Source code for monai.bundle.config_parser

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import re
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

from monai.bundle.config_item import ComponentLocator, ConfigComponent, ConfigExpression, ConfigItem
from monai.bundle.reference_resolver import ReferenceResolver
from monai.bundle.utils import ID_REF_KEY, ID_SEP_KEY, MACRO_KEY
from monai.config import PathLike
from monai.utils import ensure_tuple, look_up_option, optional_import

yaml, _ = optional_import("yaml")

__all__ = ["ConfigParser"]

_default_globals = {"monai": "monai", "torch": "torch", "np": "numpy", "numpy": "numpy"}

[docs]class ConfigParser: """ The primary configuration parser. It traverses a structured config (in the form of nested Python dict or list), creates ``ConfigItem``, and assign unique IDs according to the structures. This class provides convenient access to the set of ``ConfigItem`` of the config by ID. A typical workflow of config parsing is as follows: - Initialize ``ConfigParser`` with the ``config`` source. - Call ``get_parsed_content()`` to get expected component with `id`. .. code-block:: python from monai.bundle import ConfigParser config = { "my_dims": 2, "dims_1": "$@my_dims + 1", "my_xform": {"_target_": "LoadImage"}, "my_net": {"_target_": "BasicUNet", "spatial_dims": "@dims_1", "in_channels": 1, "out_channels": 4}, "trainer": {"_target_": "SupervisedTrainer", "network": "@my_net", "preprocessing": "@my_xform"} } # in the example $@my_dims + 1 is an expression, which adds 1 to the value of @my_dims parser = ConfigParser(config) # get/set configuration content, the set method should happen before calling parse() print(parser["my_net"]["in_channels"]) # original input channels 1 parser["my_net"]["in_channels"] = 4 # change input channels to 4 print(parser["my_net"]["in_channels"]) # instantiate the network component parser.parse(True) net = parser.get_parsed_content("my_net", instantiate=True) print(net) # also support to get the configuration content of parsed `ConfigItem` trainer = parser.get_parsed_content("trainer", instantiate=False) print(trainer) Args: config: input config source to parse. excludes: when importing modules to instantiate components, excluding components from modules specified in ``excludes``. globals: pre-import packages as global variables to ``ConfigExpression``, so that expressions, for example, ``"$"`` can use ``monai`` modules. The current supported globals and alias names are ``{"monai": "monai", "torch": "torch", "np": "numpy", "numpy": "numpy"}``. These are MONAI's minimal dependencies. Additional packages could be included with `globals={"itk": "itk"}`. Set it to ``False`` to disable `self.globals` module importing. See also: - :py:class:`monai.bundle.ConfigItem` - :py:class:`` """ suffixes = ("json", "yaml", "yml") suffix_match = rf".*\.({'|'.join(suffixes)})" path_match = rf"({suffix_match}$)" # match relative id names, e.g. "@#data", "@##transform#1" relative_id_prefix = re.compile(rf"(?:{ID_REF_KEY}|{MACRO_KEY}){ID_SEP_KEY}+") meta_key = "_meta_" # field key to save metadata def __init__( self, config: Any = None, excludes: Optional[Union[Sequence[str], str]] = None, globals: Union[Dict[str, Any], None, bool] = None, ): self.config = None self.globals: Dict[str, Any] = {} _globals = _default_globals.copy() if isinstance(_globals, dict) and globals not in (None, False): _globals.update(globals) # type: ignore if _globals is not None and globals is not False: for k, v in _globals.items(): self.globals[k] = optional_import(v)[0] if isinstance(v, str) else v self.locator = ComponentLocator(excludes=excludes) self.ref_resolver = ReferenceResolver() if config is None: config = {self.meta_key: {}} self.set(config=config) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.config}" def __getitem__(self, id: Union[str, int]): """ Get the config by id. Args: id: id of the ``ConfigItem``, ``"#"`` in id are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Use digits indexing from "0" for list or other strings for dict. For example: ``"xform#5"``, ``"net#channels"``. ``""`` indicates the entire ``self.config``. """ if id == "": return self.config config = self.config for k in str(id).split(ID_SEP_KEY): if not isinstance(config, (dict, list)): raise ValueError(f"config must be dict or list for key `{k}`, but got {type(config)}: {config}.") try: config = ( look_up_option(k, config, print_all_options=False) if isinstance(config, dict) else config[int(k)] ) except ValueError as e: raise KeyError(f"query key: {k}") from e