Source code for monai.apps.pathology.inferers.inferer

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from monai.inferers import SlidingWindowInferer
from monai.inferers.utils import sliding_window_inference
from monai.utils import BlendMode, PytorchPadMode, look_up_option

__all__ = ["SlidingWindowHoVerNetInferer"]

[docs]class SlidingWindowHoVerNetInferer(SlidingWindowInferer): """ Sliding window method for HoVerNet model inference, with `sw_batch_size` windows for every model.forward(). Usage example can be found in the :py:class:`monai.inferers.Inferer` base class. Args: roi_size: the window size to execute SlidingWindow evaluation. If it has non-positive components, the corresponding `inputs` size will be used. if the components of the `roi_size` are non-positive values, the transform will use the corresponding components of img size. For example, `roi_size=(32, -1)` will be adapted to `(32, 64)` if the second spatial dimension size of img is `64`. sw_batch_size: the batch size to run window slices. overlap: Amount of overlap between scans. mode: {``"constant"``, ``"gaussian"``} How to blend output of overlapping windows. Defaults to ``"constant"``. - ``"constant``": gives equal weight to all predictions. - ``"gaussian``": gives less weight to predictions on edges of windows. sigma_scale: the standard deviation coefficient of the Gaussian window when `mode` is ``"gaussian"``. Default: 0.125. Actual window sigma is ``sigma_scale`` * ``dim_size``. When sigma_scale is a sequence of floats, the values denote sigma_scale at the corresponding spatial dimensions. padding_mode: {``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"replicate"``, ``"circular"``} Padding mode when ``roi_size`` is larger than inputs. Defaults to ``"constant"`` See also: cval: fill value for 'constant' padding mode. Default: 0 sw_device: device for the window data. By default the device (and accordingly the memory) of the `inputs` is used. Normally `sw_device` should be consistent with the device where `predictor` is defined. device: device for the stitched output prediction. By default the device (and accordingly the memory) of the `inputs` is used. If for example set to device=torch.device('cpu') the gpu memory consumption is less and independent of the `inputs` and `roi_size`. Output is on the `device`. progress: whether to print a tqdm progress bar. cache_roi_weight_map: whether to pre-compute the ROI weight map. cpu_thresh: when provided, dynamically switch to stitching on cpu (to save gpu memory) when input image volume is larger than this threshold (in pixels/voxels). Otherwise use ``"device"``. Thus, the output may end-up on either cpu or gpu. extra_input_padding: the amount of padding for the input image, which is a tuple of even number of pads. Refer to to the `pad` argument of `torch.nn.functional.pad` for more details. Note: ``sw_batch_size`` denotes the max number of windows per network inference iteration, not the batch size of inputs. """ def __init__( self, roi_size: Union[Sequence[int], int], sw_batch_size: int = 1, overlap: float = 0.25, mode: Union[BlendMode, str] = BlendMode.CONSTANT, sigma_scale: Union[Sequence[float], float] = 0.125, padding_mode: Union[PytorchPadMode, str] = PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT, cval: float = 0.0, sw_device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str]] = None, progress: bool = False, cache_roi_weight_map: bool = False, cpu_thresh: Optional[int] = None, extra_input_padding: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( roi_size=roi_size, sw_batch_size=sw_batch_size, overlap=overlap, mode=mode, sigma_scale=sigma_scale, padding_mode=padding_mode, cval=cval, sw_device=sw_device, device=device, progress=progress, cache_roi_weight_map=cache_roi_weight_map, cpu_thresh=cpu_thresh, ) self.extra_input_padding = extra_input_padding def process_output(self, seg_prob_tuple, window_data, importance_map_): window_shape = window_data.shape[2:] seg_shape = seg_prob_tuple[0].shape[2:] window_pad_size = [] window_pad_slices = [] for window_s, output_s in zip(window_shape, seg_shape): pad_width = max(window_s - output_s, 0) pad_half_1 = pad_width // 2 pad_half_2 = pad_width - pad_half_1 window_pad_size.extend([pad_half_1, pad_half_2]) window_pad_slices.append(slice(pad_half_1, window_s - pad_half_2)) # Make the padding area of the importance map zero importance_map = torch.zeros(window_shape, dtype=importance_map_.dtype, device=importance_map_.device) importance_map[window_pad_slices] = importance_map_[window_pad_slices] seg_prob_tuple = tuple( F.pad(seg_prob, pad=tuple(window_pad_size), mode=self.padding_mode, value=self.cval) for seg_prob in seg_prob_tuple ) return seg_prob_tuple, importance_map def __call__( self, inputs: torch.Tensor, network: Callable[..., Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor], Dict[Any, torch.Tensor]]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], Dict[Any, torch.Tensor]]: """ Args: inputs: model input data for inference. network: target model to execute inference. supports callables such as ``lambda x: my_torch_model(x, additional_config)`` args: optional args to be passed to ``network``. kwargs: optional keyword args to be passed to ``network``. """ device = self.device if device is None and self.cpu_thresh is not None and inputs.shape[2:].numel() > self.cpu_thresh: device = "cpu" # stitch in cpu memory if image is too large if self.extra_input_padding: image_size_original = inputs.shape[2:] num_spatial_dims = len(image_size_original) inputs = F.pad( inputs, pad=tuple(self.extra_input_padding), mode=look_up_option(self.padding_mode, PytorchPadMode), value=self.cval, ) results = sliding_window_inference( inputs, self.roi_size, self.sw_batch_size, network, self.overlap, self.mode, self.sigma_scale, self.padding_mode, self.cval, self.sw_device, device, self.progress, self.roi_weight_map, self.process_output, *args, **kwargs, ) if self.extra_input_padding: extra_slicing: List[slice] = [] num_padded_dims = len(self.extra_input_padding) // 2 for sp in range(num_padded_dims): slice_dim = slice( self.extra_input_padding[sp * 2], image_size_original[num_spatial_dims - sp - 1] + self.extra_input_padding[sp * 2], ) extra_slicing.insert(0, slice_dim) for _ in range(len(inputs.shape) - num_padded_dims): extra_slicing.insert(0, slice(None)) if isinstance(results, dict): for k, v in results.items(): results[k] = v[extra_slicing] elif isinstance(results, (list, tuple)): results = type(results)([res[extra_slicing] for res in results]) elif isinstance(results, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)): results = results[extra_slicing] else: raise ValueError( f"The output [{type(results)}] should be either dict, list, tuple, torch.Tensor, or numpy array." ) return results