Source code for monai.visualize.class_activation_maps

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import warnings
from typing import Callable, Dict, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from monai.config import NdarrayTensor
from monai.transforms import ScaleIntensity
from monai.utils import ensure_tuple, pytorch_after
from monai.visualize.visualizer import default_upsampler

__all__ = ["CAM", "GradCAM", "GradCAMpp", "ModelWithHooks", "default_normalizer"]

[docs]def default_normalizer(x: NdarrayTensor) -> NdarrayTensor: """ A linear intensity scaling by mapping the (min, max) to (1, 0). If the input data is PyTorch Tensor, the output data will be Tensor on the same device, otherwise, output data will be numpy array. Note: This will flip magnitudes (i.e., smallest will become biggest and vice versa). """ def _compute(data: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: scaler = ScaleIntensity(minv=1.0, maxv=0.0) return np.stack([scaler(i) for i in data], axis=0) if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return torch.as_tensor(_compute(x.detach().cpu().numpy()), device=x.device) return _compute(x)
[docs]class ModelWithHooks: """ A model wrapper to run model forward/backward steps and storing some intermediate feature/gradient information. """
[docs] def __init__( self, nn_module, target_layer_names: Union[str, Sequence[str]], register_forward: bool = False, register_backward: bool = False, ): """ Args: nn_module: the model to be wrapped. target_layer_names: the names of the layer to cache. register_forward: whether to cache the forward pass output corresponding to `target_layer_names`. register_backward: whether to cache the backward pass output corresponding to `target_layer_names`. """ self.model = nn_module self.target_layers = ensure_tuple(target_layer_names) self.gradients: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} self.activations: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} self.score = None self.class_idx = None self.register_backward = register_backward self.register_forward = register_forward _registered = [] for name, mod in nn_module.named_modules(): if name not in self.target_layers: continue _registered.append(name) if self.register_backward: if pytorch_after(1, 8): if "inplace" in mod.__dict__ and mod.__dict__["inplace"]: # inplace=True causes errors for register_full_backward_hook mod.__dict__["inplace"] = False mod.register_full_backward_hook(self.backward_hook(name)) else: mod.register_backward_hook(self.backward_hook(name)) if self.register_forward: mod.register_forward_hook(self.forward_hook(name)) if len(_registered) != len(self.target_layers): warnings.warn(f"Not all target_layers exist in the network module: targets: {self.target_layers}.")
def backward_hook(self, name): def _hook(_module, _grad_input, grad_output): self.gradients[name] = grad_output[0] return _hook def forward_hook(self, name): def _hook(_module, _input, output): self.activations[name] = output return _hook
[docs] def get_layer(self, layer_id: Union[str, Callable]): """ Args: layer_id: a layer name string or a callable. If it is a callable such as `lambda m: m.fc`, this method will return the module `self.model.fc`. Returns: a submodule from self.model. """ if callable(layer_id): return layer_id(self.model) if isinstance(layer_id, str): for name, mod in self.model.named_modules(): if name == layer_id: return mod raise NotImplementedError(f"Could not find {layer_id}.")
