Source code for monai.utils.type_conversion

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.config.type_definitions import DtypeLike, NdarrayTensor
from monai.utils import optional_import

cp, has_cp = optional_import("cupy")
cp_ndarray, _ = optional_import("cupy", name="ndarray")

__all__ = [

[docs]def get_numpy_dtype_from_string(dtype: str) -> np.dtype: """Get a numpy dtype (e.g., `np.float32`) from its string (e.g., `"float32"`).""" return np.zeros([], dtype=dtype).dtype # type: ignore
[docs]def get_torch_dtype_from_string(dtype: str) -> torch.dtype: """Get a torch dtype (e.g., `torch.float32`) from its string (e.g., `"float32"`).""" return dtype_numpy_to_torch(get_numpy_dtype_from_string(dtype))
[docs]def dtype_torch_to_numpy(dtype: torch.dtype) -> np.dtype: """Convert a torch dtype to its numpy equivalent.""" return torch.zeros([], dtype=dtype).numpy().dtype # type: ignore
[docs]def dtype_numpy_to_torch(dtype: np.dtype) -> torch.dtype: """Convert a numpy dtype to its torch equivalent.""" return torch.from_numpy(np.zeros([], dtype=dtype)).dtype
[docs]def get_equivalent_dtype(dtype, data_type): """Convert to the `dtype` that corresponds to `data_type`. The input dtype can also be a string. e.g., `"float32"` becomes `torch.float32` or `np.float32` as necessary. Example:: im = torch.tensor(1) dtype = get_equivalent_dtype(np.float32, type(im)) """ if dtype is None: return None if data_type is torch.Tensor: if isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype): # already a torch dtype and target `data_type` is torch.Tensor return dtype return dtype_numpy_to_torch(dtype) if not isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype): # assuming the dtype is ok if it is not a torch dtype and target `data_type` is not torch.Tensor return dtype return dtype_torch_to_numpy(dtype)
[docs]def get_dtype(data: Any): """Get the dtype of an image, or if there is a sequence, recursively call the method on the 0th element. This therefore assumes that in a `Sequence`, all types are the same. """ if hasattr(data, "dtype"): return data.dtype # need recursion if isinstance(data, Sequence): return get_dtype(data[0]) # objects like float don't have dtype, so return their type return type(data)
[docs]def convert_to_tensor( data, dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, wrap_sequence: bool = False ): """ Utility to convert the input data to a PyTorch Tensor. If passing a dictionary, list or tuple, recursively check every item and convert it to PyTorch Tensor. Args: data: input data can be PyTorch Tensor, numpy array, list, dictionary, int, float, bool, str, etc. will convert Tensor, Numpy array, float, int, bool to Tensor, strings and objects keep the original. for dictionary, list or tuple, convert every item to a Tensor if applicable. dtype: target data type to when converting to Tensor. device: target device to put the converted Tensor data. wrap_sequence: if `False`, then lists will recursively call this function. E.g., `[1, 2]` -> `[tensor(1), tensor(2)]`. If `True`, then `[1, 2]` -> `tensor([1, 2])`. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): return, device=device, memory_format=torch.contiguous_format) # type: ignore if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # skip array of string classes and object, refer to: # if"[SaUO]", data.dtype.str) is None: # numpy array with 0 dims is also sequence iterable, # `ascontiguousarray` will add 1 dim if img has no dim, so we only apply on data with dims if data.ndim > 0: data = np.ascontiguousarray(data) return torch.as_tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device) # type: ignore elif (has_cp and isinstance(data, cp_ndarray)) or isinstance(data, (float, int, bool)): return torch.as_tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device) # type: ignore elif isinstance(data, list): list_ret = [convert_to_tensor(i, dtype=dtype, device=device) for i in data] return torch.as_tensor(list_ret, dtype=dtype, device=device) if wrap_sequence else list_ret # type: ignore elif isinstance(data, tuple): tuple_ret = tuple(convert_to_tensor(i, dtype=dtype, device=device) for i in data) return torch.as_tensor(tuple_ret, dtype=dtype, device=device) if wrap_sequence else tuple_ret # type: ignore elif isinstance(data, dict): return {k: convert_to_tensor(v, dtype=dtype, device=device) for k, v in data.items()} return data
[docs]def convert_to_numpy(data, dtype: DtypeLike = None, wrap_sequence: bool = False): """ Utility to convert the input data to a numpy array. If passing a dictionary, list or tuple, recursively check every item and convert it to numpy array. Args: data: input data can be PyTorch Tensor, numpy array, list, dictionary, int, float, bool, str, etc. will convert Tensor, Numpy array, float, int, bool to numpy arrays, strings and objects keep the original. for dictionary, list or tuple, convert every item to a numpy array if applicable. dtype: target data type when converting to numpy array. wrap_sequence: if `False`, then lists will recursively call this function. E.g., `[1, 2]` -> `[array(1), array(2)]`. If `True`, then `[1, 2]` -> `array([1, 2])`. """ if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): data = data.detach().to(dtype=get_equivalent_dtype(dtype, torch.Tensor), device="cpu").numpy() elif has_cp and isinstance(data, cp_ndarray): data = cp.asnumpy(data).astype(dtype, copy=False) elif isinstance(data, (np.ndarray, float, int, bool)): data = np.asarray(data, dtype=dtype) elif isinstance(data, list): list_ret = [convert_to_numpy(i, dtype=dtype) for i in data] return np.asarray(list_ret) if wrap_sequence else list_ret elif isinstance(data, tuple): tuple_ret = tuple(convert_to_numpy(i, dtype=dtype) for i in data) return np.asarray(tuple_ret) if wrap_sequence else tuple_ret elif isinstance(data, dict): return {k: convert_to_numpy(v, dtype=dtype) for k, v in data.items()} if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim > 0: data = np.ascontiguousarray(data) return data
