Source code for monai.metrics.cumulative_average

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import warnings
from typing import Any, Optional

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

from monai.config import NdarrayOrTensor

[docs]class CumulativeAverage: """ A utility class to keep track of average values. For example during training/validation loop, we need to accumulate the per-batch metrics and calculate the final average value for the whole dataset. When training in multi-gpu environment, with DistributedDataParallel, it will average across the processes. Example: .. code-block:: python from monai.metrics import CumulativeAverage run_avg = CumulativeAverage() batch_size = 8 for i in range(len(train_set)): ... val = calc_metric(x,y) #some metric value run_avg.append(val, count=batch_size) val_avg = run_avg.aggregate() #average value """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset all stats """ self.val: torch.Tensor = None # type: ignore self.sum = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float) self.count = torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.float) self.is_distributed = dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized()
[docs] def get_current(self, to_numpy: bool = True) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ returns the most recent value (averaged across processes) Args: to_numpy: whether to convert to numpy array. Defaults to True """ if self.val is None: return 0 val = self.val.clone() val[~torch.isfinite(val)] = 0 if self.is_distributed: val = val / dist.get_world_size() dist.all_reduce(val) if to_numpy: val = val.cpu().numpy() return val
[docs] def aggregate(self, to_numpy: bool = True) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ returns the total average value (averaged across processes) Args: to_numpy: whether to convert to numpy array. Defaults to True """ if self.val is None: return 0 sum = self.sum count = self.count if self.is_distributed: sum =, copy=True) count =, copy=True) dist.all_reduce(sum) dist.all_reduce(count) val = torch.where(count > 0, sum / count, sum) if to_numpy: val = val.cpu().numpy() return val
[docs] def append(self, val: Any, count: Optional[Any] = 1) -> None: """ Append with a new value, and an optional count. Any data type is supported that is convertable with torch.as_tensor() e.g. number, list, numpy array, or Tensor. Args: val: value (e.g. number, list, numpy array or Tensor) to keep track of count: count (e.g. number, list, numpy array or Tensor), to update the contribution count For example: # a simple constant tracking avg = CumulativeAverage() avg.append(0.6) avg.append(0.8) print(avg.aggregate()) #prints 0.7 # an array tracking, e.g. metrics from 3 classes avg= CumulativeAverage() avg.append([0.2, 0.4, 0.4]) avg.append([0.4, 0.6, 0.4]) print(avg.aggregate()) #prints [0.3, 0.5. 0.4] # different contributions / counts avg= CumulativeAverage() avg.append(1, count=4) #avg metric 1 coming from a batch of 4 avg.append(2, count=6) #avg metric 2 coming from a batch of 6 print(avg.aggregate()) #prints 1.6 == (1*4 +2*6)/(4+6) # different contributions / counts avg= CumulativeAverage() avg.append([0.5, 0.5, 0], count=[1, 1, 0]) # last elements count is zero to ignore it avg.append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], count=[1, 1, 1]) # print(avg.aggregate()) #prints [0.5, 0.5, 0,5] == ([0.5, 0.5, 0] + [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) / ([1, 1, 0] + [1, 1, 1]) """ self.val = torch.as_tensor(val, dtype=torch.float) if self.val.requires_grad: self.val = self.val.detach().clone() count = torch.as_tensor(count, dtype=torch.float, device="cpu") if count.ndim > 0 and count.shape != self.val.shape: raise ValueError( f"Count shape must match val shape, unless count is a single number: {count} val {self.val.cpu()}" ) val = count * self.val.cpu() # account for possible non-finite numbers in val and replace them with 0s nfin = torch.isfinite(val) if not torch.all(nfin): warnings.warn(f"non-finite inputs received: val: {val}, count: {count}") count = torch.where(nfin, count, torch.zeros_like(count)) val = torch.where(nfin, val, torch.zeros_like(val)) self.count = self.count + count self.sum = self.sum + val