Source code for monai.metrics.regression

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from abc import abstractmethod
from import Callable, Sequence
from functools import partial
from typing import Any

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from monai.metrics.utils import do_metric_reduction
from monai.utils import MetricReduction, StrEnum, convert_data_type, ensure_tuple_rep
from monai.utils.type_conversion import convert_to_dst_type

from .metric import CumulativeIterationMetric

class RegressionMetric(CumulativeIterationMetric):
    Base class for regression metrics.
    Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`.
    Both `y_pred` and `y` are expected to be real-valued, where `y_pred` is output from a regression model.
    `y_preds` and `y` can be a list of channel-first Tensor (CHW[D]) or a batch-first Tensor (BCHW[D]).

    Example of the typical execution steps of this metric class follows :py:class:`monai.metrics.metric.Cumulative`.

        reduction: define mode of reduction to the metrics, will only apply reduction on `not-nan` values,
            available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``,
            ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction.
        get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans).
            Here `not_nans` count the number of not nans for the metric, thus its shape equals to the shape of the metric.


    def __init__(self, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False) -> None:
        self.reduction = reduction
        self.get_not_nans = get_not_nans

    def aggregate(
        self, reduction: MetricReduction | str | None = None
    ) -> torch.Tensor | tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
            reduction: define mode of reduction to the metrics, will only apply reduction on `not-nan` values,
                available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``,
                ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to `self.reduction`. if "none", will not do reduction.
        data = self.get_buffer()
        if not isinstance(data, torch.Tensor):
            raise ValueError("the data to aggregate must be PyTorch Tensor.")

        f, not_nans = do_metric_reduction(data, reduction or self.reduction)
        return (f, not_nans) if self.get_not_nans else f

    def _check_shape(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> None:
        if y_pred.shape != y.shape:
            raise ValueError(f"y_pred and y shapes dont match, received y_pred: [{y_pred.shape}] and y: [{y.shape}]")

        # also check if there is atleast one non-batch dimension i.e. num_dims >= 2
        if len(y_pred.shape) < 2:
            raise ValueError("either channel or spatial dimensions required, found only batch dimension")

    def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.")

    def _compute_tensor(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:  # type: ignore[override]
        if not isinstance(y_pred, torch.Tensor) or not isinstance(y, torch.Tensor):
            raise ValueError("y_pred and y must be PyTorch Tensor.")
        self._check_shape(y_pred, y)
        return self._compute_metric(y_pred, y)

