A collection of “vanilla” transforms for spatial operations.
Transform |
Affine transforms on the coordinates. |
Converts an axis-aligned bounding box to points. |
Converts points to an axis-aligned bounding box. |
Reverses the order of elements along the given spatial axis. |
Extract all the patches sweeping the entire image in a row-major sliding-window manner with possible overlaps. |
Split the image into patches based on the provided grid in 2D. |
Change the input image's orientation into the specified based on axcodes. |
Random elastic deformation and affine in 2D. |
Random elastic deformation and affine in 3D. |
Random affine transform. |
Generate randomised affine grid. |
Randomly select a spatial axis and flip along it. |
Generate random deformation grid. |
Randomly flips the image along axes. |
Extract all the patches sweeping the entire image in a row-major sliding-window manner with possible overlaps, and with random offset for the minimal corner of the image, (0,0) for 2D and (0,0,0) for 3D. |
Randomly rotate the input arrays. |
With probability prob, input arrays are rotated by 90 degrees in the plane specified by spatial_axes. |
Random simulation of low resolution corresponding to nnU-Net's SimulateLowResolutionTransform (MIC-DKFZ/batchgenerators) First, the array/tensor is resampled at lower resolution as determined by the zoom_factor which is uniformly sampled from the zoom_range. |
Randomly zooms input arrays with given probability within given zoom range. |
Resample an image to match given metadata. |
Resize the input image to given spatial size (with scaling, not cropping/padding). |
Rotates an input image by given angle using |
Rotate an array by 90 degrees in the plane specified by axes. |
Resample input image into the specified pixdim. |
Resample input image from the orientation/spacing defined by |
Zooms an ND image using |