Source code for monai.networks.nets.voxelmorph

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import annotations

from import Sequence

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from monai.networks.blocks.convolutions import Convolution
from monai.networks.blocks.upsample import UpSample
from monai.networks.blocks.warp import DVF2DDF, Warp
from monai.networks.layers.simplelayers import SkipConnection
from monai.utils import alias, export

__all__ = ["VoxelMorphUNet", "voxelmorphunet", "VoxelMorph", "voxelmorph"]

[docs] @export("monai.networks.nets") @alias("voxelmorphunet") class VoxelMorphUNet(nn.Module): """ The backbone network used in VoxelMorph. See :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.VoxelMorph` for more details. A concatenated pair of images (moving and fixed) is first passed through a UNet. The output of the UNet is then passed through a series of convolution blocks to produce the final prediction of the displacement field (DDF) or the stationary velocity field (DVF). In the original implementation, downsample is achieved through maxpooling, here one has the option to use either maxpooling or strided convolution for downsampling. The default is to use maxpooling as it is consistent with the original implementation. Note that for upsampling, the authors of VoxelMorph used nearest neighbor interpolation instead of transposed convolution. In this implementation, only nearest neighbor interpolation is supported in order to be consistent with the original implementation. An instance of this class can be used as a backbone network for constructing a VoxelMorph network. See the documentation of :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.VoxelMorph` for more details and an example on how to construct a VoxelMorph network. Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions. in_channels: number of channels in the input volume after concatenation of moving and fixed images. unet_out_channels: number of channels in the output of the UNet. channels: number of channels in each layer of the UNet. See the following example for more details. final_conv_channels: number of channels in each layer of the final convolution block. final_conv_act: activation type for the final convolution block. Defaults to LeakyReLU. Since VoxelMorph was originally implemented in tensorflow where the default negative slope for LeakyReLU was 0.2, we use the same default value here. kernel_size: kernel size for all convolution layers in the UNet. Defaults to 3. up_kernel_size: kernel size for all convolution layers in the upsampling path of the UNet. Defaults to 3. act: activation type for all convolution layers in the UNet. Defaults to LeakyReLU with negative slope 0.2. norm: feature normalization type and arguments for all convolution layers in the UNet. Defaults to None. dropout: dropout ratio for all convolution layers in the UNet. Defaults to 0.0 (no dropout). bias: whether to use bias in all convolution layers in the UNet. Defaults to True. use_maxpool: whether to use maxpooling in the downsampling path of the UNet. Defaults to True. Using maxpooling is the consistent with the original implementation of VoxelMorph. But one can optionally use strided convolution instead (i.e. set `use_maxpool` to False). adn_ordering: ordering of activation, dropout, and normalization. Defaults to "NDA". """ def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, unet_out_channels: int, channels: Sequence[int], final_conv_channels: Sequence[int], final_conv_act: tuple | str | None = "LEAKYRELU", kernel_size: Sequence[int] | int = 3, up_kernel_size: Sequence[int] | int = 3, act: tuple | str = "LEAKYRELU", norm: tuple | str | None = None, dropout: float = 0.0, bias: bool = True, use_maxpool: bool = True, adn_ordering: str = "NDA", ) -> None: super().__init__() if spatial_dims not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("spatial_dims must be either 2 or 3.") if in_channels % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("in_channels must be divisible by 2.") if len(channels) < 2: raise ValueError("the length of `channels` should be no less than 2.") if len(channels) % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("the elements of `channels` should be specified in pairs.") if isinstance(kernel_size, Sequence) and len(kernel_size) != spatial_dims: raise ValueError("the length of `kernel_size` should equal to `dimensions`.") if isinstance(up_kernel_size, Sequence) and len(up_kernel_size) != spatial_dims: raise ValueError("the length of `up_kernel_size` should equal to `dimensions`.") # UNet args self.dimensions = spatial_dims self.in_channels = in_channels self.unet_out_channels = unet_out_channels self.channels = channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.up_kernel_size = up_kernel_size self.act = ( ("leakyrelu", {"negative_slope": 0.2, "inplace": True}) if isinstance(act, str) and act.upper() == "LEAKYRELU" else act ) self.norm = norm self.dropout = dropout self.bias = bias self.use_maxpool = use_maxpool self.adn_ordering = adn_ordering # final convolutions args self.final_conv_channels = final_conv_channels self.final_conv_act = ( ("leakyrelu", {"negative_slope": 0.2, "inplace": True}) if isinstance(final_conv_act, str) and final_conv_act.upper() == "LEAKYRELU" else final_conv_act ) def _create_block(inc: int, outc: int, channels: Sequence[int], is_top: bool) -> nn.Module: """ Builds the UNet structure recursively. Args: inc: number of input channels. outc: number of output channels. channels: