Source code for monai.networks.nets.regunet

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from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

from monai.networks.blocks.regunet_block import (

__all__ = ["RegUNet", "AffineHead", "GlobalNet", "LocalNet"]

[docs]class RegUNet(nn.Module): """ Class that implements an adapted UNet. This class also serve as the parent class of LocalNet and GlobalNet Reference: O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, “U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation,”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015, vol. 9351, pp. 234–241. Adapted from: DeepReg ( """
[docs] def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, num_channel_initial: int, depth: int, out_kernel_initializer: Optional[str] = "kaiming_uniform", out_activation: Optional[str] = None, out_channels: int = 3, extract_levels: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, pooling: bool = True, concat_skip: bool = False, encode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]] = 3, ): """ Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dims in_channels: number of input channels num_channel_initial: number of initial channels depth: input is at level 0, bottom is at level depth. out_kernel_initializer: kernel initializer for the last layer out_activation: activation at the last layer out_channels: number of channels for the output extract_levels: list, which levels from net to extract. The maximum level must equal to ``depth`` pooling: for down-sampling, use non-parameterized pooling if true, otherwise use conv3d concat_skip: when up-sampling, concatenate skipped tensor if true, otherwise use addition encode_kernel_sizes: kernel size for down-sampling """ super(RegUNet, self).__init__() if not extract_levels: extract_levels = (depth,) if max(extract_levels) != depth: raise AssertionError # save parameters self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims self.in_channels = in_channels self.num_channel_initial = num_channel_initial self.depth = depth self.out_kernel_initializer = out_kernel_initializer self.out_activation = out_activation self.out_channels = out_channels self.extract_levels = extract_levels self.pooling = pooling self.concat_skip = concat_skip if isinstance(encode_kernel_sizes, int): encode_kernel_sizes = [encode_kernel_sizes] * (self.depth + 1) if len(encode_kernel_sizes) != self.depth + 1: raise AssertionError self.encode_kernel_sizes: List[int] = encode_kernel_sizes self.num_channels = [self.num_channel_initial * (2 ** d) for d in range(self.depth + 1)] self.min_extract_level = min(self.extract_levels) # init layers # all lists start with d = 0 self.encode_convs = None self.encode_pools = None self.bottom_block = None self.decode_deconvs = None self.decode_convs = None self.output_block = None # build layers self.build_layers()
def build_layers( self, ): self.build_encode_layers() self.build_decode_layers() def build_encode_layers(self): # encoding / down-sampling self.encode_convs = nn.ModuleList( [ self.build_conv_block( in_channels=self.in_channels if d == 0 else self.num_channels[d - 1], out_channels=self.num_channels[d], kernel_size=self.encode_kernel_sizes[d], ) for d in range(self.depth) ] ) self.encode_pools = nn.ModuleList( [ self.build_down_sampling_block( channels=self.num_channels[d], ) for d in range(self.depth) ] ) self.bottom_block = self.build_bottom_block( in_channels=self.num_channels[-2], out_channels=self.num_channels[-1] ) def build_conv_block( self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, ): return nn.Sequential( get_conv_block( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, ), RegistrationResidualConvBlock( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, ), ) def build_down_sampling_block( self, channels: int, ): return RegistrationDownSampleBlock(spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, channels=channels, pooling=self.pooling) def build_bottom_block(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int): kernel_size = self.encode_kernel_sizes[self.depth] return nn.Sequential( get_conv_block( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, ), RegistrationResidualConvBlock( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, ), ) def build_decode_layers(self): # decoding / up-sampling # [depth - 1, depth - 2, ..., min_extract_level] self.decode_deconvs = nn.ModuleList( [ self.build_up_sampling_block(in_channels=self.num_channels[d + 1], out_channels=self.num_channels[d]) for d in range(self.depth - 1, self.min_extract_level - 1, -1) ] ) self.decode_convs = nn.ModuleList( [ self.build_conv_block( in_channels=(2 * self.num_channels[d] if self.concat_skip else self.num_channels[d]), out_channels=self.num_channels[d], kernel_size=3, ) for d in range(self.depth - 1, self.min_extract_level - 1, -1) ] ) # extraction self.output_block = self.build_output_block() def build_up_sampling_block( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, ) -> nn.Module: return get_deconv_block(spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels) def build_output_block(self) -> nn.Module: return RegistrationExtractionBlock( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, extract_levels=self.extract_levels, num_channels=self.num_channels, out_channels=self.out_channels, kernel_initializer=self.out_kernel_initializer, activation=self.out_activation, )
[docs] def forward(self, x): """ Args: x: Tensor in shape (batch, ``in_channels``, insize_1, insize_2, [insize_3]) Returns: Tensor in shape (batch, ``out_channels``, insize_1, insize_2, [insize_3]), with the same spatial size as ``x`` """ image_size = x.shape[2:] skips = [] # [0, ..., depth - 1] encoded = x for encode_conv, encode_pool in zip(self.encode_convs, self.encode_pools): skip = encode_conv(encoded) encoded = encode_pool(skip) skips.append(skip) decoded = self.bottom_block(encoded) outs = [decoded] # [depth - 1, ..., min_extract_level] for i, (decode_deconv, decode_conv) in enumerate(zip(self.decode_deconvs, self.decode_convs)): # [depth - 1, depth - 2, ..., min_extract_level] decoded = decode_deconv(decoded) if self.concat_skip: decoded =[decoded, skips[-i - 1]], dim=1) else: decoded = decoded + skips[-i - 1] decoded = decode_conv(decoded) outs.append(decoded) out = self.output_block(outs, image_size=image_size) return out
