Source code for

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from import IterableDataset

from import Dataset
from import iter_patch
from monai.transforms import apply_transform
from monai.utils import NumpyPadMode, ensure_tuple, look_up_option

__all__ = ["PatchDataset", "GridPatchDataset", "PatchIter"]

[docs]class PatchIter: """ A class to return a patch generator with predefined properties such as `patch_size`. Typically used with :py:class:``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, patch_size: Sequence[int], start_pos: Sequence[int] = (), mode: Union[NumpyPadMode, str] = NumpyPadMode.WRAP, **pad_opts: Dict, ): """ Args: patch_size: size of patches to generate slices for, 0/None selects whole dimension start_pos: starting position in the array, default is 0 for each dimension mode: {``"constant"``, ``"edge"``, ``"linear_ramp"``, ``"maximum"``, ``"mean"``, ``"median"``, ``"minimum"``, ``"reflect"``, ``"symmetric"``, ``"wrap"``, ``"empty"``} One of the listed string values or a user supplied function. Defaults to ``"wrap"``. See also: pad_opts: padding options, see numpy.pad Note: The `patch_size` is the size of the patch to sample from the input arrays. It is assumed the arrays first dimension is the channel dimension which will be yielded in its entirety so this should not be specified in `patch_size`. For example, for an input 3D array with 1 channel of size (1, 20, 20, 20) a regular grid sampling of eight patches (1, 10, 10, 10) would be specified by a `patch_size` of (10, 10, 10). """ self.patch_size = (None,) + tuple(patch_size) self.start_pos = ensure_tuple(start_pos) self.mode: NumpyPadMode = look_up_option(mode, NumpyPadMode) self.pad_opts = pad_opts
def __call__(self, array): """ Args: array: the image to generate patches from. """ yield from iter_patch( array, patch_size=self.patch_size, # expand to have the channel dim start_pos=self.start_pos, copy_back=False, mode=self.mode, **self.pad_opts, )
[docs]class GridPatchDataset(IterableDataset): """ Yields patches from images read from an image dataset. Typically used with `PatchIter` so that the patches are chosen in a contiguous grid sampling scheme. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import GridPatchDataset, DataLoader, PatchIter from monai.transforms import RandShiftIntensity # image-level dataset images = [np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(1, 4, 4), np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(1, 4, 4)] # image-level patch generator, "grid sampling" patch_iter = PatchIter(patch_size=(2, 2), start_pos=(0, 0)) # patch-level intensity shifts patch_intensity = RandShiftIntensity(offsets=1.0, prob=1.0) # construct the dataset ds = GridPatchDataset(dataset=images, patch_iter=patch_iter, transform=patch_intensity) # use the grid patch dataset for item in DataLoader(ds, batch_size=2, num_workers=2): print("patch size:", item[0].shape) print("coordinates:", item[1]) # >>> patch size: torch.Size([2, 1, 2, 2]) # coordinates: tensor([[[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 2]], # [[0, 1], [2, 4], [0, 2]]]) """
[docs] def __init__( self, dataset: Sequence, patch_iter: Callable, transform: Optional[Callable] = None, with_coordinates: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Initializes this dataset in terms of the image dataset, patch generator, and an optional transform. Args: dataset: the dataset to read image data from. patch_iter: converts an input image (item from dataset) into a iterable of image patches. `patch_iter(dataset[idx])` must yield a tuple: (patches, coordinates). see also: :py:class:``. transform: a callable data transform operates on the patches. with_coordinates: whether to yield the coordinates of each patch, default to `True`. """ self.dataset = dataset self.patch_iter = patch_iter self.transform = transform self.with_coordinates = with_coordinates
def __iter__(self): worker_info = iter_start, iter_end = 0, 1 try: iter_end = len(self.dataset) # TODO: support iterable self.dataset except TypeError: raise NotImplementedError("image dataset must implement `len()`.") from None if worker_info is not None: # split workload per_worker = int(np.ceil((iter_end - iter_start) / float(worker_info.num_workers))) iter_start += * per_worker iter_end = min(iter_start + per_worker, iter_end) for index in range(iter_start, iter_end): image = self.dataset[index] if not self.with_coordinates: for patch, *_ in self.patch_iter(image): # patch_iter to yield at least 1 item: patch out_patch = ( patch if self.transform is None else apply_transform(self.transform, patch, map_items=False) ) yield out_patch else: for patch, slices, *_ in self.patch_iter(image): # patch_iter to yield at least 2 items: patch, coords out_patch = ( patch if self.transform is None else apply_transform(self.transform, patch, map_items=False) ) yield out_patch, slices
[docs]class PatchDataset(Dataset): """ returns a patch from an image dataset. The patches are generated by a user-specified callable `patch_func`, and are optionally post-processed by `transform`. For example, to generate random patch samples from an image dataset: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from import PatchDataset, DataLoader from monai.transforms import RandSpatialCropSamples, RandShiftIntensity # image dataset images = [np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(1, 4, 4), np.arange(16, dtype=float).reshape(1, 4, 4)] # image patch sampler n_samples = 5 sampler = RandSpatialCropSamples(roi_size=(3, 3), num_samples=n_samples, random_center=True, random_size=False) # patch-level intensity shifts patch_intensity = RandShiftIntensity(offsets=1.0, prob=1.0) # construct the patch dataset ds = PatchDataset(dataset=images, patch_func=sampler, samples_per_image=n_samples, transform=patch_intensity) # use the patch dataset, length: len(images) x samplers_per_image print(len(ds)) >>> 10 for item in DataLoader(ds, batch_size=2, shuffle=True, num_workers=2): print(item.shape) >>> torch.Size([2, 1, 3, 3]) """
[docs] def __init__( self, dataset: Sequence, patch_func: Callable, samples_per_image: int = 1, transform: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> None: """ Args: dataset: an image dataset to extract patches from. patch_func: converts an input image (item from dataset) into a sequence of image patches. patch_func(dataset[idx]) must return a sequence of patches (length `samples_per_image`). samples_per_image: `patch_func` should return a sequence of `samples_per_image` elements. transform: transform applied to each patch. """ super().__init__(data=dataset, transform=transform) self.patch_func = patch_func if samples_per_image <= 0: raise ValueError("sampler_per_image must be a positive integer.") self.samples_per_image = int(samples_per_image)
def __len__(self) -> int: return len( * self.samples_per_image def _transform(self, index: int): image_id = int(index / self.samples_per_image) image =[image_id] patches = self.patch_func(image) if len(patches) != self.samples_per_image: raise RuntimeWarning( f"`patch_func` must return a sequence of length: samples_per_image={self.samples_per_image}." ) patch_id = (index - image_id * self.samples_per_image) * (-1 if index < 0 else 1) patch = patches[patch_id] if self.transform is not None: patch = apply_transform(self.transform, patch, map_items=False) return patch