Source code for monai.utils.enums

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import random
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from monai.utils.deprecate_utils import deprecated

__all__ = [

[docs]class StrEnum(str, Enum): """ Enum subclass that converts its value to a string. .. code-block:: python from monai.utils import StrEnum class Example(StrEnum): MODE_A = "A" MODE_B = "B" assert (list(Example) == ["A", "B"]) assert Example.MODE_A == "A" assert str(Example.MODE_A) == "A" assert monai.utils.look_up_option("A", Example) == "A" """ def __str__(self): return self.value def __repr__(self): return self.value
[docs]class NumpyPadMode(StrEnum): """ See also: """ CONSTANT = "constant" EDGE = "edge" LINEAR_RAMP = "linear_ramp" MAXIMUM = "maximum" MEAN = "mean" MEDIAN = "median" MINIMUM = "minimum" REFLECT = "reflect" SYMMETRIC = "symmetric" WRAP = "wrap" EMPTY = "empty"
[docs]class NdimageMode(StrEnum): """ The available options determine how the input array is extended beyond its boundaries when interpolating. See also: """ REFLECT = "reflect" GRID_MIRROR = "grid-mirror" CONSTANT = "constant" GRID_CONSTANT = "grid-constant" NEAREST = "nearest" MIRROR = "mirror" GRID_WRAP = "grid-wrap" WRAP = "wrap"
[docs]class GridSampleMode(StrEnum): """ See also: interpolation mode of `torch.nn.functional.grid_sample` Note: (documentation from `torch.nn.functional.grid_sample`) `mode='bicubic'` supports only 4-D input. When `mode='bilinear'` and the input is 5-D, the interpolation mode used internally will actually be trilinear. However, when the input is 4-D, the interpolation mode will legitimately be bilinear. """ NEAREST = "nearest" BILINEAR = "bilinear" BICUBIC = "bicubic"
[docs]class SplineMode(StrEnum): """ Order of spline interpolation. See also: """ ZERO = 0 ONE = 1 TWO = 2 THREE = 3 FOUR = 4 FIVE = 5
[docs]class InterpolateMode(StrEnum): """ See also: """ NEAREST = "nearest" NEAREST_EXACT = "nearest-exact" LINEAR = "linear" BILINEAR = "bilinear" BICUBIC = "bicubic" TRILINEAR = "trilinear" AREA = "area"
[docs]class UpsampleMode(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.networks.blocks.UpSample` """ DECONV = "deconv" NONTRAINABLE = "nontrainable" # e.g. using torch.nn.Upsample PIXELSHUFFLE = "pixelshuffle"
[docs]class BlendMode(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`` """ CONSTANT = "constant" GAUSSIAN = "gaussian"
[docs]class PytorchPadMode(StrEnum): """ See also: """ CONSTANT = "constant" REFLECT = "reflect" REPLICATE = "replicate" CIRCULAR = "circular"
[docs]class GridSamplePadMode(StrEnum): """ See also: """ ZEROS = "zeros" BORDER = "border" REFLECTION = "reflection"
[docs]class Average(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.metrics.rocauc.compute_roc_auc` """ MACRO = "macro" WEIGHTED = "weighted" MICRO = "micro" NONE = "none"
[docs]class MetricReduction(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:func:`monai.metrics.utils.do_metric_reduction` """ NONE = "none" MEAN = "mean" SUM = "sum" MEAN_BATCH = "mean_batch" SUM_BATCH = "sum_batch" MEAN_CHANNEL = "mean_channel" SUM_CHANNEL = "sum_channel"
[docs]class LossReduction(StrEnum): """ See also: - :py:class:`monai.losses.dice.DiceLoss` - :py:class:`monai.losses.dice.GeneralizedDiceLoss` - :py:class:`monai.losses.focal_loss.FocalLoss` - :py:class:`monai.losses.tversky.TverskyLoss` """ NONE = "none" MEAN = "mean" SUM = "sum"
[docs]class DiceCEReduction(StrEnum): """ See also: - :py:class:`monai.losses.dice.DiceCELoss` """ MEAN = "mean" SUM = "sum"
[docs]class Weight(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.losses.dice.GeneralizedDiceLoss` """ SQUARE = "square" SIMPLE = "simple" UNIFORM = "uniform"
