Source code for monai.transforms.utils_pytorch_numpy_unification

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from monai.config.type_definitions import NdarrayOrTensor, NdarrayTensor
from monai.utils.misc import is_module_ver_at_least
from monai.utils.type_conversion import convert_data_type, convert_to_dst_type

__all__ = [

[docs]def allclose(a: NdarrayTensor, b: NdarrayOrTensor, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8, equal_nan=False) -> bool: """`np.allclose` with equivalent implementation for torch.""" b, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(b, a) if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return np.allclose(a, b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) return torch.allclose(a, b, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, equal_nan=equal_nan) # type: ignore
[docs]def moveaxis(x: NdarrayOrTensor, src: Union[int, Sequence[int]], dst: Union[int, Sequence[int]]) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`moveaxis` for pytorch and numpy""" if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return torch.movedim(x, src, dst) # type: ignore return np.moveaxis(x, src, dst)
[docs]def in1d(x, y): """`np.in1d` with equivalent implementation for torch.""" if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.in1d(x, y) return (x[..., None] == torch.tensor(y, device=x.device)).any(-1).view(-1)
[docs]def clip(a: NdarrayOrTensor, a_min, a_max) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.clip` with equivalent implementation for torch.""" result: NdarrayOrTensor if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): result = np.clip(a, a_min, a_max) else: result = torch.clamp(a, a_min, a_max) return result
[docs]def percentile( x: NdarrayOrTensor, q, dim: Optional[int] = None, keepdim: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Union[NdarrayOrTensor, float, int]: """`np.percentile` with equivalent implementation for torch. Pytorch uses `quantile`. For more details please refer to: Args: x: input data q: percentile to compute (should in range 0 <= q <= 100) dim: the dim along which the percentiles are computed. default is to compute the percentile along a flattened version of the array. keepdim: whether the output data has dim retained or not. kwargs: if `x` is numpy array, additional args for `np.percentile`, more details: Returns: Resulting value (scalar) """ if np.isscalar(q): if not 0 <= q <= 100: # type: ignore raise ValueError elif any(q < 0) or any(q > 100): raise ValueError result: Union[NdarrayOrTensor, float, int] if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): result = np.percentile(x, q, axis=dim, keepdims=keepdim, **kwargs) else: q = torch.tensor(q, device=x.device) result = torch.quantile(x, q / 100.0, dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim) return result
[docs]def where(condition: NdarrayOrTensor, x=None, y=None) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ Note that `torch.where` may convert y.dtype to x.dtype. """ result: NdarrayOrTensor if isinstance(condition, np.ndarray): if x is not None: result = np.where(condition, x, y) else: result = np.where(condition) # type: ignore else: if x is not None: x = torch.as_tensor(x, device=condition.device) y = torch.as_tensor(y, device=condition.device, dtype=x.dtype) result = torch.where(condition, x, y) else: result = torch.where(condition) # type: ignore return result
[docs]def nonzero(x: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.nonzero` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: x: array/tensor Returns: Index unravelled for given shape """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.nonzero(x)[0] return torch.nonzero(x).flatten()
[docs]def floor_divide(a: NdarrayOrTensor, b) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.floor_divide` with equivalent implementation for torch. As of pt1.8, use `torch.div(..., rounding_mode="floor")`, and before that, use `torch.floor_divide`. Args: a: first array/tensor b: scalar to divide by Returns: Element-wise floor division between two arrays/tensors. """ if isinstance(a, torch.Tensor): if is_module_ver_at_least(torch, (1, 8, 0)): return torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode="floor") return torch.floor_divide(a, b) return np.floor_divide(a, b)
[docs]def unravel_index(idx, shape) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.unravel_index` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: idx: index to unravel shape: shape of array/tensor Returns: Index unravelled for given shape """ if isinstance(idx, torch.Tensor): coord = [] for dim in reversed(shape): coord.append(idx % dim) idx = floor_divide(idx, dim) return torch.stack(coord[::-1]) return np.asarray(np.unravel_index(idx, shape))
[docs]def unravel_indices(idx, shape) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """Computing unravel coordinates from indices. Args: idx: a sequence of indices to unravel shape: shape of array/tensor Returns: Stacked indices unravelled for given shape """ lib_stack = torch.stack if isinstance(idx[0], torch.Tensor) else np.stack return lib_stack([unravel_index(i, shape) for i in idx]) # type: ignore
[docs]def ravel(x: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.ravel` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: x: array/tensor to ravel Returns: Return a contiguous flattened array/tensor. """ if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): if hasattr(torch, "ravel"): # `ravel` is new in torch 1.8.0 return x.ravel() return x.flatten().contiguous() return np.ravel(x)
