# MONAI Bundle Configuration The `monai.bundle` module supports building Python-based workflows via structured configurations. The main benefits are threefold: - it provides good readability and usability by separating system parameter settings from the Python code. - it describes workflow at a relatively high level and allows for different low-level implementations. - learning paradigms at a higher level such as federated learning and AutoML can be decoupled from the component details. Content: - [A basic example](#a-basic-example) - [Syntax examples explained](#syntax-examples-explained) - [`@` to reference Python objects in configurations](#to-reference-python-objects-in-configurations) - [`$` to evaluate as Python expressions](#to-evaluate-as-python-expressions) - [`%` to textually replace configuration elements](#to-textually-replace-configuration-elements) - [`_target_` (`_disabled_`, `_desc_`, `_requires_`, `_mode_`) to instantiate a Python object](#instantiate-a-python-object) - [`+` to alter semantics of merging config keys from multiple configuration files](#multiple-config-files) - [The command line interface](#the-command-line-interface) - [Recommendations](#recommendations) ## A basic example Components as part of a workflow can be specified using `JSON` or `YAML` syntax, for example, a network architecture definition could be stored in a `demo_config.json` file with the following content: ```json { "demo_net": { "_target_": "monai.networks.nets.BasicUNet", "spatial_dims": 3, "in_channels": 1, "out_channels": 2, "features": [16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64] } } ``` or alternatively, in `YAML` format (`demo_config.yaml`): ```yaml demo_net: _target_: monai.networks.nets.BasicUNet spatial_dims: 3 in_channels: 1 out_channels: 2 features: [16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64] ``` The configuration parser can instantiate the component as a Python object: ```py >>> from monai.bundle import ConfigParser >>> config = ConfigParser() >>> config.read_config("demo_config.json") >>> net = config.get_parsed_content("demo_net", instantiate=True) BasicUNet features: (16, 16, 32, 32, 64, 64). >>> print(type(net)) ``` or additionally, tune the input parameters then instantiate the component: ```py >>> config["demo_net"]["features"] = [32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64] >>> net = config.get_parsed_content("demo_net", instantiate=True) BasicUNet features: (32, 32, 32, 64, 64, 64). ``` For more details on the `ConfigParser` API, please see [`monai.bundle.ConfigParser`](https://docs.monai.io/en/latest/bundle.html#config-parser). ## Syntax examples explained A few characters and keywords are interpreted beyond the plain texts, here are examples of the syntax: ### To reference Python objects in configurations ```json "@preprocessing::transforms::keys" ``` _Description:_ `@` character indicates a reference to another configuration value defined at `preprocessing::transforms::keys`. where `::` indicates a sub-structure of this configuration file. (`#` is a synonym for `::`, `preprocessing#transforms#keys` refers to the same object.) ```json "@preprocessing::1" ``` _Description:_ `1` is referencing as an integer, which is used to index (zero-based indexing) the `preprocessing` sub-structure. Relative reference is supported by starting the reference with `#`. For example, `@#A` is to use `A` at the same config structure level, and `@##A` refers to `A` at one level above. ### To evaluate as Python expressions ```json "$print(42)" ``` _Description:_ `$` is a special character to indicate evaluating `print(42)` at runtime. ```json "$[i for i in @datalist]" ``` _Description:_ Create a list at runtime using the values in `datalist` as input. ```json "$from torchvision.models import resnet18" ``` _Description:_ `$` followed by an import statement is handled slightly differently from the Python expressions. The imported module `resnet18` will be available as a global variable to the other configuration sections. This is to simplify the use of external modules in the configuration. The config expressions may use `@` to reference other config items. For example, in `$lambda x: x + @a + @b`, `@a` and `@b` are references to other Python objects and are made available to the anonymous function as 'globals'. It's therefore possible to modify the Python objects within an expression, for example, `$lambda x: @my_list.pop() + x` will pop the last element from `@my_list` and add it to `x`. ### To textually replace configuration elements ```json "%demo_config.json::demo_net::in_channels" ``` _Description:_ `%` character indicates a macro to replace the current configuration element with the texts at `demo_net::in_channels` in the `demo_config.json` file. The replacement is done before instantiating or evaluating the components. ### Instantiate a Python object ```json { "demo_name":{ "_target_": "my.python.module.Class", "args1": "string", "args2": 