Source code for monai.apps.deepgrow.dataset

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np

from monai.transforms import Compose, EnsureChannelFirstd, LoadImaged, Orientationd, Spacingd, SqueezeDimd
from monai.utils import GridSampleMode

[docs]def create_dataset( datalist, output_dir: str, dimension: int, pixdim, image_key: str = "image", label_key: str = "label", base_dir=None, limit: int = 0, relative_path: bool = False, transforms=None, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Utility to pre-process and create dataset list for Deepgrow training over on existing one. The input data list is normally a list of images and labels (3D volume) that needs pre-processing for Deepgrow training pipeline. Args: datalist: A list of data dictionary. Each entry should at least contain 'image_key': <image filename>. For example, typical input data can be a list of dictionaries:: [{'image': <image filename>, 'label': <label filename>}] output_dir: target directory to store the training data for Deepgrow Training pixdim: output voxel spacing. dimension: dimension for Deepgrow training. It can be 2 or 3. image_key: image key in input datalist. Defaults to 'image'. label_key: label key in input datalist. Defaults to 'label'. base_dir: base directory in case related path is used for the keys in datalist. Defaults to None. limit: limit number of inputs for pre-processing. Defaults to 0 (no limit). relative_path: output keys values should be based on relative path. Defaults to False. transforms: explicit transforms to execute operations on input data. Raises: ValueError: When ``dimension`` is not one of [2, 3] ValueError: When ``datalist`` is Empty Returns: A new datalist that contains path to the images/labels after pre-processing. Example:: datalist = create_dataset( datalist=[{'image': 'img1.nii', 'label': 'label1.nii'}], base_dir=None, output_dir=output_2d, dimension=2, image_key='image', label_key='label', pixdim=(1.0, 1.0), limit=0, relative_path=True ) print(datalist[0]["image"], datalist[0]["label"]) """ if dimension not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Dimension can be only 2 or 3 as Deepgrow supports only 2D/3D Training") if not len(datalist): raise ValueError("Input datalist is empty") transforms = _default_transforms(image_key, label_key, pixdim) if transforms is None else transforms new_datalist = [] for idx, item in enumerate(datalist): if limit and idx >= limit: break image = item[image_key] label = item.get(label_key, None) if base_dir: image = os.path.join(base_dir, image) label = os.path.join(base_dir, label) if label else None image = os.path.abspath(image) label = os.path.abspath(label) if label else None"Image: {image}; Label: {label if label else None}") data = transforms({image_key: image, label_key: label}) vol_image = data[image_key] vol_label = data.get(label_key)"Image (transform): {vol_image.shape}; Label: {None if vol_label is None else vol_label.shape}") vol_image = np.moveaxis(vol_image, -1, 0) if vol_label is not None: vol_label = np.moveaxis(vol_label, -1, 0)"Image (final): {vol_image.shape}; Label: {None if vol_label is None else vol_label.shape}") if dimension == 2: data = _save_data_2d( vol_idx=idx, vol_image=vol_image, vol_label=vol_label, dataset_dir=output_dir, relative_path=relative_path, ) else: data = _save_data_3d( vol_idx=idx, vol_image=vol_image, vol_label=vol_label, dataset_dir=output_dir, relative_path=relative_path, ) new_datalist.extend(data) return new_datalist
def _default_transforms(image_key, label_key, pixdim): keys = [image_key] if label_key is None else [image_key, label_key] mode = [GridSampleMode.BILINEAR, GridSampleMode.NEAREST] if len(keys) == 2 else [GridSampleMode.BILINEAR] return Compose( [ LoadImaged(keys=keys), EnsureChannelFirstd(keys=keys), Orientationd(keys=keys, axcodes="RAS"), Spacingd(keys=keys, pixdim=pixdim, mode=mode), SqueezeDimd(keys=keys), ] ) def _save_data_2d(vol_idx, vol_image, vol_label, dataset_dir, relative_path): data_list: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = [] image_count = 0 label_count = 0 unique_labels_count = 0 for sid in range(vol_image.shape[0]): image = vol_image[sid, ...] label = vol_label[sid, ...] if vol_label is not None else None if vol_label is not None and np.sum(label) == 0: continue image_file_prefix = f"vol_idx_{vol_idx:0>4d}_slice_{sid:0>3d}" image_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images", image_file_prefix) image_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images"), exist_ok=True), image) image_count += 1 # Test Data if vol_label is None: data_list.append( {"image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file} ) continue # For all Labels unique_labels = np.unique(label.flatten()) unique_labels = unique_labels[unique_labels != 0] unique_labels_count = max(unique_labels_count, len(unique_labels)) for idx in unique_labels: label_file_prefix = f"{image_file_prefix}_region_{int(idx):0>2d}" label_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels", label_file_prefix) label_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels"), exist_ok=True) curr_label = (label == idx).astype(np.float32), curr_label) label_count += 1 data_list.append( { "image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file, "label": label_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else label_file, "region": int(idx), } ) if unique_labels_count >= 20: logging.warning(f"Unique labels {unique_labels_count} exceeds 20. Please check if this is correct.") "{} => Image Shape: {} => {}; Label Shape: {} => {}; Unique Labels: {}".format( vol_idx, vol_image.shape, image_count, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None, label_count, unique_labels_count, ) ) return data_list def _save_data_3d(vol_idx, vol_image, vol_label, dataset_dir, relative_path): data_list: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = [] image_count = 0 label_count = 0 unique_labels_count = 0 image_file_prefix = f"vol_idx_{vol_idx:0>4d}" image_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images", image_file_prefix) image_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images"), exist_ok=True), vol_image) image_count += 1 # Test Data if vol_label is None: data_list.append({"image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file}) else: # For all Labels unique_labels = np.unique(vol_label.flatten()) unique_labels = unique_labels[unique_labels != 0] unique_labels_count = max(unique_labels_count, len(unique_labels)) for idx in unique_labels: label_file_prefix = f"{image_file_prefix}_region_{int(idx):0>2d}" label_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels", label_file_prefix) label_file += ".npy" curr_label = (vol_label == idx).astype(np.float32) os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels"), exist_ok=True), curr_label) label_count += 1 data_list.append( { "image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file, "label": label_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else label_file, "region": int(idx), } ) if unique_labels_count >= 20: logging.warning(f"Unique labels {unique_labels_count} exceeds 20. Please check if this is correct.") "{} => Image Shape: {} => {}; Label Shape: {} => {}; Unique Labels: {}".format( vol_idx, vol_image.shape, image_count, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None, label_count, unique_labels_count, ) ) return data_list