Source code for

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import sys
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from import Dataset, SmartCacheDataset
from import WSIReader
from monai.utils import ensure_tuple_rep

__all__ = ["PatchWSIDataset", "SmartCachePatchWSIDataset", "MaskedInferenceWSIDataset"]

[docs]class PatchWSIDataset(Dataset): """ This dataset reads whole slide images, extracts regions, and creates patches. It also reads labels for each patch and provides each patch with its associated class labels. Args: data: the list of input samples including image, location, and label (see the note below for more details). region_size: the size of regions to be extracted from the whole slide image. grid_shape: the grid shape on which the patches should be extracted. patch_size: the size of patches extracted from the region on the grid. transform: transforms to be executed on input data. image_reader_name: the name of library to be used for loading whole slide imaging, either CuCIM or OpenSlide. Defaults to CuCIM. Note: The input data has the following form as an example: `[{"image": "path/to/image1.tiff", "location": [200, 500], "label": [0,0,0,1]}]`. This means from "image1.tiff" extract a region centered at the given location `location` with the size of `region_size`, and then extract patches with the size of `patch_size` from a grid with the shape of `grid_shape`. Be aware the the `grid_shape` should construct a grid with the same number of element as `labels`, so for this example the `grid_shape` should be (2, 2). """ def __init__( self, data: List, region_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], grid_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], patch_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], transform: Optional[Callable] = None, image_reader_name: str = "cuCIM", ): super().__init__(data, transform) self.region_size = ensure_tuple_rep(region_size, 2) self.grid_shape = ensure_tuple_rep(grid_shape, 2) self.patch_size = ensure_tuple_rep(patch_size, 2) self.image_path_list = list({x["image"] for x in}) self.image_reader_name = image_reader_name.lower() self.image_reader = WSIReader(image_reader_name) self.wsi_object_dict = None if self.image_reader_name != "openslide": # OpenSlide causes memory issue if we prefetch image objects self._fetch_wsi_objects() def _fetch_wsi_objects(self): """Load all the image objects and reuse them when asked for an item.""" self.wsi_object_dict = {} for image_path in self.image_path_list: self.wsi_object_dict[image_path] = def __getitem__(self, index): sample =[index] if self.image_reader_name == "openslide": img_obj =["image"]) else: img_obj = self.wsi_object_dict[sample["image"]] location = [sample["location"][i] - self.region_size[i] // 2 for i in range(len(self.region_size))] images, _ = self.image_reader.get_data( img=img_obj, location=location, size=self.region_size, grid_shape=self.grid_shape, patch_size=self.patch_size, ) labels = np.array(sample["label"], dtype=np.float32) # expand dimensions to have 4 dimension as batch, class, height, and width. for _ in range(4 - labels.ndim): labels = np.expand_dims(labels, 1) patches = [{"image": images[i], "label": labels[i]} for i in range(len(sample["label"]))] if self.transform: patches = self.transform(patches) return patches
[docs]class SmartCachePatchWSIDataset(SmartCacheDataset): """Add SmartCache functionality to `PatchWSIDataset`. Args: data: the list of input samples including image, location, and label (see `PatchWSIDataset` for more details) region_size: the region to be extracted from the whole slide image. grid_shape: the grid shape on which the patches should be extracted. patch_size: the size of patches extracted from the region on the grid. image_reader_name: the name of library to be used for loading whole slide imaging, either CuCIM or OpenSlide. Defaults to CuCIM. transform: transforms to be executed on input data. replace_rate: percentage of the cached items to be replaced in every epoch. cache_num: number of items to be cached. Default is `sys.maxsize`. will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). cache_rate: percentage of cached data in total, default is 1.0 (cache all). will take the minimum of (cache_num, data_length x cache_rate, data_length). num_init_workers: the number of worker threads to initialize the cache for first epoch. If num_init_workers is None then the number returned by os.cpu_count() is used. num_replace_workers: the number of worker threads to prepare the replacement cache for every epoch. If num_replace_workers is None then the number returned by os.cpu_count() is used. progress: whether to display a progress bar when caching for the first epoch. copy_cache: whether to `deepcopy` the cache content before applying the random transforms, default to `True`. if the random transforms don't modify the cache content or every cache item is only used once in a `multi-processing` environment, may set `copy=False` for better performance. as_contiguous: whether to convert the cached NumPy array or PyTorch tensor to be contiguous. it may help improve the performance of following logic. """ def __init__( self, data: List, region_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], grid_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], patch_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], transform: Union[Sequence[Callable], Callable], image_reader_name: str = "cuCIM", replace_rate: float = 0.5, cache_num: int = sys.maxsize, cache_rate: float = 1.0, num_init_workers: Optional[int] = None, num_replace_workers: Optional[int] = None, progress: bool = True, copy_cache: bool = True, as_contiguous: bool = True, ): patch_wsi_dataset = PatchWSIDataset( data=data, region_size=region_size, grid_shape=grid_shape, patch_size=patch_size, image_reader_name=image_reader_name, ) super().__init__( data=patch_wsi_dataset, # type: ignore transform=transform, replace_rate=replace_rate, cache_num=cache_num, cache_rate=cache_rate, num_init_workers=num_init_workers, num_replace_workers=num_replace_workers, progress=progress, shuffle=False, copy_cache=copy_cache, as_contiguous=as_contiguous, )