42} } ``` _Description:_ This dictionary defines an object with a reference name `demo_name`, with an instantiable type specified at `_target_` and with input arguments `args1` and `args2`. This dictionary will be instantiated as a Pytorch object at runtime. `_target_` is a required key by monai bundle syntax for the Python object name. `args1` and `args2` should be compatible with the Python object to instantiate. ```json { "component_name": { "_target_": "my.module.Class", "_desc_": "this is a customized class which also triggers 'cudnn_opt' reference", "_requires_": "@cudnn_opt", "_disabled_": "true", "_mode_": "default"} } ``` _Description:_ `_requires_`, `_disabled_`, `_desc_`, and `_mode_` are optional keys. - `_requires_` specifies references (string starts with `@`) or Python expression that will be evaluated/instantiated before `_target_` object is instantiated. It is useful when the component does not explicitly depend on the other ConfigItems via its arguments, but requires the dependencies to be instantiated/evaluated beforehand. - `_disabled_` specifies a flag to indicate whether to skip the instantiation. - `_desc_` can be used for providing free text descriptions. - `_mode_` specifies the operating mode when the component is instantiated or the callable is called. it currently supports the following values: - `"default"` (default) -- return the return value of ``_target_(**kwargs)`` - `"callable"` -- return a callable, either as ``_target_`` itself or, if ``kwargs`` are provided, as a partial function of ``functools.partial(_target_, **kwargs)``. Useful for defining a class or function that will be instantied or called later. User can pre-define some arguments to the ``_target_`` and call it with additional arguments later. - `"debug"` -- execute with debug prompt and return the return value of ``pdb.runcall(_target_, **kwargs)``, see also [`pdb.runcall`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/pdb.html#pdb.runcall). ## Multiple config files _Description:_ Multiple config files may be specified on the command line. The content of those config files is being merged. When same keys are specifiled in more than one config file, the value associated with the key is being overridden, in the order config files are specified. If the desired behaviour is to merge values from both files, the key in second config file should be prefixed with `+`. The value types for the merged contents must match and be both of `dict` or both of `list` type. `dict` values will be merged via update(), `list` values - concatenated via extend(). Here's an example. In this case, "amp" value will be overridden by extra_config.json. `imports` and `preprocessing#transforms` lists will be merged. An error would be thrown if the value type in `"+imports"` is not `list`: config.json: ```json { "amp": "$True" "imports": [ "$import torch" ], "preprocessing": { "_target_": "Compose", "transforms": [ "$@t1", "$@t2" ] }, } ``` extra_config.json: ```json { "amp": "$False" "+imports": [ "$from monai.networks import trt_compile" ], "+preprocessing#transforms": [ "$@t3" ] } ``` ## The command line interface In addition to the Pythonic APIs, a few command line interfaces (CLI) are provided to interact with the bundle. The primary usage is: ```bash python -m monai.bundle COMMANDS ``` where `COMMANDS` is one of the following: `run`, `verify_metadata`, `ckpt_export`, ... (please see `python -m monai.bundle --help` for a list of available options). The CLI supports flexible use cases, such as overriding configs at runtime and predefining arguments in a file. To display a usage page for a command, for example `run`: ```bash python -m monai.bundle run -- --help ``` The support is provided by [Python Fire](https://github.com/google/python-fire), please make sure the optional dependency is installed, for example, using `pip install monai[fire]` or `pip install fire`. Details on the CLI argument parsing is provided in the [Python Fire Guide](https://github.com/google/python-fire/blob/master/docs/guide.md#argument-parsing). ## Recommendations - Both `YAML` and `JSON` are supported, but the advanced features of these formats are not supported. - Using meaningful names for the configuration elements can improve the readability. - While it is possible to build complex configurations with the bundle syntax, simple structures with sparse uses of expressions or references are preferred. - For `$import ` in the configuration, please make sure there are instructions for the users to install the `` if it is not a (optional) dependency of MONAI. - As `#`, `::`, and `$` might be interpreted differently by the `shell` or `CLI` tools, may need to add escape characters or quotes for them in the command line, like: `"\$torch.device('cuda:1')"`, `"'train_part#trainer'"`. - For more details and examples, please see [the tutorials](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/tree/main/bundle).