def class_score(self, logits, class_idx): return logits[:, class_idx].squeeze() def __call__(self, x, class_idx=None, retain_graph=False): train = self.model.eval() logits = self.model(x) self.class_idx = logits.max(1)[-1] if class_idx is None else class_idx acti, grad = None, None if self.register_forward: acti = tuple(self.activations[layer] for layer in self.target_layers) if self.register_backward: self.score = self.class_score(logits, self.class_idx) self.model.zero_grad() self.score.sum().backward(retain_graph=retain_graph) for layer in self.target_layers: if layer not in self.gradients: raise RuntimeError( f"Backward hook for {layer} is not triggered; `requires_grad` of {layer} should be `True`." ) grad = tuple(self.gradients[layer] for layer in self.target_layers) if train: self.model.train() return logits, acti, grad def get_wrapped_net(self): return self.model
class CAMBase: """ Base class for CAM methods. """ def __init__( self, nn_module: nn.Module, target_layers: str, upsampler: Callable = default_upsampler, postprocessing: Callable = default_normalizer, register_backward: bool = True, ) -> None: # Convert to model with hooks if necessary if not isinstance(nn_module, ModelWithHooks): self.nn_module = ModelWithHooks( nn_module, target_layers, register_forward=True, register_backward=register_backward ) else: self.nn_module = nn_module self.upsampler = upsampler self.postprocessing = postprocessing def feature_map_size(self, input_size, device="cpu", layer_idx=-1): """ Computes the actual feature map size given `nn_module` and the target_layer name. Args: input_size: shape of the input tensor device: the device used to initialise the input tensor layer_idx: index of the target layer if there are multiple target layers. Defaults to -1. Returns: shape of the actual feature map. """ return self.compute_map(torch.zeros(*input_size, device=device), layer_idx=layer_idx).shape def compute_map(self, x, class_idx=None, layer_idx=-1): """ Compute the actual feature map with input tensor `x`. Args: x: input to `nn_module`. class_idx: index of the class to be visualized. Default to `None` (computing `class_idx` from `argmax`) layer_idx: index of the target layer if there are multiple target layers. Defaults to -1. Returns: activation maps (raw outputs without upsampling/post-processing.) """ raise NotImplementedError() def _upsample_and_post_process(self, acti_map, x): # upsampling and postprocessing if self.upsampler: img_spatial = x.shape[2:] acti_map = self.upsampler(img_spatial)(acti_map) if self.postprocessing: acti_map = self.postprocessing(acti_map) return acti_map def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class CAM(CAMBase): """ Compute class activation map from the last fully-connected layers before the spatial pooling. This implementation is based on: Zhou et al., Learning Deep Features for Discriminative Localization. CVPR '16, Examples .. code-block:: python import torch # densenet 2d from monai.networks.nets import DenseNet121 from monai.visualize import CAM model_2d = DenseNet121(spatial_dims=2, in_channels=1, out_channels=3) cam = CAM(nn_module=model_2d, target_layers="class_layers.relu", fc_layers="class_layers.out") result = cam(x=torch.rand((1, 1, 48, 64))) # resnet 2d from monai.networks.nets import se_resnet50 from monai.visualize import CAM model_2d = se_resnet50(spatial_dims=2, in_channels=3, num_classes=4) cam = CAM(nn_module=model_2d, target_layers="layer4", fc_layers="last_linear") result = cam(x=torch.rand((2, 3, 48, 64))) N.B.: To help select the target layer, it may be useful to list all layers: .. code-block:: python for name, _ in model.named_modules(): print(name) See Also: - :py:class:`monai.visualize.class_activation_maps.GradCAM` """
[docs] def __init__( self, nn_module: nn.Module, target_layers: str, fc_layers: Union[str, Callable] = "fc", upsampler: Callable = default_upsampler, postprocessing: Callable = default_normalizer, ) -> None: """ Args: nn_module: the model to be visualized target_layers: name of the model layer to generate the feature map. fc_layers: a string or a callable used to get fully-connected weights to compute activation map from the target_layers (without pooling). and evaluate it at every spatial location. upsampler: An upsampling method to upsample the output image. Default is N dimensional linear (bilinear, trilinear, etc.) depending on num spatial dimensions of input. postprocessing: a callable that applies on the upsampled output image. Default is normalizing between min=1 and max=0 (i.e., largest input will become 0 and smallest input will become 1). """ super().__init__( nn_module=nn_module, target_layers=target_layers, upsampler=upsampler, postprocessing=postprocessing, register_backward=False, ) self.fc_layers = fc_layers