class AffineHead(nn.Module): def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, image_size: List[int], decode_size: List[int], in_channels: int, ): super(AffineHead, self).__init__() self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims if spatial_dims == 2: in_features = in_channels * decode_size[0] * decode_size[1] out_features = 6 out_init = torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float) elif spatial_dims == 3: in_features = in_channels * decode_size[0] * decode_size[1] * decode_size[2] out_features = 12 out_init = torch.tensor([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float) else: raise ValueError(f"only support 2D/3D operation, got spatial_dims={spatial_dims}") self.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=in_features, out_features=out_features) self.grid = self.get_reference_grid(image_size) # (spatial_dims, ...) # init weight/bias @staticmethod def get_reference_grid(image_size: Union[Tuple[int], List[int]]) -> torch.Tensor: mesh_points = [torch.arange(0, dim) for dim in image_size] grid = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(*mesh_points), dim=0) # (spatial_dims, ...) return def affine_transform(self, theta: torch.Tensor): # (spatial_dims, ...) -> (spatial_dims + 1, ...) grid_padded =[self.grid, torch.ones_like(self.grid[:1])]) # grid_warped[b,p,...] = sum_over_q(grid_padded[q,...] * theta[b,p,q] if self.spatial_dims == 2: grid_warped = torch.einsum("qij,bpq->bpij", grid_padded, theta.reshape(-1, 2, 3)) elif self.spatial_dims == 3: grid_warped = torch.einsum("qijk,bpq->bpijk", grid_padded, theta.reshape(-1, 3, 4)) else: raise ValueError(f"do not support spatial_dims={self.spatial_dims}") return grid_warped def forward(self, x: List[torch.Tensor], image_size: List[int]) -> torch.Tensor: f = x[0] self.grid = theta = self.fc(f.reshape(f.shape[0], -1)) out: torch.Tensor = self.affine_transform(theta) - self.grid return out
[docs]class GlobalNet(RegUNet): """ Build GlobalNet for image registration. Reference: Hu, Yipeng, et al. "Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration," """ def __init__( self, image_size: List[int], spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, num_channel_initial: int, depth: int, out_kernel_initializer: Optional[str] = "kaiming_uniform", out_activation: Optional[str] = None, pooling: bool = True, concat_skip: bool = False, encode_kernel_sizes: Union[int, List[int]] = 3, ): for size in image_size: if size % (2 ** depth) != 0: raise ValueError( f"given depth {depth}, " f"all input spatial dimension must be divisible by {2 ** depth}, " f"got input of size {image_size}" ) self.image_size = image_size self.decode_size = [size // (2 ** depth) for size in image_size] super().__init__( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, num_channel_initial=num_channel_initial, depth=depth, out_kernel_initializer=out_kernel_initializer, out_activation=out_activation, out_channels=spatial_dims, pooling=pooling, concat_skip=concat_skip, encode_kernel_sizes=encode_kernel_sizes, ) def build_output_block(self): return AffineHead( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, image_size=self.image_size, decode_size=self.decode_size, in_channels=self.num_channels[-1], )
class AdditiveUpSampleBlock(nn.Module): def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, ): super(AdditiveUpSampleBlock, self).__init__() self.deconv = get_deconv_block(spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels) def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: output_size = (size * 2 for size in x.shape[2:]) deconved = self.deconv(x) resized = F.interpolate(x, output_size) resized = torch.sum(torch.stack(resized.split(split_size=resized.shape[1] // 2, dim=1), dim=-1), dim=-1) out: torch.Tensor = deconved + resized return out
[docs]class LocalNet(RegUNet): """ Reimplementation of LocalNet, based on: `Weakly-supervised convolutional neural networks for multimodal image registration <>`_. `Label-driven weakly-supervised learning for multimodal deformable image registration <>`_. Adapted from: DeepReg ( """
[docs] def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, num_channel_initial: int, extract_levels: Tuple[int], out_kernel_initializer: Optional[str] = "kaiming_uniform", out_activation: Optional[str] = None, out_channels: int = 3, pooling: bool = True, concat_skip: bool = False, ): """ Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dims in_channels: number of input channels num_channel_initial: number of initial channels out_kernel_initializer: kernel initializer for the last layer out_activation: activation at the last layer out_channels: number of channels for the output extract_levels: list, which levels from net to extract. The maximum level must equal to ``depth`` pooling: for down-sampling, use non-parameterized pooling if true, otherwise use conv3d concat_skip: when up-sampling, concatenate skipped tensor if true, otherwise use addition """ super().__init__( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, num_channel_initial=num_channel_initial, depth=max(extract_levels), out_kernel_initializer=out_kernel_initializer, out_activation=out_activation, out_channels=out_channels, pooling=pooling, concat_skip=concat_skip, encode_kernel_sizes=[7] + [3] * max(extract_levels), )
def build_bottom_block(self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int): kernel_size = self.encode_kernel_sizes[self.depth] return get_conv_block( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, ) def build_up_sampling_block( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, ) -> nn.Module: if self._use_additive_upsampling: return AdditiveUpSampleBlock( spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels ) return get_deconv_block(spatial_dims=self.spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels)