Source code for monai.transforms.inverse

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Hashable, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import torch

from monai import transforms
from import MetaTensor
from monai.transforms.transform import Transform
from monai.utils.enums import TraceKeys

__all__ = ["TraceableTransform", "InvertibleTransform"]

[docs]class TraceableTransform(Transform): """ Maintains a stack of applied transforms to data. Data can be one of two types: 1. A `MetaTensor` (this is the preferred data type). 2. A dictionary of data containing arrays/tensors and auxiliary metadata. In this case, a key must be supplied (this dictionary-based approach is deprecated). If `data` is of type `MetaTensor`, then the applied transform will be added to ``data.applied_operations``. If `data` is a dictionary, then one of two things can happen: 1. If data[key] is a `MetaTensor`, the applied transform will be added to ``data[key].applied_operations``. 2. Else, the applied transform will be appended to an adjacent list using `trace_key`. If, for example, the key is `image`, then the transform will be appended to `image_transforms` (this dictionary-based approach is deprecated). Hopefully it is clear that there are three total possibilities: 1. data is `MetaTensor` 2. data is dictionary, data[key] is `MetaTensor` 3. data is dictionary, data[key] is not `MetaTensor` (this is a deprecated approach). The ``__call__`` method of this transform class must be implemented so that the transformation information is stored during the data transformation. The information in the stack of applied transforms must be compatible with the default collate, by only storing strings, numbers and arrays. `tracing` could be enabled by `self.set_tracing` or setting `MONAI_TRACE_TRANSFORM` when initializing the class. """ tracing = os.environ.get("MONAI_TRACE_TRANSFORM", "1") != "0"
[docs] def set_tracing(self, tracing: bool) -> None: """Set whether to trace transforms.""" self.tracing = tracing
[docs] @staticmethod def trace_key(key: Hashable = None): """The key to store the stack of applied transforms.""" if key is None: return f"{TraceKeys.KEY_SUFFIX}" return f"{key}{TraceKeys.KEY_SUFFIX}"
[docs] def get_transform_info( self, data, key: Hashable = None, extra_info: Optional[dict] = None, orig_size: Optional[Tuple] = None ) -> dict: """ Return a dictionary with the relevant information pertaining to an applied transform. Args: data: input data. Can be dictionary or MetaTensor. We can use `shape` to determine the original size of the object (unless that has been given explicitly, see `orig_size`). key: if data is a dictionary, data[key] will be modified. extra_info: if desired, any extra information pertaining to the applied transform can be stored in this dictionary. These are often needed for computing the inverse transformation. orig_size: sometimes during the inverse it is useful to know what the size of the original image was, in which case it can be supplied here. Returns: Dictionary of data pertaining to the applied transformation. """ info = {TraceKeys.CLASS_NAME: self.__class__.__name__, TraceKeys.ID: id(self)} if orig_size is not None: info[TraceKeys.ORIG_SIZE] = orig_size elif isinstance(data, Mapping) and key in data and hasattr(data[key], "shape"): info[TraceKeys.ORIG_SIZE] = data[key].shape[1:] elif hasattr(data, "shape"): info[TraceKeys.ORIG_SIZE] = data.shape[1:] if extra_info is not None: info[TraceKeys.EXTRA_INFO] = extra_info # If class is randomizable transform, store whether the transform was actually performed (based on `prob`) if hasattr(self, "_do_transform"): # RandomizableTransform info[TraceKeys.DO_TRANSFORM] = self._do_transform # type: ignore return info
[docs] def push_transform( self, data, key: Hashable = None, extra_info: Optional[dict] = None, orig_size: Optional[Tuple] = None ) -> None: """ Push to a stack of applied transforms. Args: data: dictionary of data or `MetaTensor`. key: if data is a dictionary, data[key] will be modified. extra_info: if desired, any extra information pertaining to the applied transform can be stored in this dictionary. These are often needed for computing the inverse transformation. orig_size: sometimes during the inverse it is useful to know what the size of the original image was, in which case it can be supplied here. Returns: None, but data has been updated to store the applied transformation. """ if not self.tracing: return info = self.get_transform_info(data, key, extra_info, orig_size) if isinstance(data, MetaTensor): data.push_applied_operation(info) elif isinstance(data, Mapping): if key in data and isinstance(data[key], MetaTensor): data[key].push_applied_operation(info) else: # If this is the first, create list if self.trace_key(key) not in data: if not isinstance(data, dict): data = dict(data) data[self.trace_key(key)] = [] data[self.trace_key(key)].append(info) else: warnings.warn(f"`data` should be either `MetaTensor` or dictionary, got {type(data)}. {info} not tracked.")