[docs]def convert_to_cupy(data, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, wrap_sequence: bool = False): """ Utility to convert the input data to a cupy array. If passing a dictionary, list or tuple, recursively check every item and convert it to cupy array. Args: data: input data can be PyTorch Tensor, numpy array, cupy array, list, dictionary, int, float, bool, str, etc. Tensor, numpy array, cupy array, float, int, bool are converted to cupy arrays, for dictionary, list or tuple, convert every item to a numpy array if applicable. dtype: target data type when converting to Cupy array, tt must be an argument of `numpy.dtype`, for more details: wrap_sequence: if `False`, then lists will recursively call this function. E.g., `[1, 2]` -> `[array(1), array(2)]`. If `True`, then `[1, 2]` -> `array([1, 2])`. """ # direct calls if isinstance(data, (cp_ndarray, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, float, int, bool)): data = cp.asarray(data, dtype) elif isinstance(data, list): list_ret = [convert_to_cupy(i, dtype) for i in data] return cp.asarray(list_ret) if wrap_sequence else list_ret elif isinstance(data, tuple): tuple_ret = tuple(convert_to_cupy(i, dtype) for i in data) return cp.asarray(tuple_ret) if wrap_sequence else tuple_ret elif isinstance(data, dict): return {k: convert_to_cupy(v, dtype) for k, v in data.items()} # make it contiguous if not isinstance(data, cp.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"The input data type [{type(data)}] cannot be converted into cupy arrays!") if data.ndim > 0: data = cp.ascontiguousarray(data) return data
[docs]def convert_data_type( data: Any, output_type: Optional[Type[NdarrayTensor]] = None, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, dtype: Union[DtypeLike, torch.dtype] = None, wrap_sequence: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[NdarrayTensor, type, Optional[torch.device]]: """ Convert to `torch.Tensor`/`np.ndarray` from `torch.Tensor`/`np.ndarray`/`float`/`int` etc. Args: data: data to be converted output_type: `torch.Tensor` or `np.ndarray` (if `None`, unchanged) device: if output is `torch.Tensor`, select device (if `None`, unchanged) dtype: dtype of output data. Converted to correct library type (e.g., `np.float32` is converted to `torch.float32` if output type is `torch.Tensor`). If left blank, it remains unchanged. wrap_sequence: if `False`, then lists will recursively call this function. E.g., `[1, 2]` -> `[array(1), array(2)]`. If `True`, then `[1, 2]` -> `array([1, 2])`. Returns: modified data, orig_type, orig_device Note: When both `output_type` and `dtype` are specified with different backend (e.g., `torch.Tensor` and `np.float32`), the `output_type` will be used as the primary type, for example:: >>> convert_data_type(1, torch.Tensor, dtype=np.float32) (1.0, <class 'torch.Tensor'>, None) """ orig_type: type if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): orig_type = torch.Tensor elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): orig_type = np.ndarray elif has_cp and isinstance(data, cp.ndarray): orig_type = cp.ndarray else: orig_type = type(data) orig_device = data.device if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor) else None output_type = output_type or orig_type dtype_ = get_equivalent_dtype(dtype, output_type) data_: NdarrayTensor if issubclass(output_type, torch.Tensor): data_ = convert_to_tensor(data, dtype=dtype_, device=device, wrap_sequence=wrap_sequence) return data_, orig_type, orig_device if issubclass(output_type, np.ndarray): data_ = convert_to_numpy(data, dtype=dtype_, wrap_sequence=wrap_sequence) return data_, orig_type, orig_device elif has_cp and issubclass(output_type, cp.ndarray): data_ = convert_to_cupy(data, dtype=dtype_, wrap_sequence=wrap_sequence) return data_, orig_type, orig_device raise ValueError(f"Unsupported output type: {output_type}")
[docs]def convert_to_dst_type( src: Any, dst: NdarrayTensor, dtype: Union[DtypeLike, torch.dtype, None] = None, wrap_sequence: bool = False ) -> Tuple[NdarrayTensor, type, Optional[torch.device]]: """ Convert source data to the same data type and device as the destination data. If `dst` is an instance of `torch.Tensor` or its subclass, convert `src` to `torch.Tensor` with the same data type as `dst`, if `dst` is an instance of `numpy.ndarray` or its subclass, convert to `numpy.ndarray` with the same data type as `dst`, otherwise, convert to the type of `dst` directly. Args: src: source data to convert type. dst: destination data that convert to the same data type as it. dtype: an optional argument if the target `dtype` is different from the original `dst`'s data type. wrap_sequence: if `False`, then lists will recursively call this function. E.g., `[1, 2]` -> `[array(1), array(2)]`. If `True`, then `[1, 2]` -> `array([1, 2])`. See Also: :func:`convert_data_type` """ device = dst.device if isinstance(dst, torch.Tensor) else None if dtype is None: dtype = dst.dtype output_type: Any if isinstance(dst, torch.Tensor): output_type = torch.Tensor elif isinstance(dst, np.ndarray): output_type = np.ndarray else: output_type = type(dst) return convert_data_type(data=src, output_type=output_type, device=device, dtype=dtype, wrap_sequence=wrap_sequence)
def convert_to_list(data: Union[Sequence, torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> list: """ Convert to list from `torch.Tensor`/`np.ndarray`/`list`/`tuple` etc. Args: data: data to be converted Returns: a list """ return data.tolist() if isinstance(data, (torch.Tensor, np.ndarray)) else list(data)