Source code for monai.transforms.spatial.functional

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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A collection of "functional" transforms for spatial operations.

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import warnings
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
import torch

import monai
from monai.config import USE_COMPILED
from monai.config.type_definitions import NdarrayOrTensor
from import get_track_meta
from import MetaTensor
from import AFFINE_TOL, compute_shape_offset, to_affine_nd
from monai.networks.layers import AffineTransform
from monai.transforms.croppad.array import ResizeWithPadOrCrop
from monai.transforms.intensity.array import GaussianSmooth
from monai.transforms.inverse import TraceableTransform
from monai.transforms.utils import create_rotate, create_translate, resolves_modes, scale_affine
from monai.transforms.utils_pytorch_numpy_unification import allclose
from monai.utils import (

nib, has_nib = optional_import("nibabel")
cupy, _ = optional_import("cupy")
cupy_ndi, _ = optional_import("cupyx.scipy.ndimage")
np_ndi, _ = optional_import("scipy.ndimage")

__all__ = ["spatial_resample", "orientation", "flip", "resize", "rotate", "zoom", "rotate90", "affine_func"]

def _maybe_new_metatensor(img, dtype=None, device=None):
    """create a metatensor with fresh metadata if track_meta is True otherwise convert img into a torch tensor"""
    return convert_to_tensor(
        img.as_tensor() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img,

[docs] def spatial_resample( img, dst_affine, spatial_size, mode, padding_mode, align_corners, dtype_pt, lazy, transform_info ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Functional implementation of resampling the input image to the specified ``dst_affine`` matrix and ``spatial_size``. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be resampled, assuming `img` is channel-first. dst_affine: target affine matrix, if None, use the input affine matrix, effectively no resampling. spatial_size: output spatial size, if the component is ``-1``, use the corresponding input spatial size. mode: {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``} or spline interpolation order 0-5 (integers). Interpolation mode to calculate output values. See also: When it's an integer, the numpy (cpu tensor)/cupy (cuda tensor) backends will be used and the value represents the order of the spline interpolation. See also: padding_mode: {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} Padding mode for outside grid values. See also: When `mode` is an integer, using numpy/cupy backends, this argument accepts {'reflect', 'grid-mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'grid-wrap', 'wrap'}. See also: align_corners: Geometrically, we consider the pixels of the input as squares rather than points. See also: dtype_pt: data `dtype` for resampling computation. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ original_spatial_shape = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] src_affine: torch.Tensor = img.peek_pending_affine() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else torch.eye(4) img = convert_to_tensor(data=img, track_meta=get_track_meta()) # ensure spatial rank is <= 3 spatial_rank = min(len(img.shape) - 1, src_affine.shape[0] - 1, 3) if (not isinstance(spatial_size, int) or spatial_size != -1) and spatial_size is not None: spatial_rank = min(len(ensure_tuple(spatial_size)), 3) # infer spatial rank based on spatial_size src_affine = to_affine_nd(spatial_rank, src_affine).to(torch.float64) dst_affine = to_affine_nd(spatial_rank, dst_affine) if dst_affine is not None else src_affine dst_affine = convert_to_dst_type(dst_affine, src_affine)[0] if not isinstance(dst_affine, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError(f"dst_affine should be a torch.Tensor, got {type(dst_affine)}") in_spatial_size = torch.tensor(original_spatial_shape[:spatial_rank]) if isinstance(spatial_size, int) and (spatial_size == -1): # using the input spatial size spatial_size = in_spatial_size elif spatial_size is None and spatial_rank > 1: # auto spatial size spatial_size, _ = compute_shape_offset(in_spatial_size, src_affine, dst_affine) # type: ignore spatial_size = torch.tensor( fall_back_tuple(ensure_tuple(spatial_size)[:spatial_rank], in_spatial_size, lambda x: x >= 0) ) extra_info = { "dtype": str(dtype_pt)[6:], # remove "torch": torch.float32 -> float32 "mode": mode.value if isinstance(mode, Enum) else mode, "padding_mode": padding_mode.value if isinstance(padding_mode, Enum) else padding_mode, "align_corners": align_corners if align_corners is not None else TraceKeys.NONE, "src_affine": src_affine, } try: _s = convert_to_numpy(src_affine) _d = convert_to_numpy(dst_affine) xform = np.eye(spatial_rank + 1) if spatial_rank < 2 else np.linalg.solve(_s, _d) except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, RuntimeError) as e: raise ValueError(f"src affine is not invertible {_s}, {_d}.") from e xform = convert_to_tensor(to_affine_nd(spatial_rank, xform)).to(device=img.device, dtype=torch.float64) affine_unchanged = ( allclose(src_affine, dst_affine, atol=AFFINE_TOL) and allclose(spatial_size, in_spatial_size) ) or (allclose(xform, np.eye(len(xform)), atol=AFFINE_TOL) and allclose(spatial_size, in_spatial_size)) meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=spatial_size, affine=None if affine_unchanged and not lazy else xform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=original_spatial_shape, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) if lazy: out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info # type: ignore if affine_unchanged: # no significant change or lazy change, return original image out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img, dtype=torch.float32) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out # type: ignore # drop current meta first img = img.as_tensor() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img im_size = list(img.shape) chns, in_sp_size, additional_dims = im_size[0], im_size[1 : spatial_rank + 1], im_size[spatial_rank + 1 :] if additional_dims: xform_shape = [-1] + in_sp_size img = img.reshape(xform_shape) img = if isinstance(mode, int) or USE_COMPILED: dst_xform = create_translate(spatial_rank, [float(d - 1) / 2 for d in spatial_size]) xform = xform @ convert_to_dst_type(dst_xform, xform)[0] affine_xform = monai.transforms.Affine( affine=xform, spatial_size=spatial_size, normalized=True, image_only=True, dtype=dtype_pt, align_corners=align_corners, ) with affine_xform.trace_transform(False): img = affine_xform(img, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode) else: _, _m, _p, _ = resolves_modes(mode, padding_mode) affine_xform = AffineTransform( # type: ignore normalized=False, mode=_m, padding_mode=_p, align_corners=align_corners, reverse_indexing=True ) img = affine_xform(img.unsqueeze(0),, spatial_size=spatial_size).squeeze(0) # type: ignore if additional_dims: full_shape = (chns, *spatial_size, *additional_dims) img = img.reshape(full_shape) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img, dtype=torch.float32) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out # type: ignore
[docs] def orientation(img, original_affine, spatial_ornt, lazy, transform_info) -> torch.Tensor: """ Functional implementation of changing the input image's orientation into the specified based on `spatial_ornt`. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. original_affine: original affine of the input image. spatial_ornt: orientations of the spatial axes, see also lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ spatial_shape = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] xform = nib.orientations.inv_ornt_aff(spatial_ornt, spatial_shape) img = convert_to_tensor(img, track_meta=get_track_meta()) spatial_ornt[:, 0] += 1 # skip channel dim spatial_ornt = np.concatenate([np.array([[0, 1]]), spatial_ornt]) axes = [ax for ax, flip in enumerate(spatial_ornt[:, 1]) if flip == -1] full_transpose = np.arange(len(spatial_shape) + 1) # channel-first array full_transpose[: len(spatial_ornt)] = np.argsort(spatial_ornt[:, 0]) extra_info = {"original_affine": original_affine} shape_np = convert_to_numpy(spatial_shape, wrap_sequence=True) shape_np = shape_np[[i - 1 for i in full_transpose if i > 0]] meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=shape_np, affine=xform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=spatial_shape, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info # type: ignore if axes: out = torch.flip(out, dims=axes) if not np.all(full_transpose == np.arange(len(out.shape))): out = out.permute(full_transpose.tolist()) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out # type: ignore