[docs] class MSEMetric(RegressionMetric): r"""Compute Mean Squared Error between two tensors using function: .. math:: \operatorname {MSE}\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right) =\frac {1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(y_i-\hat{y_i} \right)^{2}. More info: Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`. Both `y_pred` and `y` are expected to be real-valued, where `y_pred` is output from a regression model. Example of the typical execution steps of this metric class follows :py:class:`monai.metrics.metric.Cumulative`. Args: reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction. get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans). """ def __init__(self, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.sq_func = partial(torch.pow, exponent=2.0) def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y_pred = y_pred.float() y = y.float() return compute_mean_error_metrics(y_pred, y, func=self.sq_func)
[docs] class MAEMetric(RegressionMetric): r"""Compute Mean Absolute Error between two tensors using function: .. math:: \operatorname {MAE}\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right) =\frac {1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left|y_i-\hat{y_i}\right|. More info: Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`. Both `y_pred` and `y` are expected to be real-valued, where `y_pred` is output from a regression model. Example of the typical execution steps of this metric class follows :py:class:`monai.metrics.metric.Cumulative`. Args: reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction. get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans). """ def __init__(self, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.abs_func = torch.abs def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y_pred = y_pred.float() y = y.float() return compute_mean_error_metrics(y_pred, y, func=self.abs_func)
[docs] class RMSEMetric(RegressionMetric): r"""Compute Root Mean Squared Error between two tensors using function: .. math:: \operatorname {RMSE}\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right) ={ \sqrt{ \frac {1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(y_i-\hat{y_i}\right)^2 } } \ = \sqrt {\operatorname{MSE}\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right)}. More info: Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`. Both `y_pred` and `y` are expected to be real-valued, where `y_pred` is output from a regression model. Example of the typical execution steps of this metric class follows :py:class:`monai.metrics.metric.Cumulative`. Args: reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction. get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans). """ def __init__(self, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.sq_func = partial(torch.pow, exponent=2.0) def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: y_pred = y_pred.float() y = y.float() mse_out = compute_mean_error_metrics(y_pred, y, func=self.sq_func) return torch.sqrt(mse_out)
[docs] class PSNRMetric(RegressionMetric): r"""Compute Peak Signal To Noise Ratio between two tensors using function: .. math:: \operatorname{PSNR}\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right) = 20 \cdot \log_{10} \left({\mathit{MAX}}_Y\right) \ -10 \cdot \log_{10}\left(\operatorname{MSE\left(Y, \hat{Y}\right)}\right) More info: Help taken from: line 4139 Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`. Both `y_pred` and `y` are expected to be real-valued, where `y_pred` is output from a regression model. Example of the typical execution steps of this metric class follows :py:class:`monai.metrics.metric.Cumulative`. Args: max_val: The dynamic range of the images/volumes (i.e., the difference between the maximum and the minimum allowed values e.g. 255 for a uint8 image). reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction. get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans). """ def __init__( self, max_val: int | float, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.max_val = max_val self.sq_func = partial(torch.pow, exponent=2.0) def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> Any: y_pred = y_pred.float() y = y.float() mse_out = compute_mean_error_metrics(y_pred, y, func=self.sq_func) return 20 * math.log10(self.max_val) - 10 * torch.log10(mse_out)
def compute_mean_error_metrics(y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, func: Callable) -> torch.Tensor: # reducing in only channel + spatial dimensions (not batch) # reduction of batch handled inside __call__() using do_metric_reduction() in respective calling class flt = partial(torch.flatten, start_dim=1) return torch.mean(flt(func(y - y_pred)), dim=-1, keepdim=True) class KernelType(StrEnum): GAUSSIAN = "gaussian" UNIFORM = "uniform"
[docs] class SSIMMetric(RegressionMetric): r""" Computes the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). .. math:: \operatorname {SSIM}(x,y) =\frac {(2 \mu_x \mu_y + c_1)(2 \sigma_{xy} + c_2)}{((\mu_x^2 + \ \mu_y^2 + c_1)(\sigma_x^2 + \sigma_y^2 + c_2)} For more info, visit SSIM reference paper: Wang, Zhou, et al. "Image quality assessment: from error visibility to structural similarity." IEEE transactions on image processing 13.4 (2004): 600-612. Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input images. data_range: value range of input images. (usually 1.0 or 255) kernel_type: type of kernel, can be "gaussian" or "uniform". win_size: window size of kernel kernel_sigma: standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. k1: stability constant used in the luminance denominator k2: stability constant used in the contrast denominator reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans) """ def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, data_range: float = 1.0, kernel_type: KernelType | str = KernelType.GAUSSIAN, win_size: int | Sequence[int] = 11, kernel_sigma: float | Sequence[float] = 1.5, k1: float = 0.01, k2: float = 0.03, reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims self.data_range = data_range self.kernel_type = kernel_type if not isinstance(win_size, Sequence): win_size = ensure_tuple_rep(win_size, spatial_dims) self.kernel_size = win_size if not isinstance(kernel_sigma, Sequence): kernel_sigma = ensure_tuple_rep(kernel_sigma, spatial_dims) self.kernel_sigma = kernel_sigma self.k1 = k1 self.k2 = k2 def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: y_pred: Predicted image. It must be a 2D or 3D batch-first tensor [B,C,H,W] or [B,C,H,W,D]. y: Reference image. It must be a 2D or 3D batch-first tensor [B,C,H,W] or [B,C,H,W,D]. Raises: ValueError: when `y_pred` is not a 2D or 3D image. """ dims = y_pred.ndimension() if self.spatial_dims == 2 and dims != 4: raise ValueError( f"y_pred should have 4 dimensions (batch, channel, height, width) when using {self.spatial_dims} " f"spatial dimensions, got {dims}." ) if self.spatial_dims == 3 and dims != 5: raise ValueError( f"y_pred should have 4 dimensions (batch, channel, height, width, depth) when using {self.spatial_dims}" f" spatial dimensions, got {dims}." ) ssim_value_full_image, _ = compute_ssim_and_cs( y_pred=y_pred, y=y, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, data_range=self.data_range, kernel_type=self.kernel_type, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, kernel_sigma=self.kernel_sigma, k1=self.k1, k2=self.k2, ) ssim_per_batch: torch.Tensor = ssim_value_full_image.view(ssim_value_full_image.shape[0], -1).mean( 1, keepdim=True ) return ssim_per_batch
def _gaussian_kernel( spatial_dims: int, num_channels: int, kernel_size: Sequence[int], kernel_sigma: Sequence[float] ) -> torch.Tensor: """Computes 2D or 3D gaussian kernel. Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input images. num_channels: number of channels in the image kernel_size: size of kernel kernel_sigma: standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. """ def gaussian_1d(kernel_size: int, sigma: float) -> torch.Tensor: """Computes 1D gaussian kernel. Args: kernel_size: size of the gaussian kernel sigma: Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel """ dist = torch.arange(start=(1 - kernel_size) / 2, end=(1 + kernel_size) / 2, step=1) gauss = torch.exp(-torch.pow(dist / sigma, 2) / 2) return (gauss / gauss.sum()).unsqueeze(dim=0) gaussian_kernel_x = gaussian_1d(kernel_size[0], kernel_sigma[0]) gaussian_kernel_y = gaussian_1d(kernel_size[1], kernel_sigma[1]) kernel = torch.matmul(gaussian_kernel_x.t(), gaussian_kernel_y) # (kernel_size, 1) * (1, kernel_size) kernel_dimensions: tuple[int, ...] = (num_channels, 1, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1]) if spatial_dims == 3: gaussian_kernel_z = gaussian_1d(kernel_size[2], kernel_sigma[2])[None,] kernel = torch.mul( kernel.unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, 1, kernel_size[2]), gaussian_kernel_z.expand(kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], kernel_size[2]), ) kernel_dimensions = (num_channels, 1, kernel_size[0], kernel_size[1], kernel_size[2]) return kernel.expand(kernel_dimensions) def compute_ssim_and_cs( y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, spatial_dims: int, kernel_size: Sequence[int], kernel_sigma: Sequence[float], data_range: float = 1.0, kernel_type: KernelType | str = KernelType.GAUSSIAN, k1: float = 0.01, k2: float = 0.03, ) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Function to compute the Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) and Contrast Sensitivity (CS) for a batch of images. Args: y_pred: batch of predicted images with shape (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2[, spatial_dim3]) y: batch of target images with shape (batch_size, channels, spatial_dim1, spatial_dim2[, spatial_dim3]) kernel_size: the size of the kernel to use for the SSIM computation. kernel_sigma: the standard deviation of the kernel to use for the SSIM computation. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the images (2, 3) data_range: the data range of the images. kernel_type: the type of kernel to use for the SSIM computation. Can be either "gaussian" or "uniform". k1: the first stability constant. k2: the second stability constant. Returns: ssim: the Structural Similarity Index Measure score for the batch of images. cs: the Contrast Sensitivity for the batch of images. """ if y.shape != y_pred.shape: raise ValueError(f"y_pred and y should have same shapes, got {y_pred.shape} and {y.shape}.") y_pred = convert_data_type(y_pred, output_type=torch.Tensor, dtype=torch.float)[0] y = convert_data_type(y, output_type=torch.Tensor, dtype=torch.float)[0] num_channels = y_pred.size(1) if kernel_type == KernelType.GAUSSIAN: kernel = _gaussian_kernel(spatial_dims, num_channels, kernel_size, kernel_sigma) elif kernel_type == KernelType.UNIFORM: kernel = torch.ones((num_channels, 1, *kernel_size)) / kernel = convert_to_dst_type(src=kernel, dst=y_pred)[0] c1 = (k1 * data_range) ** 2 # stability constant for luminance c2 = (k2 * data_range) ** 2 # stability constant for contrast conv_fn = getattr(F, f"conv{spatial_dims}d") mu_x = conv_fn(y_pred, kernel, groups=num_channels) mu_y = conv_fn(y, kernel, groups=num_channels) mu_xx = conv_fn(y_pred * y_pred, kernel, groups=num_channels) mu_yy = conv_fn(y * y, kernel, groups=num_channels) mu_xy = conv_fn(y_pred * y, kernel, groups=num_channels) sigma_x = mu_xx - mu_x * mu_x sigma_y = mu_yy - mu_y * mu_y sigma_xy = mu_xy - mu_x * mu_y contrast_sensitivity = (2 * sigma_xy + c2) / (sigma_x + sigma_y + c2) ssim_value_full_image = ((2 * mu_x * mu_y + c1) / (mu_x**2 + mu_y**2 + c1)) * contrast_sensitivity return ssim_value_full_image, contrast_sensitivity
