Source code for

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import warnings
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.config.type_definitions import DtypeLike, NdarrayOrTensor
from monai.transforms import (
from monai.transforms.transform import Transform
from monai.transforms.utils_pytorch_numpy_unification import max, maximum, min, sum, unique
from monai.utils import TransformBackends, convert_to_numpy, optional_import
from monai.utils.misc import ensure_tuple_rep
from monai.utils.type_conversion import convert_to_dst_type

label, _ = optional_import("scipy.ndimage.measurements", name="label")
disk, _ = optional_import("skimage.morphology", name="disk")
opening, _ = optional_import("skimage.morphology", name="opening")
watershed, _ = optional_import("skimage.segmentation", name="watershed")
find_contours, _ = optional_import("skimage.measure", name="find_contours")
centroid, _ = optional_import("skimage.measure", name="centroid")

__all__ = [

[docs]class Watershed(Transform): """ Use `skimage.segmentation.watershed` to get instance segmentation results from images. See: Args: connectivity: an array with the same number of dimensions as image whose non-zero elements indicate neighbors for connection. Following the scipy convention, default is a one-connected array of the dimension of the image. dtype: target data content type to convert, default is np.int64. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__(self, connectivity: Optional[int] = 1, dtype: DtypeLike = np.int64) -> None: self.connectivity = connectivity self.dtype = dtype def __call__( self, image: NdarrayOrTensor, mask: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None, markers: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None ) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ Args: image: image where the lowest value points are labeled first. Shape must be [1, H, W, [D]]. mask: optional, the same shape as image. Only points at which mask == True will be labeled. If None (no mask given), it is a volume of all 1s. markers: optional, the same shape as image. The desired number of markers, or an array marking the basins with the values to be assigned in the label matrix. Zero means not a marker. If None (no markers given), the local minima of the image are used as markers. """ image = convert_to_numpy(image) markers = convert_to_numpy(markers) mask = convert_to_numpy(mask) instance_seg = watershed(image, markers=markers, mask=mask, connectivity=self.connectivity) return convert_to_dst_type(instance_seg, image, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateWatershedMask(Transform): """ generate mask used in `watershed`. Only points at which mask == True will be labeled. Args: activation: the activation layer to be applied on the input probability map. It can be "softmax" or "sigmoid" string, or any callable. Defaults to "softmax". threshold: an optional float value to threshold to binarize probability map. If not provided, defaults to 0.5 when activation is not "softmax", otherwise None. min_object_size: objects smaller than this size (in pixel) are removed. Defaults to 10. dtype: target data content type to convert, default is np.uint8. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__( self, activation: Union[str, Callable] = "softmax", threshold: Optional[float] = None, min_object_size: int = 10, dtype: DtypeLike = np.uint8, ) -> None: self.dtype = dtype # set activation layer use_softmax = False use_sigmoid = False activation_fn = None if isinstance(activation, str): if activation.lower() == "softmax": use_softmax = True elif activation.lower() == "sigmoid": use_sigmoid = True else: raise ValueError( f"The activation should be 'softmax' or 'sigmoid' string, or any callable. '{activation}' was given." ) elif callable(activation): activation_fn = activation else: raise ValueError(f"The activation type should be either str or callable. '{type(activation)}' was given.") self.activation = Activations(softmax=use_softmax, sigmoid=use_sigmoid, other=activation_fn) # set discretization transform if not use_softmax and threshold is None: threshold = 0.5 self.as_discrete = AsDiscrete(threshold=threshold, argmax=use_softmax) # set small object removal transform self.remove_small_objects = RemoveSmallObjects(min_size=min_object_size) if min_object_size > 0 else None def __call__(self, prob_map: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ Args: prob_map: probability map of segmentation, shape must be [C, H, W, [D]] """ pred = self.activation(prob_map) pred = self.as_discrete(pred) pred = convert_to_numpy(pred) pred = label(pred)[0] if self.remove_small_objects is not None: pred = self.remove_small_objects(pred) pred[pred > 0] = 1 # type: ignore return convert_to_dst_type(pred, prob_map, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateInstanceBorder(Transform): """ Generate instance border by hover map. The more parts of the image that cannot be identified as foreground areas, the larger the grey scale value. The grey value of the instance's border will be larger. Args: kernel_size: the size of the Sobel kernel. Defaults to 5. dtype: target data type to convert to. Defaults to np.float32. Raises: ValueError: when the `mask` shape is not [1, H, W]. ValueError: when the `hover_map` shape is not [2, H, W]. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__(self, kernel_size: int = 5, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32) -> None: self.dtype = dtype self.sobel_gradient = SobelGradients(kernel_size=kernel_size) def __call__(self, mask: NdarrayOrTensor, hover_map: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: # type: ignore """ Args: mask: binary segmentation map, the output of :py:class:`GenerateWatershedMask`. Shape must be [1, H, W] or [H, W]. hover_map: horizontal and vertical distances of nuclear pixels to their centres of mass. Shape must be [2, H, W]. The first and second channel represent the horizontal and vertical maps respectively. For more details refer to papers: """ if len(hover_map.shape) != 3: raise ValueError(f"The hover map should have the shape of [C, H, W], but got {hover_map.shape}.") if len(mask.shape) == 3: if mask.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have only one channel, but got {mask.shape[0]}.") elif len(mask.shape) == 2: mask = mask[None] else: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have the shape of [1, H, W] or [H, W], but got {mask.shape}.") if hover_map.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(f"Suppose the hover map only has two channels, but got {hover_map.shape[0]}") hover_h = hover_map[0:1, ...] hover_v = hover_map[1:2, ...] hover_h_min, hover_h_max = min(hover_h), max(hover_h) hover_v_min, hover_v_max = min(hover_v), max(hover_v) if (hover_h_max - hover_h_min) == 0 or (hover_v_max - hover_v_min) == 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid hover map, please check your input") hover_h = (hover_h - hover_h_min) / (hover_h_max - hover_h_min) hover_v = (hover_v - hover_v_min) / (hover_v_max - hover_v_min) sobelh = self.sobel_gradient(hover_h)[1, ...] sobelv = self.sobel_gradient(hover_v)[0, ...] sobelh_min, sobelh_max = min(sobelh), max(sobelh) sobelv_min, sobelv_max = min(sobelv), max(sobelv) if (sobelh_max - sobelh_min) == 0 or (sobelv_max - sobelv_min) == 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid sobel gradient map") sobelh = 1 - (sobelh - sobelh_min) / (sobelh_max - sobelh_min) sobelv = 1 - (sobelv - sobelv_min) / (sobelv_max - sobelv_min) # combine the h & v values using max overall = maximum(sobelh, sobelv) overall = overall - (1 - mask) overall[overall < 0] = 0 return convert_to_dst_type(overall, mask, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateDistanceMap(Transform): """ Generate distance map. In general, the instance map is calculated from the distance to the background. Here, we use 1 - "instance border map" to generate the distance map. Nuclei values form mountains so invert them to get basins. Args: smooth_fn: smoothing function for distance map, which can be any callable object. If not provided :py:class:`monai.transforms.GaussianSmooth()` is used. dtype: target data type to convert to. Defaults to np.float32. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__(self, smooth_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32) -> None: self.smooth_fn = smooth_fn if smooth_fn is not None else GaussianSmooth() self.dtype = dtype def __call__(self, mask: NdarrayOrTensor, instance_border: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: # type: ignore """ Args: mask: binary segmentation map, the output of :py:class:`GenerateWatershedMask`. Shape must be [1, H, W] or [H, W]. instance_border: instance border map, the output of :py:class:`GenerateInstanceBorder`. Shape must be [1, H, W]. """ if len(mask.shape) == 3: if mask.