Source code for monai.networks.blocks.activation

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import torch
from torch import nn

from monai.utils import optional_import

if optional_import("torch.nn.functional", name="mish")[1]:

    def monai_mish(x, inplace: bool = False):
        return torch.nn.functional.mish(x, inplace=inplace)


    def monai_mish(x, inplace: bool = False):
        return x * torch.tanh(torch.nn.functional.softplus(x))

if optional_import("torch.nn.functional", name="silu")[1]:

    def monai_swish(x, inplace: bool = False):
        return torch.nn.functional.silu(x, inplace=inplace)


    def monai_swish(x, inplace: bool = False):
        return SwishImplementation.apply(x)

[docs]class Swish(nn.Module): r"""Applies the element-wise function: .. math:: \text{Swish}(x) = x * \text{Sigmoid}(\alpha * x) ~~~~\text{for constant value}~ \alpha. Citation: Searching for Activation Functions, Ramachandran et al., 2017, Shape: - Input: :math:`(N, *)` where `*` means, any number of additional dimensions - Output: :math:`(N, *)`, same shape as the input Examples:: >>> import torch >>> from monai.networks.layers.factories import Act >>> m = Act['swish']() >>> input = torch.randn(2) >>> output = m(input) """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0): super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return input * torch.sigmoid(self.alpha * input)
class SwishImplementation(torch.autograd.Function): r"""Memory efficient implementation for training Follows recommendation from: Results in ~ 30% memory saving during training as compared to Swish() """ @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input): result = input * torch.sigmoid(input) ctx.save_for_backward(input) return result @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): input = ctx.saved_tensors[0] sigmoid_input = torch.sigmoid(input) return grad_output * (sigmoid_input * (1 + input * (1 - sigmoid_input)))
[docs]class MemoryEfficientSwish(nn.Module): r"""Applies the element-wise function: .. math:: \text{Swish}(x) = x * \text{Sigmoid}(\alpha * x) ~~~~\text{for constant value}~ \alpha=1. Memory efficient implementation for training following recommendation from: Results in ~ 30% memory saving during training as compared to Swish() Citation: Searching for Activation Functions, Ramachandran et al., 2017, From Pytorch 1.7.0+, the optimized version of `Swish` named `SiLU` is implemented, this class will utilize `torch.nn.functional.silu` to do the calculation if meets the version. Shape: - Input: :math:`(N, *)` where `*` means, any number of additional dimensions - Output: :math:`(N, *)`, same shape as the input Examples:: >>> import torch >>> from monai.networks.layers.factories import Act >>> m = Act['memswish']() >>> input = torch.randn(2) >>> output = m(input) """ def __init__(self, inplace: bool = False): super(MemoryEfficientSwish, self).__init__() # inplace only works when using torch.nn.functional.silu self.inplace = inplace
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor): return monai_swish(input, self.inplace)
[docs]class Mish(nn.Module): r"""Applies the element-wise function: .. math:: \text{Mish}(x) = x * tanh(\text{softplus}(x)). Citation: Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Activation Function, Diganta Misra, 2019, From Pytorch 1.9.0+, the optimized version of `Mish` is implemented, this class will utilize `torch.nn.functional.mish` to do the calculation if meets the version. Shape: - Input: :math:`(N, *)` where `*` means, any number of additional dimensions - Output: :math:`(N, *)`, same shape as the input Examples:: >>> import torch >>> from monai.networks.layers.factories import Act >>> m = Act['mish']() >>> input = torch.randn(2) >>> output = m(input) """ def __init__(self, inplace: bool = False): super(Mish, self).__init__() # inplace only works when using torch.nn.functional.mish self.inplace = inplace
[docs] def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor): return monai_mish(input, self.inplace)