# What's new in 0.7 - Performance enhancements with profiling and tuning guides - Major usability improvements in `monai.transforms` - Reimplementing state-of-the-art Kaggle solutions - Vision-language multimodal transformer architectures ## Performance enhancements with profiling and tuning guides Model training is often a time-consuming step during deep learning development, especially for medical imaging applications. Even with powerful hardware (e.g. CPU/GPU with large RAM), the workflows often require careful profiling and tuning to achieve high performance. MONAI has been focusing on performance enhancements, and in this version, a fast model training guide is provided to help build highly performant workflows, with a comprehensive overview of the profiling tools and practical strategies: https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/blob/master/acceleration/fast_model_training_guide.md. The following figure shows the use of [Nvidia Nsightâ„¢ Systems](https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-systems) for system-wide performance analysis during a performance enhancement study. ![nsight_vis](../images/nsight_comparison.png) With the performance profiling and enhancements, several typical use cases were studied to improve the training efficiency. The following figure shows that fast training using MONAI can be `200` times faster than a regular baseline ([learn more](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/blob/master/acceleration/fast_training_tutorial.ipynb)), and it's `20` times faster than the MONAI v0.6 fast training solution. ![fast_training](../images/fast_training.png) ## Major usability improvements in `monai.transforms` for NumPy/PyTorch inputs and backends MONAI starts to roll out major usability enhancements for the `monai.transforms` module. Many transforms are now supporting both NumPy and PyTorch, as input types and computational backends. To get the supported backends of every transform, please execute: `python monai/transforms/utils.py`. One benefit of these enhancements is that the users can now better leverage the GPUs for preprocessing. By transferring the input data onto GPU using `ToTensor` or `EnsureType`, and applying the GPU-based transforms to the data, [the tutorial of spleen segmentation](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/blob/master/acceleration/fast_training_tutorial.ipynb) shows the great potential of using the flexible modules for fast and efficient training. ## Reimplementing state-of-the-art Kaggle solutions With this release, we actively evaluate and enhance the quality and flexibility of the MONAI core modules, using the public Kaggle challenge as a testbed. [A reimplementation](https://github.com/Project-MONAI/tutorials/tree/master/kaggle/RANZCR/4th_place_solution) of a state-of-the-art solution at [Kaggle RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge](https://www.kaggle.com/c/ranzcr-clip-catheter-line-classification) is made available in this version. ## Vision-language multimodal transformers In this release, MONAI adds support for training multimodal (vision + language) transformers that can handle both image and textual data. MONAI introduces the `TransCheX` model which consists of vision, language, and mixed-modality transformer layers for processing chest X-ray and their corresponding radiological reports within a unified framework. In addition to `TransCheX`, users have the flexibility to alter the architecture by varying the number of vision, language and mixed-modality layers and customizing the classification head. In addition, the model can be initialized from pre-trained BERT language models for fine-tuning.