Source code for monai.transforms.croppad.functional

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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A collection of "functional" transforms for spatial operations.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn.functional import pad as pad_pt

from monai.config.type_definitions import NdarrayTensor
from import get_track_meta
from import MetaTensor
from import to_affine_nd
from monai.transforms.inverse import TraceableTransform
from monai.transforms.utils import convert_pad_mode, create_translate
from monai.utils import PytorchPadMode, convert_to_dst_type, convert_to_numpy, convert_to_tensor, ensure_tuple

__all__ = ["pad_nd", "pad_func", "crop_func", "crop_or_pad_nd"]

def _convert_pt_pad_mode(padding_mode):
    """get the most similar mode of `pad` from ``padding_mode`` of the spatial resampling."""
    if padding_mode is None or padding_mode in ("zeros", "constant", "grid-constant"):
        return PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT
    elif padding_mode in ("reflection", "reflect", "mirror", "grid-mirror"):
        return PytorchPadMode.REFLECT
    elif padding_mode in ("wrap", "grid-wrap"):
        return PytorchPadMode.CIRCULAR
    return PytorchPadMode.REPLICATE  # "nearest", "border", and others

def _np_pad(img: NdarrayTensor, pad_width: list[tuple[int, int]], mode: str, **kwargs) -> NdarrayTensor:
    if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
        if img.is_cuda:
            warnings.warn(f"Padding: moving img {img.shape} from cuda to cpu for dtype={img.dtype} mode={mode}.")
        img_np = img.detach().cpu().numpy()
        img_np = img
    mode = convert_pad_mode(dst=img_np, mode=mode).value
    if mode == "constant" and "value" in kwargs:
        kwargs["constant_values"] = kwargs.pop("value")
    img_np = np.pad(img_np, pad_width, mode=mode, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
    return convert_to_dst_type(img_np, dst=img)[0]

def _pt_pad(img: NdarrayTensor, pad_width: list[tuple[int, int]], mode: str, **kwargs) -> NdarrayTensor:
    img_pt = torch.as_tensor(img)
    mode = convert_pad_mode(dst=img_pt, mode=mode).value
    if mode == "constant" and "constant_values" in kwargs:
        _kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        _kwargs["value"] = _kwargs.pop("constant_values")
        _kwargs = kwargs
    pt_pad_width = [val for sublist in pad_width[1:] for val in sublist[::-1]][::-1]
    # torch.pad expects `[B, C, H, W, [D]]` shape
    img_pt = pad_pt(img_pt.unsqueeze(0), pt_pad_width, mode=mode, **_kwargs).squeeze(0)
    return convert_to_dst_type(img_pt, dst=img)[0]