return config def __setitem__(self, id: Union[str, int], config: Any): """ Set config by ``id``. Note that this method should be used before ``parse()`` or ``get_parsed_content()`` to ensure the updates are included in the parsed content. Args: id: id of the ``ConfigItem``, ``"#"`` in id are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Use digits indexing from "0" for list or other strings for dict. For example: ``"xform#5"``, ``"net#channels"``. ``""`` indicates the entire ``self.config``. config: config to set at location ``id``. """ if id == "": self.config = config self.ref_resolver.reset() return keys = str(id).split(ID_SEP_KEY) # get the last parent level config item and replace it last_id = ID_SEP_KEY.join(keys[:-1]) conf_ = self[last_id] indexing = keys[-1] if isinstance(conf_, dict) else int(keys[-1]) conf_[indexing] = config self.ref_resolver.reset() return
[docs] def get(self, id: str = "", default: Optional[Any] = None): """ Get the config by id. Args: id: id to specify the expected position. See also :py:meth:`__getitem__`. default: default value to return if the specified ``id`` is invalid. """ try: return self[id] except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError): # Index error for integer indexing return default
[docs] def set(self, config: Any, id: str = "", recursive: bool = True): """ Set config by ``id``. Args: config: config to set at location ``id``. id: id to specify the expected position. See also :py:meth:`__setitem__`. recursive: if the nested id doesn't exist, whether to recursively create the nested items in the config. default to `True`. for the nested id, only support `dict` for the missing section. """ keys = str(id).split(ID_SEP_KEY) conf_ = self.get() if recursive: if conf_ is None: self.config = conf_ = {} # type: ignore for k in keys[:-1]: if isinstance(conf_, dict) and k not in conf_: conf_[k] = {} conf_ = conf_[k if isinstance(conf_, dict) else int(k)] self[id] = config
[docs] def update(self, pairs: Dict[str, Any]): """ Set the ``id`` and the corresponding config content in pairs, see also :py:meth:`__setitem__`. For example, ``parser.update({"train#epoch": 100, "train#lr": 0.02})`` Args: pairs: dictionary of `id` and config pairs. """ for k, v in pairs.items(): self[k] = v
def __contains__(self, id: Union[str, int]) -> bool: """ Returns True if `id` is stored in this configuration. Args: id: id to specify the expected position. See also :py:meth:`__getitem__`. """ try: _ = self[id] return True except (KeyError, IndexError, ValueError): # Index error for integer indexing return False
[docs] def parse(self, reset: bool = True): """ Recursively resolve `self.config` to replace the macro tokens with target content. Then recursively parse the config source, add every item as ``ConfigItem`` to the reference resolver. Args: reset: whether to reset the ``reference_resolver`` before parsing. Defaults to `True`. """ if reset: self.ref_resolver.reset() self.resolve_macro_and_relative_ids() self._do_parse(config=self.get())
[docs] def get_parsed_content(self, id: str = "", **kwargs): """ Get the parsed result of ``ConfigItem`` with the specified ``id``. - If the item is ``ConfigComponent`` and ``instantiate=True``, the result is the instance. - If the item is ``ConfigExpression`` and ``eval_expr=True``, the result is the evaluated output. - Else, the result is the configuration content of `ConfigItem`. Args: id: id of the ``ConfigItem``, ``"#"`` in id are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Use digits indexing from "0" for list or other strings for dict. For example: ``"xform#5"``, ``"net#channels"``. ``""`` indicates the entire ``self.config``. kwargs: additional keyword arguments to be passed to ``_resolve_one_item``. Currently support ``lazy`` (whether to retain the current config cache, default to `True`), ``instantiate`` (whether to instantiate the `ConfigComponent`, default to `True`) and ``eval_expr`` (whether to evaluate the `ConfigExpression`, default to `True`), ``default`` (the default config item if the `id` is not in the config content). """ if not self.ref_resolver.is_resolved(): # not parsed the config source yet, parse it self.parse(reset=True) elif not kwargs.get("lazy", True): self.parse(reset=not kwargs.get("lazy", True)) return self.ref_resolver.get_resolved_content(id=id, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_meta(self, f: Union[PathLike, Sequence[PathLike], Dict], **kwargs): """ Read the metadata from specified JSON or YAML file. The metadata as a dictionary will be stored at ``self.config["_meta_"]``. Args: f: filepath of the metadata file, the content must be a dictionary, if providing a list of files, will merge the content of them. if providing a dictionary directly, use it as metadata. kwargs: other arguments for ``json.load`` or ``yaml.safe_load``, depends on the file format. """ self.set(self.load_config_files(f, **kwargs), self.meta_key)
