Source code for

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from monai.config import PathLike
from import create_file_basename

__all__ = ["FolderLayout"]

[docs]class FolderLayout: """ A utility class to create organized filenames within ``output_dir``. The ``filename`` method could be used to create a filename following the folder structure. Example: .. code-block:: python from import FolderLayout layout = FolderLayout( output_dir="/test_run_1/", postfix="seg", extension="nii", makedirs=False) layout.filename(subject="Sub-A", idx="00", modality="T1") # return value: "/test_run_1/Sub-A_seg_00_modality-T1.nii" The output filename is a string starting with a ``subject`` ID, and includes additional information about a customized index and image modality. This utility class doesn't alter the underlying image data, but provides a convenient way to create filenames. """
[docs] def __init__( self, output_dir: PathLike, postfix: str = "", extension: str = "", parent: bool = False, makedirs: bool = False, data_root_dir: PathLike = "", ): """ Args: output_dir: output directory. postfix: a postfix string for output file name appended to ``subject``. extension: output file extension to be appended to the end of an output filename. parent: whether to add a level of parent folder to contain each image to the output filename. makedirs: whether to create the output parent directories if they do not exist. data_root_dir: an optional `PathLike` object to preserve the folder structure of the input `subject`. Please see :py:func:`` for more details. """ self.output_dir = output_dir self.postfix = postfix self.ext = extension self.parent = parent self.makedirs = makedirs self.data_root_dir = data_root_dir
[docs] def filename(self, subject: PathLike = "subject", idx=None, **kwargs): """ Create a filename based on the input ``subject`` and ``idx``. The output filename is formed as: ``output_dir/[subject/]subject[_postfix][_idx][_key-value][ext]`` Args: subject: subject name, used as the primary id of the output filename. When a `PathLike` object is provided, the base filename will be used as the subject name, the extension name of `subject` will be ignored, in favor of ``extension`` from this class's constructor. idx: additional index name of the image. kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be used to form the output filename. The key-value pairs will be appended to the output filename as ``f"_{k}-{v}"``. """ full_name = create_file_basename( postfix=self.postfix, input_file_name=subject, folder_path=self.output_dir, data_root_dir=self.data_root_dir, separate_folder=self.parent, patch_index=idx, makedirs=self.makedirs, ) for k, v in kwargs.items(): full_name += f"_{k}-{v}" if self.ext is not None: ext = f"{self.ext}" full_name += f".{ext}" if ext and not ext.startswith(".") else f"{ext}" return full_name