[docs] def pad_nd( img: NdarrayTensor, to_pad: list[tuple[int, int]], mode: str = PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT, **kwargs ) -> NdarrayTensor: """ Pad `img` for a given an amount of padding in each dimension. `torch.nn.functional.pad` is used unless the mode or kwargs are not available in torch, in which case `np.pad` will be used. Args: img: data to be transformed, assuming `img` is channel-first and padding doesn't apply to the channel dim. to_pad: the amount to be padded in each dimension [(low_H, high_H), (low_W, high_W), ...]. default to `self.to_pad`. mode: available modes: (Numpy) {``"constant"``, ``"edge"``, ``"linear_ramp"``, ``"maximum"``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``, ``"minimum"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"symmetric"``, ``"wrap"``, ``"empty"``} (PyTorch) {``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"replicate"``, ``"circular"``}. One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"constant"``. See also: kwargs: other arguments for the `np.pad` or `torch.pad` function. note that `np.pad` treats channel dimension as the first dimension. """ if mode in {"linear_ramp", "maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum", "symmetric", "empty"}: return _np_pad(img, pad_width=to_pad, mode=mode, **kwargs) try: _pad = _np_pad if mode in {"constant", "reflect", "edge", "replicate", "wrap", "circular"} and img.dtype not in { torch.int16, torch.int64, torch.bool, torch.uint8, }: _pad = _pt_pad return _pad(img, pad_width=to_pad, mode=mode, **kwargs) except (ValueError, TypeError, RuntimeError) as err: if isinstance(err, NotImplementedError) or any( k in str(err) for k in ("supported", "unexpected keyword", "implemented", "value") ): return _np_pad(img, pad_width=to_pad, mode=mode, **kwargs) raise ValueError( f"{img.shape} {to_pad} {mode} {kwargs} {img.dtype} {img.device if isinstance(img, torch.Tensor) else None}" ) from err
[docs] def crop_or_pad_nd(img: torch.Tensor, translation_mat, spatial_size: tuple[int, ...], mode: str, **kwargs): """ Crop or pad using the translation matrix and spatial size. The translation coefficients are rounded to the nearest integers. For a more generic implementation, please see :py:class:`monai.transforms.SpatialResample`. Args: img: data to be transformed, assuming `img` is channel-first and padding doesn't apply to the channel dim. translation_mat: the translation matrix to be applied to the image. A translation matrix generated by, for example, :py:func:`monai.transforms.utils.create_translate`. The translation coefficients are rounded to the nearest integers. spatial_size: the spatial size of the output image. mode: the padding mode. kwargs: other arguments for the `np.pad` or `torch.pad` function. """ ndim = len(img.shape) - 1 matrix_np = np.round(to_affine_nd(ndim, convert_to_numpy(translation_mat, wrap_sequence=True).copy())) matrix_np = to_affine_nd(len(spatial_size), matrix_np) cc = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(*[[0.5, x - 0.5] for x in spatial_size], indexing="ij")) cc = cc.reshape((len(spatial_size), -1)) src_cc = np.floor(matrix_np @ np.concatenate((cc, np.ones_like(cc[:1])))) src_start, src_end = src_cc.min(axis=1), src_cc.max(axis=1) to_pad, to_crop, do_pad, do_crop = [(0, 0)], [slice(None)], False, False for s, e, sp in zip(src_start, src_end, img.shape[1:]): do_pad, do_crop = do_pad or s < 0 or e > sp - 1, do_crop or s > 0 or e < sp - 1 to_pad += [(0 if s >= 0 else int(-s), 0 if e < sp - 1 else int(e - sp + 1))] to_crop += [slice(int(max(s, 0)), int(e + 1 + to_pad[-1][0]))] if do_pad: _mode = _convert_pt_pad_mode(mode) img = pad_nd(img, to_pad, mode=_mode, **kwargs) if do_crop: img = img[to_crop] return img
[docs] def pad_func( img: torch.Tensor, to_pad: tuple[tuple[int, int]], transform_info: dict, mode: str = PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT, lazy: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Functional implementation of padding a MetaTensor. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). `torch.nn.functional.pad` is used unless the mode or kwargs are not available in torch, in which case `np.pad` will be used. Args: img: data to be transformed, assuming `img` is channel-first and padding doesn't apply to the channel dim. to_pad: the amount to be padded in each dimension [(low_H, high_H), (low_W, high_W), ...]. note that it including channel dimension. transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. mode: available modes: (Numpy) {``"constant"``, ``"edge"``, ``"linear_ramp"``, ``"maximum"``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``, ``"minimum"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"symmetric"``, ``"wrap"``, ``"empty"``} (PyTorch) {``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"replicate"``, ``"circular"``}. One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"constant"``. See also: lazy: a flag indicating whether the operation should be performed in a lazy fashion or not. transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. kwargs: other arguments for the `np.pad` or `torch.pad` function. note that `np.pad` treats channel dimension as the first dimension. """ extra_info = {"padded": to_pad, "mode": f"{mode}"} img_size = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] spatial_rank = img.peek_pending_rank() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else 3 do_pad = np.asarray(to_pad).any() if do_pad: to_pad_list = [(int(p[0]), int(p[1])) for p in to_pad] if len(to_pad_list) < len(img.shape): to_pad_list += [(0, 0)] * (len(img.shape) - len(to_pad_list)) to_shift = [-s[0] for s in to_pad_list[1:]] # skipping the channel pad xform = create_translate(spatial_rank, to_shift) shape = [d + s + e for d, (s, e) in zip(img_size, to_pad_list[1:])] else: shape = img_size xform = torch.eye(int(spatial_rank) + 1, device=torch.device("cpu"), dtype=torch.float64) meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=shape, affine=xform, extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=img_size, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = convert_to_tensor(img.as_tensor() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img, track_meta=get_track_meta()) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info # type: ignore out = pad_nd(out, to_pad_list, mode, **kwargs) if do_pad else out out = convert_to_tensor(out, track_meta=get_track_meta()) return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out # type: ignore
[docs] def crop_func(img: torch.Tensor, slices: tuple[slice, ...], lazy: bool, transform_info: dict) -> torch.Tensor: """ Functional implementation of cropping a MetaTensor. This function operates eagerly or lazily according to ``lazy`` (default ``False``). Args: img: data to be transformed, assuming `img` is channel-first and cropping doesn't apply to the channel dim. slices: the crop slices computed based on specified `center & size` or `start & end` or `slices`. lazy: a flag indicating whether the operation should be performed in a lazy fashion or not. transform_info: a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. """ img_size = img.peek_pending_shape() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img.shape[1:] spatial_rank = img.peek_pending_rank() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else 3 cropped = np.asarray([[s.indices(o)[0], o - s.indices(o)[1]] for s, o in zip(slices[1:], img_size)]) extra_info = {"cropped": cropped.flatten().tolist()} to_shift = [] for i, s in enumerate(ensure_tuple(slices)[1:]): if s.start is not None: to_shift.append(img_size[i] + s.start if s.start < 0 else s.start) else: to_shift.append(0) shape = [s.indices(o)[1] - s.indices(o)[0] for s, o in zip(slices[1:], img_size)] meta_info = TraceableTransform.track_transform_meta( img, sp_size=shape, affine=create_translate(spatial_rank, to_shift), extra_info=extra_info, orig_size=img_size, transform_info=transform_info, lazy=lazy, ) out = convert_to_tensor(img.as_tensor() if isinstance(img, MetaTensor) else img, track_meta=get_track_meta()) if lazy: return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else meta_info # type: ignore out = out[slices] return out.copy_meta_from(meta_info) if isinstance(out, MetaTensor) else out # type: ignore