsig_r = ctx.saved_tensors[8] # derivative of output with respect to range sigma do_dsig_x = ctx.saved_tensors[9] # derivative of output with respect to sigma x do_dsig_y = ctx.saved_tensors[10] # derivative of output with respect to sigma y do_dsig_z = ctx.saved_tensors[11] # derivative of output with respect to sigma z guidance_img = ctx.saved_tensors[12] # guidance image # calculate gradient with respect to the sigmas grad_color_sigma = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_r) grad_sig_x = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_x) grad_sig_y = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_y) grad_sig_z = torch.sum(grad_output * do_dsig_z) grad_output_tensor, grad_guidance_tensor = _C.tjbf_backward( grad_output, input_img, guidance_img, output_tensor, output_weights_tensor, do_dx_ki, sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z, color_sigma, ) return grad_output_tensor, grad_guidance_tensor, grad_sig_x, grad_sig_y, grad_sig_z, grad_color_sigma
[docs] class TrainableJointBilateralFilter(torch.nn.Module): """ Implementation of a trainable joint bilateral filter layer as proposed in the corresponding publication. The guidance image is used as additional (edge) information during filtering. All filter parameters and the guidance image can be trained data-driven. The spatial filter kernels x, y, and z determine image smoothing whereas the color parameter specifies the amount of edge preservation. Can run on 1D, 2D, or 3D tensors (on top of Batch and Channel dimensions). Input tensor shape must match guidance tensor shape. See: F. Wagner, et al., Trainable joint bilateral filters for enhanced prediction stability in low-dose CT, Scientific Reports (2022), Args: input: input tensor to be filtered. guide: guidance image tensor to be used during filtering. spatial_sigma: tuple (sigma_x, sigma_y, sigma_z) initializing the trainable standard deviations of the spatial filter kernels. Tuple length must equal the number of spatial input dimensions. color_sigma: trainable standard deviation of the intensity range kernel. This filter parameter determines the degree of edge preservation. Returns: output (torch.Tensor): filtered tensor. """ def __init__(self, spatial_sigma, color_sigma): super().__init__() if isinstance(spatial_sigma, float): spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma, spatial_sigma, spatial_sigma] self.len_spatial_sigma = 3 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 1: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], 0.01, 0.01] self.len_spatial_sigma = 1 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 2: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], spatial_sigma[1], 0.01] self.len_spatial_sigma = 2 elif len(spatial_sigma) == 3: spatial_sigma = [spatial_sigma[0], spatial_sigma[1], spatial_sigma[2]] self.len_spatial_sigma = 3 else: raise ValueError( f"len(spatial_sigma) {spatial_sigma} must match number of spatial dims {self.ken_spatial_sigma}." ) # Register sigmas as trainable parameters. self.sigma_x = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[0])) self.sigma_y = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[1])) self.sigma_z = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(spatial_sigma[2])) self.sigma_color = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(color_sigma))
[docs] def forward(self, input_tensor, guidance_tensor): if input_tensor.shape[1] != 1: raise ValueError( f"Currently channel dimensions >1 ({input_tensor.shape[1]}) are not supported. " "Please use multiple parallel filter layers if you want " "to filter multiple channels." ) if input_tensor.shape != guidance_tensor.shape: raise ValueError( "Shape of input image must equal shape of guidance image." f"Got {input_tensor.shape} and {guidance_tensor.shape}." ) len_input = len(input_tensor.shape) # C++ extension so far only supports 5-dim inputs. if len_input == 3: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4) guidance_tensor = guidance_tensor.unsqueeze(3).unsqueeze(4) elif len_input == 4: input_tensor = input_tensor.unsqueeze(4) guidance_tensor = guidance_tensor.unsqueeze(4) if self.len_spatial_sigma != len_input: raise ValueError(f"Spatial dimension ({len_input}) must match initialized len(spatial_sigma).") prediction = TrainableJointBilateralFilterFunction.apply( input_tensor, guidance_tensor, self.sigma_x, self.sigma_y, self.sigma_z, self.sigma_color ) # Make sure to return tensor of the same shape as the input. if len_input == 3: prediction = prediction.squeeze(4).squeeze(3) elif len_input == 4: prediction = prediction.squeeze(4) return prediction