Source code for

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np

from monai.apps.utils import get_logger
from monai.config import DtypeLike, NdarrayOrTensor, PathLike
from import MetaTensor
from import affine_to_spacing, ensure_tuple, ensure_tuple_rep, orientation_ras_lps, to_affine_nd
from monai.transforms.spatial.array import Resize, SpatialResample
from monai.transforms.utils_pytorch_numpy_unification import ascontiguousarray, moveaxis
from monai.utils import (

DEFAULT_FMT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s"
logger = get_logger(module_name=__name__, fmt=DEFAULT_FMT)

    import itk
    import nibabel as nib
    from PIL import Image as PILImage
    itk, _ = optional_import("itk", allow_namespace_pkg=True)
    nib, _ = optional_import("nibabel")
    PILImage, _ = optional_import("PIL.Image")

__all__ = [


[docs]def register_writer(ext_name, *im_writers): """ Register ``ImageWriter``, so that writing a file with filename extension ``ext_name`` could be resolved to a tuple of potentially appropriate ``ImageWriter``. The customised writers could be registered by: .. code-block:: python from import register_writer # `MyWriter` must implement `ImageWriter` interface register_writer("nii", MyWriter) Args: ext_name: the filename extension of the image. As an indexing key, it will be converted to a lower case string. im_writers: one or multiple ImageWriter classes with high priority ones first. """ fmt = f"{ext_name}".lower() if fmt.startswith("."): fmt = fmt[1:] existing = look_up_option(fmt, SUPPORTED_WRITERS, default=()) all_writers = im_writers + existing SUPPORTED_WRITERS[fmt] = all_writers
[docs]def resolve_writer(ext_name, error_if_not_found=True) -> Sequence: """ Resolves to a tuple of available ``ImageWriter`` in ``SUPPORTED_WRITERS`` according to the filename extension key ``ext_name``. Args: ext_name: the filename extension of the image. As an indexing key it will be converted to a lower case string. error_if_not_found: whether to raise an error if no suitable image writer is found. if True , raise an ``OptionalImportError``, otherwise return an empty tuple. Default is ``True``. """ if not SUPPORTED_WRITERS: init() fmt = f"{ext_name}".lower() if fmt.startswith("."): fmt = fmt[1:] avail_writers = [] default_writers = SUPPORTED_WRITERS.get(EXT_WILDCARD, ()) for _writer in look_up_option(fmt, SUPPORTED_WRITERS, default=default_writers): try: _writer() # this triggers `monai.utils.module.require_pkg` to check the system availability avail_writers.append(_writer) except OptionalImportError: continue except Exception: # other writer init errors indicating it exists avail_writers.append(_writer) if not avail_writers and error_if_not_found: raise OptionalImportError(f"No ImageWriter backend found for {fmt}.") writer_tuple = ensure_tuple(avail_writers) SUPPORTED_WRITERS[fmt] = writer_tuple return writer_tuple
[docs]class ImageWriter: """ The class is a collection of utilities to write images to disk. Main aspects to be considered are: - dimensionality of the data array, arrangements of spatial dimensions and channel/time dimensions - ``convert_to_channel_last()`` - metadata of the current affine and output affine, the data array should be converted accordingly - ``get_meta_info()`` - ``resample_if_needed()`` - data type handling of the output image (as part of ``resample_if_needed()``) Subclasses of this class should implement the backend-specific functions: - ``set_data_array()`` to set the data array (input must be numpy array or torch tensor) - this method sets the backend object's data part - ``set_metadata()`` to set the metadata and output affine - this method sets the metadata including affine handling and image resampling - backend-specific data object ``create_backend_obj()`` - backend-specific writing function ``write()`` The primary usage of subclasses of ``ImageWriter`` is: .. code-block:: python writer = MyWriter() # subclass of ImageWriter writer.set_data_array(data_array) writer.set_metadata(meta_dict) writer.write(filename) This creates an image writer object based on ``data_array`` and ``meta_dict`` and write to ``filename``. It supports up to three spatial dimensions (with the resampling step supports for both 2D and 3D). When saving multiple time steps or multiple channels `data_array`, time and/or modality axes should be the at the `channel_dim`. For example, the shape of a 2D eight-class and ``channel_dim=0``, the segmentation probabilities to be saved could be `(8, 64, 64)`; in this case ``data_array`` will be converted to `(64, 64, 1, 8)` (the third dimension is reserved as a spatial dimension). The ``metadata`` could optionally have the following keys: - ``'original_affine'``: for data original affine, it will be the affine of the output object, defaulting to an identity matrix. - ``'affine'``: it should specify the current data affine, defaulting to an identity matrix. - ``'spatial_shape'``: for data output spatial shape. When ``metadata`` is specified, the saver will may resample data from the space defined by `"affine"` to the space defined by `"original_affine"`, for more details, please refer to the ``resample_if_needed`` method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ The constructor supports adding new instance members. The current member in the base class is ``self.data_obj``, the subclasses can add more members, so that necessary meta information can be stored in the object and shared among the class methods. """ self.data_obj = None for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, k, v)
def set_data_array(self, data_array, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclasses of {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.") def set_metadata(self, meta_dict: Optional[Mapping], **options): raise NotImplementedError(f"Subclasses of {self.__class__.__name__} must implement this method.")
[docs] def write(self, filename: PathLike, verbose: bool = True, **kwargs): """subclass should implement this method to call the backend-specific writing APIs.""" if verbose:"writing: {filename}")
[docs] @classmethod def create_backend_obj(cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ Subclass should implement this method to return a backend-specific data representation object. This method is used by ``cls.write`` and the input ``data_array`` is assumed 'channel-last'. """ return convert_data_type(data_array, np.ndarray)[0]
[docs] @classmethod def resample_if_needed( cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, affine: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None, target_affine: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None, output_spatial_shape: Union[Sequence[int], int, None] = None, mode: str = GridSampleMode.BILINEAR, padding_mode: str = GridSamplePadMode.BORDER, align_corners: bool = False, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float64, ): """ Convert the ``data_array`` into the coordinate system specified by ``target_affine``, from the current coordinate definition of ``affine``. If the transform between ``affine`` and ``target_affine`` could be achieved by simply transposing and flipping ``data_array``, no resampling will happen. Otherwise, this function resamples ``data_array`` using the transformation computed from ``affine`` and ``target_affine``. This function assumes the NIfTI dimension notations. Spatially it supports up to three dimensions, that is, H, HW, HWD for 1D, 2D, 3D respectively. When saving multiple time steps or multiple channels, time and/or modality axes should be appended after the first three dimensions. For example, shape of 2D eight-class segmentation probabilities to be saved could be `(64, 64, 1, 8)`. Also, data in shape `(64, 64, 8)` or `(64, 64, 8, 1)` will be considered as a single-channel 3D image. The ``convert_to_channel_last`` method can be used to convert the data to the format described here. Note that the shape of the resampled ``data_array`` may subject to some rounding errors. For example, resampling a 20x20 pixel image from pixel size (1.5, 1.5)-mm to (3.0, 3.0)-mm space will return a 10x10-pixel image. However, resampling a 20x20-pixel image from pixel size (2.0, 2.0)-mm to (3.0, 3.0)-mm space will output a 14x14-pixel image, where the image shape is rounded from 13.333x13.333 pixels. In this case ``output_spatial_shape`` could be specified so that this function writes image data to a designated shape. Args: data_array: input data array to be converted. affine: the current affine of ``data_array``. Defaults to identity target_affine: the designated affine of ``data_array``. The actual output affine might be different from this value due to precision changes. output_spatial_shape: spatial shape of the output image. This option is used when resampling is needed. mode: available options are {``"bilinear"``, ``"nearest"``, ``"bicubic"``}. This option is used when resampling is needed. Interpolation mode to calculate output values. Defaults to ``"bilinear"``. See also: padding_mode: available options are {``"zeros"``, ``"border"``, ``"reflection"``}. This option is used when resampling is needed. Padding mode for outside grid values. Defaults to ``"border"``. See also: align_corners: boolean option of ``grid_sample`` to handle the corner convention. See also: dtype: data type for resampling computation. Defaults to ``np.float64`` for best precision. If ``None``, use the data type of input data. The output data type of this method is always ``np.float32``. """ orig_type = type(data_array) data_array = convert_to_tensor(data_array, track_meta=True) if affine is not None: data_array.affine = convert_to_tensor(affine, track_meta=False) # type: ignore resampler = SpatialResample(mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners, dtype=dtype) output_array = resampler(data_array[None], dst_affine=target_affine, spatial_size=output_spatial_shape) # convert back at the end if isinstance(output_array, MetaTensor): output_array.applied_operations = [] data_array, *_ = convert_data_type(output_array, output_type=orig_type) # type: ignore affine, *_ = convert_data_type(output_array.affine, output_type=orig_type) # type: ignore return data_array[0], affine
[docs] @classmethod def convert_to_channel_last( cls, data: NdarrayOrTensor, channel_dim: Union[None, int, Sequence[int]] = 0, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, spatial_ndim: Optional[int] = 3, contiguous: bool = False, ): """ Rearrange the data array axes to make the `channel_dim`-th dim the last dimension and ensure there are ``spatial_ndim`` number of spatial dimensions. When ``squeeze_end_dims`` is ``True``, a postprocessing step will be applied to remove any trailing singleton dimensions. Args: data: input data to be converted to "channel-last" format. channel_dim: specifies the channel axes of the data array to move to the last. ``None`` indicates no channel dimension, a new axis will be appended as the channel dimension. a sequence of integers indicates multiple non-spatial dimensions. squeeze_end_dims: if ``True``, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed (after the channel has been moved to the end). So if input is `(H,W,D,C)` and C==1, then it will be saved as `(H,W,D)`. If D is also 1, it will be saved as `(H,W)`. If ``False``, image will always be saved as `(H,W,D,C)`. spatial_ndim: modifying the spatial dims if needed, so that output to have at least this number of spatial dims. If ``None``, the output will have the same number of spatial dimensions as the input. contiguous: if ``True``, the output will be contiguous. """ # change data to "channel last" format if channel_dim is not None: _chns = ensure_tuple(channel_dim) data = moveaxis(data, _chns, tuple(range(-len(_chns), 0))) else: # adds a channel dimension data = data[..., None] # To ensure at least ``spatial_ndim`` number of spatial dims if spatial_ndim: while len(data.shape) < spatial_ndim + 1: # assuming the data has spatial + channel dims data = data[..., None, :] while len(data.shape) > spatial_ndim + 1: data = data[..., 0, :] # if desired, remove trailing singleton dimensions while squeeze_end_dims and data.shape[-1] == 1: data = np.squeeze(data, -1) if contiguous: data = ascontiguousarray(data) return data
[docs] @classmethod def get_meta_info(cls, metadata: Optional[Mapping] = None): """ Extracts relevant meta information from the metadata object (using ``.get``). Optional keys are ``"spatial_shape"``, ``MetaKeys.AFFINE``, ``"original_affine"``. """ if not metadata: metadata = {"original_affine": None, MetaKeys.AFFINE: None, MetaKeys.SPATIAL_SHAPE: None} original_affine = metadata.get("original_affine") affine = metadata.get(MetaKeys.AFFINE) spatial_shape = metadata.get(MetaKeys.SPATIAL_SHAPE) return original_affine, affine, spatial_shape
