Source code for monai.networks.nets.highresnet

# Copyright 2020 - 2021 MONAI Consortium
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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from typing import Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from monai.networks.blocks import ADN, Convolution
from monai.networks.layers.simplelayers import ChannelPad
from monai.utils import ChannelMatching

__all__ = ["HighResBlock", "HighResNet"]

    # initial conv layer
    {"name": "conv_0", "n_features": 16, "kernel_size": 3},
    # residual blocks
    {"name": "res_1", "n_features": 16, "kernels": (3, 3), "repeat": 3},
    {"name": "res_2", "n_features": 32, "kernels": (3, 3), "repeat": 3},
    {"name": "res_3", "n_features": 64, "kernels": (3, 3), "repeat": 3},
    # final conv layers
    {"name": "conv_1", "n_features": 80, "kernel_size": 1},
    {"name": "conv_2", "kernel_size": 1},

[docs]class HighResBlock(nn.Module):
[docs] def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernels: Sequence[int] = (3, 3), dilation: Union[Sequence[int], int] = 1, norm_type: Union[Tuple, str] = ("batch", {"affine": True}), acti_type: Union[Tuple, str] = ("relu", {"inplace": True}), bias: bool = False, channel_matching: Union[ChannelMatching, str] = ChannelMatching.PAD, ) -> None: """ Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input image. in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. kernels: each integer k in `kernels` corresponds to a convolution layer with kernel size k. dilation: spacing between kernel elements. norm_type: feature normalization type and arguments. Defaults to ``("batch", {"affine": True})``. acti_type: {``"relu"``, ``"prelu"``, ``"relu6"``} Non-linear activation using ReLU or PReLU. Defaults to ``"relu"``. bias: whether to have a bias term in convolution blocks. Defaults to False. According to `Performance Tuning Guide <>`_, if a conv layer is directly followed by a batch norm layer, bias should be False. channel_matching: {``"pad"``, ``"project"``} Specifies handling residual branch and conv branch channel mismatches. Defaults to ``"pad"``. - ``"pad"``: with zero padding. - ``"project"``: with a trainable conv with kernel size one. Raises: ValueError: When ``channel_matching=pad`` and ``in_channels > out_channels``. Incompatible values. """ super(HighResBlock, self).__init__() self.chn_pad = ChannelPad( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, mode=channel_matching ) layers = nn.ModuleList() _in_chns, _out_chns = in_channels, out_channels for kernel_size in kernels: layers.append( ADN(ordering="NA", in_channels=_in_chns, act=acti_type, norm=norm_type, norm_dim=spatial_dims) ) layers.append( Convolution( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=_in_chns, out_channels=_out_chns, kernel_size=kernel_size, dilation=dilation, bias=bias, conv_only=True, ) ) _in_chns = _out_chns self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: x_conv: torch.Tensor = self.layers(x) return x_conv + torch.as_tensor(self.chn_pad(x))
[docs]class HighResNet(nn.Module): """ Reimplementation of highres3dnet based on Li et al., "On the compactness, efficiency, and representation of 3D convolutional networks: Brain parcellation as a pretext task", IPMI '17 Adapted from: Args: spatial_dims: number of spatial dimensions of the input image. in_channels: number of input channels. out_channels: number of output channels. norm_type: feature normalization type and arguments. Defaults to ``("batch", {"affine": True})``. acti_type: activation type and arguments. Defaults to ``("relu", {"inplace": True})``. dropout_prob: probability of the feature map to be zeroed (only applies to the penultimate conv layer). bias: whether to have a bias term in convolution blocks. Defaults to False. According to `Performance Tuning Guide <>`_, if a conv layer is directly followed by a batch norm layer, bias should be False. layer_params: specifying key parameters of each layer/block. channel_matching: {``"pad"``, ``"project"``} Specifies handling residual branch and conv branch channel mismatches. Defaults to ``"pad"``. - ``"pad"``: with zero padding. - ``"project"``: with a trainable conv with kernel size one. """ def __init__( self, spatial_dims: int = 3, in_channels: int = 1, out_channels: int = 1, norm_type: Union[str, tuple] = ("batch", {"affine": True}), acti_type: Union[str, tuple] = ("relu", {"inplace": True}), dropout_prob: Optional[Union[Tuple, str, float]] = 0.0, bias: bool = False, layer_params: Sequence[Dict] = DEFAULT_LAYER_PARAMS_3D, channel_matching: Union[ChannelMatching, str] = ChannelMatching.PAD, ) -> None: super(HighResNet, self).__init__() blocks = nn.ModuleList() # initial conv layer params = layer_params[0] _in_chns, _out_chns = in_channels, params["n_features"] blocks.append( Convolution( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=_in_chns, out_channels=_out_chns, kernel_size=params["kernel_size"], adn_ordering="NA", act=acti_type, norm=norm_type, bias=bias, ) ) # residual blocks for (idx, params) in enumerate(layer_params[1:-2]): # res blocks except the 1st and last two conv layers. _in_chns, _out_chns = _out_chns, params["n_features"] _dilation = 2 ** idx for _ in range(params["repeat"]): blocks.append( HighResBlock( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=_in_chns, out_channels=_out_chns, kernels=params["kernels"], dilation=_dilation, norm_type=norm_type, acti_type=acti_type, bias=bias, channel_matching=channel_matching, ) ) _in_chns = _out_chns # final conv layers params = layer_params[-2] _in_chns, _out_chns = _out_chns, params["n_features"] blocks.append( Convolution( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=_in_chns, out_channels=_out_chns, kernel_size=params["kernel_size"], adn_ordering="NAD", act=acti_type, norm=norm_type, bias=bias, dropout=dropout_prob, ) ) params = layer_params[-1] _in_chns = _out_chns blocks.append( Convolution( spatial_dims=spatial_dims, in_channels=_in_chns, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=params["kernel_size"], adn_ordering="NAD", act=acti_type, norm=norm_type, bias=bias, dropout=dropout_prob, ) ) self.blocks = nn.Sequential(*blocks)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return torch.as_tensor(self.blocks(x))