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have only one channel, but got {mask.shape[0]}.") elif len(mask.shape) == 2: mask = mask[None] else: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have the shape of [1, H, W] or [H, W], but got {mask.shape}.") if instance_border.shape[0] != 1 or instance_border.ndim != 3: raise ValueError(f"Input instance_border should be with size of [1, H, W], but got {instance_border.shape}") distance_map = (1.0 - instance_border) * mask distance_map = self.smooth_fn(distance_map) # type: ignore return convert_to_dst_type(-distance_map, mask, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateWatershedMarkers(Transform): """ Generate markers to be used in `watershed`. The watershed algorithm treats pixels values as a local topography (elevation). The algorithm floods basins from the markers until basins attributed to different markers meet on watershed lines. Generally, markers are chosen as local minima of the image, from which basins are flooded. Here is the implementation from HoVerNet paper. For more details refer to papers: Args: threshold: a float value to threshold to binarize instance border map. It turns uncertain area to 1 and other area to 0. Defaults to 0.4. radius: the radius of the disk-shaped footprint used in `opening`. Defaults to 2. min_object_size: objects smaller than this size (in pixel) are removed. Defaults to 10. postprocess_fn: additional post-process function on the markers. If not provided, :py:class:`` will be used. dtype: target data type to convert to. Defaults to np.int64. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__( self, threshold: float = 0.4, radius: int = 2, min_object_size: int = 10, postprocess_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.int64, ) -> None: self.threshold = threshold self.radius = radius self.dtype = dtype if postprocess_fn is None: postprocess_fn = FillHoles() self.postprocess_fn = postprocess_fn self.remove_small_objects = RemoveSmallObjects(min_size=min_object_size) if min_object_size > 0 else None def __call__(self, mask: NdarrayOrTensor, instance_border: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: # type: ignore """ Args: mask: binary segmentation map, the output of :py:class:`GenerateWatershedMask`. Shape must be [1, H, W] or [H, W]. instance_border: instance border map, the output of :py:class:`GenerateInstanceBorder`. Shape must be [1, H, W]. """ if len(mask.shape) == 3: if mask.shape[0] != 1: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have only one channel, but got {mask.shape[0]}.") elif len(mask.shape) == 2: mask = mask[None] else: raise ValueError(f"The mask should have the shape of [1, H, W] or [H, W], but got {mask.shape}.") if instance_border.shape[0] != 1 or instance_border.ndim != 3: raise ValueError(f"Input instance_border should be with size of [1, H, W], but got {instance_border.shape}") instance_border = instance_border >= self.threshold # uncertain area marker = mask - convert_to_dst_type(instance_border, mask)[0] # certain foreground marker[marker < 0] = 0 # type: ignore marker = self.postprocess_fn(marker) marker = convert_to_numpy(marker) marker = opening(marker.squeeze(), disk(self.radius)) marker = label(marker)[0][None] if self.remove_small_objects is not None: marker = self.remove_small_objects(marker) return convert_to_dst_type(marker, mask, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateSuccinctContour(Transform): """ Converts SciPy-style contours (generated by skimage.measure.find_contours) to a more succinct version which only includes the pixels to which lines need to be drawn (i.e. not the intervening pixels along each line). Args: height: height of bounding box, used to detect direction of line segment. width: width of bounding box, used to detect direction of line segment. Returns: the pixels that need to be joined by straight lines to describe the outmost pixels of the foreground similar to OpenCV's cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE (counterclockwise) """ def __init__(self, height: int, width: int) -> None: self.height = height self.width = width def _generate_contour_coord(self, current: np.ndarray, previous: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ Generate contour coordinates. Given the previous and current coordinates of border positions, returns the int pixel that marks the extremity of the segmented pixels. Args: current: coordinates of the current border position. previous: coordinates of the previous border position. """ p_delta = (current[0] - previous[0], current[1] - previous[1]) if p_delta in ((0.