[docs] def flip(img, sp_axes, lazy, transform_info): """ Functional implementation of flip. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. sp_axes: spatial axes along which to flip over. If None, will flip over all of the axes of the input array. If axis is negative it counts from the last to the first axis. If axis is a tuple of ints, flipping is performed on all of the axes specified in the tuple. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ sp_size = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] sp_size = convert_to_numpy(sp_size, wrap_sequence=True).tolist() extra_info = {"axes": sp_axes} # track the spatial axes axes = monai.transforms.utils.map_spatial_axes(img.ndim, sp_axes) # use the axes with channel dim rank = img.peek_pending_rank() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else torch.tensor(3.0, dtype=torch.double) # axes include the channel dim xform = torch.eye(int(rank) + 1, dtype=torch.double) for axis in axes: sp = axis - 1 xform[sp, sp], xform[sp, -1] = xform[sp, sp] * -1, sp_size[sp] - 1 meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=sp_size, affine=xform, extra_info=extra_info, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy ) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info out = torch.flip(out, axes) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out
[docs] def resize( img, out_size, mode, align_corners, dtype, input_ndim, anti_aliasing, anti_aliasing_sigma, lazy, transform_info ): """ Functional implementation of resize. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. out_size: expected shape of spatial dimensions after resize operation. mode: {``"nearest"``, ``"nearest-exact"``, ``"linear"``, ``"bilinear"``, ``"bicubic"``, ``"trilinear"``, ``"area"``} The interpolation mode. See also: align_corners: This only has an effect when mode is 'linear', 'bilinear', 'bicubic' or 'trilinear'. dtype: data type for resampling computation. If None, use the data type of input data. input_ndim: number of spatial dimensions. anti_aliasing: whether to apply a Gaussian filter to smooth the image prior to downsampling. It is crucial to filter when downsampling the image to avoid aliasing artifacts. See also ``skimage.transform.resize`` anti_aliasing_sigma: {float, tuple of floats}, optional Standard deviation for Gaussian filtering used when anti-aliasing. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ img = convert_to_tensor(img, track_meta=get_track_meta()) orig_size = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] extra_info = { "mode": mode, "align_corners": align_corners if align_corners is not None else TraceKeys.NONE, "dtype": str(dtype)[6:], # dtype as string; remove "torch": torch.float32 -> float32 "new_dim": len(orig_size) - input_ndim, } meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=out_size, affine=scale_affine(orig_size, out_size), extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=orig_size, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) if lazy: if anti_aliasing and lazy: warnings.warn("anti-aliasing is not compatible with lazy evaluation.") out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info if tuple(convert_to_numpy(orig_size)) == out_size: out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img, dtype=torch.float32) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) img_ = convert_to_tensor(out, dtype=dtype, track_meta=False) # convert to a regular tensor if anti_aliasing and any(x < y for x, y in zip(out_size, img_.shape[1:])): factors = torch.div(torch.Tensor(list(img_.shape[1:])), torch.Tensor(out_size)) if anti_aliasing_sigma is None: # if sigma is not given, use the default sigma in skimage.transform.resize anti_aliasing_sigma = torch.maximum(torch.zeros(factors.shape), (factors - 1) / 2).tolist() else: # if sigma is given, use the given value for downsampling axis anti_aliasing_sigma = list(ensure_tuple_rep(anti_aliasing_sigma, len(out_size))) for axis in range(len(out_size)): anti_aliasing_sigma[axis] = anti_aliasing_sigma[axis] * int(factors[axis] > 1) anti_aliasing_filter = GaussianSmooth(sigma=anti_aliasing_sigma) img_ = convert_to_tensor(anti_aliasing_filter(img_), track_meta=False) _, _m, _, _ = resolves_modes(mode, torch_interpolate_spatial_nd=len(img_.shape) - 1) resized = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( input=img_.unsqueeze(0), size=out_size, mode=_m, align_corners=align_corners ) out, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(resized.squeeze(0), out, dtype=torch.float32) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out
[docs] def rotate(img, angle, output_shape, mode, padding_mode, align_corners, dtype, lazy, transform_info): """ Functional implementation of rotate. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. angle: Rotation angle(s) in radians. should a float for 2D, three floats for 3D. output_shape: output shape of the rotated data. mode: {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``} Interpolation mode to calculate output values. See also: padding_mode: {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} Padding mode for outside grid values. See also: align_corners: See also: dtype: data type for resampling computation. If None, use the data type of input data. To be compatible with other modules, the output data type is always ``float32``. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ im_shape = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] input_ndim = len(im_shape) if input_ndim not in (2, 3): raise ValueError(f"Unsupported image dimension: {input_ndim}, available options are [2, 3].") _angle = ensure_tuple_rep(angle, 1 if input_ndim == 2 else 3) transform = create_rotate(input_ndim, _angle) if output_shape is None: corners = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*[(0, dim) for dim in im_shape], indexing="ij")).reshape((len(im_shape), -1)) corners = transform[:-1, :-1] @ corners # type: ignore output_shape = np.asarray(corners.ptp(axis=1) + 0.5, dtype=int) else: output_shape = np.asarray(output_shape, dtype=int) shift = create_translate(input_ndim, ((np.array(im_shape) - 1) / 2).tolist()) shift_1 = create_translate(input_ndim, (-(np.asarray(output_shape, dtype=int) - 1) / 2).tolist()) transform = shift @ transform @ shift_1 extra_info = { "rot_mat": transform, "mode": mode, "padding_mode": padding_mode, "align_corners": align_corners if align_corners is not None else TraceKeys.NONE, "dtype": str(dtype)[6:], # dtype as string; remove "torch": torch.float32 -> float32 } meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=output_shape, affine=transform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=im_shape, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info _, _m, _p, _ = resolves_modes(mode, padding_mode) xform = AffineTransform( normalized=False, mode=_m, padding_mode=_p, align_corners=align_corners, reverse_indexing=True ) img_t = transform_t, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(transform, img_t) output: torch.Tensor = xform(img_t.unsqueeze(0), transform_t, spatial_size=tuple(int(i) for i in output_shape)) output = output.float().squeeze(0) out, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(output, dst=out, dtype=torch.float32) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out
[docs] def zoom(img, scale_factor, keep_size, mode, padding_mode, align_corners, dtype, lazy, transform_info): """ Functional implementation of zoom. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. scale_factor: The zoom factor along the spatial axes. If a float, zoom is the same for each spatial axis. If a sequence, zoom should contain one value for each spatial axis. keep_size: Whether keep original size (padding/slicing if needed). mode: {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``} Interpolation mode to calculate output values. See also: padding_mode: {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} Padding mode for outside grid values. See also: align_corners: See also: dtype: data type for resampling computation. If None, use the data type of input data. To be compatible with other modules, the output data type is always ``float32``. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ im_shape = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] output_size = [int(math.floor(float(i) * z)) for i, z in zip(im_shape, scale_factor)] xform = scale_affine(im_shape, output_size) extra_info = { "mode": mode, "align_corners": align_corners if align_corners is not None else TraceKeys.NONE, "dtype": str(dtype)[6:], # dtype as string; remove "torch": torch.float32 -> float32 "do_padcrop": False, "padcrop": {}, } if keep_size: do_pad_crop = not np.allclose(output_size, im_shape) if do_pad_crop and lazy: # update for lazy evaluation _pad_crop = ResizeWithPadOrCrop(spatial_size=im_shape, mode=padding_mode) _pad_crop.lazy = True _tmp_img = MetaTensor([], affine=torch.eye(len(output_size) + 1)) _tmp_img.push_pending_operation({LazyAttr.SHAPE: list(output_size), LazyAttr.AFFINE: xform}) lazy_cropped = _pad_crop(_tmp_img) if isinstance(lazy_cropped, MetaTensor): xform = lazy_cropped.peek_pending_affine() extra_info["padcrop"] = lazy_cropped.pending_operations[-1] extra_info["do_padcrop"] = do_pad_crop output_size = [int(i) for i in im_shape] meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=output_size, affine=xform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=im_shape, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info img_t = _, _m, _, _ = resolves_modes(mode, torch_interpolate_spatial_nd=len(img_t.shape) - 1) zoomed: NdarrayOrTensor = torch.nn.functional.interpolate( recompute_scale_factor=True, input=img_t.unsqueeze(0), scale_factor=list(scale_factor), mode=_m, align_corners=align_corners, ).squeeze(0) out, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(zoomed, dst=out, dtype=torch.float32) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor): out = out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) do_pad_crop = not np.allclose(output_size, zoomed.shape[1:]) if do_pad_crop: _pad_crop = ResizeWithPadOrCrop(spatial_size=img_t.shape[1:], mode=padding_mode) out = _pad_crop(out) if get_track_meta() and do_pad_crop: padcrop_xform = out.applied_operations.pop() out.applied_operations[-1]["extra_info"]["do_padcrop"] = True out.applied_operations[-1]["extra_info"]["padcrop"] = padcrop_xform return out