sequence of channels for each pair of down and up layers. is_top: True if this is the top block. """ next_c_in, next_c_out = channels[0:2] upc = next_c_in + next_c_out subblock: nn.Module if len(channels) > 2: subblock = _create_block(next_c_in, next_c_out, channels[2:], is_top=False) # continue recursion down else: # the next layer is the bottom so stop recursion, create the bottom layer as the sublock for this layer subblock = self._get_bottom_layer(next_c_in, next_c_out) down = self._get_down_layer(inc, next_c_in, is_top) # create layer in downsampling path up = self._get_up_layer(upc, outc, is_top) # create layer in upsampling path return self._get_connection_block(down, up, subblock) def _create_final_conv(inc: int, outc: int, channels: Sequence[int]) -> nn.Module: """ Builds the final convolution blocks. Args: inc: number of input channels, should be the same as `unet_out_channels`. outc: number of output channels, should be the same as `spatial_dims`. channels: sequence of channels for each convolution layer. Note: there is no activation after the last convolution layer as per the original implementation. """ mod: nn.Module = nn.Sequential() for i, c in enumerate(channels): mod.add_module( f"final_conv_{i}", Convolution( self.dimensions, inc, c, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, act=self.final_conv_act, norm=self.norm, dropout=self.dropout, bias=self.bias, adn_ordering=self.adn_ordering, ), ) inc = c mod.add_module( "final_conv_out", Convolution( self.dimensions, inc, outc, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, act=None, norm=self.norm, dropout=self.dropout, bias=self.bias, adn_ordering=self.adn_ordering, ), ) return mod = nn.Sequential( _create_block(in_channels, unet_out_channels, self.channels, is_top=True), _create_final_conv(unet_out_channels, self.dimensions, self.final_conv_channels), ) def _get_connection_block(self, down_path: nn.Module, up_path: nn.Module, subblock: nn.Module) -> nn.Module: """ Returns the block object defining a layer of the UNet structure including the implementation of the skip between encoding (down) and decoding (up) sides of the network. Args: down_path: encoding half of the layer up_path: decoding half of the layer subblock: block defining the next layer in the network. Returns: block for this layer: `nn.Sequential(down_path, SkipConnection(subblock), up_path)` """ return nn.Sequential(down_path, SkipConnection(subblock), up_path) def _get_down_layer(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, is_top: bool) -> nn.Module: """ In each down layer, the input is first downsampled using maxpooling, then passed through a convolution block, unless this is the top layer in which case the input is passed through a convolution block only without maxpooling first. Args: in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. is_top: True if this is the top block. """ mod: Convolution | nn.Sequential strides = 1 if self.use_maxpool or is_top else 2 mod = Convolution( self.dimensions, in_channels, out_channels, strides=strides, kernel_size=self.kernel_size, act=self.act, norm=self.norm, dropout=self.dropout, bias=self.bias, adn_ordering=self.adn_ordering, ) if self.use_maxpool and not is_top: mod = ( nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool3d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), mod) if self.dimensions == 3 else nn.Sequential(nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2), mod) ) return mod def _get_bottom_layer(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int) -> nn.Module: """ Bottom layer (bottleneck) in voxelmorph consists of a typical down layer followed by an upsample layer. Args: in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. """ mod: nn.Module upsample: nn.Module mod = self._get_down_layer(in_channels, out_channels, is_top=False) upsample = UpSample( self.dimensions, out_channels, out_channels, scale_factor=2, mode="nontrainable", interp_mode="nearest", align_corners=None, # required to use with interp_mode="nearest" ) return nn.Sequential(mod, upsample) def _get_up_layer(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, is_top: bool) -> nn.Module: """ In each up layer, the input is passed through a convolution block before upsampled, unless this is the top layer in which case the input is passed through a convolution block only without upsampling. Args: in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. is_top: True if this is the top block. """ mod: Convolution | nn.Sequential strides = 1 mod = Convolution( self.dimensions, in_channels, out_channels, strides=strides, kernel_size=self.up_kernel_size, act=self.act, norm=self.norm, dropout=self.dropout, bias=self.bias, # conv_only=is_top, is_transposed=False, adn_ordering=self.adn_ordering, ) if not is_top: mod = nn.Sequential( mod, UpSample( self.dimensions, out_channels, out_channels, scale_factor=2, mode="nontrainable", interp_mode="nearest", align_corners=None, # required to use with interp_mode="nearest" ), ) return mod
[docs] def forward(self, concatenated_pairs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x = return x # type: ignore
voxelmorphunet = VoxelMorphUNet
