Source code for monai.apps.detection.utils.detector_utils

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor

from monai.transforms.croppad.array import SpatialPad
from monai.transforms.utils import compute_divisible_spatial_size, convert_pad_mode
from monai.utils import PytorchPadMode, ensure_tuple_rep

[docs]def check_input_images(input_images: Union[List[Tensor], Tensor], spatial_dims: int) -> None: """ Validate the input dimensionality (raise a `ValueError` if invalid). Args: input_images: It can be 1) a tensor sized (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D), or 2) a list of image tensors, each image i may have different size (C, H_i, W_i) or (C, H_i, W_i, D_i). spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the images, 2 or 3. """ if isinstance(input_images, Tensor): if len(input_images.shape) != spatial_dims + 2: raise ValueError( "When input_images is a Tensor, its need to be (spatial_dims + 2)-D." f"In this case, it should be a {(spatial_dims + 2)}-D Tensor, got Tensor shape {input_images.shape}." ) elif isinstance(input_images, List): for img in input_images: if len(img.shape) != spatial_dims + 1: raise ValueError( "When input_images is a List[Tensor], each element should have be (spatial_dims + 1)-D." f"In this case, it should be a {(spatial_dims + 1)}-D Tensor, got Tensor shape {img.shape}." ) else: raise ValueError("input_images needs to be a List[Tensor] or Tensor.") return
[docs]def check_training_targets( input_images: Union[List[Tensor], Tensor], targets: Union[List[Dict[str, Tensor]], None], spatial_dims: int, target_label_key: str, target_box_key: str, ) -> None: """ Validate the input images/targets during training (raise a `ValueError` if invalid). Args: input_images: It can be 1) a tensor sized (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D), or 2) a list of image tensors, each image i may have different size (C, H_i, W_i) or (C, H_i, W_i, D_i). targets: a list of dict. Each dict with two keys: target_box_key and target_label_key, ground-truth boxes present in the image. spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the images, 2 or 3. target_label_key: the expected key of target labels. target_box_key: the expected key of target boxes. """ if targets is None: raise ValueError("Please provide ground truth targets during training.") if len(input_images) != len(targets): raise ValueError(f"len(input_images) should equal to len(targets), got {len(input_images)}, {len(targets)}.") for target in targets: if (target_label_key not in target.keys()) or (target_box_key not in target.keys()): raise ValueError( f"{target_label_key} and {target_box_key} are expected keys in targets. Got {target.keys()}." ) boxes = target[target_box_key] if not isinstance(boxes, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError(f"Expected target boxes to be of type Tensor, got {type(boxes)}.") if len(boxes.shape) != 2 or boxes.shape[-1] != 2 * spatial_dims: raise ValueError( f"Expected target boxes to be a tensor " f"of shape [N, {2* spatial_dims}], got {boxes.shape}." ) return
[docs]def pad_images( input_images: Union[List[Tensor], Tensor], spatial_dims: int, size_divisible: Union[int, Sequence[int]], mode: Union[PytorchPadMode, str] = PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[List[int]]]: """ Pad the input images, so that the output spatial sizes are divisible by `size_divisible`. It pads them at the end to create a (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D) Tensor. Padded size (H, W) or (H, W, D) is divisible by size_divisible. Default padding uses constant padding with value 0.0 Args: input_images: It can be 1) a tensor sized (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D), or 2) a list of image tensors, each image i may have different size (C, H_i, W_i) or (C, H_i, W_i, D_i). spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the images, 2D or 3D. size_divisible: int or Sequence[int], is the expected pattern on the input image shape. If an int, the same `size_divisible` will be applied to all the input spatial dimensions. mode: available modes for PyTorch Tensor: {``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"replicate"``, ``"circular"``}. One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"constant"``. See also: kwargs: other arguments for `torch.pad` function. Return: - images, a (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D) Tensor - image_sizes, the original spatial size of each image """ size_divisible = ensure_tuple_rep(size_divisible, spatial_dims) # If input_images: Tensor if isinstance(input_images, Tensor): orig_size = list(input_images.shape[-spatial_dims:]) new_size = compute_divisible_spatial_size(spatial_shape=orig_size, k=size_divisible) all_pad_width = [(0, max(sp_i - orig_size[i], 0)) for i, sp_i in enumerate(new_size)] pt_pad_width = [val for sublist in all_pad_width for val in sublist[::-1]][::-1] if max(pt_pad_width) == 0: # if there is no need to pad return input_images, [orig_size] * input_images.shape[0] mode_: str = convert_pad_mode(dst=input_images, mode=mode) return F.pad(input_images, pt_pad_width, mode=mode_, **kwargs), [orig_size] * input_images.shape[0] # If input_images: List[Tensor]) image_sizes = [img.shape[-spatial_dims:] for img in input_images] in_channels = input_images[0].shape[0] dtype = input_images[0].dtype device = input_images[0].device # compute max_spatial_size image_sizes_t = torch.tensor(image_sizes) max_spatial_size_t, _ = torch.max(image_sizes_t, dim=0) if len(max_spatial_size_t) != spatial_dims or len(size_divisible) != spatial_dims: raise ValueError(" Require len(max_spatial_size_t) == spatial_dims ==len(size_divisible).") max_spatial_size = compute_divisible_spatial_size(spatial_shape=list(max_spatial_size_t), k=size_divisible) # allocate memory for the padded images images = torch.zeros([len(image_sizes), in_channels] + max_spatial_size, dtype=dtype, device=device) # Use `SpatialPad` to match sizes, padding in the end will not affect boxes padder = SpatialPad(spatial_size=max_spatial_size, method="end", mode=mode, **kwargs) for idx, img in enumerate(input_images): images[idx, ...] = padder(img) return images, [list(ss) for ss in image_sizes]
[docs]def preprocess_images( input_images: Union[List[Tensor], Tensor], spatial_dims: int, size_divisible: Union[int, Sequence[int]], mode: Union[PytorchPadMode, str] = PytorchPadMode.CONSTANT, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[List[int]]]: """ Preprocess the input images, including - validate of the inputs - pad the inputs so that the output spatial sizes are divisible by `size_divisible`. It pads them at the end to create a (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D) Tensor. Padded size (H, W) or (H, W, D) is divisible by size_divisible. Default padding uses constant padding with value 0.0 Args: input_images: It can be 1) a tensor sized (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D), or 2) a list of image tensors, each image i may have different size (C, H_i, W_i) or (C, H_i, W_i, D_i). spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the images, 2 or 3. size_divisible: int or Sequence[int], is the expected pattern on the input image shape. If an int, the same `size_divisible` will be applied to all the input spatial dimensions. mode: available modes for PyTorch Tensor: {``"constant"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"replicate"``, ``"circular"``}. One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"constant"``. See also: kwargs: other arguments for `torch.pad` function. Return: - images, a (B, C, H, W) or (B, C, H, W, D) Tensor - image_sizes, the original spatial size of each image """ check_input_images(input_images, spatial_dims) size_divisible = ensure_tuple_rep(size_divisible, spatial_dims) return pad_images(input_images, spatial_dims, size_divisible, mode, **kwargs)