[docs] def rotate90(img, axes, k, lazy, transform_info): """ Functional implementation of rotate90. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. axes: 2 int numbers, defines the plane to rotate with 2 spatial axes. If axis is negative it counts from the last to the first axis. k: number of times to rotate by 90 degrees. lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ extra_info = {"axes": [d - 1 for d in axes], "k": k} ori_shape = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] sp_shape = list(ori_shape) if k in (1, 3): a_0, a_1 = axes[0] - 1, axes[1] - 1 sp_shape[a_0], sp_shape[a_1] = ori_shape[a_1], ori_shape[a_0] rank = img.peek_pending_rank() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else torch.tensor(3.0, dtype=torch.double) r, sp_r = int(rank), len(ori_shape) xform = to_affine_nd(r, create_translate(sp_r, [-float(d - 1) / 2 for d in sp_shape])) s = -1.0 if int(axes[0]) - int(axes[1]) in (-1, 2) else 1.0 if sp_r == 2: rot90 = to_affine_nd(r, create_rotate(sp_r, [s * np.pi / 2])) else: idx = {1, 2, 3} - set(axes) angle: list[float] = [0, 0, 0] angle[idx.pop() - 1] = s * np.pi / 2 rot90 = to_affine_nd(r, create_rotate(sp_r, angle)) for _ in range(k): xform = rot90 @ xform xform = to_affine_nd(r, create_translate(sp_r, [float(d - 1) / 2 for d in ori_shape])) @ xform meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=sp_shape, affine=xform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=ori_shape, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info out = torch.rot90(out, k, axes) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out
[docs] def affine_func( img, affine, grid, resampler, sp_size, mode, padding_mode, do_resampling, image_only, lazy, transform_info ): """ Functional implementation of affine. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be changed, assuming `img` is channel-first. affine: the affine transformation to be applied, it can be a 3x3 or 4x4 matrix. This should be defined for the voxel space spatial centers (``float(size - 1)/2``). grid: used in non-lazy mode to pre-compute the grid to do the resampling. resampler: the resampler function, see also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.Resample`. sp_size: output image spatial size. mode: {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``} or spline interpolation order 0-5 (integers). Interpolation mode to calculate output values. See also: When it's an integer, the numpy (cpu tensor)/cupy (cuda tensor) backends will be used and the value represents the order of the spline interpolation. See also: padding_mode: {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``} Padding mode for outside grid values. See also: When `mode` is an integer, using numpy/cupy backends, this argument accepts {'reflect', 'grid-mirror', 'constant', 'grid-constant', 'nearest', 'mirror', 'grid-wrap', 'wrap'}. See also: do_resampling: whether to do the resampling, this is a flag for the use case of updating metadata but skipping the actual (potentially heavy) resampling operation. image_only: if True return only the image volume, otherwise return (image, affine). lazy: a flag that indicates whether the operation should be performed lazily or not transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ # resampler should carry the align_corners and type info img_size = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] rank = img.peek_pending_rank() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else torch.tensor(3.0, dtype=torch.double) extra_info = { "affine": affine, "mode": mode, "padding_mode": padding_mode, "do_resampling": do_resampling, "align_corners": resampler.align_corners, } affine = monai.transforms.Affine.compute_w_affine(rank, affine, img_size, sp_size) meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=sp_size, affine=affine, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=img_size, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) if lazy: out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img) out = out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info return out if image_only else (out, affine) if do_resampling: out = resampler(img=img, grid=grid, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode) out = _maybe_new_metatensor(out) else: out = _maybe_new_metatensor(img, dtype=torch.float32, device=resampler.device) out = out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out return out if image_only else (out, affine)