Source code for monai.utils.profiling

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import csv
import datetime
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import threading
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps
from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
from queue import Empty
from time import perf_counter, perf_counter_ns

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.utils import optional_import

pd, has_pandas = optional_import("pandas")

__all__ = [

[docs]def torch_profiler_full(func): """ A decorator which will run the torch profiler for the decorated function, printing the results in full. Note: Enforces a gpu sync point which could slow down pipelines. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(use_cuda=True) as prof: result = func(*args, **kwargs) print(prof, flush=True) return result return wrapper
[docs]def torch_profiler_time_cpu_gpu(func): """ A decorator which measures the execution time of both the CPU and GPU components of the decorated function, printing both results. Note: Enforces a gpu sync point which could slow down pipelines. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): with torch.autograd.profiler.profile(use_cuda=True) as prof: result = func(*args, **kwargs) cpu_time = prof.self_cpu_time_total gpu_time = sum(evt.self_cuda_time_total for evt in prof.function_events) cpu_time = torch.autograd.profiler.format_time(cpu_time) gpu_time = torch.autograd.profiler.format_time(gpu_time) print(f"cpu time: {cpu_time}, gpu time: {gpu_time}", flush=True) return result return wrapper
[docs]def torch_profiler_time_end_to_end(func): """ A decorator which measures the total execution time from when the decorated function is called to when the last cuda operation finishes, printing the result. Note: Enforces a gpu sync point which could slow down pipelines. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): torch.cuda.synchronize() start = perf_counter() result = func(*args, **kwargs) torch.cuda.synchronize() end = perf_counter() total_time = (end - start) * 1e6 total_time_str = torch.autograd.profiler.format_time(total_time) print(f"End-to-end time: {total_time_str}", flush=True) return result return wrapper
[docs]class PerfContext: """ Context manager for tracking how much time is spent within context blocks. This uses `time.perf_counter` to accumulate the total amount of time in seconds in the attribute `total_time` over however many context blocks the object is used in. """ def __init__(self): self.total_time = 0 self.start_time = None def __enter__(self): self.start_time = perf_counter() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.total_time += perf_counter() - self.start_time self.start_time = None
# stores the results from profiling with trace or with other helper methods ProfileResult = namedtuple("ProfileResult", ["name", "time", "filename", "lineno", "pid", "timestamp"])
[docs]def select_transform_call(frame): """Returns True if `frame` is a call to a `Transform` object's `_call__` method.""" from monai.transforms import Transform # prevents circular import self_obj = frame.f_locals.get("self", None) return frame.f_code.co_name == "__call__" and isinstance(self_obj, Transform)
[docs]class WorkflowProfiler: """ Profiler for timing all aspects of a workflow. This includes using stack tracing to capture call times for all selected calls (by default calls to `Transform.__call__` methods), times within context blocks, times to generate items from iterables, and times to execute decorated functions. This profiler must be used only within its context because it uses an internal thread to read results from a multiprocessing queue. This allows the profiler to function across multiple threads and processes, though the multiprocess tracing is at times unreliable and not available in Windows at all. The profiler uses `sys.settrace` and `threading.settrace` to find all calls to profile, this will be set when the context enters and cleared when it exits so proper use of the context is essential to prevent excessive tracing. Note that tracing has a high overhead so times will not accurately reflect real world performance but give an idea of relative share of time spent. The tracing functionality uses a selector to choose which calls to trace, since tracing all calls induces infinite loops and would be terribly slow even if not. This selector is a callable accepting a `call` trace frame and returns True if the call should be traced. The default is `select_transform_call` which will return True for `Transform.__call__` calls only. Example showing use of all profiling functions: .. code-block:: python import monai.transform as mt from monai.utils import WorkflowProfiler import torch comp=mt.Compose([mt.ScaleIntensity(),mt.RandAxisFlip(0.5)]) with WorkflowProfiler() as wp: for _ in wp.profile_iter("range",range(5)): with wp.profile_ctx("Loop"): for i in range(10): comp(torch.rand(1,16,16)) @wp.profile_callable() def foo(): pass foo() foo() print(wp.get_times_summary_pd()) # print results Args: call_selector: selector to determine which calls to trace, use None to disable tracing """ def __init__(self, call_selector=select_transform_call): self.results = defaultdict(list) self.parent_pid = os.getpid() self.read_thread = None self.lock = threading.RLock() self.queue = multiprocessing.SimpleQueue() self.queue_timeout = 0.1 self.call_selector = call_selector def _is_parent(self): """Return True if this is the parent process.""" return os.getpid() == self.parent_pid def _is_thread_active(self): """Return True if the read thread should be still active.""" return self.read_thread is not None or not self.queue.empty() def _read_thread_func(self): """Read results from the queue and add to self.results in a thread stared by `__enter__`.""" while self._is_parent() and self._is_thread_active(): try: result = self.queue.get() if result is None: break self.add_result(result) except Empty: pass if not (not self._is_parent() or self.queue.empty()): raise AssertionError def _put_result(self, name, timedelta, filename, lineno): """Add a ProfileResult object to the queue.""" ts = str( self.queue.put(ProfileResult(name, timedelta, filename, lineno, os.getpid(), ts)) def _trace_call(self, frame, why, arg): """ Trace calls, when a call is encountered that is accepted by self.call_selector, create a new function to trace that call and measure the time from the call to a "return" frame. """ if why == "call": if self.call_selector(frame): calling_frame = frame start = perf_counter_ns() def _call_profiler(frame, why, arg): """Defines a new inner trace function just for this call.""" if why == "return": diff = perf_counter_ns() - start f_code = calling_frame.f_code self_obj = calling_frame.f_locals.get("self", None) name = f_code.co_name if self_obj is not None: name = f"{type(self_obj).