[docs]@require_pkg(pkg_name="itk") class ITKWriter(ImageWriter): """ Write data and metadata into files on disk using ITK-python. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import ITKWriter np_data = np.arange(48).reshape(3, 4, 4) # write as 3d spatial image no channel writer = ITKWriter(output_dtype=np.float32) writer.set_data_array(np_data, channel_dim=None) # optionally set metadata affine writer.set_metadata({"affine": np.eye(4), "original_affine": -1 * np.eye(4)}) writer.write("test1.nii.gz") # write as 2d image, channel-first writer = ITKWriter(output_dtype=np.uint8) writer.set_data_array(np_data, channel_dim=0) writer.set_metadata({"spatial_shape": (5, 5)}) writer.write("test1.png") """
[docs] def __init__(self, output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, affine_lps_to_ras: bool = True, **kwargs): """ Args: output_dtype: output data type. affine_lps_to_ras: whether to convert the affine matrix from "LPS" to "RAS". Defaults to ``True``. Set to ``True`` to be consistent with ``NibabelWriter``, otherwise the affine matrix is assumed already in the ITK convention. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``ImageWriter``. The constructor will create ``self.output_dtype`` internally. ``affine`` and ``channel_dim`` are initialized as instance members (default ``None``, ``0``): - user-specified ``affine`` should be set in ``set_metadata``, - user-specified ``channel_dim`` should be set in ``set_data_array``. """ super().__init__( output_dtype=output_dtype, affine_lps_to_ras=affine_lps_to_ras, affine=None, channel_dim=0, **kwargs )
[docs] def set_data_array( self, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Convert ``data_array`` into 'channel-last' numpy ndarray. Args: data_array: input data array with the channel dimension specified by ``channel_dim``. channel_dim: channel dimension of the data array. Defaults to 0. ``None`` indicates data without any channel dimension. squeeze_end_dims: if ``True``, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``self.convert_to_channel_last``, currently support ``spatial_ndim`` and ``contiguous``, defauting to ``3`` and ``False`` respectively. """ _r = len(data_array.shape) self.data_obj = self.convert_to_channel_last( data=data_array, channel_dim=channel_dim, squeeze_end_dims=squeeze_end_dims, spatial_ndim=kwargs.pop("spatial_ndim", 3), contiguous=kwargs.pop("contiguous", True), ) self.channel_dim = channel_dim if len(self.data_obj.shape) >= _r else None # channel dim is at the end
[docs] def set_metadata(self, meta_dict: Optional[Mapping] = None, resample: bool = True, **options): """ Resample ``self.dataobj`` if needed. This method assumes ``self.data_obj`` is a 'channel-last' ndarray. Args: meta_dict: a metadata dictionary for affine, original affine and spatial shape information. Optional keys are ``"spatial_shape"``, ``"affine"``, ``"original_affine"``. resample: if ``True``, the data will be resampled to the original affine (specified in ``meta_dict``). options: keyword arguments passed to ``self.resample_if_needed``, currently support ``mode``, ``padding_mode``, ``align_corners``, and ``dtype``, defaulting to ``bilinear``, ``border``, ``False``, and ``np.float64`` respectively. """ original_affine, affine, spatial_shape = self.get_meta_info(meta_dict) self.data_obj, self.affine = self.resample_if_needed( data_array=self.data_obj, affine=affine, target_affine=original_affine if resample else None, output_spatial_shape=spatial_shape if resample else None, mode=options.pop("mode", GridSampleMode.BILINEAR), padding_mode=options.pop("padding_mode", GridSamplePadMode.BORDER), align_corners=options.pop("align_corners", False), dtype=options.pop("dtype", np.float64), )
[docs] def write(self, filename: PathLike, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Create an ITK object from ``self.create_backend_obj(self.obj, ...)`` and call ``itk.imwrite``. Args: filename: filename or PathLike object. verbose: if ``True``, log the progress. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``itk.imwrite``, currently support ``compression`` and ``imageio``. See also: - """ super().write(filename, verbose=verbose) self.data_obj = self.create_backend_obj( self.data_obj, channel_dim=self.channel_dim, affine=self.affine, dtype=self.output_dtype, # type: ignore affine_lps_to_ras=self.affine_lps_to_ras, # type: ignore **kwargs, ) itk.imwrite( self.data_obj, filename, compression=kwargs.pop("compression", False), imageio=kwargs.pop("imageio", None) )