[docs]class MaskedInferenceWSIDataset(Dataset): """ This dataset load the provided foreground masks at an arbitrary resolution level, and extract patches based on that mask from the associated whole slide image. Args: data: a list of sample including the path to the whole slide image and the path to the mask. Like this: `[{"image": "path/to/image1.tiff", "mask": "path/to/mask1.npy}, ...]"`. patch_size: the size of patches to be extracted from the whole slide image for inference. transform: transforms to be executed on extracted patches. image_reader_name: the name of library to be used for loading whole slide imaging, either CuCIM or OpenSlide. Defaults to CuCIM. Note: The resulting output (probability maps) after performing inference using this dataset is supposed to be the same size as the foreground mask and not the original wsi image size. """ def __init__( self, data: List[Dict["str", "str"]], patch_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], transform: Optional[Callable] = None, image_reader_name: str = "cuCIM", ) -> None: super().__init__(data, transform) self.patch_size = ensure_tuple_rep(patch_size, 2) # set up whole slide image reader self.image_reader_name = image_reader_name.lower() self.image_reader = WSIReader(image_reader_name) # process data and create a list of dictionaries containing all required data and metadata = self._prepare_data(data) # calculate cumulative number of patches for all the samples self.num_patches_per_sample = [len(d["image_locations"]) for d in] self.num_patches = sum(self.num_patches_per_sample) self.cum_num_patches = np.cumsum([0] + self.num_patches_per_sample[:-1]) def _prepare_data(self, input_data: List[Dict["str", "str"]]) -> List[Dict]: prepared_data = [] for sample in input_data: prepared_sample = self._prepare_a_sample(sample) prepared_data.append(prepared_sample) return prepared_data def _prepare_a_sample(self, sample: Dict["str", "str"]) -> Dict: """ Preprocess input data to load WSIReader object and the foreground mask, and define the locations where patches need to be extracted. Args: sample: one sample, a dictionary containing path to the whole slide image and the foreground mask. For example: `{"image": "path/to/image1.tiff", "mask": "path/to/mask1.npy}` Return: A dictionary containing: "name": the base name of the whole slide image, "image": the WSIReader image object, "mask_shape": the size of the foreground mask, "mask_locations": the list of non-zero pixel locations (x, y) on the foreground mask, "image_locations": the list of pixel locations (x, y) on the whole slide image where patches are extracted, and "level": the resolution level of the mask with respect to the whole slide image. } """ image =["image"]) mask = np.load(sample["mask"]) try: level, ratio = self._calculate_mask_level(image, mask) except ValueError as err: err.args = (sample["mask"],) + err.args raise # get all indices for non-zero pixels of the foreground mask mask_locations = np.vstack(mask.nonzero()).T # convert mask locations to image locations to extract patches image_locations = (mask_locations + 0.5) * ratio - np.array(self.patch_size) // 2 return { "name": os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sample["image"]))[0], "image": image, "mask_shape": mask.shape, "mask_locations": mask_locations.astype(int).tolist(), "image_locations": image_locations.astype(int).tolist(), "level": level, } def _calculate_mask_level(self, image: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[int, float]: """ Calculate level of the mask and its ratio with respect to the whole slide image Args: image: the original whole slide image mask: a mask, that can be down-sampled at an arbitrary level. Note that down-sampling ratio should be 2^N and equal in all dimension. Return: tuple: (level, ratio) where ratio is 2^level """ image_shape = image.shape mask_shape = mask.shape ratios = [image_shape[i] / mask_shape[i] for i in range(2)] level = np.log2(ratios[0]) if ratios[0] != ratios[1]: raise ValueError( "Image/Mask ratio across dimensions does not match!" f"ratio 0: {ratios[0]} ({image_shape[0]} / {mask_shape[0]})," f"ratio 1: {ratios[1]} ({image_shape[1]} / {mask_shape[1]})," ) if not level.is_integer(): raise ValueError(f"Mask is not at a regular level (ratio not power of 2), image / mask ratio: {ratios[0]}") return int(level), ratios[0] def _load_a_patch(self, index): """ Load sample given the index Since index is sequential and the patches are coming in an stream from different images, this method, first, finds the whole slide image and the patch that should be extracted, then it loads the patch and provide it with its image name and the corresponding mask location. """ sample_num = np.argmax(self.cum_num_patches > index) - 1 sample =[sample_num] patch_num = index - self.cum_num_patches[sample_num] location_on_image = sample["image_locations"][patch_num] location_on_mask = sample["mask_locations"][patch_num] image, _ = self.image_reader.get_data(img=sample["image"], location=location_on_image, size=self.patch_size) processed_sample = {"image": image, "name": sample["name"], "mask_location": location_on_mask} return processed_sample def __len__(self): return self.num_patches def __getitem__(self, index): patch = [self._load_a_patch(index)] if self.transform: patch = self.transform(patch) return patch