Source code for monai.apps.deepgrow.dataset

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import os
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np

from monai.transforms import AsChannelFirstd, Compose, LoadImaged, Orientationd, Spacingd
from monai.utils import GridSampleMode

[docs]def create_dataset( datalist, output_dir: str, dimension: int, pixdim, image_key: str = "image", label_key: str = "label", base_dir=None, limit: int = 0, relative_path: bool = False, transforms=None, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Utility to pre-process and create dataset list for Deepgrow training over on existing one. The input data list is normally a list of images and labels (3D volume) that needs pre-processing for Deepgrow training pipeline. Args: datalist: A list of data dictionary. Each entry should at least contain 'image_key': <image filename>. For example, typical input data can be a list of dictionaries:: [{'image': <image filename>, 'label': <label filename>}] output_dir: target directory to store the training data for Deepgrow Training pixdim: output voxel spacing. dimension: dimension for Deepgrow training. It can be 2 or 3. image_key: image key in input datalist. Defaults to 'image'. label_key: label key in input datalist. Defaults to 'label'. base_dir: base directory in case related path is used for the keys in datalist. Defaults to None. limit: limit number of inputs for pre-processing. Defaults to 0 (no limit). relative_path: output keys values should be based on relative path. Defaults to False. transforms: explicit transforms to execute operations on input data. Raises: ValueError: When ``dimension`` is not one of [2, 3] ValueError: When ``datalist`` is Empty Returns: A new datalist that contains path to the images/labels after pre-processing. Example:: datalist = create_dataset( datalist=[{'image': 'img1.nii', 'label': 'label1.nii'}], base_dir=None, output_dir=output_2d, dimension=2, image_key='image', label_key='label', pixdim=(1.0, 1.0), limit=0, relative_path=True ) print(datalist[0]["image"], datalist[0]["label"]) """ if dimension not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Dimension can be only 2 or 3 as Deepgrow supports only 2D/3D Training") if not len(datalist): raise ValueError("Input datalist is empty") transforms = _default_transforms(image_key, label_key, pixdim) if transforms is None else transforms new_datalist = [] for idx in range(len(datalist)): if limit and idx >= limit: break image = datalist[idx][image_key] label = datalist[idx].get(label_key, None) if base_dir: image = os.path.join(base_dir, image) label = os.path.join(base_dir, label) if label else None image = os.path.abspath(image) label = os.path.abspath(label) if label else None"Image: {image}; Label: {label if label else None}") data = transforms({image_key: image, label_key: label}) if dimension == 2: data = _save_data_2d( vol_idx=idx, vol_image=data[image_key], vol_label=data[label_key], dataset_dir=output_dir, relative_path=relative_path, ) else: data = _save_data_3d( vol_idx=idx, vol_image=data[image_key], vol_label=data[label_key], dataset_dir=output_dir, relative_path=relative_path, ) new_datalist.extend(data) return new_datalist
def _default_transforms(image_key, label_key, pixdim): keys = [image_key] if label_key is None else [image_key, label_key] mode = [GridSampleMode.BILINEAR, GridSampleMode.NEAREST] if len(keys) == 2 else [GridSampleMode.BILINEAR] return Compose( [ LoadImaged(keys=keys), AsChannelFirstd(keys=keys), Orientationd(keys=keys, axcodes="RAS"), Spacingd(keys=keys, pixdim=pixdim, mode=mode), ] ) def _save_data_2d(vol_idx, vol_image, vol_label, dataset_dir, relative_path): data_list = [] if len(vol_image.shape) == 4: "4D-Image, pick only first series; Image: {}; Label: {}".format( vol_image.shape, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None ) ) vol_image = vol_image[0] vol_image = np.moveaxis(vol_image, -1, 0) image_count = 0 label_count = 0 unique_labels_count = 0 for sid in range(vol_image.shape[0]): image = vol_image[sid, ...] label = vol_label[sid, ...] if vol_label is not None else None if vol_label is not None and np.sum(label) == 0: continue image_file_prefix = f"vol_idx_{vol_idx:0>4d}_slice_{sid:0>3d}" image_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images", image_file_prefix) image_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images"), exist_ok=True), image) image_count += 1 # Test Data if vol_label is None: data_list.append( {"image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file} ) continue # For all Labels unique_labels = np.unique(label.flatten()) unique_labels = unique_labels[unique_labels != 0] unique_labels_count = max(unique_labels_count, len(unique_labels)) for idx in unique_labels: label_file_prefix = f"{image_file_prefix}_region_{int(idx):0>2d}" label_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels", label_file_prefix) label_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels"), exist_ok=True) curr_label = (label == idx).astype(np.float32), curr_label) label_count += 1 data_list.append( { "image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file, "label": label_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else label_file, "region": int(idx), } ) if unique_labels_count >= 20: logging.warning(f"Unique labels {unique_labels_count} exceeds 20. Please check if this is correct.") "{} => Image Shape: {} => {}; Label Shape: {} => {}; Unique Labels: {}".format( vol_idx, vol_image.shape, image_count, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None, label_count, unique_labels_count, ) ) return data_list def _save_data_3d(vol_idx, vol_image, vol_label, dataset_dir, relative_path): data_list = [] if len(vol_image.shape) == 4: "4D-Image, pick only first series; Image: {}; Label: {}".format( vol_image.shape, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None ) ) vol_image = vol_image[0] vol_image = np.moveaxis(vol_image, -1, 0) image_count = 0 label_count = 0 unique_labels_count = 0 image_file_prefix = f"vol_idx_{vol_idx:0>4d}" image_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images", image_file_prefix) image_file += ".npy" os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "images"), exist_ok=True), vol_image) image_count += 1 # Test Data if vol_label is None: data_list.append({"image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file}) else: # For all Labels unique_labels = np.unique(vol_label.flatten()) unique_labels = unique_labels[unique_labels != 0] unique_labels_count = max(unique_labels_count, len(unique_labels)) for idx in unique_labels: label_file_prefix = f"{image_file_prefix}_region_{int(idx):0>2d}" label_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels", label_file_prefix) label_file += ".npy" curr_label = (vol_label == idx).astype(np.float32) os.makedirs(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "labels"), exist_ok=True), curr_label) label_count += 1 data_list.append( { "image": image_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else image_file, "label": label_file.replace(dataset_dir + os.pathsep, "") if relative_path else label_file, "region": int(idx), } ) if unique_labels_count >= 20: logging.warning(f"Unique labels {unique_labels_count} exceeds 20. Please check if this is correct.") "{} => Image Shape: {} => {}; Label Shape: {} => {}; Unique Labels: {}".format( vol_idx, vol_image.shape, image_count, vol_label.shape if vol_label is not None else None, label_count, unique_labels_count, ) ) return data_list