Source code for monai.apps.pathology.losses.hovernet_loss

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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from typing import Dict

import torch
from torch.nn import CrossEntropyLoss
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.modules.loss import _Loss

from monai.losses import DiceLoss
from monai.transforms import SobelGradients
from monai.utils.enums import HoVerNetBranch

[docs]class HoVerNetLoss(_Loss): """ Loss function for HoVerNet pipeline, which is combination of losses across the three branches. The NP (nucleus prediction) branch uses Dice + CrossEntropy. The HV (Horizontal and Vertical) distance from centroid branch uses MSE + MSE of the gradient. The NC (Nuclear Class prediction) branch uses Dice + CrossEntropy The result is a weighted sum of these losses. Args: lambda_hv_mse: Weight factor to apply to the HV regression MSE part of the overall loss lambda_hv_mse_grad: Weight factor to apply to the MSE of the HV gradient part of the overall loss lambda_np_ce: Weight factor to apply to the nuclei prediction CrossEntropyLoss part of the overall loss lambda_np_dice: Weight factor to apply to the nuclei prediction DiceLoss part of overall loss lambda_nc_ce: Weight factor to apply to the nuclei class prediction CrossEntropyLoss part of the overall loss lambda_nc_dice: Weight factor to apply to the nuclei class prediction DiceLoss part of the overall loss """ def __init__( self, lambda_hv_mse: float = 2.0, lambda_hv_mse_grad: float = 1.0, lambda_np_ce: float = 1.0, lambda_np_dice: float = 1.0, lambda_nc_ce: float = 1.0, lambda_nc_dice: float = 1.0, ) -> None: self.lambda_hv_mse = lambda_hv_mse self.lambda_hv_mse_grad = lambda_hv_mse_grad self.lambda_np_ce = lambda_np_ce self.lambda_np_dice = lambda_np_dice self.lambda_nc_ce = lambda_nc_ce self.lambda_nc_dice = lambda_nc_dice super().__init__() self.dice = DiceLoss(softmax=True, smooth_dr=1e-03, smooth_nr=1e-03, reduction="sum", batch=True) self.ce = CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="mean") self.sobel_v = SobelGradients(kernel_size=5, spatial_axes=0) self.sobel_h = SobelGradients(kernel_size=5, spatial_axes=1) def _compute_sobel(self, image: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the Sobel gradients of the horizontal vertical map (HoVerMap). More specifically, it will compute horizontal gradient of the input horizontal gradient map (channel=0) and vertical gradient of the input vertical gradient map (channel=1). Args: image: a tensor with the shape of BxCxHxW representing HoVerMap """ result_h = self.sobel_h(image[:, 0]) result_v = self.sobel_v(image[:, 1]) return torch.stack([result_h, result_v], dim=1) def _mse_gradient_loss(self, prediction: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, focus: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the MSE loss of the gradients of the horizontal and vertical centroid distance maps""" pred_grad = self._compute_sobel(prediction) true_grad = self._compute_sobel(target) loss = pred_grad - true_grad # The focus constrains the loss computation to the detected nuclear regions # (i.e. background is excluded) focus = focus[:, None, ...] focus =, focus), 1) loss = focus * (loss * loss) loss = loss.sum() / (focus.sum() + 1.0e-8) return loss
[docs] def forward(self, prediction: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], target: Dict[str, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: """ Args: prediction: dictionary of predicted outputs for three branches, each of which should have the shape of BNHW. target: dictionary of ground truths for three branches, each of which should have the shape of BNHW. """ if not (HoVerNetBranch.NP.value in prediction and HoVerNetBranch.HV.value in prediction): raise ValueError( "nucleus prediction (NP) and horizontal_vertical (HV) branches must be " "present for prediction and target parameters" ) if not (HoVerNetBranch.NP.value in target and HoVerNetBranch.HV.value in target): raise ValueError( "nucleus prediction (NP) and horizontal_vertical (HV) branches must be " "present for prediction and target parameters" ) if HoVerNetBranch.NC.value not in target and HoVerNetBranch.NC.value in target: raise ValueError( "type_prediction (NC) must be present in both or neither of the prediction and target parameters" ) if HoVerNetBranch.NC.value in target and HoVerNetBranch.NC.value not in target: raise ValueError( "type_prediction (NC) must be present in both or neither of the prediction and target parameters" ) # Compute the NP branch loss dice_loss_np = ( self.dice(prediction[HoVerNetBranch.NP.value], target[HoVerNetBranch.NP.value]) * self.lambda_np_dice ) # convert to target class indices argmax_target = target[HoVerNetBranch.NP.value].argmax(dim=1) ce_loss_np = self.ce(prediction[HoVerNetBranch.NP.value], argmax_target) * self.lambda_np_ce loss_np = dice_loss_np + ce_loss_np # Compute the HV branch loss loss_hv_mse = ( F.mse_loss(prediction[HoVerNetBranch.HV.value], target[HoVerNetBranch.HV.value]) * self.lambda_hv_mse ) # Use the nuclei class, one hot encoded, as the mask loss_hv_mse_grad = ( self._mse_gradient_loss( prediction[HoVerNetBranch.HV.value], target[HoVerNetBranch.HV.value], target[HoVerNetBranch.NP.value][:, 1], ) * self.lambda_hv_mse_grad ) loss_hv = loss_hv_mse_grad + loss_hv_mse # Compute the NC branch loss loss_nc = 0 if HoVerNetBranch.NC.value in prediction: dice_loss_nc = ( self.dice(prediction[HoVerNetBranch.NC.value], target[HoVerNetBranch.NC.value]) * self.lambda_nc_dice ) # Convert to target class indices argmax_target = target[HoVerNetBranch.NC.value].argmax(dim=1) ce_loss_nc = self.ce(prediction[HoVerNetBranch.NC.value], argmax_target) * self.lambda_nc_ce loss_nc = dice_loss_nc + ce_loss_nc # Sum the losses from each branch loss: torch.Tensor = loss_hv + loss_np + loss_nc return loss