[docs] class MultiScaleSSIMMetric(RegressionMetric): """ Computes the Multi-Scale Structural Similarity Index Measure (MS-SSIM). MS-SSIM reference paper: Wang, Z., Simoncelli, E.P. and Bovik, A.C., 2003, November. "Multiscale structural similarity for image quality assessment." In The Thirty-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2003 (Vol. 2, pp. 1398-1402). IEEE Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input images. data_range: value range of input images. (usually 1.0 or 255) kernel_type: type of kernel, can be "gaussian" or "uniform". kernel_size: size of kernel kernel_sigma: standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. k1: stability constant used in the luminance denominator k2: stability constant used in the contrast denominator weights: parameters for image similarity and contrast sensitivity at different resolution scores. reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans) """ def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, data_range: float = 1.0, kernel_type: KernelType | str = KernelType.GAUSSIAN, kernel_size: int | Sequence[int] = 11, kernel_sigma: float | Sequence[float] = 1.5, k1: float = 0.01, k2: float = 0.03, weights: Sequence[float] = (0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333), reduction: MetricReduction | str = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__(reduction=reduction, get_not_nans=get_not_nans) self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims self.data_range = data_range self.kernel_type = kernel_type if not isinstance(kernel_size, Sequence): kernel_size = ensure_tuple_rep(kernel_size, spatial_dims) self.kernel_size = kernel_size if not isinstance(kernel_sigma, Sequence): kernel_sigma = ensure_tuple_rep(kernel_sigma, spatial_dims) self.kernel_sigma = kernel_sigma self.k1 = k1 self.k2 = k2 self.weights = weights def _compute_metric(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return compute_ms_ssim( y_pred=y_pred, y=y, spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, data_range=self.data_range, kernel_type=self.kernel_type, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, kernel_sigma=self.kernel_sigma, k1=self.k1, k2=self.k2, weights=self.weights, )
def compute_ms_ssim( y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, spatial_dims: int, data_range: float = 1.0, kernel_type: KernelType | str = KernelType.GAUSSIAN, kernel_size: int | Sequence[int] = 11, kernel_sigma: float | Sequence[float] = 1.5, k1: float = 0.01, k2: float = 0.03, weights: Sequence[float] = (0.0448, 0.2856, 0.3001, 0.2363, 0.1333), ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: y_pred: Predicted image. It must be a 2D or 3D batch-first tensor [B,C,H,W] or [B,C,H,W,D]. y: Reference image. It must be a 2D or 3D batch-first tensor [B,C,H,W] or [B,C,H,W,D]. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input images. data_range: value range of input images. (usually 1.0 or 255) kernel_type: type of kernel, can be "gaussian" or "uniform". kernel_size: size of kernel kernel_sigma: standard deviation for Gaussian kernel. k1: stability constant used in the luminance denominator k2: stability constant used in the contrast denominator weights: parameters for image similarity and contrast sensitivity at different resolution scores. Raises: ValueError: when `y_pred` is not a 2D or 3D image. """ dims = y_pred.ndimension() if spatial_dims == 2 and dims != 4: raise ValueError( f"y_pred should have 4 dimensions (batch, channel, height, width) when using {spatial_dims} " f"spatial dimensions, got {dims}." ) if spatial_dims == 3 and dims != 5: raise ValueError( f"y_pred should have 4 dimensions (batch, channel, height, width, depth) when using {spatial_dims}" f" spatial dimensions, got {dims}." ) if not isinstance(kernel_size, Sequence): kernel_size = ensure_tuple_rep(kernel_size, spatial_dims) if not isinstance(kernel_sigma, Sequence): kernel_sigma = ensure_tuple_rep(kernel_sigma, spatial_dims) # check if image have enough size for the number of downsamplings and the size of the kernel weights_div = max(1, (len(weights) - 1)) ** 2 y_pred_spatial_dims = y_pred.shape[2:] for i in range(len(y_pred_spatial_dims)): if y_pred_spatial_dims[i] // weights_div <= kernel_size[i] - 1: raise ValueError( f"For a given number of `weights` parameters {len(weights)} and kernel size " f"{kernel_size[i]}, the image height must be larger than " f"{(kernel_size[i] - 1) * weights_div}." ) weights_tensor = torch.tensor(weights, device=y_pred.device, dtype=torch.float) avg_pool = getattr(F, f"avg_pool{spatial_dims}d") multiscale_list: list[torch.Tensor] = [] for _ in range(len(weights_tensor)): ssim, cs = compute_ssim_and_cs( y_pred=y_pred, y=y, spatial_dims=spatial_dims, data_range=data_range, kernel_type=kernel_type, kernel_size=kernel_size, kernel_sigma=kernel_sigma, k1=k1, k2=k2, ) cs_per_batch = cs.view(cs.shape[0], -1).mean(1) multiscale_list.append(torch.relu(cs_per_batch)) y_pred = avg_pool(y_pred, kernel_size=2) y = avg_pool(y, kernel_size=2) ssim = ssim.view(ssim.shape[0], -1).mean(1) multiscale_list[-1] = torch.relu(ssim) multiscale_list_tensor = torch.stack(multiscale_list) ms_ssim_value_full_image = ** weights_tensor.view(-1, 1), dim=0) ms_ssim_per_batch: torch.Tensor = ms_ssim_value_full_image.view(ms_ssim_value_full_image.shape[0], -1).mean( 1, keepdim=True ) return ms_ssim_per_batch