[docs] def compute_map(self, x, class_idx=None, layer_idx=-1): logits, acti, _ = self.nn_module(x) acti = acti[layer_idx] if class_idx is None: class_idx = logits.max(1)[-1] b, c, *spatial = acti.shape acti = torch.split(acti.reshape(b, c, -1), 1, dim=2) # make the spatial dims 1D fc_layers = self.nn_module.get_layer(self.fc_layers) output = torch.stack([fc_layers(a[..., 0]) for a in acti], dim=2) output = torch.stack([output[i, b : b + 1] for i, b in enumerate(class_idx)], dim=0) return output.reshape(b, 1, *spatial) # resume the spatial dims on the selected class
def __call__(self, x, class_idx=None, layer_idx=-1): """ Compute the activation map with upsampling and postprocessing. Args: x: input tensor, shape must be compatible with `nn_module`. class_idx: index of the class to be visualized. Default to argmax(logits) layer_idx: index of the target layer if there are multiple target layers. Defaults to -1. Returns: activation maps """ acti_map = self.compute_map(x, class_idx, layer_idx) return self._upsample_and_post_process(acti_map, x)
[docs]class GradCAM(CAMBase): """ Computes Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM). This implementation is based on: Selvaraju et al., Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization, Examples .. code-block:: python import torch # densenet 2d from monai.networks.nets import DenseNet121 from monai.visualize import GradCAM model_2d = DenseNet121(spatial_dims=2, in_channels=1, out_channels=3) cam = GradCAM(nn_module=model_2d, target_layers="class_layers.relu") result = cam(x=torch.rand((1, 1, 48, 64))) # resnet 2d from monai.networks.nets import se_resnet50 from monai.visualize import GradCAM model_2d = se_resnet50(spatial_dims=2, in_channels=3, num_classes=4) cam = GradCAM(nn_module=model_2d, target_layers="layer4") result = cam(x=torch.rand((2, 3, 48, 64))) N.B.: To help select the target layer, it may be useful to list all layers: .. code-block:: python for name, _ in model.named_modules(): print(name) See Also: - :py:class:`monai.visualize.class_activation_maps.CAM` """
[docs] def compute_map(self, x, class_idx=None, retain_graph=False, layer_idx=-1): _, acti, grad = self.nn_module(x, class_idx=class_idx, retain_graph=retain_graph) acti, grad = acti[layer_idx], grad[layer_idx] b, c, *spatial = grad.shape weights = grad.view(b, c, -1).mean(2).view(b, c, *[1] * len(spatial)) acti_map = (weights * acti).sum(1, keepdim=True) return F.relu(acti_map)
def __call__(self, x, class_idx=None, layer_idx=-1, retain_graph=False): """ Compute the activation map with upsampling and postprocessing. Args: x: input tensor, shape must be compatible with `nn_module`. class_idx: index of the class to be visualized. Default to argmax(logits) layer_idx: index of the target layer if there are multiple target layers. Defaults to -1. retain_graph: whether to retain_graph for torch module backward call. Returns: activation maps """ acti_map = self.compute_map(x, class_idx=class_idx, retain_graph=retain_graph, layer_idx=layer_idx) return self._upsample_and_post_process(acti_map, x)
[docs]class GradCAMpp(GradCAM): """ Computes Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM++). This implementation is based on: Chattopadhyay et al., Grad-CAM++: Improved Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Networks, See Also: - :py:class:`monai.visualize.class_activation_maps.GradCAM` """
[docs] def compute_map(self, x, class_idx=None, retain_graph=False, layer_idx=-1): _, acti, grad = self.nn_module(x, class_idx=class_idx, retain_graph=retain_graph) acti, grad = acti[layer_idx], grad[layer_idx] b, c, *spatial = grad.shape alpha_nr = grad.pow(2) alpha_dr = alpha_nr.mul(2) + acti.mul(grad.pow(3)).view(b, c, -1).sum(-1).view(b, c, *[1] * len(spatial)) alpha_dr = torch.where(alpha_dr != 0.0, alpha_dr, torch.ones_like(alpha_dr)) alpha = alpha_nr.div(alpha_dr + 1e-7) relu_grad = F.relu(self.nn_module.score.exp() * grad) weights = (alpha * relu_grad).view(b, c, -1).sum(-1).view(b, c, *[1] * len(spatial)) acti_map = (weights * acti).sum(1, keepdim=True) return F.relu(acti_map)