Source code for monai.metrics.meandice

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import warnings
from typing import Union

import torch

from monai.metrics.utils import do_metric_reduction, ignore_background
from monai.utils import MetricReduction

from .metric import CumulativeIterationMetric

[docs]class DiceMetric(CumulativeIterationMetric): """ Compute average Dice loss between two tensors. It can support both multi-classes and multi-labels tasks. Input `y_pred` is compared with ground truth `y`. `y_preds` is expected to have binarized predictions and `y` should be in one-hot format. You can use suitable transforms in ```` first to achieve binarized values. The `include_background` parameter can be set to ``False`` for an instance of DiceLoss to exclude the first category (channel index 0) which is by convention assumed to be background. If the non-background segmentations are small compared to the total image size they can get overwhelmed by the signal from the background so excluding it in such cases helps convergence. `y_preds` and `y` can be a list of channel-first Tensor (CHW[D]) or a batch-first Tensor (BCHW[D]). Args: include_background: whether to skip Dice computation on the first channel of the predicted output. Defaults to ``True``. reduction: define the mode to reduce metrics, will only execute reduction on `not-nan` values, available reduction modes: {``"none"``, ``"mean"``, ``"sum"``, ``"mean_batch"``, ``"sum_batch"``, ``"mean_channel"``, ``"sum_channel"``}, default to ``"mean"``. if "none", will not do reduction. get_not_nans: whether to return the `not_nans` count, if True, aggregate() returns (metric, not_nans). Here `not_nans` count the number of not nans for the metric, thus its shape equals to the shape of the metric. """ def __init__( self, include_background: bool = True, reduction: Union[MetricReduction, str] = MetricReduction.MEAN, get_not_nans: bool = False, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.include_background = include_background self.reduction = reduction self.get_not_nans = get_not_nans def _compute_tensor(self, y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor): # type: ignore """ Args: y_pred: input data to compute, typical segmentation model output. It must be one-hot format and first dim is batch, example shape: [16, 3, 32, 32]. The values should be binarized. y: ground truth to compute mean dice metric. It must be one-hot format and first dim is batch. The values should be binarized. Raises: ValueError: when `y` is not a binarized tensor. ValueError: when `y_pred` has less than three dimensions. """ if not isinstance(y_pred, torch.Tensor) or not isinstance(y, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError("y_pred and y must be PyTorch Tensor.") if not torch.all(y_pred.byte() == y_pred): warnings.warn("y_pred should be a binarized tensor.") if not torch.all(y.byte() == y): warnings.warn("y should be a binarized tensor.") dims = y_pred.ndimension() if dims < 3: raise ValueError("y_pred should have at least three dimensions.") # compute dice (BxC) for each channel for each batch return compute_meandice(y_pred=y_pred, y=y, include_background=self.include_background)
[docs] def aggregate(self): # type: ignore """ Execute reduction logic for the output of `compute_meandice`. """ data = self.get_buffer() if not isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError("the data to aggregate must be PyTorch Tensor.") # do metric reduction f, not_nans = do_metric_reduction(data, self.reduction) return (f, not_nans) if self.get_not_nans else f
[docs]def compute_meandice(y_pred: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, include_background: bool = True) -> torch.Tensor: """Computes Dice score metric from full size Tensor and collects average. Args: y_pred: input data to compute, typical segmentation model output. It must be one-hot format and first dim is batch, example shape: [16, 3, 32, 32]. The values should be binarized. y: ground truth to compute mean dice metric. It must be one-hot format and first dim is batch. The values should be binarized. include_background: whether to skip Dice computation on the first channel of the predicted output. Defaults to True. Returns: Dice scores per batch and per class, (shape [batch_size, num_classes]). Raises: ValueError: when `y_pred` and `y` have different shapes. """ if not include_background: y_pred, y = ignore_background(y_pred=y_pred, y=y) y = y.float() y_pred = y_pred.float() if y.shape != y_pred.shape: raise ValueError("y_pred and y should have same shapes.") # reducing only spatial dimensions (not batch nor channels) n_len = len(y_pred.shape) reduce_axis = list(range(2, n_len)) intersection = torch.sum(y * y_pred, dim=reduce_axis) y_o = torch.sum(y, reduce_axis) y_pred_o = torch.sum(y_pred, dim=reduce_axis) denominator = y_o + y_pred_o return torch.where(y_o > 0, (2.0 * intersection) / denominator, torch.tensor(float("nan"), device=y_o.device))