[docs] def check_transforms_match(self, transform: Mapping) -> None: """Check transforms are of same instance.""" xform_id = transform.get(TraceKeys.ID, "") if xform_id == id(self): return # TraceKeys.NONE to skip the id check if xform_id == TraceKeys.NONE: return xform_name = transform.get(TraceKeys.CLASS_NAME, "") # basic check if multiprocessing uses 'spawn' (objects get recreated so don't have same ID) if torch.multiprocessing.get_start_method() in ("spawn", None) and xform_name == self.__class__.__name__: return raise RuntimeError( f"Error {self.__class__.__name__} getting the most recently " f"applied invertible transform {xform_name} {xform_id} != {id(self)}." )
[docs] def get_most_recent_transform(self, data, key: Hashable = None, check: bool = True, pop: bool = False): """ Get most recent transform for the stack. Args: data: dictionary of data or `MetaTensor`. key: if data is a dictionary, data[key] will be modified. check: if true, check that `self` is the same type as the most recently-applied transform. pop: if true, remove the transform as it is returned. Returns: Dictionary of most recently applied transform Raises: - RuntimeError: data is neither `MetaTensor` nor dictionary """ if not self.tracing: raise RuntimeError("Transform Tracing must be enabled to get the most recent transform.") if isinstance(data, MetaTensor): all_transforms = data.applied_operations elif isinstance(data, Mapping): if key in data and isinstance(data[key], MetaTensor): all_transforms = data[key].applied_operations else: all_transforms = data.get(self.trace_key(key), MetaTensor.get_default_applied_operations()) else: raise ValueError(f"`data` should be either `MetaTensor` or dictionary, got {type(data)}.") if check: self.check_transforms_match(all_transforms[-1]) return all_transforms.pop() if pop else all_transforms[-1]
[docs] def pop_transform(self, data, key: Hashable = None, check: bool = True): """ Return and pop the most recent transform. Args: data: dictionary of data or `MetaTensor` key: if data is a dictionary, data[key] will be modified check: if true, check that `self` is the same type as the most recently-applied transform. Returns: Dictionary of most recently applied transform Raises: - RuntimeError: data is neither `MetaTensor` nor dictionary """ return self.get_most_recent_transform(data, key, check, pop=True)
[docs] @contextmanager def trace_transform(self, to_trace: bool): """Temporarily set the tracing status of a transform with a context manager.""" prev = self.tracing self.tracing = to_trace yield self.tracing = prev
[docs]class InvertibleTransform(TraceableTransform): """Classes for invertible transforms. This class exists so that an ``invert`` method can be implemented. This allows, for example, images to be cropped, rotated, padded, etc., during training and inference, and after be returned to their original size before saving to file for comparison in an external viewer. When the ``inverse`` method is called: - the inverse is called on each key individually, which allows for different parameters being passed to each label (e.g., different interpolation for image and label). - the inverse transforms are applied in a last-in-first-out order. As the inverse is applied, its entry is removed from the list detailing the applied transformations. That is to say that during the forward pass, the list of applied transforms grows, and then during the inverse it shrinks back down to an empty list. We currently check that the ``id()`` of the transform is the same in the forward and inverse directions. This is a useful check to ensure that the inverses are being processed in the correct order. Note to developers: When converting a transform to an invertible transform, you need to: #. Inherit from this class. #. In ``__call__``, add a call to ``push_transform``. #. Any extra information that might be needed for the inverse can be included with the dictionary ``extra_info``. This dictionary should have the same keys regardless of whether ``do_transform`` was `True` or `False` and can only contain objects that are accepted in pytorch data loader's collate function (e.g., `None` is not allowed). #. Implement an ``inverse`` method. Make sure that after performing the inverse, ``pop_transform`` is called. """
[docs] def inverse_update(self, data): """ This function is to be called before every `self.inverse(data)`, update each MetaTensor `data[key]` using `data[key_transforms]` and `data[key_meta_dict]`, for MetaTensor backward compatibility 0.9.0. """ if not isinstance(data, dict) or not isinstance(self, transforms.MapTransform): return data d = dict(data) for k in self.key_iterator(data): transform_key = transforms.TraceableTransform.trace_key(k) if transform_key not in data or not data[transform_key]: continue d = transforms.sync_meta_info(k, data, t=False) return d
[docs] def inverse(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ Inverse of ``__call__``. Raises: NotImplementedError: When the subclass does not override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclass {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.")