Source code for monai.auto3dseg.seg_summarizer

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from monai.auto3dseg.analyzer import (
from monai.transforms import Compose
from monai.utils.enums import DataStatsKeys

__all__ = ["SegSummarizer"]

[docs]class SegSummarizer(Compose): """ SegSummarizer serializes the operations for data analysis in Auto3Dseg pipeline. It loads two types of analyzer functions and execute differently. The first type of analyzer is CaseAnalyzer which is similar to traditional monai transforms. It can be composed with other transforms to process the data dict which has image/label keys. The second type of analyzer is SummaryAnalyzer which works only on a list of dictionary. Each dictionary is the output of the case analyzers on a single dataset. Args: image_key: a string that user specify for the image. The DataAnalyzer will look it up in the datalist to locate the image files of the dataset. label_key: a string that user specify for the label. The DataAnalyzer will look it up in the datalist to locate the label files of the dataset. If label_key is None, the DataAnalyzer will skip looking for labels and all label-related operations. do_ccp: apply the connected component algorithm to process the labels/images. hist_bins: list of positive integers (one for each channel) for setting the number of bins used to compute the histogram. Defaults to [100]. hist_range: list of lists of two floats (one for each channel) setting the intensity range to compute the histogram. Defaults to [-500, 500]. histogram_only: whether to only compute histograms. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python # imports summarizer = SegSummarizer("image", "label") transform_list = [ LoadImaged(keys=keys), EnsureChannelFirstd(keys=keys), # this creates label to be (1,H,W,D) ToDeviced(keys=keys, device=device, non_blocking=True), Orientationd(keys=keys, axcodes="RAS"), EnsureTyped(keys=keys, data_type="tensor"), Lambdad(keys="label", func=lambda x: torch.argmax(x, dim=0, keepdim=True) if x.shape[0] > 1 else x), SqueezeDimd(keys=["label"], dim=0), summarizer, ] ... # skip some steps to set up data loader dataset = data.DataLoader(ds, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=n_workers, collate_fn=no_collation) transform = Compose(transform_list) stats = [] for batch_data in dataset: d = transform(batch_data[0]) stats.append(d) report = summarizer.summarize(stats) """ def __init__( self, image_key: str, label_key: str, average=True, do_ccp: bool = True, hist_bins: Optional[list] = None, hist_range: Optional[list] = None, histogram_only: bool = False, ) -> None: self.image_key = image_key self.label_key = label_key # set defaults self.hist_bins: list = [100] if hist_bins is None else hist_bins self.hist_range: list = [-500, 500] if hist_range is None else hist_range self.histogram_only = histogram_only self.summary_analyzers: List[Any] = [] super().__init__() if not self.histogram_only: self.add_analyzer(FilenameStats(image_key, DataStatsKeys.BY_CASE_IMAGE_PATH), None) self.add_analyzer(FilenameStats(label_key, DataStatsKeys.BY_CASE_LABEL_PATH), None) self.add_analyzer(ImageStats(image_key), ImageStatsSumm(average=average)) if label_key is None: return self.add_analyzer(FgImageStats(image_key, label_key), FgImageStatsSumm(average=average)) self.add_analyzer( LabelStats(image_key, label_key, do_ccp=do_ccp), LabelStatsSumm(average=average, do_ccp=do_ccp) ) # compute histograms if self.hist_bins != 0: # type: ignore self.add_analyzer( ImageHistogram(image_key=image_key, hist_bins=hist_bins, hist_range=hist_range), ImageHistogramSumm() )
[docs] def add_analyzer(self, case_analyzer, summary_analyzer) -> None: """ Add new analyzers to the engine so that the callable and summarize functions will utilize the new analyzers for stats computations. Args: case_analyzer: analyzer that works on each data. summary_analyzer: analyzer that works on list of stats dict (output from case_analyzers). Examples: .. code-block:: python from monai.auto3dseg import Analyzer from monai.auto3dseg.utils import concat_val_to_np from monai.auto3dseg.analyzer_engine import SegSummarizer class UserAnalyzer(Analyzer): def __init__(self, image_key="image", stats_name="user_stats"): self.image_key = image_key report_format = {"ndims": None} super().__init__(stats_name, report_format) def __call__(self, data): d = dict(data) report = deepcopy(self.get_report_format()) report["ndims"] = d[self.image_key].ndim d[self.stats_name] = report return d class UserSummaryAnalyzer(Analyzer): def __init__(stats_name="user_stats"): report_format = {"ndims": None} super().__init__(stats_name, report_format) self.update_ops("ndims", SampleOperations()) def __call__(self, data): report = deepcopy(self.get_report_format()) v_np = concat_val_to_np(data, [self.stats_name, "ndims"]) report["ndims"] = self.ops["ndims"].evaluate(v_np) return report summarizer = SegSummarizer() summarizer.add_analyzer(UserAnalyzer, UserSummaryAnalyzer) """ self.transforms += (case_analyzer,) self.summary_analyzers.append(summary_analyzer)
[docs] def summarize(self, data: List[Dict]): """ Summarize the input list of data and generates a report ready for json/yaml export. Args: data: a list of data dicts. Returns: a dict that summarizes the stats across data samples. Examples: stats_summary: image_foreground_stats: intensity: {...} image_stats: channels: {...} cropped_shape: {...} ... label_stats: image_intensity: {...} label: - image_intensity: {...} - image_intensity: {...} - image_intensity: {...} - image_intensity: {...} """ if not isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__} summarize function needs input to be a list of dict") report: Dict[str, Dict] = {} if len(data) == 0: return report if not isinstance(data[0], dict): raise ValueError(f"{self.__class__} summarize function needs a list of dict. Now we have {type(data[0])}") for analyzer in self.summary_analyzers: if callable(analyzer): report.update({analyzer.stats_name: analyzer(data)}) return report