Source code for monai.metrics.panoptic_quality

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import List, Sequence, Union

import torch

from monai.metrics.metric import CumulativeIterationMetric
from monai.metrics.utils import do_metric_reduction, remap_instance_id
from monai.utils import MetricReduction, ensure_tuple, optional_import

linear_sum_assignment, _ = optional_import("scipy.optimize", name="linear_sum_assignment")

__all__ = ["PanopticQualityMetric", "compute_panoptic_quality"]

[docs]class PanopticQualityMetric(CumulativeIterationMetric): """ Compute Panoptic Quality between two instance segmentation masks. If specifying `metric_name` to "SQ" or "RQ", Segmentation Quality (SQ) or Recognition Quality (RQ) will be returned instead. Panoptic Quality is a metric used in panoptic segmentation tasks. This task unifies the typically distinct tasks of semantic segmentation (assign a class label to each pixel) and instance segmentation (detect and segment each object instance). Compared with semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation distinguish different instances that belong to same class. Compared with instance segmentation, panoptic segmentation does not allow overlap and only one semantic label and one instance id can be assigned to each pixel. Please refer to the following paper for more details: This class also refers to the following implementation: Args: num_classes: number of classes. The number should not count the background. metric_name: output metric. The value can be "pq", "sq" or "rq". Except for input only one metric, multiple metrics are also supported via input a sequence of metric names such as ("pq", "sq", "rq"). If input a sequence, a list of results with the same order as the input names will be returned. reduction: define mode of reduction to the metrics, will only apply reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to `self.reduction`. if "none", will not do reduction. match_iou_threshold: IOU threshold to determine the pairing between `y_pred` and `y`. Usually, it should >= 0.5, the pairing between instances of `y_pred` and `y` are identical. If set `match_iou_threshold` < 0.5, this function uses Munkres assignment to find the maximal amount of unique pairing. smooth_numerator: a small constant added to the numerator to avoid zero. """ def __init__( self, num_classes: int, metric_name: Union[Sequence[str], str] = "pq", reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str] = MetricReduction.MEAN_BATCH, match_iou_threshold: float = 0.5, smooth_numerator: float = 1e-6, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.num_classes = num_classes self.reduction = reduction self.match_iou_threshold = match_iou_threshold self.smooth_numerator = smooth_numerator self.metric_name = ensure_tuple(metric_name) def _compute_tensor(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): # type: ignore """ Args: y_pred: Predictions. It must be in the form of B2HW and have integer type. The first channel and the second channel represent the instance predictions and classification predictions respectively. y: ground truth. It must have the same shape as `y_pred` and have integer type. The first channel and the second channel represent the instance labels and classification labels respectively. Values in the second channel of `y_pred` and `y` should be in the range of 0 to `self.num_classes`, where 0 represents the background. Raises: ValueError: when `y_pred` and `y` have different shapes. ValueError: when `y_pred` and `y` have != 2 channels. ValueError: when `y_pred` and `y` have != 4 dimensions. """ if y_pred.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError(f"y_pred and y should have same shapes, got {y_pred.shape} and {y.shape}.") if y_pred.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError( f"for panoptic quality calculation, only 2 channels input is supported, got {y_pred.shape[1]}." ) dims = y_pred.ndimension() if dims != 4: raise ValueError(f"y_pred should have 4 dimensions (batch, 2, h, w), got {dims}.") batch_size = y_pred.shape[0] outputs = torch.zeros([batch_size, self.num_classes, 4], device=y_pred.device) for b in range(batch_size): true_instance, pred_instance = y[b, 0], y_pred[b, 0] true_class, pred_class = y[b, 1], y_pred[b, 1] for c in range(self.num_classes): pred_instance_c = (pred_class == c + 1) * pred_instance true_instance_c = (true_class == c + 1) * true_instance outputs[b, c] = compute_panoptic_quality( pred=pred_instance_c, gt=true_instance_c, remap=True, match_iou_threshold=self.match_iou_threshold, output_confusion_matrix=True, ) return outputs
[docs] def aggregate(self, reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str, None] = None): """ Execute reduction logic for the output of `compute_panoptic_quality`. Args: reduction: define mode of reduction to the metrics, will only apply reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to `self.reduction`. if "none", will not do reduction. """ data = self.get_buffer() if not isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError("the data to aggregate must be PyTorch Tensor.") # do metric reduction f, _ = do_metric_reduction(data, reduction or self.reduction) tp, fp, fn, iou_sum = f[..., 0], f[..., 1], f[..., 2], f[..., 3] results = [] for metric_name in self.metric_name: metric_name = _check_panoptic_metric_name(metric_name) if metric_name == "rq": results.append(tp / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn + self.smooth_numerator)) elif metric_name == "sq": results.append(iou_sum / (tp + self.smooth_numerator)) else: results.append(iou_sum / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn + self.smooth_numerator)) return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