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.5), (1.0, 0.0)): row = int(current[0] + 0.5) col = int(current[1]) elif p_delta in ((0.0, -1.0), (0.5, -0.5)): row = int(current[0]) col = int(current[1]) elif p_delta in ((-1, 0.0), (-0.5, -0.5)): row = int(current[0]) col = int(current[1] + 0.5) elif p_delta == (-0.5, 0.5): row = int(current[0] + 0.5) col = int(current[1] + 0.5) return row, col def _calculate_distance_from_top_left(self, sequence: Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]) -> int: """ Each sequence of coordinates describes a boundary between foreground and background starting and ending at two sides of the bounding box. To order the sequences correctly, we compute the distance from the top-left of the bounding box around the perimeter in a clockwise direction. Args: sequence: list of border points coordinates. Returns: the distance round the perimeter of the bounding box from the top-left origin """ distance: int first_coord = sequence[0] if first_coord[0] == 0: distance = first_coord[1] elif first_coord[1] == self.width - 1: distance = self.width + first_coord[0] elif first_coord[0] == self.height - 1: distance = 2 * self.width + self.height - first_coord[1] else: distance = 2 * (self.width + self.height) - first_coord[0] return distance def __call__(self, contours: List[np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Args: contours: list of (n, 2)-ndarrays, scipy-style clockwise line segments, with lines separating foreground/background. Each contour is an ndarray of shape (n, 2), consisting of n (row, column) coordinates along the contour. """ pixels: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] sequences = [] corners = [False, False, False, False] for group in contours: sequence: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] last_added = None prev = None corner = -1 for i, coord in enumerate(group): if i == 0: # originating from the top, so must be heading south east if coord[0] == 0.0: corner = 1 pixel = (0, int(coord[1] - 0.5)) if pixel[1] == self.width - 1: corners[1] = True elif pixel[1] == 0.0: corners[0] = True # originating from the left, so must be heading north east elif coord[1] == 0.0: corner = 0 pixel = (int(coord[0] + 0.5), 0) # originating from the bottom, so must be heading north west elif coord[0] == self.height - 1: corner = 3 pixel = (int(coord[0]), int(coord[1] + 0.5)) if pixel[1] == self.width - 1: corners[2] = True # originating from the right, so must be heading south west elif coord[1] == self.width - 1: corner = 2 pixel = (int(coord[0] - 0.5), int(coord[1])) else: warnings.warn(f"Invalid contour coord {coord} is generated, skip this instance.") return None # type: ignore sequence.append(pixel) last_added = pixel elif i == len(group) - 1: # add this point pixel = self._generate_contour_coord(coord, prev) # type: ignore if pixel != last_added: sequence.append(pixel) last_added = pixel elif np.any(coord - prev != group[i + 1] - coord): pixel = self._generate_contour_coord(coord, prev) # type: ignore if pixel != last_added: sequence.append(pixel) last_added = pixel # flag whether each corner has been crossed if i == len(group) - 1: if corner == 0: if coord[0] == 0: corners[corner] = True elif corner == 1: if coord[1] == self.width - 1: corners[corner] = True elif corner == 2: if coord[0] == self.height - 1: corners[corner] = True elif corner == 3: if coord[1] == 0.0: corners[corner] = True prev = coord dist = self._calculate_distance_from_top_left(sequence) sequences.append({"distance": dist, "sequence": sequence}) # check whether we need to insert any missing corners if corners[0] is False: sequences.append({"distance": 0, "sequence": [(0, 0)]}) if corners[1] is False: sequences.append({"distance": self.width, "sequence": [(0, self.width - 1)]}) if corners[2] is False: sequences.append({"distance": self.width + self.height, "sequence": [(self.height - 1, self.width - 1)]}) if corners[3] is False: sequences.append({"distance": 2 * self.width + self.height, "sequence": [(self.height - 1, 0)]}) # join the sequences into a single contour # starting at top left and rotating clockwise sequences.