[docs] @classmethod def create_backend_obj( cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, affine: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, affine_lps_to_ras: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Create an ITK object from ``data_array``. This method assumes a 'channel-last' ``data_array``. Args: data_array: input data array. channel_dim: channel dimension of the data array. This is used to create a Vector Image if it is not ``None``. affine: affine matrix of the data array. This is used to compute `spacing`, `direction` and `origin`. dtype: output data type. affine_lps_to_ras: whether to convert the affine matrix from "LPS" to "RAS". Defaults to ``True``. Set to ``True`` to be consistent with ``NibabelWriter``, otherwise the affine matrix is assumed already in the ITK convention. kwargs: keyword arguments. Current `itk.GetImageFromArray` will read ``ttype`` from this dictionary. see also: - """ if isinstance(data_array, MetaTensor) and data_array.meta.get(MetaKeys.SPACE, SpaceKeys.LPS) != SpaceKeys.LPS: affine_lps_to_ras = False # do the converting from LPS to RAS only if the space type is currently LPS. data_array = super().create_backend_obj(data_array) _is_vec = channel_dim is not None if _is_vec: data_array = np.moveaxis(data_array, -1, 0) # from channel last to channel first data_array = data_array.T.astype(dtype, copy=True, order="C") itk_obj = itk.GetImageFromArray(data_array, is_vector=_is_vec, ttype=kwargs.pop("ttype", None)) d = len(itk.size(itk_obj)) if affine is None: affine = np.eye(d + 1, dtype=np.float64) _affine = convert_data_type(affine, np.ndarray)[0] if affine_lps_to_ras: _affine = orientation_ras_lps(to_affine_nd(d, _affine)) spacing = affine_to_spacing(_affine, r=d) _direction: np.ndarray = np.diag(1 / spacing) _direction = _affine[:d, :d] @ _direction itk_obj.SetSpacing(spacing.tolist()) itk_obj.SetOrigin(_affine[:d, -1].tolist()) itk_obj.SetDirection(itk.GetMatrixFromArray(_direction)) return itk_obj
[docs]@require_pkg(pkg_name="nibabel") class NibabelWriter(ImageWriter): """ Write data and metadata into files on disk using Nibabel. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import NibabelWriter np_data = np.arange(48).reshape(3, 4, 4) writer = NibabelWriter() writer.set_data_array(np_data, channel_dim=None) writer.set_metadata({"affine": np.eye(4), "original_affine": np.eye(4)}) writer.write("test1.nii.gz", verbose=True) """
[docs] def __init__(self, output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, **kwargs): """ Args: output_dtype: output data type. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``ImageWriter``. The constructor will create ``self.output_dtype`` internally. ``affine`` is initialized as instance members (default ``None``), user-specified ``affine`` should be set in ``set_metadata``. """ super().__init__(output_dtype=output_dtype, affine=None, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_data_array( self, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Convert ``data_array`` into 'channel-last' numpy ndarray. Args: data_array: input data array with the channel dimension specified by ``channel_dim``. channel_dim: channel dimension of the data array. Defaults to 0. ``None`` indicates data without any channel dimension. squeeze_end_dims: if ``True``, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``self.convert_to_channel_last``, currently support ``spatial_ndim``, defauting to ``3``. """ self.data_obj = self.convert_to_channel_last( data=data_array, channel_dim=channel_dim, squeeze_end_dims=squeeze_end_dims, spatial_ndim=kwargs.pop("spatial_ndim", 3), )
[docs] def set_metadata(self, meta_dict: Optional[Mapping], resample: bool = True, **options): """ Resample ``self.dataobj`` if needed. This method assumes ``self.data_obj`` is a 'channel-last' ndarray. Args: meta_dict: a metadata dictionary for affine, original affine and spatial shape information. Optional keys are ``"spatial_shape"``, ``"affine"``, ``"original_affine"``. resample: if ``True``, the data will be resampled to the original affine (specified in ``meta_dict``). options: keyword arguments passed to ``self.resample_if_needed``, currently support ``mode``, ``padding_mode``, ``align_corners``, and ``dtype``, defaulting to ``bilinear``, ``border``, ``False``, and ``np.float64`` respectively. """ original_affine, affine, spatial_shape = self.get_meta_info(meta_dict) self.data_obj, self.affine = self.resample_if_needed( data_array=self.data_obj, affine=affine, target_affine=original_affine if resample else None, output_spatial_shape=spatial_shape if resample else None, mode=options.pop("mode", GridSampleMode.BILINEAR), padding_mode=options.pop("padding_mode", GridSamplePadMode.BORDER), align_corners=options.pop("align_corners", False), dtype=options.pop("dtype", np.float64), )