[docs]class ChannelMatching(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.networks.nets.HighResBlock` """ PAD = "pad" PROJECT = "project"
[docs]class SkipMode(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.networks.layers.SkipConnection` """ CAT = "cat" ADD = "add" MUL = "mul"
[docs]class Method(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.croppad.array.SpatialPad` """ SYMMETRIC = "symmetric" END = "end"
[docs]class ForwardMode(StrEnum): """ See also: :py:class:`monai.transforms.engines.evaluator.Evaluator` """ TRAIN = "train" EVAL = "eval"
[docs]class TraceKeys(StrEnum): """Extra metadata keys used for traceable transforms.""" CLASS_NAME: str = "class" ID: str = "id" ORIG_SIZE: str = "orig_size" EXTRA_INFO: str = "extra_info" DO_TRANSFORM: str = "do_transforms" KEY_SUFFIX: str = "_transforms" NONE: str = "none"
[docs]@deprecated(since="0.8.0", msg_suffix="use monai.utils.enums.TraceKeys instead.") class InverseKeys: """ Extra metadata keys used for inverse transforms. .. deprecated:: 0.8.0 Use :class:`monai.utils.enums.TraceKeys` instead. """ CLASS_NAME = "class" ID = "id" ORIG_SIZE = "orig_size" EXTRA_INFO = "extra_info" DO_TRANSFORM = "do_transforms" KEY_SUFFIX = "_transforms" NONE = "none"
[docs]class CommonKeys(StrEnum): """ A set of common keys for dictionary based supervised training process. `IMAGE` is the input image data. `LABEL` is the training or evaluation label of segmentation or classification task. `PRED` is the prediction data of model output. `LOSS` is the loss value of current iteration. `INFO` is some useful information during training or evaluation, like loss value, etc. """ IMAGE = "image" LABEL = "label" PRED = "pred" LOSS = "loss" METADATA = "metadata"
[docs]class GanKeys(StrEnum): """ A set of common keys for generative adversarial networks. """ REALS = "reals" FAKES = "fakes" LATENTS = "latents" GLOSS = "g_loss" DLOSS = "d_loss"
[docs]class PostFix(StrEnum): """Post-fixes.""" @staticmethod def _get_str(prefix, suffix): return suffix if prefix is None else f"{prefix}_{suffix}" @staticmethod def meta(key: Optional[str] = None): return PostFix._get_str(key, "meta_dict") @staticmethod def orig_meta(key: Optional[str] = None): return PostFix._get_str(key, "orig_meta_dict") @staticmethod def transforms(key: Optional[str] = None): return PostFix._get_str(key, TraceKeys.KEY_SUFFIX[1:])
[docs]class TransformBackends(StrEnum): """ Transform backends. Most of `monai.transforms` components first converts the input data into ``torch.Tensor`` or ````. Internally, some transforms are made by converting the data into ``numpy.array`` or ``cupy.array`` and use the underlying transform backend API to achieve the actual output array and converting back to ``Tensor``/``MetaTensor``. Transforms with more than one backend indicate the that they may convert the input data types to accomodate the underlying API. """ TORCH = "torch" NUMPY = "numpy" CUPY = "cupy"
class JITMetadataKeys(StrEnum): """ Keys stored in the metadata file for saved Torchscript models. Some of these are generated by the routines and others are optionally provided by users. """ NAME = "name" TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" VERSION = "version" DESCRIPTION = "description"
[docs]class BoxModeName(StrEnum): """ Box mode names. """ XYXY = "xyxy" # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] XYZXYZ = "xyzxyz" # [xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax] XXYY = "xxyy" # [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] XXYYZZ = "xxyyzz" # [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] XYXYZZ = "xyxyzz" # [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, zmin, zmax] XYWH = "xywh" # [xmin, ymin, xsize, ysize] XYZWHD = "xyzwhd" # [xmin, ymin, zmin, xsize, ysize, zsize] CCWH = "ccwh" # [xcenter, ycenter, xsize, ysize] CCCWHD = "cccwhd" # [xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, xsize, ysize, zsize]