[docs]def compute_panoptic_quality( pred: torch.Tensor, gt: torch.Tensor, metric_name: str = "pq", remap: bool = True, match_iou_threshold: float = 0.5, smooth_numerator: float = 1e-6, output_confusion_matrix: bool = False, ): """Computes Panoptic Quality (PQ). If specifying `metric_name` to "SQ" or "RQ", Segmentation Quality (SQ) or Recognition Quality (RQ) will be returned instead. In addition, if `output_confusion_matrix` is True, the function will return a tensor with shape 4, which represents the true positive, false positive, false negative and the sum of iou. These four values are used to calculate PQ, and returning them directly enables further calculation over all images. Args: pred: input data to compute, it must be in the form of HW and have integer type. gt: ground truth. It must have the same shape as `pred` and have integer type. metric_name: output metric. The value can be "pq", "sq" or "rq". remap: whether to remap `pred` and `gt` to ensure contiguous ordering of instance id. match_iou_threshold: IOU threshold to determine the pairing between `pred` and `gt`. Usually, it should >= 0.5, the pairing between instances of `pred` and `gt` are identical. If set `match_iou_threshold` < 0.5, this function uses Munkres assignment to find the maximal amount of unique pairing. smooth_numerator: a small constant added to the numerator to avoid zero. Raises: ValueError: when `pred` and `gt` have different shapes. ValueError: when `match_iou_threshold` <= 0.0 or > 1.0. """ if gt.shape != pred.shape: raise ValueError(f"pred and gt should have same shapes, got {pred.shape} and {gt.shape}.") if match_iou_threshold <= 0.0 or match_iou_threshold > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"'match_iou_threshold' should be within (0, 1], got: {match_iou_threshold}.") gt = pred = if remap is True: gt = remap_instance_id(gt) pred = remap_instance_id(pred) pairwise_iou, true_id_list, pred_id_list = _get_pairwise_iou(pred, gt, device=pred.device) paired_iou, paired_true, paired_pred = _get_paired_iou( pairwise_iou, match_iou_threshold, device=pairwise_iou.device ) unpaired_true = [idx for idx in true_id_list[1:] if idx not in paired_true] unpaired_pred = [idx for idx in pred_id_list[1:] if idx not in paired_pred] tp, fp, fn = len(paired_true), len(unpaired_pred), len(unpaired_true) iou_sum = paired_iou.sum() if output_confusion_matrix: return torch.as_tensor([tp, fp, fn, iou_sum], device=pred.device) metric_name = _check_panoptic_metric_name(metric_name) if metric_name == "rq": return torch.as_tensor(tp / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn + smooth_numerator), device=pred.device) if metric_name == "sq": return torch.as_tensor(iou_sum / (tp + smooth_numerator), device=pred.device) return torch.as_tensor(iou_sum / (tp + 0.5 * fp + 0.5 * fn + smooth_numerator), device=pred.device)
def _get_id_list(gt: torch.Tensor): id_list = list(gt.unique()) # ensure id 0 is included if 0 not in id_list: id_list.insert(0, torch.tensor(0).int()) return id_list def _get_pairwise_iou(pred: torch.Tensor, gt: torch.Tensor, device: Union[str, torch.device] = "cpu"): pred_id_list = _get_id_list(pred) true_id_list = _get_id_list(gt) pairwise_iou = torch.zeros([len(true_id_list) - 1, len(pred_id_list) - 1], dtype=torch.float, device=device) true_masks: List[torch.Tensor] = [] pred_masks: List[torch.Tensor] = [] for t in true_id_list[1:]: t_mask = torch.as_tensor(gt == t, device=device).int() true_masks.append(t_mask) for p in pred_id_list[1:]: p_mask = torch.as_tensor(pred == p, device=device).int() pred_masks.append(p_mask) for true_id in range(1, len(true_id_list)): t_mask = true_masks[true_id - 1] pred_true_overlap = pred[t_mask > 0] pred_true_overlap_id = list(pred_true_overlap.unique()) for pred_id in pred_true_overlap_id: if pred_id == 0: continue p_mask = pred_masks[pred_id - 1] total = (t_mask + p_mask).sum() inter = (t_mask * p_mask).sum() iou = inter / (total - inter) pairwise_iou[true_id - 1, pred_id - 1] = iou return pairwise_iou, true_id_list, pred_id_list def _get_paired_iou( pairwise_iou: torch.Tensor, match_iou_threshold: float = 0.5, device: Union[str, torch.device] = "cpu" ): if match_iou_threshold >= 0.5: pairwise_iou[pairwise_iou <= match_iou_threshold] = 0.0 paired_true, paired_pred = torch.nonzero(pairwise_iou)[:, 0], torch.nonzero(pairwise_iou)[:, 1] paired_iou = pairwise_iou[paired_true, paired_pred] paired_true += 1 paired_pred += 1 return paired_iou, paired_true, paired_pred pairwise_iou = pairwise_iou.cpu().numpy() paired_true, paired_pred = linear_sum_assignment(-pairwise_iou) paired_iou = pairwise_iou[paired_true, paired_pred] paired_true = torch.as_tensor(list(paired_true[paired_iou > match_iou_threshold] + 1), device=device) paired_pred = torch.as_tensor(list(paired_pred[paired_iou > match_iou_threshold] + 1), device=device) paired_iou = paired_iou[paired_iou > match_iou_threshold] return paired_iou, paired_true, paired_pred def _check_panoptic_metric_name(metric_name: str): metric_name = metric_name.replace(" ", "_") metric_name = metric_name.lower() if metric_name in ["panoptic_quality", "pq"]: return "pq" if metric_name in ["segmentation_quality", "sq"]: return "sq" if metric_name in ["recognition_quality", "rq"]: return "rq" raise ValueError(f"metric name: {metric_name} is wrong, please use 'pq', 'sq' or 'rq'.")