Source code for monai.networks.blocks.acti_norm

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch.nn as nn

from monai.networks.layers.utils import get_act_layer, get_dropout_layer, get_norm_layer

[docs]class ADN(nn.Sequential): """ Constructs a sequential module of optional activation (A), dropout (D), and normalization (N) layers with an arbitrary order:: -- (Norm) -- (Dropout) -- (Acti) -- Args: ordering: a string representing the ordering of activation, dropout, and normalization. Defaults to "NDA". in_channels: `C` from an expected input of size (N, C, H[, W, D]). act: activation type and arguments. Defaults to PReLU. norm: feature normalization type and arguments. Defaults to instance norm. norm_dim: determine the spatial dimensions of the normalization layer. defaults to `dropout_dim` if unspecified. dropout: dropout ratio. Defaults to no dropout. dropout_dim: determine the spatial dimensions of dropout. defaults to `norm_dim` if unspecified. - When dropout_dim = 1, randomly zeroes some of the elements for each channel. - When dropout_dim = 2, Randomly zeroes out entire channels (a channel is a 2D feature map). - When dropout_dim = 3, Randomly zeroes out entire channels (a channel is a 3D feature map). Examples:: # activation, group norm, dropout >>> norm_params = ("GROUP", {"num_groups": 1, "affine": False}) >>> ADN(norm=norm_params, in_channels=1, dropout_dim=1, dropout=0.8, ordering="AND") ADN( (A): ReLU() (N): GroupNorm(1, 1, eps=1e-05, affine=False) (D): Dropout(p=0.8, inplace=False) ) # LeakyReLU, dropout >>> act_params = ("leakyrelu", {"negative_slope": 0.1, "inplace": True}) >>> ADN(act=act_params, in_channels=1, dropout_dim=1, dropout=0.8, ordering="AD") ADN( (A): LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.1, inplace=True) (D): Dropout(p=0.8, inplace=False) ) See also: :py:class:`monai.networks.layers.Dropout` :py:class:`monai.networks.layers.Act` :py:class:`monai.networks.layers.Norm` :py:class:`monai.networks.layers.split_args` """ def __init__( self, ordering: str = "NDA", in_channels: Optional[int] = None, act: Optional[Union[Tuple, str]] = "RELU", norm: Optional[Union[Tuple, str]] = None, norm_dim: Optional[int] = None, dropout: Optional[Union[Tuple, str, float]] = None, dropout_dim: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() op_dict = {"A": None, "D": None, "N": None} # define the normalization type and the arguments to the constructor if norm is not None: if norm_dim is None and dropout_dim is None: raise ValueError("norm_dim or dropout_dim needs to be specified.") op_dict["N"] = get_norm_layer(name=norm, spatial_dims=norm_dim or dropout_dim, channels=in_channels) # define the activation type and the arguments to the constructor if act is not None: op_dict["A"] = get_act_layer(act) if dropout is not None: if norm_dim is None and dropout_dim is None: raise ValueError("norm_dim or dropout_dim needs to be specified.") op_dict["D"] = get_dropout_layer(name=dropout, dropout_dim=dropout_dim or norm_dim) for item in ordering.upper(): if item not in op_dict: raise ValueError(f"ordering must be a string of {op_dict}, got {item} in it.") if op_dict[item] is not None: self.add_module(item, op_dict[item])