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("distance")) # type: ignore last = (-1, -1) for _sequence in sequences: if _sequence["sequence"][0] == last: # type: ignore pixels.pop() if pixels: pixels = [*pixels, *_sequence["sequence"]] # type: ignore else: pixels = _sequence["sequence"] # type: ignore last = pixels[-1] if pixels[0] == last: pixels.pop(0) if pixels[0] == (0, 0): pixels.append(pixels.pop(0)) return np.flip(convert_to_numpy(pixels, dtype=np.int32)) # type: ignore
[docs]class GenerateInstanceContour(Transform): """ Generate contour for each instance in a 2D array. Use `GenerateSuccinctContour` to only include the pixels to which lines need to be drawn Args: min_num_points: assumed that the created contour does not form a contour if it does not contain more points than the specified value. Defaults to 3. contour_level: an optional value for `skimage.measure.find_contours` to find contours in the array. If not provided, the level is set to `(max(image) + min(image)) / 2`. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__(self, min_num_points: int = 3, contour_level: Optional[float] = None) -> None: self.contour_level = contour_level self.min_num_points = min_num_points def __call__(self, inst_mask: NdarrayOrTensor, offset: Optional[Sequence[int]] = (0, 0)) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: """ Args: inst_mask: segmentation mask for a single instance. Shape should be [1, H, W, [D]] offset: optional offset of starting position of the instance mask in the original array. Default to 0 for each dim. """ inst_mask = inst_mask.squeeze() # squeeze channel dim inst_mask = convert_to_numpy(inst_mask) inst_contour_cv = find_contours(inst_mask, level=self.contour_level) generate_contour = GenerateSuccinctContour(inst_mask.shape[0], inst_mask.shape[1]) inst_contour = generate_contour(inst_contour_cv) if inst_contour is None: return None # less than `self.min_num_points` points don't make a contour, so skip. # They are likely to be artifacts as the contours obtained via approximation. if inst_contour.shape[0] < self.min_num_points: print(f"< {self.min_num_points} points don't make a contour, so skipped!") return None # check for tricky shape elif len(inst_contour.shape) != 2: print(f"{len(inst_contour.shape)} != 2, check for tricky shapes!") return None else: inst_contour[:, 0] += offset[0] # type: ignore inst_contour[:, 1] += offset[1] # type: ignore return inst_contour
[docs]class GenerateInstanceCentroid(Transform): """ Generate instance centroid using `skimage.measure.centroid`. Args: dtype: the data type of output centroid. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __init__(self, dtype: Optional[DtypeLike] = int) -> None: self.dtype = dtype def __call__(self, inst_mask: NdarrayOrTensor, offset: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 0) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ Args: inst_mask: segmentation mask for a single instance. Shape should be [1, H, W, [D]] offset: optional offset of starting position of the instance mask in the original array. Default to 0 for each dim. """ inst_mask = convert_to_numpy(inst_mask) inst_mask = inst_mask.squeeze(0) # squeeze channel dim ndim = len(inst_mask.shape) offset = ensure_tuple_rep(offset, ndim) inst_centroid = centroid(inst_mask) for i in range(ndim): inst_centroid[i] += offset[i] return convert_to_dst_type(inst_centroid, inst_mask, dtype=self.dtype)[0]