[docs] def read_config(self, f: Union[PathLike, Sequence[PathLike], Dict], **kwargs): """ Read the config from specified JSON or YAML file. The config content in the `self.config` dictionary. Args: f: filepath of the config file, the content must be a dictionary, if providing a list of files, wil merge the content of them. if providing a dictionary directly, use it as config. kwargs: other arguments for ``json.load`` or ``yaml.safe_load``, depends on the file format. """ content = {self.meta_key: self.get(self.meta_key, {})} content.update(self.load_config_files(f, **kwargs)) self.set(config=content)
def _do_resolve(self, config: Any, id: str = ""): """ Recursively resolve `self.config` to replace the relative ids with absolute ids, for example, `@##A` means `A` in the upper level. and replace the macro tokens with target content, The macro tokens start with "%", can be from another structured file, like: ``"%default_net"``, ``"%/data/config.json#net"``. Note that the macro replacement doesn't support recursive macro tokens. Args: config: input config file to resolve. id: id of the ``ConfigItem``, ``"#"`` in id are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Use digits indexing from "0" for list or other strings for dict. For example: ``"xform#5"``, ``"net#channels"``. ``""`` indicates the entire ``self.config``. """ if isinstance(config, (dict, list)): for k, v in enumerate(config) if isinstance(config, list) else config.items(): sub_id = f"{id}{ID_SEP_KEY}{k}" if id != "" else k config[k] = self._do_resolve(v, sub_id) if isinstance(config, str): config = self.resolve_relative_ids(id, config) if config.startswith(MACRO_KEY): path, ids = ConfigParser.split_path_id(config[len(MACRO_KEY) :]) parser = ConfigParser(config=self.get() if not path else ConfigParser.load_config_file(path)) return parser[ids] return config
[docs] def resolve_macro_and_relative_ids(self): """ Recursively resolve `self.config` to replace the relative ids with absolute ids, for example, `@##A` means `A` in the upper level. and replace the macro tokens with target content, The macro tokens are marked as starting with "%", can be from another structured file, like: ``"%default_net"``, ``"%/data/config.json#net"``. """ self.set(self._do_resolve(config=deepcopy(self.get())))
def _do_parse(self, config, id: str = ""): """ Recursively parse the nested data in config source, add every item as `ConfigItem` to the resolver. Args: config: config source to parse. id: id of the ``ConfigItem``, ``"#"`` in id are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Use digits indexing from "0" for list or other strings for dict. For example: ``"xform#5"``, ``"net#channels"``. ``""`` indicates the entire ``self.config``. """ if isinstance(config, (dict, list)): for k, v in enumerate(config) if isinstance(config, list) else config.items(): sub_id = f"{id}{ID_SEP_KEY}{k}" if id != "" else k self._do_parse(config=v, id=sub_id) # copy every config item to make them independent and add them to the resolver item_conf = deepcopy(config) if ConfigComponent.is_instantiable(item_conf): self.ref_resolver.add_item(ConfigComponent(config=item_conf, id=id, locator=self.locator)) elif ConfigExpression.is_expression(item_conf): self.ref_resolver.add_item(ConfigExpression(config=item_conf, id=id, globals=self.globals)) else: self.ref_resolver.add_item(ConfigItem(config=item_conf, id=id))
[docs] @classmethod def load_config_file(cls, filepath: PathLike, **kwargs): """ Load config file with specified file path (currently support JSON and YAML files). Args: filepath: path of target file to load, supported postfixes: `.json`, `.yml`, `.yaml`. kwargs: other arguments for ``json.load`` or ```yaml.safe_load``, depends on the file format. """ _filepath: str = str(Path(filepath)) if not re.compile(cls.path_match, re.IGNORECASE).findall(_filepath): raise ValueError(f'unknown file input: "{filepath}"') with open(_filepath) as f: if _filepath.lower().endswith(cls.suffixes[0]): return json.load(f, **kwargs) if _filepath.lower().endswith(cls.suffixes[1:]): return yaml.safe_load(f, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"only support JSON or YAML config file so far, got name {_filepath}.")