[docs] def write(self, filename: PathLike, verbose: bool = False, **obj_kwargs): """ Create a Nibabel object from ``self.create_backend_obj(self.obj, ...)`` and call ````. Args: filename: filename or PathLike object. verbose: if ``True``, log the progress. obj_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``self.create_backend_obj``, See also: - """ super().write(filename, verbose=verbose) self.data_obj = self.create_backend_obj( self.data_obj, affine=self.affine, dtype=self.output_dtype, **obj_kwargs # type: ignore ), filename)
[docs] @classmethod def create_backend_obj( cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, affine: Optional[NdarrayOrTensor] = None, dtype: DtypeLike = None, **kwargs ): """ Create an Nifti1Image object from ``data_array``. This method assumes a 'channel-last' ``data_array``. Args: data_array: input data array. affine: affine matrix of the data array. dtype: output data type. kwargs: keyword arguments. Current ``nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image`` will read ``header``, ``extra``, ``file_map`` from this dictionary. See also: - """ data_array = super().create_backend_obj(data_array) if dtype is not None: data_array = data_array.astype(dtype, copy=False) affine = convert_data_type(affine, np.ndarray)[0] if affine is None: affine = np.eye(4) affine = to_affine_nd(r=3, affine=affine) return nib.nifti1.Nifti1Image( data_array, affine, header=kwargs.pop("header", None), extra=kwargs.pop("extra", None), file_map=kwargs.pop("file_map", None), )
[docs]@require_pkg(pkg_name="PIL") class PILWriter(ImageWriter): """ Write image data into files on disk using pillow. It's based on the Image module in PIL library: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import PILWriter np_data = np.arange(48).reshape(3, 4, 4) writer = PILWriter(np.uint8) writer.set_data_array(np_data, channel_dim=0) writer.write("test1.png", verbose=True) """
[docs] def __init__( self, output_dtype: DtypeLike = np.float32, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, scale: Optional[int] = 255, **kwargs ): """ Args: output_dtype: output data type. channel_dim: channel dimension of the data array. Defaults to 0. ``None`` indicates data without any channel dimension. scale: {``255``, ``65535``} postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is None to disable scaling. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``ImageWriter``. """ super().__init__(output_dtype=output_dtype, channel_dim=channel_dim, scale=scale, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_data_array( self, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, channel_dim: Optional[int] = 0, squeeze_end_dims: bool = True, contiguous: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Convert ``data_array`` into 'channel-last' numpy ndarray. Args: data_array: input data array with the channel dimension specified by ``channel_dim``. channel_dim: channel dimension of the data array. Defaults to 0. ``None`` indicates data without any channel dimension. squeeze_end_dims: if ``True``, any trailing singleton dimensions will be removed. contiguous: if ``True``, the data array will be converted to a contiguous array. Default is ``False``. kwargs: keyword arguments passed to ``self.convert_to_channel_last``, currently support ``spatial_ndim``, defauting to ``2``. """ self.data_obj = self.convert_to_channel_last( data=data_array, channel_dim=channel_dim, squeeze_end_dims=squeeze_end_dims, spatial_ndim=kwargs.pop("spatial_ndim", 2), contiguous=contiguous, )
[docs] def set_metadata(self, meta_dict: Optional[Mapping] = None, resample: bool = True, **options): """ Resample ``self.dataobj`` if needed. This method assumes ``self.data_obj`` is a 'channel-last' ndarray. Args: meta_dict: a metadata dictionary for affine, original affine and spatial shape information. Optional key is ``"spatial_shape"``. resample: if ``True``, the data will be resampled to the spatial shape specified in ``meta_dict``. options: keyword arguments passed to ``self.resample_if_needed``, currently support ``mode``, defaulting to ``bicubic``. """ spatial_shape = self.get_meta_info(meta_dict) self.data_obj = self.resample_and_clip( data_array=self.data_obj, output_spatial_shape=spatial_shape if resample else None, mode=options.pop("mode", InterpolateMode.BICUBIC), )