[docs]class GenerateInstanceType(Transform): """ Generate instance type and probability for each instance. """ backend = [TransformBackends.NUMPY] def __call__( # type: ignore self, type_pred: NdarrayOrTensor, seg_pred: NdarrayOrTensor, bbox: np.ndarray, instance_id: int ) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Args: type_pred: pixel-level type prediction map after activation function. seg_pred: pixel-level segmentation prediction map after activation function. bbox: bounding box coordinates of the instance, shape is [channel, 2 * spatial dims]. instance_id: get instance type from specified instance id. """ rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax = bbox.flatten() seg_map_crop = seg_pred[0, rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] type_map_crop = type_pred[0, rmin:rmax, cmin:cmax] seg_map_crop = convert_to_dst_type(seg_map_crop == instance_id, type_map_crop, dtype=bool)[0] inst_type = type_map_crop[seg_map_crop] # type: ignore type_list, type_pixels = unique(inst_type, return_counts=True) type_list = list(zip(type_list, type_pixels)) type_list = sorted(type_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # type: ignore inst_type = type_list[0][0] if inst_type == 0: # ! pick the 2nd most dominant if exist if len(type_list) > 1: inst_type = type_list[1][0] type_dict = {v[0]: v[1] for v in type_list} type_prob = type_dict[inst_type] / (sum(seg_map_crop) + 1.0e-6) return (int(inst_type), float(type_prob))
[docs]class HoVerNetInstanceMapPostProcessing(Transform): """ The post-processing transform for HoVerNet model to generate instance segmentation map. It generates an instance segmentation map as well as a dictionary containing centroids, bounding boxes, and contours for each instance. Args: activation: the activation layer to be applied on the input probability map. It can be "softmax" or "sigmoid" string, or any callable. Defaults to "softmax". mask_threshold: a float value to threshold to binarize probability map to generate mask. min_object_size: objects smaller than this size (in pixel) are removed. Defaults to 10. sobel_kernel_size: the size of the Sobel kernel used in :py:class:`GenerateInstanceBorder`. Defaults to 5. distance_smooth_fn: smoothing function for distance map. If not provided, :py:class:`monai.transforms.intensity.GaussianSmooth()` will be used. marker_threshold: a float value to threshold to binarize instance border map for markers. It turns uncertain area to 1 and other area to 0. Defaults to 0.4. marker_radius: the radius of the disk-shaped footprint used in `opening` of markers. Defaults to 2. marker_postprocess_fn: post-process function for watershed markers. If not provided, :py:class:`` will be used. watershed_connectivity: `connectivity` argument of `skimage.segmentation.watershed`. min_num_points: minimum number of points to be considered as a contour. Defaults to 3. contour_level: an optional value for `skimage.measure.find_contours` to find contours in the array. If not provided, the level is set to `(max(image) + min(image)) / 2`. """ def __init__( self, activation: Union[str, Callable] = "softmax", mask_threshold: Optional[float] = None, min_object_size: int = 10, sobel_kernel_size: int = 5, distance_smooth_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, marker_threshold: float = 0.4, marker_radius: int = 2, marker_postprocess_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, watershed_connectivity: Optional[int] = 1, min_num_points: int = 3, contour_level: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.generate_watershed_mask = GenerateWatershedMask( activation=activation, threshold=mask_threshold, min_object_size=min_object_size ) self.generate_instance_border = GenerateInstanceBorder(kernel_size=sobel_kernel_size) self.generate_distance_map = GenerateDistanceMap(smooth_fn=distance_smooth_fn) self.generate_watershed_markers = GenerateWatershedMarkers( threshold=marker_threshold, radius=marker_radius, postprocess_fn=marker_postprocess_fn, min_object_size=min_object_size, ) self.watershed = Watershed(connectivity=watershed_connectivity) self.generate_instance_contour = GenerateInstanceContour( min_num_points=min_num_points, contour_level=contour_level ) self.generate_instance_centroid = GenerateInstanceCentroid() def __call__( # type: ignore self, nuclear_prediction: NdarrayOrTensor, hover_map: NdarrayOrTensor ) -> Tuple[Dict, NdarrayOrTensor]: """post-process instance segmentation branches (NP and HV) to generate instance segmentation map. Args: nuclear_prediction: the output of NP (nuclear prediction) branch of HoVerNet model hover_map: the output of HV (hover map) branch of HoVerNet model """ # Process NP and HV branch using watershed algorithm watershed_mask = self.generate_watershed_mask(nuclear_prediction) instance_borders = self.generate_instance_border(watershed_mask, hover_map) distance_map = self.generate_distance_map(watershed_mask, instance_borders) watershed_markers = self.generate_watershed_markers(watershed_mask, instance_borders) instance_map = self.watershed(distance_map, watershed_mask, watershed_markers) # Create bounding boxes, contours and centroids instance_ids = set(np.unique(instance_map)) - {0} # exclude background instance_info = {} for inst_id in instance_ids: instance_mask = instance_map == inst_id instance_bbox = BoundingRect()(instance_mask) instance_mask = instance_mask[ :, instance_bbox[0][0] : instance_bbox[0][1], instance_bbox[0][2] : instance_bbox[0][3] ] offset = [instance_bbox[0][2], instance_bbox[0][0]] instance_contour = self.generate_instance_contour(FillHoles()(instance_mask), offset) if instance_contour is not None: instance_centroid = self.generate_instance_centroid(instance_mask, offset) instance_info[inst_id] = { "bounding_box": instance_bbox, "centroid": instance_centroid, "contour": instance_contour, } return instance_info, instance_map
[docs]class HoVerNetNuclearTypePostProcessing(Transform): """ The post-processing transform for HoVerNet model to generate nuclear type information. It updates the input instance info dictionary with information about types of the nuclei (value and probability). Also if requested (`return_type_map=True`), it generates a pixel-level type map. Args: activation: the activation layer to be applied on nuclear type branch. It can be "softmax" or "sigmoid" string, or any callable. Defaults to "softmax". threshold: an optional float value to threshold to binarize probability map. If not provided, defaults to 0.5 when activation is not "softmax", otherwise None. return_type_map: whether to calculate and return pixel-level type map. """ def __init__( self, activation: Union[str, Callable] = "softmax", threshold: Optional[float] = None, return_type_map: bool = True, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.return_type_map = return_type_map self.generate_instance_type = GenerateInstanceType() # set activation layer use_softmax = False use_sigmoid = False activation_fn = None if isinstance(activation, str): if activation.lower() == "softmax": use_softmax = True elif activation.lower() == "sigmoid": use_sigmoid = True else: raise ValueError( f"The activation should be 'softmax' or 'sigmoid' string, or any callable. '{activation}' was given." ) elif callable(activation): activation_fn = activation else: raise ValueError(f"The activation type should be either str or callable. '{type(activation)}' was given.") self.activation = Activations(softmax=use_softmax, sigmoid=use_sigmoid, other=activation_fn) # set discretization transform if not use_softmax and threshold is None: threshold = 0.5 self.as_discrete = AsDiscrete(threshold=threshold, argmax=use_softmax) def __call__( # type: ignore self, type_prediction: NdarrayOrTensor, instance_info: Dict[int, Dict], instance_map: NdarrayOrTensor ) -> Tuple[Dict, Optional[NdarrayOrTensor]]: """Process NC (type prediction) branch and combine it with instance segmentation It updates the instance_info with instance type and associated probability, and generate instance type map. Args: instance_info: instance information dictionary, the output of :py:class:`HoVerNetInstanceMapPostProcessing` instance_map: instance segmentation map, the output of :py:class:`HoVerNetInstanceMapPostProcessing` type_prediction: the output of NC (type prediction) branch of HoVerNet model """ type_prediction = self.activation(type_prediction) type_prediction = self.as_discrete(type_prediction) type_map = None if self.return_type_map: type_map = convert_to_dst_type(torch.zeros(instance_map.shape), instance_map)[0] for inst_id in instance_info: instance_type, instance_type_prob = self.generate_instance_type( type_pred=type_prediction, seg_pred=instance_map, bbox=instance_info[inst_id]["bounding_box"], instance_id=inst_id, ) # update instance info dict with type data instance_info[inst_id]["type_prob"] = instance_type_prob instance_info[inst_id]["type"] = instance_type # update instance type map if type_map is not None: type_map[instance_map == inst_id] = instance_type return instance_info, type_map