Source code for monai.apps.detection.utils.box_selector

# Copyright (c) MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# =========================================================================
# Adapted from
# which has the following license...

# BSD 3-Clause License

# Copyright (c) Soumith Chintala 2016,
# All rights reserved.

# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
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# * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
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#   this software without specific prior written permission.

Part of this script is adapted from

from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from import batched_nms, box_iou, clip_boxes_to_image
from monai.transforms.utils_pytorch_numpy_unification import floor_divide

[docs]class BoxSelector: """ Box selector which selects the predicted boxes. The box selection is performed with the following steps: #. For each level, discard boxes with scores less than self.score_thresh. #. For each level, keep boxes with top self.topk_candidates_per_level scores. #. For the whole image, perform non-maximum suppression (NMS) on boxes, with overlapping threshold nms_thresh. #. For the whole image, keep boxes with top self.detections_per_img scores. Args: apply_sigmoid: whether to apply sigmoid to get scores from classification logits score_thresh: no box with scores less than score_thresh will be kept topk_candidates_per_level: max number of boxes to keep for each level nms_thresh: box overlapping threshold for NMS detections_per_img: max number of boxes to keep for each image Example: .. code-block:: python input_param = { "apply_sigmoid": True, "score_thresh": 0.1, "topk_candidates_per_level": 2, "nms_thresh": 0.1, "detections_per_img": 5, } box_selector = BoxSelector(**input_param) boxes = [torch.randn([3,6]), torch.randn([7,6])] logits = [torch.randn([3,3]), torch.randn([7,3])] spatial_size = (8,8,8) selected_boxes, selected_scores, selected_labels = box_selector.select_boxes_per_image( boxes, logits, spatial_size ) """ def __init__( self, box_overlap_metric: Callable = box_iou, apply_sigmoid: bool = True, score_thresh: float = 0.05, topk_candidates_per_level: int = 1000, nms_thresh: float = 0.5, detections_per_img: int = 300, ): self.box_overlap_metric = box_overlap_metric self.apply_sigmoid = apply_sigmoid self.score_thresh = score_thresh self.topk_candidates_per_level = topk_candidates_per_level self.nms_thresh = nms_thresh self.detections_per_img = detections_per_img
[docs] def select_top_score_idx_per_level(self, logits: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """ Select indices with highest scores. The indice selection is performed with the following steps: #. If self.apply_sigmoid, get scores by applying sigmoid to logits. Otherwise, use logits as scores. #. Discard indices with scores less than self.score_thresh #. Keep indices with top self.topk_candidates_per_level scores Args: logits: predicted classification logits, Tensor sized (N, num_classes) Return: - topk_idxs: selected M indices, Tensor sized (M, ) - selected_scores: selected M scores, Tensor sized (M, ) - selected_labels: selected M labels, Tensor sized (M, ) """ num_classes = logits.shape[-1] # apply sigmoid to classification logits if asked if self.apply_sigmoid: scores = torch.sigmoid( else: scores = logits.flatten() # remove low scoring boxes keep_idxs = scores > self.score_thresh scores = scores[keep_idxs] flatten_topk_idxs = torch.where(keep_idxs)[0] # keep only topk scoring predictions num_topk = min(self.topk_candidates_per_level, flatten_topk_idxs.size(0)) selected_scores, idxs = num_topk ) # half precision not implemented for cpu float16 flatten_topk_idxs = flatten_topk_idxs[idxs] selected_labels = flatten_topk_idxs % num_classes topk_idxs = floor_divide(flatten_topk_idxs, num_classes) return topk_idxs, selected_scores, selected_labels # type: ignore
[docs] def select_boxes_per_image( self, boxes_list: List[Tensor], logits_list: List[Tensor], spatial_size: Union[List[int], Tuple[int]] ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]: """ Postprocessing to generate detection result from classification logits and boxes. The box selection is performed with the following steps: #. For each level, discard boxes with scores less than self.score_thresh. #. For each level, keep boxes with top self.topk_candidates_per_level scores. #. For the whole image, perform non-maximum suppression (NMS) on boxes, with overlapping threshold nms_thresh. #. For the whole image, keep boxes with top self.detections_per_img scores. Args: boxes_list: list of predicted boxes from a single image, each element i is a Tensor sized (N_i, 2*spatial_dims) logits_list: list of predicted classification logits from a single image, each element i is a Tensor sized (N_i, num_classes) spatial_size: spatial size of the image Return: - selected boxes, Tensor sized (P, 2*spatial_dims) - selected_scores, Tensor sized (P, ) - selected_labels, Tensor sized (P, ) """ if len(boxes_list) != len(logits_list): raise ValueError( "len(boxes_list) should equal to len(logits_list). " f"Got len(boxes_list)={len(boxes_list)}, len(logits_list)={len(logits_list)}" ) image_boxes = [] image_scores = [] image_labels = [] boxes_dtype = boxes_list[0].dtype logits_dtype = logits_list[0].dtype for boxes_per_level, logits_per_level in zip(boxes_list, logits_list): # select topk boxes for each level topk_idxs: Tensor topk_idxs, scores_per_level, labels_per_level = self.select_top_score_idx_per_level(logits_per_level) boxes_per_level = boxes_per_level[topk_idxs] keep: Tensor boxes_per_level, keep = clip_boxes_to_image( # type: ignore boxes_per_level, spatial_size, remove_empty=True ) image_boxes.append(boxes_per_level) image_scores.append(scores_per_level[keep]) image_labels.append(labels_per_level[keep]) image_boxes_t: Tensor =, dim=0) image_scores_t: Tensor =, dim=0) image_labels_t: Tensor =, dim=0) # non-maximum suppression on detected boxes from all levels keep_t: Tensor = batched_nms( # type: ignore image_boxes_t, image_scores_t, image_labels_t, self.nms_thresh, box_overlap_metric=self.box_overlap_metric, max_proposals=self.detections_per_img, ) selected_boxes = image_boxes_t[keep_t].to(boxes_dtype) selected_scores = image_scores_t[keep_t].to(logits_dtype) selected_labels = image_labels_t[keep_t] return selected_boxes, selected_scores, selected_labels