[docs] def write(self, filename: PathLike, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Create a PIL image object from ``self.create_backend_obj(self.obj, ...)`` and call ``save``. Args: filename: filename or PathLike object. verbose: if ``True``, log the progress. kwargs: optional keyword arguments passed to ``self.create_backend_obj`` currently support ``reverse_indexing``, ``image_mode``, defaulting to ``True``, ``None`` respectively. See also: - """ super().write(filename, verbose=verbose) self.data_obj = self.create_backend_obj( data_array=self.data_obj, dtype=self.output_dtype, # type: ignore reverse_indexing=kwargs.pop("reverse_indexing", True), image_mode=kwargs.pop("image_mode", None), scale=self.scale, # type: ignore **kwargs, ), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_meta_info(cls, metadata: Optional[Mapping] = None): return None if not metadata else metadata.get(MetaKeys.SPATIAL_SHAPE)
[docs] @classmethod def resample_and_clip( cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, output_spatial_shape: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, mode: str = InterpolateMode.BICUBIC, ): """ Resample ``data_array`` to ``output_spatial_shape`` if needed. Args: data_array: input data array. This method assumes the 'channel-last' format. output_spatial_shape: output spatial shape. mode: interpolation mode, defautl is ``InterpolateMode.BICUBIC``. """ data: np.ndarray = convert_data_type(data_array, np.ndarray)[0] if output_spatial_shape is not None: output_spatial_shape_ = ensure_tuple_rep(output_spatial_shape, 2) mode = look_up_option(mode, InterpolateMode) align_corners = None if mode in (InterpolateMode.NEAREST, InterpolateMode.AREA) else False xform = Resize(spatial_size=output_spatial_shape_, mode=mode, align_corners=align_corners) _min, _max = np.min(data), np.max(data) if len(data.shape) == 3: data = np.moveaxis(data, -1, 0) # to channel first data = convert_data_type(xform(data), np.ndarray)[0] # type: ignore data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, -1) else: # (H, W) data = np.expand_dims(data, 0) # make a channel data = convert_data_type(xform(data), np.ndarray)[0][0] # type: ignore if mode != InterpolateMode.NEAREST: data = np.clip(data, _min, _max) return data
[docs] @classmethod def create_backend_obj( cls, data_array: NdarrayOrTensor, dtype: DtypeLike = None, scale: Optional[int] = 255, reverse_indexing: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Create a PIL object from ``data_array``. Args: data_array: input data array. dtype: output data type. scale: {``255``, ``65535``} postprocess data by clipping to [0, 1] and scaling [0, 255] (uint8) or [0, 65535] (uint16). Default is None to disable scaling. reverse_indexing: if ``True``, the data array's first two dimensions will be swapped. kwargs: keyword arguments. Currently ``PILImage.fromarray`` will read ``image_mode`` from this dictionary, defaults to ``None``. See also: - """ data: np.ndarray = super().create_backend_obj(data_array) if scale: # scale the data to be in an integer range data = np.clip(data, 0.0, 1.0) # png writer only can scale data in range [0, 1] if scale == np.iinfo(np.uint8).max: data = (scale * data).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) elif scale == np.iinfo(np.uint16).max: data = (scale * data).astype(np.uint16, copy=False) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported scale: {scale}, available options are [255, 65535].") if dtype is not None: data = data.astype(dtype, copy=False) if reverse_indexing: data = np.moveaxis(data, 0, 1) return PILImage.fromarray(data, mode=kwargs.pop("image_mode", None))
def init(): """ Initialize the image writer modules according to the filename extension. """ for ext in ("png", "jpg", "jpeg", "bmp", "tiff", "tif"): register_writer(ext, PILWriter) # TODO: test 16-bit for ext in ("nii.gz", "nii"): register_writer(ext, NibabelWriter, ITKWriter) register_writer("nrrd", ITKWriter, NibabelWriter) register_writer(EXT_WILDCARD, ITKWriter, NibabelWriter, ITKWriter)