[docs] @classmethod def load_config_files(cls, files: Union[PathLike, Sequence[PathLike], dict], **kwargs) -> Dict: """ Load config files into a single config dict. The latter config file in the list will override or add the former config file. ``"#"`` in the config keys are interpreted as special characters to go one level further into the nested structures. Args: files: path of target files to load, supported postfixes: `.json`, `.yml`, `.yaml`. kwargs: other arguments for ``json.load`` or ```yaml.safe_load``, depends on the file format. """ if isinstance(files, dict): # already a config dict return files parser = ConfigParser(config={}) for i in ensure_tuple(files): for k, v in (cls.load_config_file(i, **kwargs)).items(): parser[k] = v return parser.get() # type: ignore
[docs] @classmethod def export_config_file(cls, config: Dict, filepath: PathLike, fmt="json", **kwargs): """ Export the config content to the specified file path (currently support JSON and YAML files). Args: config: source config content to export. filepath: target file path to save. fmt: format of config content, currently support ``"json"`` and ``"yaml"``. kwargs: other arguments for ``json.dump`` or ``yaml.safe_dump``, depends on the file format. """ _filepath: str = str(Path(filepath)) writer = look_up_option(fmt.lower(), {"json", "yaml"}) with open(_filepath, "w") as f: if writer == "json": json.dump(config, f, **kwargs) return if writer == "yaml": return yaml.safe_dump(config, f, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"only support JSON or YAML config file so far, got {writer}.")
[docs] @classmethod def split_path_id(cls, src: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Split `src` string into two parts: a config file path and component id. The file path should end with `(json|yaml|yml)`. The component id should be separated by `#` if it exists. If no path or no id, return "". Args: src: source string to split. """ result = re.compile(rf"({cls.suffix_match}(?=(?:{ID_SEP_KEY}.*)|$))", re.IGNORECASE).findall(src) if not result: return "", src # the src is a pure id path_name = result[0][0] # at most one path_name _, ids = src.rsplit(path_name, 1) return path_name, ids[len(ID_SEP_KEY) :] if ids.startswith(ID_SEP_KEY) else ""
[docs] @classmethod def resolve_relative_ids(cls, id: str, value: str) -> str: """ To simplify the reference or macro tokens ID in the nested config content, it's available to use relative ID name which starts with the `ID_SEP_KEY`, for example, "@#A" means `A` in the same level, `@##A` means `A` in the upper level. It resolves the relative ids to absolute ids. For example, if the input data is: .. code-block:: python { "A": 1, "B": {"key": "@##A", "value1": 2, "value2": "%#value1", "value3": [3, 4, "@#1"]}, } It will resolve `B` to `{"key": "@A", "value1": 2, "value2": "%B#value1", "value3": [3, 4, "@B#value3#1"]}`. Args: id: id name for current config item to compute relative id. value: input value to resolve relative ids. """ # get the prefixes like: "@####", "%###", "@#" prefixes = sorted(set().union(cls.relative_id_prefix.findall(value)), reverse=True) current_id = id.split(ID_SEP_KEY) for p in prefixes: sym = ID_REF_KEY if ID_REF_KEY in p else MACRO_KEY length = p[len(sym) :].count(ID_SEP_KEY) if length > len(current_id): raise ValueError(f"the relative id in `{value}` is out of the range of config content.") if length == len(current_id): new = "" # root id is `""` else: new = ID_SEP_KEY.join(current_id[:-length]) + ID_SEP_KEY value = value.replace(p, sym + new) return value