# What's new in 1.3 - Bundle usability enhancements - Integrating MONAI Generative into MONAI core ## Bundle usability enhancements Based on the experience of building MONAI model zoo and the feedback from the community, MONAI 1.3 provides major enhancements in MONAI Bundle usability. These include: - Pythonic APIs for Bundle trying to strike a balance between code readability and workflow standardization; - Streamlined Bundle building processes with step-by-step guides to the concepts; - Various utility functions for fetching and fine-tuning models from [MONAI Model Zoo](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/model-zoo); - Various fixes for Bundle syntax and documentation, improved test coverage across the Bundle module and Model Zoo. For more details please visit [the Bundle tutorials](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/tree/main/bundle) and [the Model Zoo demos](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/tree/main/model_zoo). ## Integrating MONAI Generative into MONAI Core Main modules developed at [MONAI GenerativeModels](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/GenerativeModels) are being ported into the core codebase, allowing for consistent maintenance and release of the key components for generative AI. As a starting point, loss functions and metrics are integrated into this version.