class ProbMapKeys(StrEnum): """ The keys to be used for generating the probability maps from patches """ LOCATION = "mask_location" SIZE = "mask_size" COUNT = "num_patches" NAME = "name"
[docs]class GridPatchSort(StrEnum): """ The sorting method for the generated patches in `GridPatch` """ RANDOM = "random" MIN = "min" MAX = "max" @staticmethod def min_fn(x): return x[0].sum() @staticmethod def max_fn(x): return -x[0].sum() @staticmethod def get_sort_fn(sort_fn): if sort_fn == GridPatchSort.RANDOM: return random.random elif sort_fn == GridPatchSort.MIN: return GridPatchSort.min_fn elif sort_fn == GridPatchSort.MAX: return GridPatchSort.max_fn else: raise ValueError( f'sort_fn should be one of the following values, "{sort_fn}" was given:', [e.value for e in GridPatchSort], )
class WSIPatchKeys(StrEnum): """ The keys to be used for metadata of patches extracted from whole slide images """ LOCATION = "location" LEVEL = "level" SIZE = "size" COUNT = "count" PATH = "path"
[docs]class FastMRIKeys(StrEnum): """ The keys to be used for extracting data from the fastMRI dataset """ KSPACE = "kspace" MASK = "mask" FILENAME = "filename" RECON = "reconstruction_rss" ACQUISITION = "acquisition" MAX = "max" NORM = "norm" PID = "patient_id"
[docs]class SpaceKeys(StrEnum): """ The coordinate system keys, for example, Nifti1 uses Right-Anterior-Superior or "RAS", DICOM (0020,0032) uses Left-Posterior-Superior or "LPS". This type does not distinguish spatial 1/2/3D. """ RAS = "RAS" LPS = "LPS"
[docs]class MetaKeys(StrEnum): """ Typical keys for MetaObj.meta """ AFFINE = "affine" # MetaTensor.affine ORIGINAL_AFFINE = "original_affine" # the affine after image loading before any data processing SPATIAL_SHAPE = "spatial_shape" # optional key for the length in each spatial dimension SPACE = "space" # possible values of space type are defined in `SpaceKeys` ORIGINAL_CHANNEL_DIM = "original_channel_dim" # an integer or "no_channel"
[docs]class ColorOrder(StrEnum): """ Enums for color order. Expand as necessary. """ RGB = "RGB" BGR = "BGR"
[docs]class EngineStatsKeys(StrEnum): """ Default keys for the statistics of trainer and evaluator engines. """ RANK = "rank" CURRENT_ITERATION = "current_iteration" CURRENT_EPOCH = "current_epoch" TOTAL_EPOCHS = "total_epochs" TOTAL_ITERATIONS = "total_iterations" BEST_VALIDATION_EPOCH = "best_validation_epoch" BEST_VALIDATION_METRIC = "best_validation_metric"
[docs]class DataStatsKeys(StrEnum): """ Defaults keys for dataset statistical analysis modules """ SUMMARY = "stats_summary" BY_CASE = "stats_by_cases" BY_CASE_IMAGE_PATH = "image_filepath" BY_CASE_LABEL_PATH = "label_filepath" IMAGE_STATS = "image_stats" FG_IMAGE_STATS = "image_foreground_stats" LABEL_STATS = "label_stats"
[docs]class ImageStatsKeys(StrEnum): """ Defaults keys for dataset statistical analysis image modules """ SHAPE = "shape" CHANNELS = "channels" CROPPED_SHAPE = "cropped_shape" SPACING = "spacing" INTENSITY = "intensity"
[docs]class LabelStatsKeys(StrEnum): """ Defaults keys for dataset statistical analysis label modules """ LABEL_UID = "labels" PIXEL_PCT = "pixel_percentage" IMAGE_INTST = "image_intensity" LABEL = "label" LABEL_SHAPE = "shape" LABEL_NCOMP = "ncomponents"
[docs]class AlgoEnsembleKeys(StrEnum): """ Default keys for Mixed Ensemble """ ID = "identifier" ALGO = "infer_algo" SCORE = "best_metric"