__name__}.{name}" self._put_result(name, diff, f_code.co_filename, f_code.co_firstlineno) # This function will be used to trace this specific call now, however any new functions calls # within will cause a "call" frame to be sent to `_trace_call` rather than to it, ie. it's not # actually recursively tracing everything below as the documentation suggests and so cannot # control whether subsequence calls are traced (see return _call_profiler else: return self._trace_call def __enter__(self): """Enter the context, creating the read thread and setting up tracing if needed.""" self.read_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._read_thread_func) self.read_thread.start() if self.call_selector is not None: threading.settrace(self._trace_call) sys.settrace(self._trace_call) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """Terminate the read thread cleanly and reset tracing if needed.""" if not self._is_parent(): raise AssertionError self.queue.put(None) read_thread = self.read_thread self.read_thread = None read_thread.join() if self.call_selector is not None: threading.settrace(None) sys.settrace(None)
[docs] def add_result(self, result: ProfileResult): """Add a result in a thread-safe manner to the internal results dictionary.""" with self.lock: self.results[].append(result)
[docs] def get_results(self): """Get a fresh results dictionary containing fresh tuples of ProfileResult objects.""" if not self._is_parent(): raise RuntimeError("Only parent process can collect results") with self.lock: return {k: tuple(v) for k, v in self.results.items()}
[docs] @contextmanager def profile_ctx(self, name, caller=None): """Creates a context to profile, placing a timing result onto the queue when it exits.""" if caller is None: caller = getframeinfo(stack()[2][0]) # caller of context, not something in contextlib start = perf_counter_ns() try: yield finally: diff = perf_counter_ns() - start self._put_result(name, diff, caller.filename, caller.lineno)
[docs] def profile_callable(self, name=None): """ Decorator which can be applied to a function which profiles any calls to it. All calls to decorated callables must be done within the context of the profiler. """ def _outer(func): _name = func.__name__ if name is None else name return self.profile_ctx(_name)(func) return _outer
[docs] def profile_iter(self, name, iterable): """Wrapper around anything iterable to profile how long it takes to generate items.""" class _Iterable: def __iter__(_self): # noqa: B902, N805 pylint: disable=E0213 do_iter = True orig_iter = iter(iterable) caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0]) while do_iter: try: start = perf_counter_ns() item = next(orig_iter) diff = perf_counter_ns() - start # don't put result when StopIteration is hit self._put_result(name, diff, caller.filename, caller.lineno) yield item except StopIteration: do_iter = False return _Iterable()
[docs] def get_times_summary(self, times_in_s=True): """ Returns a dictionary mapping results entries to tuples containing the number of items, time sum, time average, time std dev, time min, and time max. """ result = {} for k, v in self.get_results().items(): timemult = 1e-9 if times_in_s else 1.0 all_times = [res.time * timemult for res in v] timesum = sum(all_times) timeavg = timesum / len(all_times) timestd = np.std(all_times) timemin = min(all_times) timemax = max(all_times) result[k] = (len(v), timesum, timeavg, timestd, timemin, timemax) return result
[docs] def get_times_summary_pd(self, times_in_s=True): """Returns the same information as `get_times_summary` but in a Pandas DataFrame.""" import pandas as pd summ = self.get_times_summary(times_in_s) suffix = "s" if times_in_s else "ns" columns = ["Count", f"Total Time ({suffix})", "Avg", "Std", "Min", "Max"] df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(summ, orient="index", columns=columns) df = df.sort_values(columns[1], ascending=False) return df
[docs] def dump_csv(self, stream=sys.stdout): """Save all results to a csv file.""" all_results = list(self.get_results().values()) writer = csv.DictWriter(stream, fieldnames=all_results[0][0]._asdict().keys()) writer.writeheader() for rlist in all_results: for r in rlist: writer.writerow(r._asdict())
[docs]class ProfileHandler: """ Handler for Ignite Engine classes which measures the time from a start event ton an end event. This can be used to profile epoch, iteration, and other events as defined in `ignite.engine.Events`. This class should be used only within the context of a profiler object. Args: name: name of event to profile profiler: instance of WorkflowProfiler used by the handler, should be within the context of this object start_event: item in `ignite.engine.Events` stating event at which to start timing end_event: item in `ignite.engine.Events` stating event at which to stop timing """ def __init__(self, name: str, profiler: WorkflowProfiler, start_event, end_event): = name self.profiler = profiler self.start_event = start_event self.end_event = end_event self.ctx = None def attach(self, engine): engine.add_event_handler(self.start_event, self.start) engine.add_event_handler(self.end_event, self.end) return self def start(self, engine): self.ctx = self.profiler.profile_ctx( self.ctx.__enter__() def end(self, engine): self.ctx.__exit__(None, None, None) self.ctx = None