[docs]def any_np_pt(x: NdarrayOrTensor, axis: Union[int, Sequence[int]]) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.any` with equivalent implementation for torch. For pytorch, convert to boolean for compatibility with older versions. Args: x: input array/tensor axis: axis to perform `any` over Returns: Return a contiguous flattened array/tensor. """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.any(x, axis) # type: ignore # pytorch can't handle multiple dimensions to `any` so loop across them axis = [axis] if not isinstance(axis, Sequence) else axis for ax in axis: try: x = torch.any(x, ax) except RuntimeError: # older versions of pytorch require the input to be cast to boolean x = torch.any(x.bool(), ax) return x
[docs]def maximum(a: NdarrayOrTensor, b: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.maximum` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: a: first array/tensor b: second array/tensor Returns: Element-wise maximum between two arrays/tensors. """ if isinstance(a, torch.Tensor) and isinstance(b, torch.Tensor): return torch.maximum(a, b) return np.maximum(a, b)
[docs]def concatenate(to_cat: Sequence[NdarrayOrTensor], axis: int = 0, out=None) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.concatenate` with equivalent implementation for torch (``).""" if isinstance(to_cat[0], np.ndarray): return np.concatenate(to_cat, axis, out) # type: ignore return, dim=axis, out=out) # type: ignore
[docs]def cumsum(a: NdarrayOrTensor, axis=None, **kwargs) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ `np.cumsum` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: a: input data to compute cumsum. axis: expected axis to compute cumsum. kwargs: if `a` is PyTorch Tensor, additional args for `torch.cumsum`, more details: """ if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return np.cumsum(a, axis) if axis is None: return torch.cumsum(a[:], 0, **kwargs) return torch.cumsum(a, dim=axis, **kwargs)
[docs]def isfinite(x: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.isfinite` with equivalent implementation for torch.""" if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return np.isfinite(x) return torch.isfinite(x)
[docs]def searchsorted(a: NdarrayTensor, v: NdarrayOrTensor, right=False, sorter=None, **kwargs) -> NdarrayTensor: """ `np.searchsorted` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: a: numpy array or tensor, containing monotonically increasing sequence on the innermost dimension. v: containing the search values. right: if False, return the first suitable location that is found, if True, return the last such index. sorter: if `a` is numpy array, optional array of integer indices that sort array `a` into ascending order. kwargs: if `a` is PyTorch Tensor, additional args for `torch.searchsorted`, more details: """ side = "right" if right else "left" if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return np.searchsorted(a, v, side, sorter) # type: ignore return torch.searchsorted(a, v, right=right, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs]def repeat(a: NdarrayOrTensor, repeats: int, axis: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """ `np.repeat` with equivalent implementation for torch (`repeat_interleave`). Args: a: input data to repeat. repeats: number of repetitions for each element, repeats is broadcasted to fit the shape of the given axis. axis: axis along which to repeat values. kwargs: if `a` is PyTorch Tensor, additional args for `torch.repeat_interleave`, more details: """ if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): return np.repeat(a, repeats, axis) return torch.repeat_interleave(a, repeats, dim=axis, **kwargs)
[docs]def isnan(x: NdarrayOrTensor) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.isnan` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: x: array/tensor """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): return np.isnan(x) return torch.isnan(x)
[docs]def ascontiguousarray(x: NdarrayTensor, **kwargs) -> NdarrayOrTensor: """`np.ascontiguousarray` with equivalent implementation for torch (`contiguous`). Args: x: array/tensor kwargs: if `x` is PyTorch Tensor, additional args for `torch.contiguous`, more details: """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): if x.ndim == 0: return x return np.ascontiguousarray(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.contiguous(**kwargs) return x
[docs]def stack(x: Sequence[NdarrayTensor], dim: int) -> NdarrayTensor: """`np.stack` with equivalent implementation for torch. Args: x: array/tensor dim: dimension along which to perform the stack (referred to as `axis` by numpy) """ if isinstance(x[0], np.ndarray): return np.stack(x, dim) # type: ignore return torch.stack(x, dim) # type: ignore
[docs]def mode(x: NdarrayTensor, dim: int = -1, to_long: bool = True) -> NdarrayTensor: """`torch.mode` with equivalent implementation for numpy. Args: x: array/tensor dim: dimension along which to perform `mode` (referred to as `axis` by numpy) to_long: convert input to long before performing mode. """ dtype = torch.int64 if to_long else None x_t, *_ = convert_data_type(x, torch.Tensor, dtype=dtype) o_t = torch.mode(x_t, dim).values o, *_ = convert_to_dst_type(o_t, x) return o
[docs]def unique(x: NdarrayTensor) -> NdarrayTensor: """`torch.unique` with equivalent implementation for numpy. Args: x: array/tensor """ return torch.unique(x) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor) else np.unique(x) # type: ignore