[docs] @export("monai.networks.nets") @alias("voxelmorph") class VoxelMorph(nn.Module): """ A re-implementation of VoxelMorph framework for medical image registration as described in For more details, please refer to VoxelMorph: A Learning Framework for Deformable Medical Image Registration, Guha Balakrishnan, Amy Zhao, Mert R. Sabuncu, John Guttag, Adrian V. Dalca IEEE TMI: Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2019. eprint arXiv:1809.05231. This class is intended to be a general framework, based on which a deformable image registration network can be built. Given a user-specified backbone network (e.g., UNet in the original VoxelMorph paper), this class serves as a wrapper that concatenates the input pair of moving and fixed images, passes through the backbone network, integrate the predicted stationary velocity field (DVF) from the backbone network to obtain the displacement field (DDF), and, finally, warp the moving image using the DDF. To construct a VoxelMorph network, one need to first construct a backbone network (e.g., a :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.VoxelMorphUNet`) and pass it to the constructor of :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.VoxelMorph`. The backbone network should be able to take a pair of moving and fixed images as input and produce a DVF (or DDF, details to be discussed later) as output. When `forward` is called, the input moving and fixed images are first concatenated along the channel dimension and passed through the specified backbone network to produce the prediction of the displacement field (DDF) in the non-diffeomorphic variant (i.e. when `integration_steps` is set to 0) or the stationary velocity field (DVF) in the diffeomorphic variant (i.e. when `integration_steps` is set to a positive integer). The DVF is then integrated using a scaling-and-squaring approach via a :py:class:`monai.networks.blocks.warp.DVF2DDF` module to produce the DDF. Finally, the DDF is used to warp the moving image to the fixed image using a :py:class:`monai.networks.blocks.warp.Warp` module. Optionally, the integration from DVF to DDF can be performed on reduced resolution by specifying `half_res` to be True, in which case the output DVF from the backbone network is first linearly interpolated to half resolution before integration. The output DDF is then linearly interpolated again back to full resolution before being used to warp the moving image. Args: backbone: a backbone network. integration_steps: number of integration steps used for obtaining DDF from DVF via scaling-and-squaring. Defaults to 7. If set to 0, the network will be non-diffeomorphic. half_res: whether to perform integration on half resolution. Defaults to False. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions, defaults to 3. Example:: from monai.networks.nets import VoxelMorphUNet, VoxelMorph # The following example construct an instance of VoxelMorph that matches the original VoxelMorph paper # # First, a backbone network is constructed. In this case, we use a VoxelMorphUNet as the backbone network. backbone = VoxelMorphUNet( spatial_dims=3, in_channels=2, unet_out_channels=32, channels=(16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32), # this indicates the down block at the top takes 16 channels as # input, the corresponding up block at the top produces 32 # channels as output, the second down block takes 32 channels as # input, and the corresponding up block at the same level # produces 32 channels as output, etc. final_conv_channels=(16, 16) ) # Then, a full VoxelMorph network is constructed using the specified backbone network. net = VoxelMorph( backbone=backbone, integration_steps=7, half_res=False ) # A forward pass through the network would look something like this moving = torch.randn(1, 1, 160, 192, 224) fixed = torch.randn(1, 1, 160, 192, 224) warped, ddf = net(moving, fixed) """ def __init__( self, backbone: VoxelMorphUNet | nn.Module | None = None, integration_steps: int = 7, half_res: bool = False, spatial_dims: int = 3, ) -> None: super().__init__() # specified backbone network self.backbone = ( backbone if backbone is not None else VoxelMorphUNet( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=2, unet_out_channels=32, channels=(16, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32), final_conv_channels=(16, 16), ) ) # helper attributes self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims self.half_res = half_res self.integration_steps = integration_steps self.diffeomorphic = True if self.integration_steps > 0 else False # create helpers if self.diffeomorphic: self.dvf2ddf = DVF2DDF(num_steps=self.integration_steps, mode="bilinear", padding_mode="zeros") self.warp = Warp(mode="bilinear", padding_mode="zeros")
[docs] def forward(self, moving: torch.Tensor, fixed: torch.Tensor) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: if moving.shape != fixed.shape: raise ValueError( "The spatial shape of the moving image should be the same as the spatial shape of the fixed image." f" Got {moving.shape} and {fixed.shape} instead." ) x = self.backbone([moving, fixed], dim=1)) if x.shape[1] != self.spatial_dims: raise ValueError( "The number of channels in the output of the backbone network should be equal to the" f" number of spatial dimensions {self.spatial_dims}. Got {x.shape[1]} channels instead." ) if x.shape[2:] != moving.shape[2:]: raise ValueError( "The spatial shape of the output of the backbone network should be equal to the" f" spatial shape of the input images. Got {x.shape[2:]} instead of {moving.shape[2:]}." ) if self.half_res: x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=0.5, mode="trilinear", align_corners=True) * 2.0 if self.diffeomorphic: x = self.dvf2ddf(x) if self.half_res: x = F.interpolate(x * 0.5, scale_factor=2.0, mode="trilinear", align_corners=True) return self.warp(moving, x), x
voxelmorph = VoxelMorph